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Breaking: Israel launches Operation Protective Edge against Hamas in Gaza

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It's been a shitstorm ever since. Whoever thought it would be a good idea to force a nation onto a piece of land without consulting the locals should rethink his career.
It would be unfair to tell the Jews who were living there to leave or not be allowed to live there. It would be exactly like what the Palestinians are against happening to themselves now.


I never said everything Israel did in Gaza is a war crime.
And Israel destroyed residence where the family of Hamas leaders lived, it wasn't an assassination attempt (which is murky under international law) they fired a warning shot on the house, this was a punitive action and it's illegal under international law.

By the way, this is just the most clear cup example, the Geneva convention uses rather vague language when it comes to describe how much an attacker should try and avoid civilian casualties in general.

I agree with you mostly and I'll leave it at that.

I know many of you consider this aside off topic but since the news quoted above was reported and commented here I thought I had to give it a quick update.

Apparently there's a lot more to it than just an attack on a Synagogue (at least the one in Paris). The situation is confused but it seems very likely that extreme right Jewish groups/gangs (Betar and the likes) were involved in the incident and may actually have attacked or maybe provoked pro-palestinian demonstrators who may (or may not) have been heading toward the Synagogue.

The only good article I've found about the whole thing (one that actually shows some investigation has been done) is unfortunately in French only.


This doesn't change the fact that tension is undoubtedly growing in France and that verbal and/or physical violence against the French Jewish community is still and again an outlet for anger but I thought important to revisit the subject since correction was due.


U.S Firefighters also arrived in Israel to help put out rocket fires. Many of them served during 9/11.

If Hamas even dares harm a single one of them...

All hell will break loose.


U.S Firefighters also arrived in Israel to help put out rocket fires.

If Hamas even dares a harm a single one of them...

All hell will break lose.

As opposed to what happens when the Israeli's murder Americans. I believe that total is somewhere north of 30. Israel remains the only country to have attacked a US warship and absolutely nothing punitive happen to them, and no it wasn't an accident.


As opposed to what happens when the Israeli's murder Americans. I believe that total is somewhere north of 30. Israel remains the only country to have attacked a US warship and absolutely nothing punitive happen to them, and no it wasn't an accident.

one of the 3 Israeli teens murdered a month or so ago actually had US citizenship, i don't think the US particularly cares when its citizens are killed to be honest.


Israeli military says it was targeting terrorists in shelling, area where children were playing 'served as a launching point for terror activities.'

I don't even... I've been fairly disinterested in the conflict before, leaning towards Israeli support whenever the topic was raised, but after the last few weeks the 180 is complete. Hamas are dicks, yup, but 80% civilians dead is disgusting.

This thread blows my mind.


"All hell will break lose". Loose?

As opposed to the hell they're currently living in in Gaza? No, hell would likely be a relief


As opposed to what happens when the Israeli's murder Americans. I believe that total is somewhere north of 30. Israel remains the only country to have attacked a US warship and absolutely nothing punitive happen to them, and no it wasn't an accident.

They did pay over $17 million. And considering it was most likely an accident what else would have been justified? I mean, what could the Israeli's have possibly gained by attacking a U.S. vessel?


Palestinians accept a permanent diaspora and the blatantly illegal theft of their territory.
Israel agrees to stop stealing land beyond the (totally illegal!) wall and pull back in certain instances from that illegal boundary that they invented.

How is this different than what happened to the Jews in the first place? You do realize that they were conquered, and forced to leave 500 years before Palestine even existed, right?

Welcome to being the loser in a war.


It would be unfair to tell the Jews who were living there to leave or not be allowed to live there. It would be exactly like what the Palestinians are against happening to themselves now.

Nobody was forcing the Jews who were living there to leave.


They did pay over $17 million. And considering it was most likely an accident what else would have been justified? I mean, what could the Israeli's have possibly gained by attacking a U.S. vessel?

It was flying a US flag, was clearly identified previously. It got strafed multiple times by two different flights of Israeli bombers and then machine gunned and torpedo'd by torpedo boats from close visual range.
How is this different than what happened to the Jews in the first place? You do realize that they were conquered, and forced to leave 500 years before Palestine even existed, right?

Welcome to being the loser in a war.

If only we had something called international law being developed during that period.
How is this different than what happened to the Jews in the first place? You do realize that they were conquered, and forced to leave 500 years before Palestine even existed, right?

Welcome to being the loser in a war.

Jesus. You're following a code of morality lifted directly from the Bronze Age.


How is this different than what happened to the Jews in the first place? You do realize that they were conquered, and forced to leave 500 years before Palestine even existed, right?

Welcome to being the loser in a war.

The problem is now there is more than just one culture that has long historic ties to the region. It is a region that ethically must be shared to some extent by multiple cultures. As a pure result of history it is not the land exclusively belonging to any one group. No matter who asserts it.

