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Brexit | OT3 | A Feast for Crows


Regardless of what she wants, May has to go at this stage. She’s incapable of enforcing collective cabinet responsibility, which is the bedrock of our governmental system. Boris is deliberately goading her to sack him, whilst playing to the insane pro brexit crowd who think we’re about to enter the land of milk and honey. The fact she can’t stop him end a new PM.


Regardless of what she wants, May has to go at this stage. She’s incapable of enforcing collective cabinet responsibility, which is the bedrock of our governmental system. Boris is deliberately goading her to sack him, whilst playing to the insane pro brexit crowd who think we’re about to enter the land of milk and honey. The fact she can’t stop him end a new PM.

The tories would have to agree on a single candidate because the country can't really afford the limbo of a full on leadership contest, I think the EU will be ready to give up at that point.

Also Im not sure the kind of language the Tories love spouting to the base being very helpful at this point.
Right old mess this is turning into, isn't it?

If the YouGov poll of Tory members is right then BoJo would win a leadership contest if it happened. Not that I'd expect a contest to happen.

My bet right now would be on this broken government shambling through to the middle of next year at most before Brexit becomes too much of a cross to bear. But the knives have to come out for May. We all know she's certainly gone after Brexit, but it's not easy to call if she will stick around until March 2019.

Wouldn't surprise me to be at the ballot box next November.


So, let's continue to collect Brexit OT4 tag lines.

+ Good Stuff
+ Probably not a good idea
+ Bloomin' idol made o' mud

Stump is the one in charge of modbot, right? How much would we have to bribe him to get a daily thread rename? It's just a cronjob and a bit of scripting magic. It should be achievable.
Right old mess this is turning into, isn't it?

If the YouGov poll of Tory members is right then BoJo would win a leadership contest if it happened. Not that I'd expect a contest to happen.

I think Boris' biggest problem is that he's not quite popular enough in the party. If a less tainted pro-Brexit MP stepped forward, I think Johnson would haemorrhage support.

Same, in the end she turned out to be as out of it as the rumours claimed, I don't think she really knows much about the rest of the Tory party, or people in general.

He has pointlessly annoyed people since he got the job, a terrible waste of energy.

Perhaps the most frustrating thing is that, while the Tories do have a fairly weak bench (the same issue plagues Labour right now, too) – there are enough competent MPs to form a cabinet capable of not tripping over their own shoelaces.

Ken Clarke, Sarah Wollaston, Anna Soubry, even Hammond to an extent, Tom Tugendhat, Victoria Atkins and Heidi Allen would represent a progressive government – a compromise government – one that can actually pull people together rather than needlessly divide.


The knives are starting to sharpen for Theresa May. A story is out in the Times today revealing she was a crying wreck in the days after the election and someone suggested getting a SAS member in to give her a pep talk and dislodge her from the window ledge.

Happy birthday, you cunt.


From the Sunday Telegraph.

Backtracking on the Florence speech already, I see. Last time I checked we hadn't actually negotiated the transition deal yet either, and somehow I don't think the EU are going to agree to us just ignoring the rules and regulations.
The knives are starting to sharpen for Theresa May. A story is out in the Times today revealing she was a crying wreck in the days after the election and someone suggested getting a SAS member in to give her a pep talk and dislodge her from the window ledge.

Happy birthday, you cunt.

The story on the right is interesting too. Boris struggling to live on his salary? Got to pay all those child support payments I guess.



From the Sunday Telegraph.

Backtracking on the Florence speech already, I see. Last time I checked we hadn't actually negotiated the transition deal yet either, and somehow I don't think the EU are going to agree to us just ignoring the rules and regulations.

They apparently still haven't understood the EU is just gonna rip up any deal with GB if GB breaks the agreement.


As a politician I dislike her, but as a human I sympathize with May - the stress she must be under currently must be incredible.


Stress of her own making though. I've no sympathy for her, her party or her policies whatsoever.

Yeah undoubtedly - I'm just chilling with a drink after a particularly long, complex week at my own job and projecting.

