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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Not just the money, but surely eating out a lot isn't that healthy? You put all that effort in at the gym, then go and eat out. Stay in and cook yourself some delicious healthy food.

Yepppppp. I know. I just hope this summer is nicer so I can grill more. I love cooking, I just don't know how to cook simply. Everything has to be a long process for me


Been lurking for a while but this post made me laugh enough to comment.

Welcome Stranger!


only one old enough to get this?


Air drumming to Daft Punk-Contact while taking a dump that's the life

I was air drumming to "Now" by Paramore not half an hour ago, Ilan Rubin is an awesome drummer. I loved his stuff with Nine Inch Nails too.

Man, those manic fills on the bridge before the last chorus are just epic, with the little lady screaming "there's a time and a place to die, but this ain't it".




I love it.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Challenge has started showing Knightmare again what a show..kids don't have shows like this anymore

They really don't. A truly incredible show. True to my username, I'd always settle down to watch it on a Friday back as a nipper with a Cumberland Pie and Beans. Bliss. I never once actually caught an episode where they won, I just assumed you couldnt until years later and the internets archive of everything.
They really don't. A truly incredible show. True to my username, I'd always settle down to watch it on a Friday back as a nipper with a Cumberland Pie and Beans. Bliss. I never once actually caught an episode where they won, I just assumed you couldnt until years later and the internets archive of everything.

Ditto with Crystal Maze. I never saw them win any shitty camping holiday to Swansea, and it was a pretty good result if the clowns managed to catch more gold tokens - "tokens" - than silver ones.
They really don't. A truly incredible show. True to my username, I'd always settle down to watch it on a Friday back as a nipper with a Cumberland Pie and Beans. Bliss. I never once actually caught an episode where they won, I just assumed you couldnt until years later and the internets archive of everything.

Is this how you refer to your cousin or something?

And yes, I was a bit young but I used to love watching Knightmare after school. That wall with a face gave me (k)nightmares though! EDIT: And now I think about it, I think I was traumatised by that picture in the corner that indicated how much life force you had left. It was a picture of a person and their flesh slowly fell off their face as your life force diminished, until it was just a skeleton :-o

I've watched an episode or two since it came on Challenge though, and it's no surprise that hardly anyone ever completed the game. Some of the riddles and puzzles are rock hard.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I mean not to be an old fogey and "back in the days" too much, but I idly caught some terrible gameshow vehicle for the lottery results on BBC1 the other month that was simply people reading things off a list and the host saying "yep", "yes thats there" "you got it". Is this ACTUALLY why people are setting themselves on fire these days?

I think about the only thing I've tuned in to watch on TV in recent years has been The Thick Of It, and then I'd routinely miss episodes and iPlayer them.

EDIT: And now I think about it, I think I was traumatised by that picture in the corner that indicated how much life force you had left. It was a picture of a person and their flesh slowly fell off their face as your life force diminished, until it was just a skeleton :-o
Yes, I'm pretty sure this almost gave me an eating disorder since panic would set in if I'd forgotten to eat in a certain time window and freak out because "MY BONES WILL START FALLING OFF SOON"


lmao :p

The way I see it is: if I spent 20 minutes going down on her then I would expect/want (as would she) to fuck afterwards. But if she spends the same amount on me then she gets nada but a weird taste and wet pants? Doesn't seem particularly fair to me (and this is something I've come to by myself without her prompting). I get that ladies are supposed to be more self sacrificing and shiz, but the idea of a start to end blowie seems like something invented by dudes alone that women have been suckered into thinking is normal practice.
So make sure you occasionally go down on her and ask for nothing in return.

On a night you're not feeling tired, go down on her, make her scream, go brush your teeth, then look at her in disgust and say, "Will you please hurry the fuck up and get dressed? I want to go out dancing tonight," then take her out for an amazing night at the discotheque or wherever it is you old folks frequent.


I remember seeing the first winners, they could hardly believe they had done it.
That show was addictive but such bullshit. "Do you choose the left door or the right door? WRONG DOOR YOU LOSE" etc. It was long-form Dragon's Lair, without the Bluth animation.


shorty are you buying me a pint at the immortal technique gig next month

I was thinking about it but sadly I have something already happening that day. If it cancels then I might head down. Surprised to think you were into the whole political hiphop subgenre.


Obsidian fan
Little old man keeps mentioning this Kentpaul toilet story, curiosity has got the better of me.

I must know what it's all about now, somebody fill me in please.

Kent was caught by the rozzers making use of a glory hole.

I decline to say which side he was on.
I was air drumming to "Now" by Paramore not half an hour ago, Ilan Rubin is an awesome drummer. I loved his stuff with Nine Inch Nails too.

Man, those manic fills on the bridge before the last chorus are just epic, with the little lady screaming "there's a time and a place to die, but this ain't it".




I love it.


Also points to anyone who recognises the bassist


I want to post in that 'man charged with murder of girlfriend's foetus' thread but, my word, it's just an absolute minefield. Even the people who are on the 'right' side aren't justifying their stance in a way that is convincing. And then there's the whole ancillary discussion cropping up about a man's rights with respect to a woman's pregnancy. Jesus.
Right, can I be shameless again?

My latest dumb project - last year I made a scorecard for Eurovision, but using the Robot Wars rules of style, aggression, control and damage. With a much smarter-than-me friend doing the proper coding, we're trying to make a proper, interactive play-along website and put all the scores together for a Robot Wars style winner. It's at http://eurovisionwars.com, and uh, hopefully live Saturday if we make it in time. Today's pub meeting seemed positive.
Yepppppp. I know. I just hope this summer is nicer so I can grill more. I love cooking, I just don't know how to cook simply. Everything has to be a long process for me

Just google quick healthy recipes, stop being lazy :p

Welcome Stranger!


only one old enough to get this?

You keep forgetting how many old people are in here

They really don't. A truly incredible show. True to my username, I'd always settle down to watch it on a Friday back as a nipper with a Cumberland Pie and Beans. Bliss. I never once actually caught an episode where they won, I just assumed you couldnt until years later and the internets archive of everything.

Yep I think I remember seeing at least 2 teams win it.

Ditto with Crystal Maze. I never saw them win any shitty camping holiday to Swansea, and it was a pretty good result if the clowns managed to catch more gold tokens - "tokens" - than silver ones.

Same here, I saw a few group win.

Right, can I be shameless again?

My latest dumb project - last year I made a scorecard for Eurovision, but using the Robot Wars rules of style, aggression, control and damage. With a much smarter-than-me friend doing the proper coding, we're trying to make a proper, interactive play-along website and put all the scores together for a Robot Wars style winner. It's at http://eurovisionwars.com, and uh, hopefully live Saturday if we make it in time. Today's pub meeting seemed positive.

I'm gutted I missed the 2nd semifinal tonight due to getting tattooed. Will hopefully catch up on iplayer tomorrow before le grande finale. Will check out your website for sure!

Oh and btw chaps, latest tattoo instalment pic is up in the tatt thread
Morning BritGAF, it's Friday!

Personally I think that the WiiU needs a miracle if it's not to keep flopping and Nintendo overestimated how popular it'd be.
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