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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Unconfirmed Member
He was taken into questioning because he owned Disney films?

Well then, if I become famous I'm selling all my Lego and Nintendo games before someone gets the wrong idea.

Too late creep.


Didn't the same thing happen to Matthew Kelly a while back because he owned a rather large collection of disney films, but ended up getting let off.
...because of his friends.

If Matthew Kelly is innocent, I'm a Dutchmans uncle.

He was taken into questioning because he owned Disney films?

Well then, if I become famous I'm selling all my Lego and Nintendo games before someone gets the wrong idea.
Much as I hate to offer safe shelter to a Nintedo fan, I have a spare PSP2000 you can use as an alibi.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
No, I'm in touch with him, it's perma. Noffles too. And there's fuck all we can do about it.

EviLore, I'm only going to say this once, and respectfully. Please reconsider. You've just gutted a community of friends. People who will meet in real life and chant GAF GAF GAF GAF in pubs full of bewildered locals and talk about how awesome the place is. People who don't want to 'go elsewhere', who want to hang with their friends, friendships that YOU have inspired and facilitated.

Think about it. Don't ban me. Pls.

I don't want to keep derailing in here since the drama seems over with, but I'll address this.

Yes, I understand that you're friends and that you've had meetups and that you guys even wanted me to come over for them, even. That's awesome. You have to understand though that the site is going to remain operated the way it has been operated. And that means people getting permed, despite tight knit friendships forming, and without those friendships or that you're a "good guy in real life" being taken into account whatsoever.

It's not uncommon for hostile sentiments to form when things get really insular and cliquey in these Community threads, because it's no longer NeoGAF, it's the subcommunity and fuck all the rest and fuck anything that has any influence on it, whether it's the administration or people outside the clique. When I see that happen, I do what I did to the Rock Band thread back when insular, hostile subcommunities first started to form here. Remove the hostile elements.

When I tell people to "go elsewhere," I mean it. If you want a place without NeoGAF's rules and oversight, it's not going to be here, and if you want to "stay together" no matter what it's not going to be guaranteed here. NeoGAF is a strict forum. You're going to lose people and if I start caring about cliques sticking together then I'm not going to be able to ban a godawful poster like noffles for being godawful, and that's unacceptable.


Unconfirmed Member
...because of his friends.

If Matthew Kelly is innocent, I'm a Dutchmans uncle.

Much as I hate to offer safe shelter to a Nintedo fan, I have a spare PSP2000 you can use as an alibi.

Hallo oom


Obsidian fan
Yes you do.



Much as I hate to offer safe shelter to a Nintedo fan, I have a spare PSP2000 you can use as an alibi.

Sony and Nintendo fans putting differences aside and making peace? :O This feels just like the Oslo Accord but without it inevitably turning sour.

...No, that's not a tear. It's just my eyes sweating.


Sony and Nintendo fans putting differences aside and making peace? :O This feels just like the Oslo Accord but without it inevitably turning sour.

...No, that's not a tear. It's just my eyes sweating.

Sony and nintendo joining to defend against pedophilia charges


Ohhhh can't wait until newxbox is announced and rumors where true about always online and blocked used stuff

GAF will explode


Today I held a 3DSXL in my hand for the first time and played Super Mario 3D Land on it. OMG I'M SO BUYING ONE!! I love the left stick and the big screen, so good. And with the new Yoshi's Island it will be definitely worth it. The 3D effect was nothing great but not bad either. If it annoys you can turn it off. I haven't been that much in love with a handheld since the original Gameboy. I missed more or less all gens after that although I had the GBA and DS (but never really played any games on it).


Today I held a 3DSXL in my hand for the first time and played Super Mario 3D Land on it. OMG I'M SO BUYING ONE!! I love the left stick and the big screen, so good. And with the new Yoshi's Island it will be definitely worth it. The 3D effect was nothing great but not bad either. If it annoys you can turn it off. I haven't been that much in love with a handheld since the original Gameboy. I missed more or less all gens after that although I had the GBA and DS (but never really played any games on it).

You should get the Fire Emblem limited edition one. My Fire Emblem game arrived today (I already have a 3DSXL, so not buying the bundle), the game is awesome so far.


Even I am starting to get tempted by the Xl, the matte black one that comes with Monster Hunter. That available stand-alone yet here?


You should get the Fire Emblem limited edition one. My Fire Emblem game arrived today (I already have a 3DSXL, so not buying the bundle), the game is awesome so far.

I'm getting the silver one without any games. Going to play the DS games first that I bought but never played (999, GTA, Dragon Quest... V I think?). I have to buy the charger separately though, that sucks.

Looks like the Nintendo plague is spreading in this thread we need to remove the infected from the thread

Too late, we're already taking over. See posts above me.



omg I lol'ed so hard hahahaha

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I have a real hard time buying hardware thats a step back from what I already own. I know theres plenty of games on the 3DS that I'll get around to when the price is right for me personally, but going back from a Vita and Galaxy NoteII to a 400x240 display is like... how.

Also I used to import a helluva lot of DS and GBA games back in the day due to the fucking crazy £35 price they tend to be here. I have LoveFilm to mitigate that, but the potential on missing out on some Atlus stuff always feels too real. Region locking fuckos.

