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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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man my eyes wont stay open so tired


Maturity, bitches.
Well I play online so infrequently I prefer just having it there without thinking about it. With a WiiU, 3DS and PC and can easily be satisfied with online without paying an extra dime.

Am I the only who thinks the PS4 would look better if the back end was square?


What will be interesting to see is that for the first time in my memory we have a console war where one of the options is just factually a bad choice.

Even at the height of 599USDOLLARS, the PS3 was never an outright joke console, just a too-expensive one. The XBOX One is objectively bad for you as a consumer.

I wonder if the resultant flame wars will be one-sided or even non-existent. I haven't seen a single positive remark about the XBOX One on GAF so far.

Jedeye Sniv

What will be interesting to see is that for the first time in my memory we have a console war where one of the options is just factually a bad choice.

Even at the height of 599USDOLLARS, the PS3 was never an outright joke console, just a too-expensive one. The XBOX One is objectively bad for you as a consumer.

I wonder if the resultant flame wars will be one-sided or even non-existent. I haven't seen a single positive remark about the XBOX One on GAF so far.

tbh I think Xbox supporters are staying mum for the time being. The groupthink over in gaming has reached epic, never before seen levels, even saying it's not too bad is enough to raise the ire of some. The constant braying and borderline worship of corporate suit motherfuckers by the community is kinda turning me off Sony actually (but this is my contrarian nature and I try to fight it).

Even you're doing it - "the XBOX One is objectively bad for you as a consumer"? For you maybe and what you want to do. I don't give even one reheated shit about it, so my subjective view as a consumer is that I'm not bothered (actually it might be nice to be able to hold onto a game for more than a week without my cheap friend wanting to borrow it...). But it's such a one note argument that I can't be bothered to fight it, and I'm betting others feel the same.

My decision is far more practical - PS4 is cheaper. Bam. That said, as of right now the systems are neck and neck in how interested I am in their games and that's all that matters for me. I will get an Xbone when Halo drops though.


Knows the Score
r.i.p dead rising :(

That's the most disappointing thing for me so far as it looks nothing like DR 1 or 2, the colourful theme park / mall settings have been replaced with a brown city. It looks impressive but if it was debuted as Resident Evil 7 no-one would have batted an eyelid.


Even you're doing it - "the XBOX One is objectively bad for you as a consumer"?
Put it this way, Mac: I'm not loyal to any camp. Life is too short and money too sparse to slavishly devote yourself to a singular company. I've always made my purchasing decisions (once I stopped being 14 and no longer cared about brand names) based on what offers the best quality. Back at the beginning of the current gen, I purchased a console based on what games it had, but readily proclaimed I'd be happy if I had any/all of them. PS3, 360, Wii... all three offer hours and hours of quality entertainment. The same goes for the gen before that, too.

But, yes, XBOX One is objectively a worse choice for you as a consumer. Even if the PS4 cost twice as much as the X1, that would still be a true statement (it's just the PS4 would likely be a bad choice as well!). Pure consumer rights angle, mind - I'm sure the XBOX One exclusives will be great fun and all, but on a system level I cannot see the justification for the huge loss of rights and ability that comes with the territory. DRM, having to dial home once every 24 hours... it's stupid. And calling out the stupidity doesn't make me part of group think; it makes me part of observation.

That's what I'm driving at. Unless you absolutely have to have Forza and Halo (and Halo 4 was a huge disappointment to many, and since COD4 Halo has hardly been the premier franchise in FPS) I don't anticipate many sticking up for the thing at all.

r.i.p dead rising :(
Also this. Looked awful.


Maturity, bitches.
It must be because it was 4am in the morning but I feel like I'm the only one not whooping at Sony doing something not out of the norm. In the end they didn't change their policy on second hand games (which they then went on to explain as if we are a bunch of simpletons) and then locked their online play behind a paywall.

That and they wasted 15 minutes of my time on Nu Halo.


I'm going to buy an Xbone. All issues aside, I thought they smashed it last night and showed off a ton of games that I really want to play.

I'll be buying a PS4, and I suspect it'll be my 'main' console throughout the gen, but I can't ignore all those lovely Xbone exclusives.


RIP because it looks bad or because it's a Xbone exclusive...or both?

because it completely betrays the spirit and ideas of the original so that instead we can get DUDE ZOMBIES BRO AAAAA UNDED KILLA 4 LYFEL Kentpaul Simulator game we always needed.

nothing to do with xbox, i aint gonna hate on xbox games just cause they're on xbawx.

