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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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Hamas themselves haven't done anything either to earn the goodwill of the Israelis, instead they have hardened the right and weakened the left.

Well they've achieved their goal however. They've driven sympathy for the Israeli government to an all time low. The bombings in Gaza are useless and everyone recognizes it, Hamas are getting exactly what they wanted... a violent and deadly response from the IDF that's killed more civilians than militants.

All Hamas has to do is keep firing missiles and eventually the world will turn on Israel because their solution of killing everyone in Gaza is untenable.


Everyone repeats the same few points but you know that won't happen. I did say realistic solution. Do you honestly believe that Israel will give the Palestinians east Jerusalem and go back to 67 borders. The Israelis have all the power in negotiations.

Are there other options?

Israel is never going to give Jersualem back. I've talked with some IDF folks and used to work with an IDF Paratrooper who fought in Lebanon in the 80s and all of them were fine with a Palestinian State. I always ask this question cause I find it intriguing what is going over there. I was surprised at first because I thought it would be more animosity.
The one thing all of them agreed was that Israel would never give E. Jerusalem to the Palestinians as a capital. At some point someone will have to make a concession to end it all.

All of the ceasefire talk is confusing. The first one I saw the spokesman of the Hamas military wing say that they hadn't seen it from Egypt and weren't consulted,but he called it a joke(not sure how if he never saw it) Then the second one Hamas or someone has fired mortar rounds into Israel while the ceasefire is going on. Now the BBC is saying neither side agreed to a ceasefire. What?
The U.K.'s Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said Thursday that Israeli airstrikes in Gaza in response to Hamas rocket fire is "deliberately disproportionate.'"

Speaking on his weekly phone-in to radio station LBC, the Liberal Democrats leader accused Israel of "collective punishment" against the Palestinians, The Guardian reported.

"I have to say though I really do think now the Israeli response appears to be deliberately disproportionate. It is amounting now to a disproportionate form of collective punishment. It is leading to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which is just unacceptable," Clegg said.


Well they've achieved their goal however. They've driven sympathy for the Israeli government to an all time low. The bombings in Gaza are useless and everyone recognizes it, Hamas are getting exactly what they wanted... a violent and deadly response from the IDF that's killed more civilians than militants.

All Hamas has to do is keep firing missiles and eventually the world will turn on Israel because their solution of killing everyone in Gaza is untenable.

Though the world hasn't turned on Israel, if anything all the major powers have supported Israel's "right to defend itself" and condemned Hamas. This has been the case in every conflict.

Hamas can keep firing rockets but in reality it is hurting its own people more. You have seen the death ratio, it is hurting the Palestinians more. It also is cementing into the Israeli public mind that Hamas can never be trusted and that the blockade must continue.


Israel is never going to give Jersualem back. I've talked with some IDF folks and used to work with an IDF Paratrooper who fought in Lebanon in the 80s and all of them were fine with a Palestinian State. I always ask this question cause I find it intriguing what is going over there. I was surprised at first because I thought it would be more animosity.
The one thing all of them agreed was that Israel would never give E. Jerusalem to the Palestinians as a capital. At some point someone will have to make a concession to end it all.

All of the ceasefire talk is confusing. The first one I saw the spokesman of the Hamas military wing say that they hadn't seen it from Egypt and weren't consulted,but he called it a joke(not sure how if he never saw it) Then the second one Hamas or someone has fired mortar rounds into Israel while the ceasefire is going on. Now the BBC is saying neither side agreed to a ceasefire. What?

The Palestinians are not in a place of power to make any demands, it is something there leadership hasn't seemed to grasp.

They got to take the best they can get - the offer negotiated at 2000 camp David summit should have been taken. It didn't give them everything but it would be the step towards peace and eventual economic cooperation.


I have growing concerns of a new wave on anti-semitism. The hate for Israel and jewish people is so thick, it scares me. The amount of anti-semite, anti-zionist and anti USA rhetoric I see online is shocking.


I have growing concerns of a new wave on anti-semitism. The hate for Israel and jewish people is so thick, it scares me. The amount of anti-semite, anti-zionist and anti USA rhetoric I see online is shocking.