I'll probably get a 3DS or a WiiU around Christmas time, unless the PS4's lineup is some unmissable behemoth and I want to destroy my fucking already in bad state bank account.

Seems like BritGAF has lost one or two of its craziest console war soldiers this past week I see from some threads.


Didn't know what to expect from the Evil Within trailer but it was some freaky shit wtf

The game just sounds like what people wish Dead Space was


Didn't know what to expect from the Evil Within trailer but it was some freaky shit wtf

The game just sounds like what people wish Dead Space was

a 3rd person shooter like Dead Space ever was, even the so called great RE4 was a 3rd person shooter infact it what started RE decline into action genre.

I dunno maybe I don't buy PR anymore I still expect it be a game where bullets thrown at you and sense of dread or "fear" disappears after first 30mins

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
It being possibly the last Mikami game is a slightly too bitter pill, but hopefully he's just Miyazaki'ing. While he does some great survival horror, its his wacky OTT action I've loved the most from God Hand and Vanquish.
Well, it's the father of the modern third-person shooter. Sure, RE4 may still rock the tank controls but the over-the-shoulder camera is still an industry standard.

Anyway, it's one of the few games that never slows down, and has level designed built to match the game mechanics to the nth degree. Everything you do in that game is so immensely satisfying, it's ridiculous.

People still rave about RE4 because, quite frankly, there hasn't been a game as good as it since. The only thing that comes close are the Galaxy games.


I'm not denying its importance just irritates me when people use RE4 to downplay RE games. Sure they lost a bit of magic still have same issues that RE4 had e.g GUNS GUNS AMMO HERE TAKE ALL THIS AMMO. RE4 still does have that creepy chant them monks do ...fuck them with there RPG's

RE6 has such insane gunplay it fun just Capcom where to lazy to explain it

Also Galaxy 1 yeah let you off with that but 2 nah that was weak sauce Bowsers Inside Story still best Mario played in ages


Maturity, bitches.
2 certainly fixed a lot of the weak parts of the first Galaxy game. Mostly:
  • Streamlining the level selection screen,
  • Having less stars per level so we ended up with more levels and you weren't seeing the same landscape over and over again.
  • Cut out the large scale Mario 64esque levels. Especially the ones where you had to hunt for coins.
  • A better reward for beating the game.

However I'd say you'd have to play both rather than just one or the other. Also I'd probably say the first has the better soundtrack of the two, but they are both good just the second one felt like it was relying a bit to much of Gusty Garden.
Ditching the 64-esque levels was a smart move when you consider that they really weren't much like Mario 64 at all. None of them made a proper effort at the playground approach to level design that SM64 had. Galaxy was always better at being like 2D Mario, so Galaxy 2 stuck to its strengths and was a better game for it.

Also, it had power-ups worth a damn. I'd say that's a fair trade for a slightly-less memorable soundtrack.


we'veeee come too farrrrr to give uppppp who we areeee
so letssss raise the barrrrr and our cupppsss to the starrrssss
we'veeee come too farrrrr to give uppppp who we areeee
so letssss raise the barrrrr and our cupppsss to the starrrssss

way to quote the worst part of the track

(Honestly, I find that bit to be super jarring. I don't think it flows very well from the intro. But that's just me. Cracking song.)


way to quote the worst part of the track

(Honestly, I find that bit to be super jarring. I don't think it flows very well from the intro. But that's just me. Cracking song.)

I suspect it mainly down to it being a edit but I kind of like how that part is sung makes me wish NERD would come back :(

although I think the 6 min version will only have longer intro and outro


Alesha Dixon looks fine in the She Wants To Move video

way to quote the worst part of the track

(Honestly, I find that bit to be super jarring. I don't think it flows very well from the intro. But that's just me. Cracking song.)
I know what you mean about the flow, I still have hope that Daft Punk themselves didn't have much to do with cutting for radio and the full genius will be unveiled on the album. My favourite part only lasts 10 seconds before getting repetitive again.


The only thing bringing down Get Lucky is the subpar editing which should be fixed in the album. Roll on May plz

Also how good is Alive 07? Not a single bad track.


Boy, do I feel like a dunce this morning. Went out last night, didn't get home until late. I'm suppose to meet a friend and help out with buying clothes for his wedding at 12pm today. Randomly woke up with the sun piercing my eyelids, picked up my phone and discovered the battery was dead. Thinking out loud I said " My alarm didn't go off". Picked up my watch and saw that it was 2pm...FUCK! Plugged the phone into the charger, turned it on and saw the time wasn't right convincing myself it reset or I set it to a different timezone last night for whatever reason.
Called my friend and then frantically said "Oh man! I overslept! You still at Edinburgh?"
"... what? Nah, haven't even had breakfast. its only 8am"
"8 am?!"
Looked at my watch and then slowly turned it anti clockwise. I was reading my watch upside down..doh! and worst part is that now I can't go back to sleep.

Which leads me to ask Britgaf, am I the only one that prefers a normal 3DS over the XL? Screen is nice but the device felt too plastic-y.
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