Brexit is just such an unusual event. I just wonder how much stress would be compounded on me if I had the fate of a nations future on my shoulders, every move I made reported on globally, 27 countries united against me and a whole cabinet of backstabbers who I wasn't sure to trust or not.
Yeah undoubtedly - I'm just chilling with a drink after a particularly long, complex week at my own job and projecting.

Brexit is just such an unusual event. I just wonder how much stress would be compounded on me if I had the fate of a nations future on my shoulders, every move I made reported on globally, 27 countries united against me and a whole cabinet of backstabbers who I wasn't sure to trust or not.

As long as you were achieving stuff you care about maybe it'd be bearable but the fact she has to focus so hard on Brexit even though she knows it's a dumpster fire must eat at her soul. Then the rest is all pure deflection.

Putting through that surveillance bill must have been the happiest moment she ever had as PM.


As a politician I dislike her, but as a human I sympathize with May - the stress she must be under currently must be incredible.

I was outside of the LBC offices when she was doing an interview and she was being protested, being called a racist and I genuinely felt sorry for her. I also felt for her when she talked about being incapable of conceiving and she was close to tears. There is even a part of me that feels sorry for her dealing with the Brexit vote she knows is bullshit. However, I remember her suppressing reports about benefits of immigrants and other politically opportunistic shit. I could respect her if she was doing unpopular shit for the benefit of the nation, unfortunately I feel she is doing harmful shit for the country cos 1) Brexit voters are gullible stubborn idiots 2) she is taking advantage of it politically
I really don’t agree with the analysis that May disagrees with Brexit and is stuck with implementing it - she only half heartedly backed remain and did one speech in private supporting that position. As soon as the Brexit vote happened she went full on pro Brexit and hasn’t looked back since. She took the view that Brexit would be a route back to electoral dominance with leave voters rushing to back her UKIP-esque policy programme and gave literally no reassurance to remain voters that she’d also seek to maintain their interests as we leave the EU. Anyone who didn’t really want to leave the EU wouldn’t have wanted the PM job so badly immediately after the referendum.

She’s entirely in a crisis of her own making and deserves every criticism she gets.


No sympathy from me. She was at the home office for 7 years, could have implemented better immigration polices, even official EU ones no less!, she suppresses reports, fudges the numbers, wants people to have no privacy, doesn't think Nurses going to food banks is the issue. As for Brexit, she didn't have to trigger article 50, she dumped the bricks on herself and it's clear Brexit is stupid but she just went ahead with it anyway and no plan. The Tory, so what if she has rebels in the party, put your foot down, Andrew Marr asked her if Boris was unsackable and she wouldn't even answer that. I don't have any time for cruel people and that includes people picking on her for reasons other than politics. She doesn't deserve any sympathy for anything else, she could end this Brexit shit show, do something good for the UK, have some steel, call out the fools, take a bloody stand. I would have a lot of respect for her if she did that this week.


she could end this Brexit shit show, do something good for the UK, have some steel, call out the fools, take a bloody stand. I would have a lot of respect for her if she did that this week.

That would be amazing.

Monday, May: "I have exhausted myself and the Brexit negotiations are failing. It's a fools endeavour. It won't work. If the country wishes for it to continue, it is welcome to but it will be without me.

I recommend we stop this.

It has come to my attention that Boris Johnson has been very vocal since the Referendum right up until this weekend that he knows what to do to steer us to a successful Brexit. This being the case, I recommend Boris succeeds me and shows the country what a true leader looks like. I'm sure he will absolutely make a success of a hard-line Brexit.

Later fuckers"

*Drops mic

Boris would shit himself
She doesn't deserve any sympathy for anything else, she could end this Brexit shit show, do something good for the UK, have some steel, call out the fools, take a bloody stand. I would have a lot of respect for her if she did that this week.

Imagine that alternate timeline. The Tories become the party of remain, forming a coalition with the SNP and Lib Dems. Even if another election was called, would it be possible for that coalition to lose to Corbyn's Labour? He'd need a hell of a swing, and to come out fighting for hard Brexit, fully alienating a lot of his new-found young supporters.

No better way to win back the youth vote, that's for sure.