Well, with the US, I'm sure the Iraq war, Guantanamo Bay, their support of Israel etc is not helping. But with Israel, if they just free'd Palestine, in ending the occupation and siege, quit building new settlements on Palestinian land and agreed to terms based on the 1967 borders, with Palestine as a Sovereign state, I honestly feel much of that resentment would subside.

It's no different really to some of the growing anti Islamic sentiment due to the terrorist factions, 9/11 etc. These things happen and move with the political climate and world affairs.


Well, with the US, I'm sure the Iraq war, Guantanamo Bay, their support of Israel etc is not helping. But with Israel, if they just free'd Palestine, in ending the occupation and siege, quit building new settlements on Palestinian land and agreed to terms based on the 1967 borders, with Palestine as a Sovereign state, I honestly feel much of that resentment would subside.

It's no different really to some of the growing anti Islamic sentiment due to the terrorist factions, 9/11 etc. These things happen and move with the political climate and world affairs.

What do you mean?


I have growing concerns of a new wave on anti-semitism. The hate for Israel and jewish people is so thick, it scares me. The amount of anti-semite, anti-zionist and anti USA rhetoric I see online is shocking.

The people who are spewing anti-semitic crap have always been anti-semitic likely, they just feel like they can be more vocal now. I honestly don't think many rational people are going to look at the current conflict and determine the Jews are at fault.



Whilst obviously a positive development, this is still subjacent to the real issues here, which are the continued brutal occupation of Palestine, and the never ending land grab by Israel. Until these two things are dealt with, the situation will never progress, and things will remain in this constant cycle (which is presumably what Israel wants).

What do you mean?

I mean in ending their brutal military occupation. Eg, major control of Palestine's air space, ports, trade, road networks, supplies, humanitarian aid, electricity, land, import/export and so on and so on.


UNRWA Strongly condemns placement of rockets in Gaza school

Yesterday, in the course of the regular inspection of its premises, UNRWA discovered approximately 20 rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip. UNRWA strongly condemns the group or groups responsible for placing the weapons in one of its installations. This is a flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law. This incident, which is the first of its kind in Gaza, endangered civilians including staff and put at risk UNRWA’s vital mission to assist and protect Palestine refugees in Gaza.


Well what do you think could be a solution ?

Hamas has weakened the left ? The Oslo accord was the death sentence by Israel to the peace movement inside Israel. The Israelis has weakened the left, not Hamas.

of course Hamas has weakened the left, the never ending rocket fire has strengthened the right wing parties a lot, when people are in danger they stop caring about the other side, im sure its the same with the idf attacks and the people in Gaza


Well what do you think could be a solution ?.

I actually think the solution you outlined would be ideal. I am all in favor of it. I just don't think it will happen. When i was a teen i would repeat something similar to what you just listed every-time the Israeli-Palestinian discussion would come. Israel must act, but over time (now in my 30's) i have come to conclusion that solution would never work.

I think the Palestinian leadership need to accept that they are not in a place of power for negotiations. They have to accept they won't get east Jerusalem. They also need to accept that Israel won't negotiate with Hamas. Abbas needs to distance himself from Hamas and perhaps even go as far as dissolving the Unity government and just deal directly with Israel to solve the West Bank. I am against the settlements, but I have come to accept that they are there. The Palestinians cannot afford to continue on their current path, there won't be much left of them or their land. Their Arab neighbors don't want or care for them, most of the international community don't really care and with the US governments unwavering support of the Israel, the Palestinian leadership need to make the hard choice of giving up a lot of what they have wanted and accept any comprise they can get - though it is going to be really difficult with the current Israeli government. Perhaps they can force Israel's hand by having Obama mediate the negotiations, another Camp David if you will.

I am pro-Israeli right to have a state, and pro-Palestinian right to have a state. I am neither Israeli, Palestinian, Jew or Muslim. Though I am definitely anti-Hamas, i have seen what Islamic militance has done to families - I am of Iranian ethnicity and many in my family have been killed at the hands of Islamic militants for nothing more than just not agreeing to their ideology and trying to leave a peaceful life. You just have to look at the family of the 4 boys who died on beach from IDF shelling. One of the members of the family stated that many members of her family had been killed by Hamas. Here the quote:

At the Bakr family house on Wednesday afternoon, women wept and wailed. One cursed both Israel and Hamas. Another, Nasreen al-Bakr, noted quietly that Hamas had killed 10 of her family members in factional fighting.

