Where do you live: Wales when not at university, Oxford when at university.
Where are you from: Born in Australia to Aussie dad and British mum.
Occupation: Student
University: Oxford
Favourite Sport: Tennis to watch, rowing to do.
Political party of choice: Labour(?)
Favourite thing on the box: Hrm... finished shows, probably The Wire, on-going shows, probably Doctor Who.
Favourite crisp flavour: Salt and Vinegar. As if there is any other choice.
Favourite biscuit: I... I'm not a biscuit person. I don't mind chocolate digestives with my coffee, I guess?
Favourite Pokemon POST 151: Hrm. This is difficult. See, Snorlax is my straight up bro but Munchlax is just so-so. Tyranitar maybe? Gotta have some gojira somewhere.
Beano or Dandy: Umm... how old was the person who set these questions?