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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Those are feels I know too well. It's amazing how much unnecessary spending I did in the states in comparison to here and never felt like I was breaking the bank.

Large (which is probably a XL in the UK) pizzas for $5 are a damn steal. Think it was Little Caesars which isn't exactly gourmet pizza but I bet it's no different to Dominoes/Pizza Hut here.


Swear I just saw the dorky kid from the walking dead games in the library, he had the varsity jacket and everything


Facebook is only shitty if you have shitty people on there. I ban 'like' beggars quicksharp.

Truth. The phrase "but there are cretins on it" can equally be applied to Facebook and the Internet as a whole (except for this thread of course). No need to boycott.
I'm too far behind the times now, I'm set in my ways. This new fangled Facespace and stuff is too fiddley for these decrepit old hands, riddled with arthritis. I might do at some point, people keep saying I'm super cool, and would have like, a million likes every day.

But seriously, I just begrudge that it's become almost an obligation nowadays, where it's a surprise if you aren't on it! Plus, gift wrapping all my personal details, and handing it to one of biggest companies in the world and saying, "go nuts, do whatever you want with it" kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies.
I'm too far behind the times now, I'm set in my ways. This new fangled Facespace and stuff is too fiddley for these decrepit old hands, riddled with arthritis. I might do at some point, people keep saying I'm super cool, and would have like, a million likes every day.

But seriously, I just begrudge that it's become almost an obligation nowadays, where it's a surprise if you aren't on it! Plus, gift wrapping all my personal details, and handing it to one of biggest companies in the world and saying, "go nuts, do whatever you want with it" kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Oh sure, fair do's to the bolded.
I'm in Starbucks at the moment sitting near a "gamer girl" oh man it's fucking annoying. Not that she's a girl and a gamer, but the fact that she's a complete fucking attention whore about it. Seriously talking well above the normal volume about games to some guy who clearly doesn't give a shit.

She wants to start in indie games developer in Shoreditch apparently, but she has no formal or informal qualifications in programming or game development. FFS.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I'm in Starbucks at the moment sitting near a "gamer girl" oh man it's fucking annoying. Not that she's a girl and a gamer, but the fact that she's a complete fucking attention whore about it. Seriously talking well above the normal volume about games to some guy who clearly doesn't give a shit.

She wants to start in indie games developer in Shoreditch apparently, but she has no formal or informal qualifications in programming or game development. FFS.

You should roll up your sleevies and lay down some truth bombs

Jedeye Sniv

I'm too far behind the times now, I'm set in my ways. This new fangled Facespace and stuff is too fiddley for these decrepit old hands, riddled with arthritis. I might do at some point, people keep saying I'm super cool, and would have like, a million likes every day.

But seriously, I just begrudge that it's become almost an obligation nowadays, where it's a surprise if you aren't on it! Plus, gift wrapping all my personal details, and handing it to one of biggest companies in the world and saying, "go nuts, do whatever you want with it" kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Even worse than the idea that you are being watched is the idea that nobody cares. All that personal data, and they'll never look at it or sell it on... "What, don't you think I'm good enough to sell to a spambot??"

But what if those people are your friends? As flaws go, we all have them, and that's not really an awful one to have. Just a tad annoying.

I mute boring friends.


Even worse than the idea that you are being watched is the idea that nobody cares. All that personal data, and they'll never look at it or sell it on... "What, don't you think I'm good enough to sell to a spambot??"
Well I think you're cool Jed, even if Facebook doesn't.

Jedeye Sniv

Ask Mrs Sniv for a bj when you get home. That should cheer you up.

haha, I've been through this in a thread recently. I don't really like it because I just feel super guilty afterwards. I'm basically asking her if she wants to be left wet and wound up. And tbh I'm way too tired to reciprocate today, I just want to sit in a quiet room and do nothing. Fat chance! lol


Yeah I'm exactly the same. And I know I won't be getting any more money anytime soon. Unless I change jobs again.

