Can you imagine the amount of money they could get by releasing pokemon red and blue on iOS
probably more than they're going to make on the wii u
Can you imagine the amount of money they could get by releasing pokemon red and blue on iOS
It's funny because it's true.probably more than they're going to make on the wii u
Can you imagine the amount of money they could get by releasing pokemon red and blue on iOS
I was playing Super Metroid on the wiiu pad in my bed. Thats the future of gaming right there.
£0 because they wouldn't price it a 69p so no one would buy it
If you're gonna dream Pokemon on iOS, at least dream big. The OG games are fucking broken
I never evolved my bulbasaur because hated designs of the later evos
yellow was best just to have Squirtle , Bulba and a badass Chaizard as your team
Oshawott > all
Why did they do another Fire/Fighting dude
all the BW starters and their evolutions deserve to burn forever
Software engineer got Web Applications UK.What do you do Robo? For which company?
Oh man. What an article. Perfect baiting, Nintengaf is on full rage mode now.
Dat website traffic.
Oh man. What an article. Perfect baiting, Nintengaf is on full rage mode now.
Dat website traffic.
It brutally honest something not seen in a while , just a summary of whats happened past 2 days but i lol at the sonic part so true
Pokemon on iOS would be shit cos you can't hold down+B to increase yo catch rate!
Pokemon on iOS would be shit cos you can't hold down+B to increase yo catch rate!
Hit up every major ride at Alton Towers at least twice today. I'm fucking beat.
Rats, plans for tonight fell flat. I've been out these past two weekends so perhaps a quiet night in is what I need.
Someone mention Counter Strike earlier? I'd be up for that or Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead etc. Logging onto steam now.
Add Chewin' the Fat to that mix too. The Big Man is a national treasure.
"Right! Pick a shoe, we'll see if your back fanny can untie laces!" Lolol.
I did just dig out my Gameboy Micro, if the retro shop in afflecks palace has any I may do that...
Donkey Show, if you guys are making a Mario Kart/Sonic ASR crossover, you have to tell us. It's the rules. Because I think you might beeeeeee
As the next Mario Kart or a separate game? Anything but the former would be suicide.