To be fair, me being drunk just makes me do stupid shit, it's quite entertaining for everybody else - I tend not to remember. I've held off from both at the moment. Early night doesn't ever help me, one of the downers I have is that I just don't sleep - I feel absolutely fucking knackered now, I have no reason why when I get into bed I shouldn't fall asleep... Yet if I was to get in to bed, I will toss and turn for hours until eventually I get bored of laying there and just get up. I'm averaging around 4-5 hours sleep a night at the moment, on some nights it's as little as 2, then doing a full day of work and then doing the same shit.
I dunno, I just sort of wish that things were back to how they were before even though it's never gonna happen. I don't feel depressed or unhappy, I just feel so unmotivated to do anything. I went out with work tonight and I had the perfect excuse to drink and have a good time - I didn't have to get my car, I live two minutes from work I could of got it in the morning but I decided against it, only had one drink and went and got my car and went home.
Edit: On a brighter note, does anyone want a free copy of Awesomenauts? First one with a .gif that makes me laugh (or anyone who is remotely interested I guess) - Steam Key.