Jedeye Sniv

Put it this way, Mac: I'm not loyal to any camp. Life is too short and money too sparse to slavishly devote yourself to a singular company. I've always made my purchasing decisions (once I stopped being 14 and no longer cared about brand names) based on what offers the best quality. Back at the beginning of the current gen, I purchased a console based on what games it had, but readily proclaimed I'd be happy if I had any/all of them. PS3, 360, Wii... all three offer hours and hours of quality entertainment. The same goes for the gen before that, too.

But, yes, XBOX One is objectively a worse choice for you as a consumer. Even if the PS4 cost twice as much as the X1, that would still be a true statement (it's just the PS4 would likely be a bad choice as well!). Pure consumer rights angle, mind - I'm sure the XBOX One exclusives will be great fun and all, but on a system level I cannot see the justification for the huge loss of rights and ability that comes with the territory. DRM, having to dial home once every 24 hours... it's stupid. And calling out the stupidity doesn't make me part of group think; it makes me part of observation.

That's what I'm driving at. Unless you absolutely have to have Forza and Halo (and Halo 4 was a huge disappointment to many, and since COD4 Halo has hardly been the premier franchise in FPS) I don't anticipate many sticking up for the thing at all.

Also this. Looked awful.

But this is what annoys me, you're telling me how I should feel about this. My consumer rights have been violated, I should be outraged! But no, I'm not. I understand this is a platform holder dictating how their platform is used and that I should purchase or not based on how I feel about these restrictions. And my feeling is that I really don't care. At all. I hardly ever buy used games, I never trade them in and I'm always online. It's an absolutely zero-loss situation for me. I feel like a lot of people are upset about this on behalf of someone else which isn't how I'm approaching it.

And yes, I absolutely have to get Halo. I neeeeeed it.


(regarding DR3)because it completely betrays the spirit and ideas of the original
I'm not all that jazzed either, but we've only seen about three minutes of gameplay. It's probably too early to say "they've betrayed the spirit of the original", but I do agree that the new aesthetic feels particularly incongruous.



But this is what annoys me, you're telling me how I should feel about this. My consumer rights have been violated, I should be outraged! But no, I'm not. I understand this is a platform holder dictating how their platform is used and that I should purchase or not based on how I feel about these restrictions. And my feeling is that I really don't care. At all. I hardly ever buy used games, I never trade them in and I'm always online. It's an absolutely zero-loss situation for me. I feel like a lot of people are upset about this on behalf of someone else which isn't how I'm approaching it.

And yes, I absolutely have to get Halo. I neeeeeed it.

thats the issue its not just you, its the whole world and not everybody in world is always online and never buy used. MS did a survey and 40% dont bother with xbox gold thats 40% own fanbase they told to fuck off basically. MS took a gamble to force people to how they should be playing and not working.

fine it doesn't affect you personally but you must see why it means something to other people


I'm not all that jazzed either, but we've only seen about three minutes of gameplay. It's probably too early to say "they've betrayed the spirit of the original", but I do agree that the new aesthetic feels particularly incongruous.


True, more details and gameplay could come out and reveal this to be decent. However, the footage and the PR so far alludes to it being completely rebranded to go for that AAA audience:

Dead Rising is now a spin-off mode in it's own game, the default game itself is now attaining to standard gaming conventions that was once everything Dead Rising stood against.


So shop sites do not mention you need be online for Xbone or its used game issues. Joe public is going be confused if MS don't start mentioning it


So sorry Dave. It was all prep for when they went to kill the XBone. :(

So bummed out, man. I can't believe they released such a great piece of hardware and then steadfastly refused to support it in any meaningful way. It just doesn't make sense. It was never going to be a huge success, but it didn't need to be this disastrous either.


So bummed out, man. I can't believe they released such a great piece of hardware and then steadfastly refused to support it in any meaningful way. It just doesn't make sense. It was never going to be a huge success, but it didn't need to be this disastrous either.

have hope the showroom floor as vita stuff

or continue the wait for TGS ...it put me off buying one was expecting price drop or a new model

also holy shit at Killer Instinct being a free to play game YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR CHARACTERS you only have Jago when downloaded lol.


Tbh tho chinZ Dead Rising has kind of been "done" now. DR, Case Zero, DR2, Case West, DR2: OTR... I kind of feel like there's not really much else to do with it.

But this is what annoys me, you're telling me how I should feel about this. My consumer rights have been violated, I should be outraged! But no, I'm not. I understand this is a platform holder dictating how their platform is used and that I should purchase or not based on how I feel about these restrictions. And my feeling is that I really don't care. At all. I hardly ever buy used games, I never trade them in and I'm always online. It's an absolutely zero-loss situation for me. I feel like a lot of people are upset about this on behalf of someone else which isn't how I'm approaching it.