Anyhow, I am more than happy to debate any of the points above.
What are the American politicians stance on this at the moment? Have many been outspoken on TV?

Once you reach congress, senate, presidency and any main government agency as a public person, you have to publicly say I support Israel.

Or at least that is my perception because they all support israel more than their own civilians. Like Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter etc etc. ALL of them included Israel in its speech even when there were no gunfire. its a mandatory remark in every state of the union.


The people who are spewing anti-semitic crap have always been anti-semitic likely, they just feel like they can be more vocal now. I honestly don't think many rational people are going to look at the current conflict and determine the Jews are at fault.

Hahahahaha I had a good laugh at that one man.

Israel's killing of hundreds of innocent children and civilians -> Not their fault, it just happened.

That would be similair to saying it wasn't hitler's fault the holocaust happened.


Hahahahaha I had a good laugh at that one man.

Israel's killing of hundreds of innocent children and civilians -> Not their fault, it just happened.

That would be similair to saying it wasn't hitler's fault the holocaust happened.

Woah... uh, I meant The Jews as a people. Clearly the IDF and Israeli government are responsible for the deaths of scores of civilians in the current conflict... but the Israeli civilians and Jewish people around the world carry no blame for this so I figured people wouldn't get irrational. I guess I was wrong.


Woah... uh, I meant The Jews as a people. Clearly the IDF and Israeli government are responsible for the deaths of scores of civilians in the current conflict... but the Israeli civilians and Jewish people around the world carry no blame for this so I figured people wouldn't get irrational. I guess I was wrong.

Is there a better representation of "The Jews as a People" than Israel? If so please tell me, I am all ears.
Woah... uh, I meant The Jews as a people. Clearly the IDF and Israeli government are responsible for the deaths of scores of civilians in the current conflict... but the Israeli civilians and Jewish people around the world carry no blame for this so I figured people wouldn't get irrational. I guess I was wrong.

Jews in Israel say Israel is thier religious chosen land. By Proxy they are saying to criticize Israel is to criticize Judaism. even a person criticizing Israel's foriegn policy and military is thus labelled an anti-semite but that also gives others the right to then call out 'The Jews' because of the intertwining of Jewish beleifs and Israel as a land. Basically you can't expect a person not to criticize Israel and call him an anti-semite and then get offended if that same criteria is used to say 'The Jews' even if its only applying to those living in Israel and supporting their foreign policies
Is there a better representation of "The Jews as a People" than Israel? If so please tell me, I am all ears.

Jews in Israel say Israel is thier religious chosen land. By Proxy they are saying to criticize Israel is to criticize Judaism. even a person criticizing Israel's foriegn policy and military is thus labelled an anti-semite but that also gives others the right to then call out 'The Jews' because of the intertwining of Jewish beleifs and Israel as a land.

Fears about antisemitism intertwining with anti-israel beliefs are just figments of 'israel supporters' (who also support the creation of a Palestinian state and better treatment of the arab minority in the state of Israel) imaginations.

Because these aren't clearly antisemitic statements?


Once you reach congress, senate, presidency and any main government agency as a public person, you have to publicly say I support Israel.

Or at least that is my perception because they all support israel more than their own civilians. Like Obama, Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Carter etc etc. ALL of them included Israel in its speech even when there were no gunfire. its a mandatory remark in every state of the union.

There MUST be some high level politicians atleast querying about the current situation and not necessarily siding with Israel.

Like your TV coverage, has there been much debate?
There MUST be some high level politicians atleast querying about the current situation and not necessarily siding with Israel.

Like your TV coverage, has there been much debate?