The moral way to peace will require some degree of sharing. The immoral way is unthinkable.
Watching footage of children scared to death and wondering what is happening to them, trying to imagine what they must be going through and how confused they must be... It breaks my heart.
So many innocent lifes lost, god only knows how much some of them suffered before dying, what a fucked up world we live in.


The problem is now there is more than just one culture that has long historic ties to the region. It is a region that ethically must be shared to some extent by multiple cultures. As a pure result of history it is not the land exclusively belonging to any one group. No matter who asserts it.

The moral way to peace will require some degree of sharing. The immoral way is unthinkable.

The UN tried to share the region by creating Israel in the first place. They were immediately attacked and have been ever since. You can't poke a bear with a stick and then get mad when it takes over your campground. If the Arab nations surrounding Israel had left well enough alone in the 20's they wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

Watching footage of children scared to death and wondering what is happening to them, trying to imagine what they must be going through and how confused they must be... It breaks my heart.
So many innocent lifes lost, god only knows how much some of them suffered before dying, what a fucked up world we live in.

It is horrible, but that's what happens when terrorists set up shop in one of the most densely populated areas in the world and hide behind women and children to take pot shots at their enemies. Organizations like Hamas know full well that civilians will die, and in fact they welcome it to further their agenda in the region.


I don't even... I've been fairly disinterested in the conflict before, leaning towards Israeli support whenever the topic was raised, but after the last few weeks the 180 is complete. Hamas are dicks, yup, but 80% civilians dead is disgusting.

This thread blows my mind.

They keep hitting a new low in this thread.
I thought the claim that disabled people were protecting weapons would be the lowest we would see in this thread, i'm certain it will not be at this point.

In other news:

World Bulletin / News Desk
Chile has suspended Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations with Israel and id considering the withdrawal of its ambassador to Tel Aviv in protest against the Israeli bombing campaign on Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.
The Chilean-Palestinian parliamentary group told HispanTV that the Chilean government will also seek Israel's condemnation by the UN Security Council (UNSC) after meeting with the Chilean Foreign Heraldo Munoz.

Gemüsepizza;121339126 said:
Yep, it's Hamas' fault that those kids are dead. Unbelievable.

that actually is the US government's line on this tragedy. quite the terrible bit of moral deflection, but there you have it.
The difference being Israel's intention is not to kill innocent people.
they may not deliberately target innocents, but they would appear to be largely indifferent about the innocents killed by their bombs. Their public statements and choice of targets belies any claim about a genuine concern for civilian life and well being.

Suppose some government agent chasing a suspect down a crowded public street fired a weapon wantonly and recklessly at his suspect, hitting scores of civilians as a result. In the aftermath, nobody would give a damn that he didnt mean to hit innocents. We would regard his decision as reckless, morally bankrupt, and deserving of legal repercussions.


Hear hear.

Good on Chile with that boycott too. That's what we need.

Also how was the killing of the four children playing football justified ? I just woke up.

How do you expect it was justified

IDF commented on the beach strikes

"The inquiry into the event by the IDF is ongoing at this time. Initial findings show that terror activists were in the area that was attacked and that it served as a launching point for terror activities."

The IDF statement said that "it is a tragic event if innocent civilians were hurt in the incident." The military stressed that "it is important to remember the cynical use of Gaza Strip residents by Hamas who hold them as hostages has brought about the cancellation of attacks on terror targets, as has been proven in the past few days."

The statement noted that "the IDF has no intention to harm civilians hurled into the reality of war because of Hamas."

The four Palestinian children were killed on Wednesday afternoon on a Gaza beach by a shell fired by an Israeli naval gunboat, Palestinian medical officials said.

So yeah, stop this nonsense IDF doesn't care for human life.


is now taking requests
IDF commented on the beach strikes

So yeah, stop this nonsense IDF doesn't care for human life.

Is this sarcasm? I hope it's sarcasm. It's pretty fucking evident that they don't care.

And apparantly, the fact that they don't care means it's all Hamas fault they died if i am to believe some of the posters in this thread. :-/
I agree with the quote it will take a lot of losses before the Israeli government is defeated.

But the maths doesn't add up. At the current ratio of 227 dead Palestinians per 1 Israeli, the entire Gaza Strip would be wiped out at the cost of 8,000 Israelis. The West Bank would be wiped out at the cost of just under 12,000 Israelis.


Is this sarcasm? I hope it's sarcasm. It's pretty fucking evident that they don't care.

And apparantly, the fact that they don't care means it's all Hamas fault they died if i am to believe some of the posters in this thread. :-/
Dont underestimate the things Hamas will do in order to gain international support.

By the way guys, watch this video and tell me what you think:

This was after operation Cast Lead.


How is this different than what happened to the Jews in the first place? You do realize that they were conquered, and forced to leave 500 years before Palestine even existed, right?

Welcome to being the loser in a war.

