Again, you do not understand how war crimes work.
The causes of war don't really factor into any of this, certain action are illegal, some of what Israel is doing in Gaza is a war crime.
I served six years in the army, I know very well that there isn't a policy to target civilians. I never said there was.
But at the same time, Israel has been going on these mini-wars for a while now, and by now everyone should know that there is statistical certainty that they will lead to significant civilian casualties.
Had they achieved anything you could have discussed if it's worth the price, but they don't.
Let's drop the bullshit here, there was anger and bloodlust in the Israeli public after the murder of the there, and Netanyhu wanting to maintain his "STRONG ON TERROR" stance went and started another round of pointless bombing and shelling.
Over 200 dead, half of Israel under rockets, and for fucking what?
At least the IDF will now get its budget.
Again, your foroget that Netanyahu gave Hamas 48 hours with an extra day to stop shooting.
Arguing over who started can take a long time, but I personally think that giving 48 hours of ceasefire on one end, while still recieving missiles to your country is pretty patient.
After they didn't stop, well....another mini war ensues.
There is talk of ground operation, designed to cleanse Gaza from Hamas operatives, but I am not sure the army is eager to pay the price of this operation. It will probably happen, and if it does, I sure hope Gaza will have better leaders afterwards, that will maybe allow peace talks.
I can't answer all the questions here because I am not exactly an IDF spokesperson, but I talk simply out of experience with the system itself.
Perhaps you can question the army's methods of warnings, but IDF claim that they warn the residents of each buildings via flyers and phone calls, including the small bombs on top of the roofs to add to that.
I have seen several videos that show how Palestinian civilians run away from a building when they get the warnings, after which the building is bombed.
Some civilians could still be inside the building, either because Hamas is holding them hostage as human shields, or because they have no way to escape(handicapped etc)
It's a terrible situation, I know, but I guess it's the governments' safest approach when it comes to putting Israeli soldiers at risk(Regarding a ground operation).
Netanyahu probably thinks that a rain of airstrikes every couple of years is gonna do the trick, but now he is slowly getting close to finally make a ground operation. Such an operation will potentially destroy Hamas, but from there on I am not sure where things will go.