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Brexit | OT3 | A Feast for Crows

As a guy in Norway with lots of British workers alongside me. If the country walks away with no deal my employment and life here in Norway goes poof. It's so short sighted. Oh and I'm a lucky one as I have a Swedish wife so I won't be forced out but my colleagues would.

Most Euro countries would be smart enough to find a way to keep people like you / your colleagues. They'll certainly be welcoming those finance guys with welcome arms.

Blue Lou

Big leave pusher seems to have realised what sensible people thought a long time ago.


No matter, carry on towards the cliff.

I'll just put it here for ease of access.

1. I'm now 100% certain there will not be a deal. We are past the point of salvation.
2. May thinks she has made a reasonable offer but it is simply not grounded in reality. She's away with the fairies.
3. She thinks this can be wrapped up in the construct of Article 50 which is a complete misapprehension.
4. She thinks it is now the responsibility of the EU to accept her offer when they have already declined it - twice.
5. None of the proposals are consistent with the rules of the system and May is demanding the impossible.
6. As much as government is not seriously engaging it lacks the capacity. They will never comprehend the issues. Its too complex for them
7. Underlying all this is an assumption that we can just muddle through and that no deal has manageable consequences.
8. Little is understood of the seismic implications - not least because the EU cannot breach its own rules
9. The assumption is that the EU will fold and refuse to put up barriers - but the EU is bound by the WTO system. No exceptions.
10. Once the UK has chosen to be outside of the EU systems, no special concessions can be made. They cannot help us.
11. The Tory assumption that regulatory parity is the basis of free trade is one that has taken root and they can't be talked out of it.
12. This is the line put forward by Legatum Institute and it is very obviously wrong
13. So we *definitely* will lose all of our JIT manufacturing and we lose most of our 3rd country trade relationships overnight.
14. At a guess I think we stand to lose more than a third of our trade - but very possibly most of it for the interim.
15. So that means major sweeping cuts are imminent. Expect massive HM forces redundancies and cuts to public services
16. The bottom line is this government holds far too many misapprehensions about how the system works to ever understand EU reticence.
17. So it will go on demanding the unrealistic and the improbable until it sees no choice but to walk away - blaming the EU for it.
18. As to being ready in 2 years, forget it. There is a decades worth of regulatory engineering to do.
19. So you can expect a number of sectors to collapse, a long recession, teetering over into a depression. This will cost unimaginable sums.
20. Most of all there will be no deal because the government is entirely insincere and is not taking it seriously. Game over.

Daffy Duck

This is what happens when we have people in power who don't know what they are doing.

FWIW I don't think any politician in the UK has the stones or nous to navigate this, they are simply soundbite machines.


This is what happens when we have people in power who don't know what they are doing.

FWIW I don't think any politician in the UK has the stones or nous to navigate this, they are simply soundbite machines.

There's nothing to navigate, the country jumped without a plan, it's fucking crazy that we are letting them make it up as they go.


Chili Con Carnage!
hmmm even the Brexiteers are starting to see how fucked we are...need to get that Irish passport sorted.


Fuck people like this, nice to bring up the economy ruining, socially damaging part as we approach the end of the road.

He appears to be a massive bell end in general still, he just did a response to all the attention he's getting which is essentially a rant against politicians/the guardian/the left/how hipsters like real ale and it was better in the olden days of filthy pubs with rock bands

Edit: yeah, his blog post takes him from bell end to actual sociopath. This is how it ends, but it's worth reading the whole thing just to see what a nasty person this guy is. Obviously, he hasn't learned anything from this and would still vote to leave

Some nutter said:
Effectively we are looking at a ten year recession. Nothing ever experienced by those under 50. Admittedly this is not the Brexit I was gunning for. I wanted a negotiated settlement to maintain the single market so that we did not have to be substantially poorer, but, in a lot of ways I actually prefer this to the prospect of maintaining the 2015 status quo with ever degraded politics with increasingly less connection to each other.

I'm of the view that in recent years people have become increasingly spoiled and self-indulgent, inventing psychological problems for themselves in the absence of any real challenges or imperatives to grow as people. I have always primarily thought Brexit would be a reboot on British politics and culture. In a lot of ways it will bring back much of what is missing. A little austerity might very well make us less frivolous.