Imagine that alternate timeline. The Tories become the party of remain, forming a coalition with the SNP and Lib Dems. Even if another election was called, would it be possible for that coalition to lose to Corbyn's Labour? He'd need a hell of a swing, and to come out fighting for hard Brexit, fully alienating a lot of his new-found young supporters.

No better way to win back the youth vote, that's for sure.

Honestly, that's about the only thing that would stop Labour unless the youth still don't realise Corbyn doesn't want to be in the EU either and he sticks to it. I still think the Tories want to push through Brexit and let Labour deal with it then pick up the pieces after they balls it up. They can privatise all over again!

Tories must be thinking they go with it, lose the youth vote but Labour will be such a disaster that it will bounce back or they come to their sense right now and change course, not risking it all.
That would be amazing.

Monday, May: "I have exhausted myself and the Brexit negotiations are failing. It's a fools endeavour. It won't work. If the country wishes for it to continue, it is welcome to but it will be without me.

I recommend we stop this.

It has come to my attention that Boris Johnson has been very vocal since the Referendum right up until this weekend that he knows what to do to steer us to a successful Brexit. This being the case, I recommend Boris succeeds me and shows the country what a true leader looks like. I'm sure he will absolutely make a success of a hard-line Brexit.

Later fuckers"

*Drops mic

Boris would shit himself

If that happened I would kinda want Boris to go full mental mode and lead a great march of people dressed as knights and Spitfire pilots to Brussels, only to get lost and start brawling with one another near Dover.


That would be amazing.

Monday, May: "I have exhausted myself and the Brexit negotiations are failing. It's a fools endeavour. It won't work. If the country wishes for it to continue, it is welcome to but it will be without me.

I recommend we stop this.

It has come to my attention that Boris Johnson has been very vocal since the Referendum right up until this weekend that he knows what to do to steer us to a successful Brexit. This being the case, I recommend Boris succeeds me and shows the country what a true leader looks like. I'm sure he will absolutely make a success of a hard-line Brexit.

Later fuckers"

*Drops mic

Boris would shit himself

Poison that chalice. Cameron would be proud. She should just say this is fucking stupid, I have given this a shout, I didn't vote nor campaign for this, it's bad for business and an all round shit show. Ironically I am the only one with balls to say it like it is, I am revoking article 50. Boris and UKIP can fuck off, do you think Corbyn could do any better, you're welcome.


Poison that chalice. Cameron would be proud. She should just say this is fucking stupid, I have given this a shout, I didn't vote nor campaign for this, it's bad for business and an all round shit show. Ironically I am the only one with balls to say it like it is, I am revoking article 50. Boris and UKIP can fuck off, do you think Corbyn could do any better, you're welcome.

May: "I refer to my right honourable colleague Lord Buckethead when he perhaps said it best that it will be..."


That would be amazing.

Monday, May: "I have exhausted myself and the Brexit negotiations are failing. It's a fools endeavour. It won't work. If the country wishes for it to continue, it is welcome to but it will be without me.

I recommend we stop this.

It has come to my attention that Boris Johnson has been very vocal since the Referendum right up until this weekend that he knows what to do to steer us to a successful Brexit. This being the case, I recommend Boris succeeds me and shows the country what a true leader looks like. I'm sure he will absolutely make a success of a hard-line Brexit.

Later fuckers"

*Drops mic

Boris would shit himself

That is what Cameron did with way less words.


That would be amazing.

Monday, May: "I have exhausted myself and the Brexit negotiations are failing. It's a fools endeavour. It won't work. If the country wishes for it to continue, it is welcome to but it will be without me.

I recommend we stop this.

It has come to my attention that Boris Johnson has been very vocal since the Referendum right up until this weekend that he knows what to do to steer us to a successful Brexit. This being the case, I recommend Boris succeeds me and shows the country what a true leader looks like. I'm sure he will absolutely make a success of a hard-line Brexit.

Later fuckers"

*Drops mic

Boris would shit himself

This would require May taking a stance for once and not trying to sit on the fence attempting to please everyone.


This would require May taking a stance for once and not trying to sit on the fence attempting to please everyone.

