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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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bitch I'm taking calls.


the strangest thing is that metal gear solid and final fantasy actually look like good. they really fumbled last gen, but maybe japan is back?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Just had a week long vacation in North Carolina for a friend's wedding. Absolutely beautiful part of the country, the plants and wildlife were gorgeous and the Smokey Mountains were astounding. Apparently the bugs really loved me though as I came away with several spider and mosquito bites. The spider bites are the real bitch because the skin bruises in a ring around the bite due to the venom. I usually hold a truce with spiders as they eat the more annoying insects but this week just destroyed that so the next eight-legged freak I see is getting its legs pulled off slowly and painfully.

Coincidentally my road trip and experience with led me to really disconnect from most of the Internets for about a week. Really felt good, too. Almost pulled the plug on my forum going entirely as since returning I didn't feel the desire to even bother to catch up with what I'd missed. And that's with E3 week as well!

...But then it all changed since I forgot I have a shitty tech support job that requires me to sit at a fucking desk 8 hours a day and listen to people scream obscenities over the phone at someone they've never met and (contrary to common threat) never will. So I figured 'what the hell' and jumped back in. A good portion of my work hours might as well return to browsing NeoGAF and catching up on the console wars hilarity.

And that's my livejournal update you were all no doubt expecting.

Dedicated to NinjaboiX, August 2009-July 2013.


I was never a huge fan of Mario 3D Land so a sequel to that isn't amazingly exciting but Donkey Kong (omgdavidwiseomgomgomg) and X sold the system for me.

And mario kart I guess but it feels like only recently I bought MK7

Edit: and of course Platinum's stuff look amazing


Dedicated to NinjaboiX, August 2009-July 2013.

I need to buy my housemate an alarm clock or something. He can't seem to work out how to set his phone for a single day, so it goes off every fucking morning and we share a wall. But it doesn't just go off, oh no, he hits snooze instead of turning it off so it goes off like 4 or 5 times every morning (an hour before I get up).

I've offered to show him how to just choose two days from the schedule, but he took that as a slight, and rejected my offer. He's such a luddite, it's a bit embarrassing really. I wouldn't care, but he only works weekends!


I was never a huge fan of Mario 3D Land so a sequel to that isn't amazingly exciting but Donkey Kong (omgdavidwiseomgomgomg) and X sold the system for me.

And mario kart I guess but it feels like only recently I bought MK7

Edit: and of course Platinum's stuff look amazing

Mario Kart was surprisingly good.

I had 0 expectations for it, I wiped it from my mind.

It looked like Trackmania/Sonic all Stars Mario KArt

That's a good thing. And it looked gorgeous. I'm back in.

This Mario 3D World I am really intrigued by their decision. Their direct video does more justice then the trailer, I suggest check it out. DK looks awesome ofc.


Mario Kart was surprisingly good.

I had 0 expectations for it, I wiped it from my mind.

It looked like Trackmania/Sonic all Stars Mario KArt

That's a good thing. And it looked gorgeous. I'm back in.

This Mario 3D World I am really intrigued by their decision. Their direct video does more justice then the trailer, I suggest check it out. DK looks awesome ofc.

All of this. Shame most of it was 2014 because I would love some of that earlier. Really pointless having a year headstart on their console at this point.

PS4's launch line-up isn't anything to write home about, so think I'm going to get myself a better GFX card at the end of the year.

Jedeye Sniv


I need to buy my housemate an alarm clock or something. He can't seem to work out how to set his phone for a single day, so it goes off every fucking morning and we share a wall. But it doesn't just go off, oh no, he hits snooze instead of turning it off so it goes off like 4 or 5 times every morning (an hour before I get up).

I've offered to show him how to just choose two days from the schedule, but he took that as a slight, and rejected my offer. He's such a luddite, it's a bit embarrassing really. I wouldn't care, but he only works weekends!

You say "motherfucker, if that phone wakes me up one more time, I'm coming in your room and smashing the fucker. Sort your shit out"

of course, I am grumpy without sleep, so that's how i'd handle it.


Mario Kart was surprisingly good.

I had 0 expectations for it, I wiped it from my mind.

It looked like Trackmania/Sonic all Stars Mario KArt

That's a good thing. And it looked gorgeous. I'm back in.

This Mario 3D World I am really intrigued by their decision. Their direct video does more justice then the trailer, I suggest check it out. DK looks awesome ofc.

Yea, though the antigrav tracks was F-Zero's thing... F-Zero is truly dead :( murdered by Mario Kart.


As I'm all for fairness, the trailer for Monolith Soft's X looks really, really good. Xenoblade was a great game, and this looks even better.

I could definitely see myself buying the console at £99 with a couple of games in five years time!

Although I must say the standard "Nintendo WiiU artstyle" is absolutely awful. It saps everything of colour. Thought it looked bad in Nintendo Land, and it makes Mario Kart 8 look similarly non-fun. Despite being toned down, it's still very visible in Wind Waker HD, and there's a subtle amount of it in Mario 3D World. It's dull.

I think the standard Nintendo Wii artstyle was much more appealing.

Jedeye Sniv

Woah, what is THAT?

also, a minor request - if we're talking obliquely about E3 stuff, can you guys please refer a little more to what you're on about? Lots of mysterious one lines this week and I have no idea what's going on.


I don't know what you guys are talking about, there are more Wii U games I'm interested in being shown than for any other platform.