I just find it very hard to get out of the mentality of "I want that, so I will buy it". I need to learn to say no to myself.

I dont even buy things really. I just get lazy and don't feel like cooking so I say f' it and go out. It happens way to much where I should be saving that money and eating in.
A nap sounds good. Really good.

haha, I've been through this in a thread recently. I don't really like it because I just feel super guilty afterwards. I'm basically asking her if she wants to be left wet and wound up. And tbh I'm way too tired to reciprocate today, I just want to sit in a quiet room and do nothing. Fat chance! lol

You need to get rid of that guilt. If she really loves you she'll be happy to pleasure you and expect nothing in return afterwards. At least, that's what I keep being told :/

I dont even buy things really. I just get lazy and don't feel like cooking so I say f' it and go out. It happens way to much where I should be saving that money and eating in.

Not just the money, but surely eating out a lot isn't that healthy? You put all that effort in at the gym, then go and eat out. Stay in and cook yourself some delicious healthy food.

Jedeye Sniv

You need to get rid of that guilt. If she really loves you she'll be happy to pleasure you and expect nothing in return afterwards. At least, that's what I keep being told :/

lmao :p

The way I see it is: if I spent 20 minutes going down on her then I would expect/want (as would she) to fuck afterwards. But if she spends the same amount on me then she gets nada but a weird taste and wet pants? Doesn't seem particularly fair to me (and this is something I've come to by myself without her prompting). I get that ladies are supposed to be more self sacrificing and shiz, but the idea of a start to end blowie seems like something invented by dudes alone that women have been suckered into thinking is normal practice.

Although maybe I'm wrong, maybe she brainwashed me to give me too much empathy for her plight!

And I have no way of ridding myself of guilt or anxiety, it's the framework around which my personality sits haha.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Most people who feign concern with privacy on the web and yet voluntarily abuse social media make me laugh.

"Fucking companies stealing all my information!"

*likes Tesco, Coca-Cola & The Sun Facebook pages*

"Bloody stalkers watching my every move!"

*checks in to every location & place of visit*

"Is it too much to ask for a shred of privacy and dignity?!"

*posts top-down phone pix from 'Night out with the girls!' photo album, Instagram every coffee and meal, shares bnp political meme images*

Thanks, but you're wrong. I just had my last exam. :lol
Same here. Congrats man.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Most people who feign concern with privacy on the web make me laugh.

"Fucking companies stealing all my information!"

*likes Tesco, Coca-Cola & The Sun Facebook pages*

"Bloody stalkers watching my every move!"

*checks in to every location & place of visit*

"Is it too much to ask for a shred of privacy and dignity?!"
Who does that


bitch I'm taking calls.
Virtually everyone who uses Facebook.

I use Facebook and while I am careful who I friend and what pages I like, I also don't hold any illusions about the 'sacred nature' of what I choose to share.

Edit: Basically, most privacy policies in place by these companies are simply distractions. If you aren't cool with google or Facebook using your info to try and sell you Jaffa cakes or something then stop using them. Otherwise just excersize some care and restraint and you'll be fine.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Virtually everyone who uses Facebook.

I use Facebook and while I am careful who I friend and what pages I like, I also don't hold any illusions about the 'sacred nature' of what I choose to share.

Edit: Basically, most privacy policies in place by these companies are simply distractions. If you aren't cool with google or Facebook using your info to try and sell you Jaffa cakes or something then stop using them. Otherwise just excersize some care and restraint and you'll be fine.

I know what I signed up for, I dont give a shit about my advertising privacy and stuff aslong as my bank account details are safe

Jedeye Sniv

Just got a spam email offering a cheap sub to ThugHunter, the internet's premier black gay porn site. I wish someone would sell my info to them do they can tell its not my bag.

Also lol @ ThugHunter
A double decker bus has picked a fight with a railway bridge in Chelmsford, it's the most exciting thing that's happened here since a strip club opened.
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