I don't think such a person can remain elected in office especially congress, senate or presidency. Not yet anyway

TV outlets say at the end of the day there have been 200 Gazans killed in a 10 second sentence. When an Israeli dies there is a 1 day coverage with an on-site reporter on that specific incident. When there is a segment where the a talk of the 200 Gazans killed somehow the exchange between the host and the reporter changes to how its related to Israel's security.
Jews in Israel say Israel is thier religious chosen land. By Proxy they are saying to criticize Israel is to criticize Judaism. even a person criticizing Israel's foriegn policy and military is thus labelled an anti-semite but that also gives others the right to then call out 'The Jews' because of the intertwining of Jewish beleifs and Israel as a land. Basically you can't expect a person not to criticize Israel and call him an anti-semite and then get offended if that same criteria is used to say 'The Jews'.

The argument changes to fit whatever narrative is appropriate at the time.

On the one hand, Israel belongs to those of the Jewish faith as ordained in the bible/torah/whatever, therefore they can't give those of other faiths (i.e. Palestinians) legal recognition and citizenship.

On the other hand, Israel is the only secular democracy in the middle east and most definitely isn't a Jewish theocracy, so therefore everyone must support them as a bastion in the darkness of arab dictators.


There are Orthodox Jews who don't believe in the State of Israel, as they says Jews may not have a home land until the Messiah returns.


I have growing concerns of a new wave on anti-semitism. The hate for Israel and jewish people is so thick, it scares me. The amount of anti-semite, anti-zionist and anti USA rhetoric I see online is shocking.

I agree. recent in Sweden, the leader of the Social democratic party said on Facebook, that he condemned both side of the conflict (Hamas for firing rockets against civilians, Israel for bombing the fuck out of Gaza, etc) and all the antisemtic stuff I saw there was nasty as shit. People yelling FUCKING JEWLOVER, FUCK THE JEWS and ISRAEL AND ALL JEWS SHALL DIE. When the newspapers talked about it, they just said "leader of Social democratic faces criticism over post on facebook" and they didn't brought up all the antisemitism of those that posted there. It is disgusting as hell.


Is there a better representation of "The Jews as a People" than Israel? If so please tell me, I am all ears.

Maybe the millions of Jews not living in Israel? The numerous Jews living in Israel who support the Palestinian people? You cannot judge an entire people based on a small but powerful minority.

Jews in Israel say Israel is thier religious chosen land. By Proxy they are saying to criticize Israel is to criticize Judaism. even a person criticizing Israel's foriegn policy and military is thus labelled an anti-semite but that also gives others the right to then call out 'The Jews' because of the intertwining of Jewish beleifs and Israel as a land. Basically you can't expect a person not to criticize Israel and call him an anti-semite and then get offended if that same criteria is used to say 'The Jews' even if its only applying to those living in Israel and supporting their foreign policies

We're talking about anti-semitism, not anti-israelism. Very different things that shouldn't be confused.


I agree. recent in Sweden, the leader of the Social democratic party said on Facebook, that he condemned both side of the conflict (Hamas for firing rockets against civilians, Israel for bombing the fuck out of Gaza, etc) and all the antisemtic stuff I saw there was nasty as shit. People yelling FUCKING JEWLOVER, FUCK THE JEWS and ISRAEL AND ALL JEWS SHALL DIE. When the newspapers talked about it, they just said "leader of Social democratic faces criticism over post on facebook" and they didn't brought up all the antisemitism of those that posted there. It is disgusting as hell.

Yes it's disgusting, but it happens on both sides. I saw reaction to pro-palestina posts being answered with Just carpetbomb those arabs and I'm sure they will get their virgins when the IDF blasts them to death.


Yes it's disgusting, but it happens on both sides. I saw reaction to pro-palestina posts being answered with Just carpetbomb those arabs and I'm sure they will get their virgins when the IDF blasts them to death.

Anti-semitism has been around for a long time, though Islamaphobia has really exploded with the growth and tenacity of Islamic militants.


Maybe the millions of Jews not living in Israel? The numerous Jews living in Israel who support the Palestinian people? You cannot judge an entire people based on a small but powerful minority.

LOL "small but powerful minority". Let's talk facts here and not spew bullshit out of our ass.

The world's core Jewish population in early 2013 was estimated at 13.9 million people. Out of those 6.2 million were in Israel (44% is a small minority?). Then the second country with highest number of jews is the USA with 5.5 million (39.5%). Together that's 83.5% of the world Jews. ????
Its interesting to me that a Conservative MP is speaking in such critical terms about Israel. In America or Canada, his right wing peers would be shouting about Hamas using human shields and how Israel needs more public support

Over 80% of Conservative MPs are in Conservative Friends of Israel.


