Happy days.More Reasons to shop at Morrisons said:
Happy days.More Reasons to shop at Morrisons said:
COD 2 Big Red One was the best COD game.
We scraped 30 back in 2003 iirc, probably a few times since.
I remember when I lived in Melbourne and it hit 45...
Happy days.
I could trade it on for more than double that. Nintendo games, well, Mario games hold their value incredibly well. I'm pretty sure GAME are charging £32.99 for it pre owned.Morrisons would have to pay me £7 to take that off them.
I also want to play Other M for the morbid curiosity. However knowing how off kilter my taste is I'd probably end up liking it.
AND HELL NAW. NSMB2 is nowhere near as bad as the first one. Coin Rush alone makes it vastly superior.
I could trade it on for more than double that. Nintendo games, well, Mario games hold their value incredibly well. I'm pretty sure GAME are charging £32.99 for it pre owned.
I should've bought both copies in hindsight. Fuck it, I'll grab the other one tomorrow and just trade one of them in.
Or just trade them both in for Grid 2...
Also, Other M is a criminal product. Shame on you Reknoc!
Kent, "Creep" is on Vintage TV at the minute.
Straight away, I thought of you. I mean that in the nicest possible way.
It's not worth it f0rk, there is no reasoning with the man.
It's not worth it f0rk, there is no reasoning with the man.
Kent, I couldn't pick one, seriously, there would have to be a joint top 5 or some shit. But Electioneering gets a good shout.
Do me a flavour, and listen to this incredibly loud.
One of the many Radiohead tracks superior to "Creep".
(It's just electric man, that intro sounds like the start of a Wild West gunfight, then it just dives headfirst into three minutes of prime Yorke vocals and Greenwood freakouts. It's barely controlled lunacy, I can't sit still when it's on.)
Now tell me they don't have any other great tracks.
Jed, where is your music thread? I can see a vain throbbing in Musha's temple. I'd make it myself, but, well you know... :/
I also want to play Other M for the morbid curiosity. However knowing how off kilter my taste is I'd probably end up liking it.
AND HELL NAW. NSMB2 is nowhere near as bad as the first one. Coin Rush alone makes it vastly superior.
Aww, dude!
I posted some phat beats instead, hope you don't mind.
I could trade it on for more than double that. Nintendo games, well, Mario games hold their value incredibly well. I'm pretty sure GAME are charging £32.99 for it pre owned.
A sealed Nintendo developed 3DS title for under £10. Things must really be desperate for Iwata and friends. You were barely able to find second hand first party gamecube and Wii titles for under £15 a while ago.
I saw AC 3, Zombie U, Batman AC and ME3 brand new for £15 each in Grainger the other week.Well not so much for the 3DS in other territories, it's preforming pretty well. Wii U on the other hand....
The Wii U isn't really worth buying unless you're really into Nintendo IP and even that's scarce at the moment.
Well E3 should be very interesting with the confirmed stuff and strongly rumored stuff as well this year.
With the hardware they're pushing they will need some amazing exclusives (as opposed to rehashed cashcows again) to make any kind of dent.
3D Mario U will be damn cool, I mean they're the finest around, this year
Mario kart, more of the same, which will be a bore, this year, but sells
Smash bros will be cool with Namco and possible 3ds connection stuff but not this year
Yoshi Landlooks pretty damn cool, not enough seen and probs not this year
Baynoetta 2 looks rad
Pikmin 3 looks cool, more of the same however
Wonderful 101 looks refreshing
Sonic Lost World looks like Sonic Galaxy Extreme, no bad thing and this year!
X (xeonoblade) probs this year/next year looks rad
FF X SHIN, might not appeal to everyone but cool concept
I'm excited bout Wind Waker U cos I haven't played it
Retro Studios will be the surprise of the show i know, Metorid or New IP
Then they got some casuals Party U and Fit U
Add some other megatons maybe and we're done
Will it sells, who knows, but they're some great games on that list. Depends if you're bored with nintnedo IP , although imo the big entries they try and keep it fresh.
None of that really appeals to me as a non-fanboy. I mean Mario Galaxy was fun for a while and I enjoy Mario Kart on the DS and Wii but they're not really reasons to buy a console.
I've also never played a Zelda game so can't get excited about it.
Also am I right in thinking that EA has no plans to bring any of their upcoming titles to Wii U?
I was wrong in my first post about this. The Wii U needs killer exclusive IP and the multi-platform stuff to gain any kind of ground. None of which are necessarily guaranteed.
Stuck recovering at my parents' with no games. Have resorted to buying GTA Vice City for Android. It better control as well as Smoky and Jedeye say or I'll beat my two ninety nine out of them.
pro-tip: download ps1 emulator and play old rpgs that you already physically own.
Are there any electricians or people that know about fuse boxes in BritGAF?
Yesterday The living room Sky box wasn't displaying subtitles so I turned that and the TV off and then off at the plug socket, waited twenty seconds and turned the socked back on, Doing this reboots the box which solves the subtitle issue (I have no idea what causes this in the first place). However the whole bungalow lost power, I shit myself because my PC had been on before looking in the fuse box, a switch had thrown so I reset it and everything was ok apart from the bedroom Sky box, it won't come out of standby.
Does anyone have any idea as why turning off a plug socket and turning it back on would make the fuse box throw a switch?
Stuck recovering at my parents' with no games. Have resorted to buying GTA Vice City for Android. It better control as well as Smoky and Jedeye say or I'll beat my two ninety nine out of them.
Okay so VC is tolerable with touch screen controls, but not exactly satisfying. I'm dreading the RC helicopter mission.
yes shortz is right, the coolest one is the one that plays by the rules.
Sometimes you trip the circuit breaker when there is a power surge. If you live in an old house with old wiring it's likely that the wiring doesn't have the electrical bandwidth for modern electronics so the main circuit is sitting near the breaker level at all times, and when everything turns on it can go over capacity and it will breaker will trip.
Luigi's Mansion 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D are pretty bloody good.
pfft, Not even a year in Thailand and you're already accustomed to the guys selling bootleg dvds/games on the street.
Well they are Nintendo so amazing exclusives are a given.With the hardware they're pushing they will need some amazing exclusives (as opposed to rehashed cashcows again) to make any kind of dent.
Awful fucking show, so bad. It started well enough, but by the end of season 3, I was so done.the walking dead season 3 costs 300 baht to buy on those dodgy stalls, fuck dat shit
Are there any electricians or people that know about fuse boxes in BritGAF?
Yesterday The living room Sky box wasn't displaying subtitles so I turned that and the TV off and then off at the plug socket, waited twenty seconds and turned the socked back on, Doing this reboots the box which solves the subtitle issue (I have no idea what causes this in the first place). However the whole bungalow lost power, I shit myself because my PC had been on before looking in the fuse box, a switch had thrown so I reset it and everything was ok apart from the bedroom Sky box, it won't come out of standby.
Does anyone have any idea as why turning off a plug socket and turning it back on would make the fuse box throw a switch?