What I do know is that the banking crisis of 2008 set in motion a series of events whereby much of the corrective potential of it was dissipated with debt and spending, largely to preserve the political order. The disruptive potential of it was barely felt in the UK. Ever since we have stagnated and though the numbers on screen may tell a story of marginal growth, I just don't see it reflected in the world around me. I still see the regions dying out and London sucking the life and vitality out of every city, including Bristol. It reminds me that the wealth of a city is its people, not its contribution to GDP.

Ahead lies challenging times. It will not be easy. Those who expected things to improve will be disappointed. But then I have a clear conscience in this. I never made any big Brexit promises. I never said there would be sunlit uplands. I did not predict that the government would make this much of a pigs ear of it, or that we would be looking at the WTO option. I expected parliament would step in to prevent that. That it hasn't tells you a good deal about the state of modern politics.

And so with that in mind, as much as I would have had it go a different way, I think, given the opportunity to vote again I would still vote to leave. Eventually it gets to a point where any change will do. I prefer an uncertain future to the certainty I was looking at.

People like this are why I roll my eyes at the "we voted this way because of smug leftys/remainers" type logic with Tories/Brexit/Trump, you try and reason with them being nasty so they spit their dummy out, whine about some invented persecution they're going through and double down on the cuntishness like in the above
Fuck people like this, nice to bring up the economy ruining, socially damaging part as we approach the end of the road.

His blog is worse. Says it will be worth it because, basically, 'steel is forged in fire'.

'Cossetted' lower middle classes, 'hipster' students and the 'left' will learn true pain, and then somehow, it is implied, be more virtuous citizens in a more moral state. And as above, there is underneath it the eternal marker of the lost, 'the old days were best'.

Utter bullshit.


His blog is worse. Says it will be worth it because, basically, 'steel is forged in fire'.

'Cossetted' lower middle classes, 'hipster' students and the 'left' will learn true pain, and then somehow, it is implied, be more virtuous citizens in a more moral state. And as above, there is underneath it the eternal marker of the lost, 'the old days were best'.

Utter bullshit.

Post Brexit UK is Bioshock 3.


hmmm even the Brexiteers are starting to see how fucked we are...need to get that Irish passport sorted.

Same, I'm lucky enough to be able to claim Irish Citizenship through my now deceased grandfather. Each day that passes I feel more and more certain that eventually I'm going to have to use that Irish passport to bail the fuck out of this country and go live on the continent. It seems like Leave voters don't care what happens to the country as long as we're out of the EU, they're completely single-minded.


Same, I'm lucky enough to be able to claim Irish Citizenship through my now deceased grandfather. Each day that passes I feel more and more certain that eventually I'm going to have to use that Irish passport to bail the fuck out of this country and go live on the continent. It seems like Leave voters don't care what happens to the country as long as we're out of the EU, they're completely single-minded.

Exactly, getting images of my racist aunt and her fiance in Blackpool. They won't listen to any logic despite her pension getting ruined and his positive experiences of spending time on the continent as a lorry driver. I just don't get the motivation behind their thoughts apart from sheer - 'foreigners = unfamiliar = strange = scary". So sad. They bring the worst out of each other.


Everyone loves Pete North, the level headed Brexiteer.

*five seconds later*

I regret to inform you Pete North is a sociopath.

That said, there's probably some truth in that the only way we can get out of the political mire this country is in is via a sharp shock to the system.

The problem with that is the collateral damage in the process. The JAMs drop down into poverty, the impoverished become the starving. In his scenario we're facing a social crisis the likes of which the country has never seen. The system won't cope and society will break down.

Plus there's no guarantee of getting a good outcome from it. We know people can't handle complex choices and we also know that people aren't good at self reflection. His assertion that people will rise up and drive out Farage, Johnson, Redwood and Rees-Mogg for lying to them is fanciful at best. Populists gonna be popular. A more likely outcome is that they'll blame the EU and firebomb their local Polski Sklep in retaliation.


There's nothing to navigate, the country jumped without a plan, it's fucking crazy that we are letting them make it up as they go.