LOL "small but powerful minority". Let's talk facts here and not spew bullshit out of our ass.

The world's core Jewish population in early 2013 was estimated at 13.9 million people. Out of those 6.2 million were in Israel (44% is a small minority?). Then the second country with highest number of jews is the USA with 5.5 million (39.5%). Together that's 83.5% of the world Jews. ????

You're assuming that every Jew in Israel and the US fully support the bloodthirsty government.

Regardless of that assumption, blanket anti-semitism is ignorant and hateful. My original point stands, unless you're completely irrational, you cannot blame the Jews (as a people) for this loss of life. If your position is one of condemnation of the Jewish people then I don't know what else to call that but anti-semitism.


Ayelet Shaked is a politician in Israel. This woman is utterly disgusting, fuck I would not even call her a human anymore.


She is young. She is pretty. She is a university graduate and a computer engineer. She is also an Israeli Parliamentarian - and the reason why I am on the brink of burning my Israeli passport. Because behind that wide-eyed innocent face lurks the Angel of Death.
Ayelet Shaked represents the far-right Jewish Home party in the Knesset. This means she is well to the right of Benyamin Netanyahu, just in case you thought such a thing was not possible.

On Monday she quoted this on her Facebook page: “Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there.”

"They have to die and their houses should be demolished so that they cannot bear any more terrorists," said Shaked. Standing behind the operations on Gaza, "they are all our enemies and their blood should be on our hands. This also applies to the mothers of the dead terrorists," Shaked added.


"The Jews" != Israelis or Zionists. If you can't figure that out, and you can't remember it, I'd advise you find somewhere else to post.


Soon after the "humanitarian" cease-fire between Israel and Hamas ended Thursday afternoon, four Palestinians, three of them children, were reportedly killed in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza City, the strip's main urban center. Their deaths came after four Palestinian children were killed Wednesday in an Israeli strike on a Gazan beach.

Palestinians rushed to shops and banks during the five-hour humanitarian truce agreed to by Israel and Hamas. Hours earlier, the Israeli military said it had fought off gunmen who infiltrated from Gaza.

Human Rights Watch said in a statement Wednesday that "providing warnings does not make an otherwise unlawful attack lawful," and condemned both Israeli and Gazan attacks on civilians. Israeli airstrikes investigated by HRW revealed the targeting of civilian structures, often resulting in the unlawful killing of civilians. "Deliberate or reckless attacks violating the laws of war are war crimes," the rights group said in a statement.

Indiscriminate attacks by armed groups in Gaza aimed at the Israeli population were also criticized by the organization.

I actually think the solution you outlined would be ideal. I am all in favor of it. I just don't think it will happen. When i was a teen i would repeat something similar to what you just listed every-time the Israeli-Palestinian discussion would come. Israel must act, but over time (now in my 30's) i have come to conclusion that solution would never work.

I think the Palestinian leadership need to accept that they are not in a place of power for negotiations. They have to accept they won't get east Jerusalem. They also need to accept that Israel won't negotiate with Hamas. Abbas needs to distance himself from Hamas and perhaps even go as far as dissolving the Unity government and just deal directly with Israel to solve the West Bank. I am against the settlements, but I have come to accept that they are there. The Palestinians cannot afford to continue on their current path, there won't be much left of them or their land. Their Arab neighbors don't want or care for them, most of the international community don't really care and with the US governments unwavering support of the Israel, the Palestinian leadership need to make the hard choice of giving up a lot of what they have wanted and accept any comprise they can get - though it is going to be really difficult with the current Israeli government. Perhaps they can force Israel's hand by having Obama mediate the negotiations, another Camp David if you will.