She really needs to do something, the expression on her face in recent days in these EU conferences - we're two steps away from someone overlaying the Sound of Silence over it and zooming in on her.


May is so odd, what does she actually want to achieve. Does she really want Brexit hung around her neck. Anyone with a brain would be getting off the train and calling all remaining passengers morons if they couldn't stop it but I think she really needs to take a stand for the UK, be the stupid thorn in the EU if you want but don't make the UK irrelevant and carry out Brexit. Have some pride and do the right thing. Tell the population the truth and tell politicians they are reckless and ignorant to go ahead. Be positive about UK in the EU and how they can change it's course or something, talk it up like one of the worlds great powers. Sell the shit out of it.


May is so odd, what does she actually want to achieve. Does she really want Brexit hung around her neck. Anyone with a brain would be getting off the train and calling all remaining passengers morons if they couldn't stop it but I think she really needs to take a stand for the UK, be the stupid thorn in the EU if you want but don't make the UK irrelevant and carry out Brexit. Have some pride and do the right thing. Tell the population the truth and tell politicians they are reckless and ignorant to go ahead. Be positive about UK in the EU and how they can change it's course or something, talk it up like one of the worlds great powers. Sell the shit out of it.

She'd rather be in power and lead the country down the drain, than not be in power by saving it. That is the secret.


Today's picture of Boris going for a "jog" with the Sun editor, after he posts his Brexit plans on that newspaper this weekend, and the paper publicly supports him today just feels so corrupt to me. The Guardian doesn't even comment on this, as if it wasn't outrageous ... am I wrong to think it is?
In more terrifying news: 81 per cent of Leave voters questioned feel that destabilising the Northern Ireland peace process would be worthwhile to see the UK exit the European Union.

This is absolute madness. These are the people at the wheel, while you're sat in the back seat.
And 88% of Leave voters would be okay with Scotland leaving the union to get Brexit. The figure goes up to 86% and 92% respectively for Conservative Leave voters, which makes it even more ludicrous that Scottish voters went so conservative last election for the sake of the union.

Also, as someone from NI those Leavers can have an extra fuck you. Destabilising a part of the country just so they don't have to hear an occasional foreign accent.

Mr. Sam

I think it's proof how little consideration the Leavers gave to Ireland. It's not that they're malicious, at least to the Irish, it's just that they never gave it a second thought (not to suggest that they would have cared if they had).
I think it's proof how little consideration the Leavers gave to Ireland. It's not that they're malicious, at least to the Irish, it's just that they never gave it a second thought.

The list of things I suspect they (at least the loud leavers) never gave a thought to continues to grow.
In more terrifying news: 81 per cent of Leave voters questioned feel that destabilising the Northern Ireland peace process would be worthwhile to see the UK exit the European Union.

This is absolute madness. These are the people at the wheel, while you're sat in the back seat.
To put it bluntly most leave voters would sacrifice anything to get what they want. The NHS, a worse economy, poorer education and careers for their children. You cannot talk about possible negatives as most don't care as long as they're on the "winning" side.
I think it's proof how little consideration the Leavers gave to Ireland. It's not that they're malicious, at least to the Irish, it's just that they never gave it a second thought (not to suggest that they would have cared if they had).

I'd say it definitely crosses tjeine into nalkze if you don't even consider changing your views on Brexit when The Troubles Mk. II is on the line.

I'm sick of pandering to these absolute fuckwits. Pandering by the media, by Conservative politicians, Labour politicians, people who voted remain, 'soft' leave voters. It absolutely reeks.


Even if she attempted this, shed face a leadership challenge in the week and lose.

Not wrong but at this point, anyone who succeeds May in such a circumstance opposing the approach in the article is going to get absolutely destroyed.

If it wasn't the future of the country at stake, I dearly wish at this point Boris was handed the reigns in order to see the man get utterly eviscerated and crumble.


To put it bluntly most leave voters would sacrifice anything to get what they want. The NHS, a worse economy, poorer education and careers for their children. You cannot talk about possible negatives as most don't care as long as they're on the "winning" side.

No hyperbole here. Some people are too stubborn to admit they were gullible, lied to and admit they were wrong. It's madenning.


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