In hindsight, if there was a plan before the vote and it was public would it have made a difference. For example if the alterantive to stay was: Leave the EU but stay in the EEA or Leave the EU outright and trade under WTO rules or whatever was floating around back then. Without any roadmap people were sold whatever scenario suited best at any given moment.

Wishful thinking is easy to sell.
Jesus Christ. That guy pretty much agrees with me on all the points about why Brexit is terrible and won't work due to regulatory compliance and other technical issues.

But he wants Brexit because he literally wants to destroy our economy in the hope that we will rise from it's ashes of a great depression stronger than before and without any of those damn hipsters.

Down with smashed avocado and craft ales! Make Britain Shit Again!


He appears to be a massive bell end in general still, he just did a response to all the attention he's getting which is essentially a rant against politicians/the guardian/the left/how hipsters like real ale and it was better in the olden days of filthy pubs with rock bands

Edit: yeah, his blog post takes him from bell end to actual sociopath. This is how it ends, but it's worth reading the whole thing just to see what a nasty person this guy is. Obviously, he hasn't learned anything from this and would still vote to leave

The bar has been lowered so much that people would wish to absolve somebody of their sins for merely recognising the truth. It doesn't matter if the person doomsaying is still defending the causes for the doom.
I'd say Vince Cable has a fairly solid plan for it.

Hey, I didn't have to say this!

Just gotta hope the Tories implode, a GE happens and Corbyn has to go cap-in-hand to either the LDs or SNP for backing. That blocks Brexit.

We'd not be in this scenario if something like a few hundred more Labour/LD people had tactically voted against the Tories (in Richmond Park, St Ives, Hastings and Rye etc). Just gotta have a GE that forces the Tories down to a number where they cannot form a government even with DUP backing.

Ofc if Corbyn outright won then Brexit would still happen. You have a bit of Corbyn but not too much. Weird system we have right now.

Had a meeting of our local exec last night where I had to bring up the point that we could be facing a GE in May or June next year once we walk from negotiations and May goes. Folks don't want to consider it, especially in London.

Metal B

Jesus Christ. That guy pretty much agrees with me on all the points about why Brexit is terrible and won't work due to regulatory compliance and other technical issues.

But he wants Brexit because he literally wants to destroy our economy in the hope that we will rise from it's ashes of a great depression stronger than before and without any of those damn hipsters.
It's the cliche Anime villain trope: "The best way to solve all problems is to simply destroy everything and have me (the villain) sort out the people worth rescuing."


I wonder if this Peter fellow actually believes the things he wrote, or if it just some desperate mental defence to prevent him admitting he was wrong.


Brexit having an effect on random stuff you didn't know existed:

Brexit Is Wreaking Even More Havoc in the London Restaurant Industry

The government announced new T-Level qualifications for catering and hospitality in March of this year, inspiring hope among industry insiders. The thought was simple — more people, fully trained, ready to take up the extra 260,000 vacancies that the industry needs to fill year-on-year. The courses are specifically targeted at 16-19 year olds, in a surprisingly forward-looking move for an establishment determined to isolate Britain at all costs.

Now those very qualifications have been delayed until at least 2022, slotting in on the Brexit timeline at one-and-a-half years after freedom of movement grinds to a halt that will be, undoubtedly, an absolute catastrophe for the hospitality industry.


In hindsight, if there was a plan before the vote and it was public would it have made a difference. For example if the alterantive to stay was: Leave the EU but stay in the EEA or Leave the EU outright and trade under WTO rules or whatever was floating around back then. Without any roadmap people were sold whatever scenario suited best at any given moment.

Wishful thinking is easy to sell.

I don't know to be honest, but when Cameron said the government had done fuck all work on Brexit, the vote should have been a start of the process within the UK not the end of it.

I'm still amazed at how the country has acted, you need more planning to build an extension than went into the referendum.


Kinda feels like we're moving hard towards no deal situation.

Barnier looks annoyed AF
when stepping infront of british press and Tusk raised the possibility of no deal for the first time today (While also confirming what we all knew that there isn't sufficient progress).



I'm no fan of May, but I'm getting dark humourous laughs from various facebook comments I'm seeing from people who voted Leave all along the lines of'

"May is messing these talks up"

We were always going to be staring down these consequences into the abyss you dumb fucks. Either that or it'd be

"What's the point of Brexit if we're still going to be part of the Single Market and the Four Freedoms'

You utter, utter ignorant bastards. I'd argue with them but I'm beyond done with them.