And yes, I absolutely have to get Halo. I neeeeeed it.
I'm not telling you to get outraged at all. I'm just stating things. I'm not outraged either, just calling a legally dodgy spade a spade.

Also please remember that I've already declared myself as not participating in the next console gen for a long time. I don't need more games consoles. I'm an impartial observer amused by the gall of it all. Im even criticising SONY for their online pay wall - such a practice is abhorrent, and a sad alteration of what was previously an excellent service (PS+)
...the Vita?

Yeah, they pretty much killed it. The dicks.
Dave you knew (and everyone told you) that would happen from day one. They can't be dicks for killing off something that was never alive to begin with.


It looks pretty settled that I'll get a PS4 now. At some point in the future at least. I'd stick to a gaming PC if I could, but seeing as it doesn't look like I'll be settling down anytime soon, I'll have to get a console to compensate. Otherwise, the things I'm looking for in a console seems to be getting checked by the PS4. It's got solid hardware and software to back it up, it's appears to be affordable and Sony has a massive first party collection so I know there will be plenty of exclusives. Equally I know Sony is pushing for indie gaming which is a really big bullet point for me.

I can't really rely on Microsoft, and if I did get a Xbox One I don't know how long they would push for exclusives. I mean, the first 2-3 years of the X360 was pretty excellent with all exclusive content, but after that they pretty much stopped caring and and my usage of the X360 dropped at the exact same time.

Halo 5, Gears of War 6, Fable and Forza don't really do it for me, so it's not like their first party selection is there to pull me in.


What DOES make me consider a PS4 is FF XV and a version of The Witcher 3 I know will run better than on my PC.

But both those games will be waiting for me if I wait for them.
What a conference. So glad I stayed up until the dawn was fast approaching.

Sony definitely put out a solid conference, though it didn't have the same drive as the announcement show. Vita (lol) and PS3 should have been given a seperate Nintendo Direct style event to allow them to get straight into the PS4 content. So happy the PS3 will get such a strong swan song year.

The PS4 box is growing on me- it superior to the Xbone or PS3 super slim, but not at the lofty heights of the PS2.
Fantastic to see a lot of love for indie titles.
The updates on Killzone, Infamous, DC and Knack were appreciated, looking forward to catching up on the extra footage online. The Quantic Dream animation sequence was very impresssive too.
Of course Sony trolling MS about its DRM policies is going down as one of my favourite e3 moments to date: Jack Tretton's face, and the crowd going wild.
Some fantastic titles too, in particular Versus, and the Watch Dog segments, and The Order looks....bonkers? Destiny has potential too.
Dat price too. Amazing.

This leads onto the two grievances with the conference though:
1) Not enough new first and third party exclusives. Sad to see Sony couldn't hold onto Versus or KH for example. Hopefully more first part stuff come the Tokyo gameshow.
2)Pay to play online- one of my major fears. On the other hand, I was not expecting them to throw in Plus with it, with no price increase (as well as allowing 3 consoles for one sub).

So yeah, I'm pretty confident I'll buy a PS4 in the first year or two. Feels like Sony is finally back on track.


have hope the showroom floor as vita stuff

or continue the wait for TGS ...it put me off buying one was expecting price drop or a new model
Nah, I think it's easier to accept that they just don't intend to support the device. It's just there so they can 'match' smartglass.

Dave you knew (and everyone told you) that would happen from day one. They can't be dicks for killing off something that was never alive to begin with.
I knew a long time ago that smartphone gaming was going to slap handhelds silly. I didn't expect Sony to go down without at least a mild fight though.


dave how do you feel about the new ios7?

I think it looks really nice. I was OK with everything as it was, really, but the new shit looks great too.

Most importantly, they're introducing a controller API, so that lessens the blow of watching the Vita die before my eyes.
I think it looks really nice. I was OK with everything as it was, really, but the new shit looks great too.

Most importantly, they're introducing a controller API, so that lessens the blow of watching the Vita die before my eyes.

But you can play PS4 gaems on it bro! Resurrection!


Ninja you take videogames too seriously gawd
Yes, you know me so well. I spend most days on gaming side, spitting venom about recent games and developers I dislike. I'm vitriolic in my defence of my chosen system.

It was just a joke, as was yours I assume. Lighten up man!


Alright ninja I tried to be mature about this but I see youre just looking for a fight so lets do this ill fucking deck you duck style
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