I am pro-Israeli right to have a state, and pro-Palestinian right to have a state. I am neither Israeli, Palestinian, Jew or Muslim. Though I am definitely anti-Hamas, i have seen what Islamic militance has done to families - I am of Iranian ethnicity and many in my family have been killed at the hands of Islamic militants for nothing more than just not agreeing to their ideology and trying to leave a peaceful life. You just have to look at the family of the 4 boys who died on beach from IDF shelling. One of the members of the family stated that many members of her family had been killed by Hamas. Here the quote:

Anyhow, I am more than happy to debate any of the points above.
If the Palestinians won't get East Jerusalem, won't get the settlement areas, do not get right of return, what exactly do you think a Palestinian state should look like. I am interested. Please draw the boundaries of the map using this tool http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/mapping/interactive-map/?ar_a=1

You can't. What you're arguing for is basically one-state solution. The 67 borders is already a concession from Palestinians.
. Abbas needs to distance himself from Hamas and perhaps even go as far as dissolving the Unity government and just deal directly with Israel to solve the West Bank.
Yeah well, PA has been dealing with Israel peacefully with nothing but more settlements.
Naftali is worse than her. He admitted killing Arabs in the past, and is proud of it. He is also an MP in the knesset.



Just read about this now. Turkish PM blasted her. Comparing her mentality to that of Hitlers lol.

Some of Ayelet Shaked's choice quotes.

In a controversial Facebook post, Shaked said that "all Palestinians are our enemies" and that Israel should declare war on the "entire [Palestinian] people, including its elderly and its women, its cities and its villages, its property and its infrastructure."


Members of the Knesset continue to say outrageous and disgusting things, calling on the genocide of an entire people. Who is it that wants who wiped off the map and out of existence again?


If the Palestinians won't get East Jerusalem, won't get the settlement areas, do not get right of return, what exactly do you think a Palestinian state should look like. I am interested. Please draw the boundaries of the map using this tool http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/mapping/interactive-map/?ar_a=1

That is up-to the Palestinians and Israeli negotiators to decide on the borders. You would be very naive to think that Israel will give up East-Jerusalem, or evacuate any of their more established settlements. The settlements in the West Bank have been increasing in number in the last 20 years, with international pressure not really doing much to curb them, and the current Israeli government doesn't seem in a hurry to slow down or stop them.

As i stated earlier, the Palestinian leadership don't have any leverage, resistance through conflict has only resulted in more Palestinian death and strengthened the resolve of the Israeli right and always results in the western powers supporting Israel in it's retaliation/aggression.

At the end of the day, they can continue with their resistance, and hope that in a couple of decades or more international, and US, policy changes will favor them, but how much of the West Bank will be left by then, how much Palestinian blood will be shed. Eventually you just have to deal with the cards that have been dealt to you and play your best hand.

Do you think Israel will hand over control of and sovereignty of E. Jerusalem to the Palestinian people, or they will ever back to the '67 borders?


That is up-to the Palestinians and Israeli negotiators to decide on the borders. You would be very naive to think that Israel will give up East-Jerusalem, or evacuate any of their more established settlements. The settlements in the West Bank have been increasing in number in the last 20 years, with international pressure not really doing much to curb them, and the current Israeli government doesn't seem in a hurry to slow down

You pretty much just summed up why Israel will not end it's heinous illegal settlement expansion plans, and why they are the real problem and main culprit in this conflict. Like you said, they have all the leverage. And they are abusing that in every single way possible.

Blockades, military occupations, demolitions en mass, land theft, unjustified arrests in huge numbers with the victims given no proper access to legal aid or justice, torture, brutality, the control of humanitarian aid and supplies, extreme disproportionate military action and strikes etc etc.

They're taking it to a whole new level. And will continue to whilst the rest of the world (mainly the US) allows it. Ultimately there may not be much left of Palestine at all if the rest of the world doesn't step in to say enough is enough. It's why it's so much more important now than ever before to raise our voices.

Also doesn't matter whether Israel want to give up much of that land or not, fact of the matter is, the land steal and territories that many of these settlements are built and being built upon, are not only illegal under international law, but also Palestinian as recognised by the international community and laws, and at some point Israel is going to have to factor that in. Territory stealing by brutal occupation and aggression is not something that is generally accepted in this day and age, and laws and rules exist against it for good reason.
Somebody needs to protect the Palestinians in Gaza from Israel and Hamas and especially Hamas, it seems they also don't care for the People in Gaza. While Palestinians in Gaza are suffering from Hamas stupidity , Hamas leaders are living peacefully in Qatar. This is really sicking
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