Leavers hyped up the land of milk and honey and they still believe it but will blame May or the EU or both for not allowing it to happen instead of the obvious conclusion, it was all bollocks and you are fooled or ignorant at best, stupid and racist at worst.


I do often find it amusing to here right wing nutjobs like Pete North complain about the "commies" and "socialists" and the left for being too soft.

He should be so lucky they are soft and liberal. If they were genuine communists they would have had the secret police break down his door in the middle of the night, drag him and his family to the gulag and torture them for the rest of their short lives before erasing their very memory from history. Soviet style.

Right wing snowflakes are the biggest cunts out there. He looks like a deeply unsexed individual. I bet that is the real reason for his vitriolic hatred. Has he been rejected most of his life. Seems par for the course for the alt-right.


I doubt the EU move an inch, the optimal strategy here is to force the UK to the wall unless the UK capitulates entirely. They hold all the leverage.

Michael O'Leary (CEO, Ryanair), whatever you make of him, said back in August that Air France, Lufthansa and co were lobbying against an Open Skies agreement with the UK in order to purposefully fuck the UK airlines. As you would, they are acting rationally. BA are in denial over it. His view was that come late Summer/Autumn 2018 this can be a very real weapon the EU can use to show the basic pleb on the street that things won't be rosy - you won't be able to fly out to the Costa del Crime for your shitty holiday without having to get a ferry to Ireland.

This is interesting, I can imagine the spectacle. One of the reasons that the soft 15-20% of the Leave bloc (rest are stone cold racist, everyone knows that) hasn't really budged is because nothing has happened yet. Consequences haven't been keenly felt yet. Their lives haven't been personally inconvenienced.

If you have any desire to see this national shit show reversed, pain will have to be felt first to break the soft vote.
Theresa May won't say if she'd vote for Brexit now

Theresa May has refused to say how she would vote if there was another EU referendum.
The prime minister, who backed Remain in last year's vote, was repeatedly asked if she would now vote for Brexit.

She told LBC radio: "I don't answer hypothetical questions."

The PM, who said during the general election campaign that the UK had a "brighter future" after Brexit, added: "I voted Remain for good reasons at the time but circumstances move on."

Downing Street sources suggested it would be ridiculous to say the prime minister's comments raise doubts about whether she will deliver Brexit, as some such as ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage have said.

Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin, who was a leading campaigner for Brexit, said: "She is entirely right to avoid being divisive.

"She is seeking to unite the country, not to perpetuate referendum divisions."

Yes, this is totally what she's trying to do.



This is interesting, I can imagine the spectacle. One of the reasons that the soft 15-20% of the Leave bloc (rest are stone cold racist, everyone knows that) hasn't really budged is because nothing has happened yet. Consequences haven't been keenly felt yet. Their lives haven't been personally inconvenienced.

If you have any desire to see this national shit show reversed, pain will have to be felt first to break the soft vote.


And this is why my contempt for May burns. A Leader, a true Leader would be coming out and expressingly talking in her speeches to the public who are not informed about such consequences. They will be tangible. They will hurt. They will hurt the money in their pocket and it will take a long time to recovery.

But no. She's carrying on like this shit isn't going to happen. With her approach to negotiation, IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN STOP BEING SO FUCKING FLIPPANT


Print this out and use it as our official position in the negotiations.
Unfortunately that would be back to the pre-referendum bullshit we were fed about being able to stay in the single market whilst being able to choose who we do and don't want to let in - back to wanting to have our cake and eat it.


Yes, this is totally what she's trying to do.


"I don't answer hypothetical questions."

To be fair to her, she completely avoided the leadership debates last year, thus not answering hypothetical questions about what kind of government we'd get after the election. She's at least consistent in being monumentally slippery and evasive, even by a politician's standards.


To be fair to her, she completely avoided the leadership debates last year, thus not answering hypothetical questions about what kind of government we'd get after the election. She's at least consistent in being monumentally slippery and evasive, even by a politician's standards.

Brexit is the biggest Hypothetical Question ever
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