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Pick me an avatar.
I admit I collect Beano annuals (they go for so cheap after Christmas I might as well) but the stories themselves seem very much focused of a younger audience. In fact I'd say they are more aimed at children now than the older issues that could easily be enjoyed by older readers.
Not that you're stereotyping or anything.MLP is for paedos and autismos.
Holy fucking shit guys, today is perhaps one of the most stressful and disheartening days I've ever had, death by a million papercuts. It feels like one day long panic attack. Somebody please tell me it'll be ok? (I'll let you know if it's not)
Not that you're stereotyping or anything.
Also, that's kind of harsh, and possibly bannable. And just a lame thing to come out with TBH.
I finally caved in and made an offer for one apartment...
I hope the landlord will accept it
We keep our pedo accusations to celebrities of the 70s and 80s.
So few of them post here anyway.
EDIT: ohgod im terrified now. the "junior member" makes me feel so vulnerable
Nah man, wear your junior jacket with pride.![]()
EDIT: ohgod im terrified now. the "junior member" makes me feel so vulnerable
Nah man, wear your junior jacket with pride.
All these fools in here wish they had one!
Just don't call people horrendous names with awful implications and you should be fine.
Well as far as I know, I'm not perma-juniored. I'm just going to do six months time like a man, and then request parole. That'll be the start of September by my calculations.are you ever going to lose the junior title or you stuck forever
Well as far as I know, I'm not perma-juniored. I'm just going to do six months time like a man, and then request parole. That'll be the start of September by my calculations.
It's pointless pestering mods to be unjuniored, it's frowned upon. Plus, I kind of had it coming, I should just do my time without whinging. I think 6 months is a fair amount of time to request a promotion. Well, hopefully!
just watched the avengers for the first time. really solid action flick. really deserved its victory over the dark knight rises, which is basicallyy poop in comparison.
why do we fall Ken?
The dark knight series are the only superhero movies that are proper worthwhile movies and not kiddy cash ins.
Learn your movies chinner.
Is the script any good Chinner? I usually like Whedons witty repartee. A superhero movie seems like a good fit for him.just watched the avengers for the first time. really solid action flick. really deserved its victory over the dark knight rises, which is basicallyy poop in comparison.
Bannable? Why?
No, he's right. I like TDKR but it's so far up its own arse and it gets no benefit from it. It actively suffers for how grandiose it thinks its "madman with a bomb!!!1" plot should be. Avengers, meanwhile, revels in its roots, and is rewarded in spades for it.
There's a reason people take the piss out of the Nolan Batman movies.
Is the script any good Chinner? I usually like Whedons witty repartee. A superhero movie seems like a good fit for him.
Yes DC with hits like Green Lantern and Superman Returns.the new superman looks like it could be pretty good
Nothing funnier than someone so scared of being perceived as a child.
A word to the wise right there.Aww that's a shame, I liked that dude too. Remember people, just because someone has a questionable taste in animated entertainment, does NOT mean they want to have intercourse with children.
The more you know.
Yeah, I always thought it looked rather gorgeous. I just have little frame of reference with comics and such, but I quite enjoyed Raimi's Spidey movies. I'll check it out.Avengers is fucking god-tier, I can't believe how many people haven't seen it. Great snappy dialogue, totally gets the characters and has THE most impressive superhero action scene from anything ever. I've seen it twice and my eyes watered both times, it were beautiful.
This is why I have such a great deal of respect for Mr Tashbrooke, he's totally comfortable with it. What a guy.Nothing funnier than someone so scared of being perceived as a child.
I just prefer movies that are for an older audience. On netflix i don't watch anything less than an 18 as i like a bit of tits and fanny in the movies i watch.
Avengers was first comic book that treated it as a comic book not a film trying be super realistic and serious. Why reason like X-men First Class had the balls to have the comic costumes no matter how stupid they look
A bit of T&A doesn't make a movie good, dude. I mean, they can help make a bad movie watchable, I guess. But that's it.
The only concession I will make is that The Avengers would probably be a little better if ScarJo got naked
The only concession I will make is that The Avengers would probably be a little better if ScarJo got naked
I just prefer movies that are for an older audience. On netflix i don't watch anything less than an 18 as i like a bit of tits and fanny in the movies i watch.
You think Marvel films will ever do a decent Punisher film?
Never saw the second one but the first one with Travolta was hammy.
Yeah but when is that not true
You think Marvel films will ever do a decent Punisher film?
Never saw the second one but the first one with Travolta was hammy.
The first Punisher with Thomas Jane is great, Punisher, DareDevil Directors Cut and Blade are forgotten great comic films
Don't know whether to bother with a company phone (iPhone 5 or S3) or not
Most people will say do it as its a free phone but I never use mine. Everyone knows my private number anyway and I feel like a drug dealer when I walk around with 2 phones.Don't know whether to bother with a company phone (iPhone 5 or S3) or not
You god fearing people don't have much love for facts, so that makes sense.