You do realize that history doesn't give anyone a free pass to kill children, right? Is this not a civilization in the 21st century? For a country that has access to every telecommunication server route in Palestine, Israel actually has quite bad intelligence about Gaza. The Israeli navy thought it was bombarding militants when it was actually just shelling a civilian beach with little children running around on it. The amount of people that can run through mental hoops to justify this is getting fewer and fewer.


Yes it is.
Good to hear many actually do see what is going on there and are questioning the actions of their government.

From parliament: "Do not equate the occupied with the occupier" - that's a good summation of the general mood over here, even in the Jewish neighbourhood where I live!

We can't say "both sides are wrong"/"they both need to stop the attacks"/etc because one side is the occupier ignoring all internationally accepted boundaries, and the other side are freedom fighters with no support just wanting to stop the systematic land grabs with any means they have.


I don't understand IDFs position here. There was no one else on that part of the beach until they bombed those 4 kids. Then they bombed the first responders.

Who were they targeting that looked like 4 kids?


There has been a lot of arguing back and forth on who is right and wrong. I'm curious what folks think is a realistic solution to the problem, not just to this current skirmish, but to the whole Palestinian-Israeli conflict
I don't understand IDFs position here. There was no one else on that part of the beach until they bombed those 4 kids. Then they bombed the first responders.

Who were they targeting that looked like 4 kids?

Dude it was terror activists and their damn activities... of terror!

The IDF doesn't care.

There has been a lot of arguing back and forth on who is right and wrong. I'm curious what folks think is a realistic solution to the problem, not just to this current skirmish, but to the whole Palestinian-Israeli conflict

Most people responding to your repeated questions of this has already answered: '67 borders, with a sovereign Palestinian state with E. Jerusalem as it's capital, is a good way to end the conflict.


How do you expect it was justified

Just so my post doesn't get distorted to oblivion.

Nobody wants to justify killing kids (in fact, none of my posts do. Just making it clear right now). It was a direct response to the IDF calling the death of any innocents "tragic". You don't see Hamas feeling sorry for any civilians they kill.


There has been a lot of arguing back and forth on who is right and wrong. I'm curious what folks think is a realistic solution to the problem, not just to this current skirmish, but to the whole Palestinian-Israeli conflict

I think a good way to start working towards a solution would be for Israel's government to actually negotiate with Hamas. What they're asking for isn't unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination and Israel has entirely wasted whatever goodwill they had generated over the past decades by indiscriminately bombing Gaza as if it's a solution to anything.

If they so truly believe that Hamas cannot be trusted and will continue shelling no matter what, then prove that to the world.

Right now the IDF just looks like a group of bloodthirsty thugs.
Just so my post doesn't get distorted to oblivion.

Nobody wants to justify killing kids. It was a direct response to the IDF calling the death of any innocents "tragic". You don't see Hamas feeling sorry for any civilians they kill.

It's amazing how much you turn to hasbara at each and every IDF action.

"Well IDF said it's tragic, and Hamas doesn't, so it's all allright!"

Get a fucking grip dude.


Dude it was terror activists and their damn activities... of terror!

The IDF doesn't care.

Most people responding to your repeated questions of this has already answered: '67 borders, with a sovereign Palestinian state with E. Jerusalem as it's capital, is a good way to end the conflict.

Everyone repeats the same few points but you know that won't happen. I did say realistic solution. Do you honestly believe that Israel will give the Palestinians east Jerusalem and go back to 67 borders. The Israelis have all the power in negotiations.

Are there other options?


I think a good way to start working towards a solution would be for Israel's government to actually negotiate with Hamas. What they're asking for isn't unreasonable by any stretch of the imagination and Israel has entirely wasted whatever goodwill they had generated over the past decades by indiscriminately bombing Gaza as if it's a solution to anything.

If they so truly believe that Hamas cannot be trusted and will continue shelling no matter what, then prove that to the world.

Right now the IDF just looks like a group of bloodthirsty thugs.

Hamas themselves haven't done anything either to earn the goodwill of the Israelis, instead they have hardened the right and weakened the left.


is now taking requests
Everyone repeats the same few points but you know that won't happen. I did say realistic solution. Do you honestly believe that Israel will give the Palestinians east Jerusalem and go back to 67 borders. The Israelis have all the power in negotiations.

Are there other options?

The consession to Israel here is that they wouldn't have to let the palestinians who owns property in Israel back, and the stolen property would remain stolen.

Other than that, there's the one state solution. Not much else.

But yeah, Israel aren't interested, just like the apartheid regime in SA were'nt interested until they were sanctioned into being interested.
Everyone repeats the same few points but you know that won't happen. I did say realistic solution. Do you honestly believe that Israel will give the Palestinians east Jerusalem and go back to 67 borders. The Israelis have all the power in negotiations.

Are there other options?

Well what do you think could be a solution ?

Hamas themselves haven't done anything either to earn the goodwill of the Israelis, instead they have hardened the right and weakened the left.

Hamas has weakened the left ? The Oslo accord was the death sentence by Israel to the peace movement inside Israel. The Israelis has weakened the left, not Hamas.
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