Wii U

Smash Bros
3D World
Bayonetta 2
The Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Wind Waker HD
Rayman Legends
Mario Kart
Watch_Dogs (assuming it comes out same date as the other versions and actually uses the Game Pad)


Smash Bros
Shovel Knight
Link to the Past 2




Final Fantasy XV

Jedeye Sniv

Could be in-game. Monolithsoft are wizards. Dat art direction.

What have they made in recent years? I remember them fondly as a good b-tier studio from the 90s but I haven't kept up with them forever. When I think of them, I remember how weird their engine felt back on Blood but also how way ahead of their time they were.
What have they made in recent years? I remember them fondly as a good b-tier studio from the 90s but I haven't kept up with them forever. When I think of them, I remember how weird their engine felt back on Blood but also how way ahead of their time they were.

DBZ: Attack of the Saiyans, SRW Endless Frontier, Project X Zone, Disaster Day of Crisis, Xenoblade. Best known for Xenogears/saga.

Jedeye Sniv

DBZ: Attack of the Saiyans, SRW Endless Frontier, Project X Zone, Disaster Day of Crisis, Xenoblade. Best known for Xenogears/saga.

I have not heard of a single one of those games! Apart from the Xeno games, but I've never seen them irl. So out of the loop!

fakedit: ahhhh, I'm getting them confused with the US Monolith! That explains why I don't know about their stuff
My primary memory of Disaster was that Nintendo released a bunch of screenshots with extra photoshop effects on them. Minor ones, contrast and colour and shit, but still there. Because they uploaded the PSD to the press site with the adjustment layers.

Memorable game.

And sorry if it feels like plugging again, but E3 is like brain food for dumb ideas. So I've made a next-gen game generator to come up with a generic dude-bro game for your Xbox One (and PS4 but MS paid us to shut up about it). I got "Secret Revolution - A heart-wrenching RPG - where you take the law in to your own hands on a spaceship. With a companion app for tablets."


Maturity, bitches.
I quite liked Disaster. It was a basically a Hollywood disaster movie from the Japanese point of view, so hilariously camp and over the top.


I don't know what you guys are talking about, there are more Wii U games I'm interested in being shown than for any other platform.

Wii U

Smash Bros sequel
3D World sequel
Bayonetta 2 sequel
The Wonderful 101 ignorant about this, need to know more
Pikmin 3 sequel
Wind Waker HD two-gen-old port that looks worse than the original
X yeah this looks great
Rayman Legends port
Mario Kart sequel of an extremely tired series
Watch_Dogs (assuming it comes out same date as the other versions and actually uses the Game Pad) port
A lot of those are "would buy at sub £20 if I had the system already" titles, but beyond X none look overly exciting.

note: Super Mario 3D World does indeed look a quite fun romp with some friends. But still, not a "omg have to get WiiU" title.
A lot of those are "would buy at sub £20 if I had the system already" titles, but beyond X none look overly exciting.

I was thinking about making the same post.

Also Smoky don't make the mistake of telling the gaming side you are thinking of selling your WiiU:
'how cud u be so heartless and stupid OP da WiiU has Mario titles cumin out of its ass!'

Fake edit: Smoky posted. RIP in peace.


Super Mario 3D World does indeed look a quite fun romp with some friends. But still, not a "omg have to get WiiU" title.
Yeah, that's exactly it. It looks like a nice, safe, no nonsense Mario title. I was hoping for another explosion of creativity like Galaxy.

Guys, why did I sell my Wii again? I get a hankering for SMG1&2 and Metroid Prime Trilogy all the time.



A lot of those are "would buy at sub £20 if I had the system already" titles, but beyond X none look overly exciting.

note: Super Mario 3D World does indeed look a quite fun romp with some friends. But still, not a "omg have to get WiiU" title.

It's also their entire schedule for the next 18 months with little room for surprises


Why do people call Mario Kart 'extremely tired'?

How is 8 games over 20+ years overused? I'm pretty sure AssCreed has more games than that already. Halo will reach that soon, or maybe it already has. One game per console is fine.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Hey guys sequels can never be good, ever. That's the new rule apparently

They get tiring. It must ruin the developers lifes having to make the same game over and over. It would be like getting stuck on one of they never ending roads you see in some horror movies.

The same shit every single day, the same assets, the same gameplay. My god the thought of it makes me sick.

No wonder bungie jumped ship.


So games on the show floor are all this week right? Feel like there hasn't been much in the way of new PC games to get exited about.

Aye, I'd expect to see a couple of the games we've already seen to have a PC version announced at some point, but they were console makers conferences so they won't bang on about it otherwise.

EDIT: Didn't see Square already hinting at FFXV and KH3 PC versions


Why do people call Mario Kart 'extremely tired'?

How is 8 games over 20+ years overused? I'm pretty sure AssCreed has more games than that already. Halo will reach that soon, or maybe it already has. One game per console is fine.
I'm going to pretend your "these other franchises have been milked too!" argument is a valid one and indulge it for a moment:

Because it's a dull series that hasn't innovated in a meaningful way. I don't want to keep playing the same game over and over. For me, you can do the same game twice: once to introduce it, and a second time to perfect it. See: Uncharted 2, No More Heroes 2, etc. I wouldn't stand for a exactly-the-same-thing from either of those franchises, either, and Uncharted 3 suffered from this massively.

Sonic & SEGA Allstars Racing came out and was a breath of fresh air, and showed how you can do something creative and new in the kart racing genre. It then perfected it in Transformed. If they make a third one and it isn't significantly different, I won't bother with it.

Mario Kart perfected its now-stale formula with Double Dash, as far as I'm concerned. It's been dull dull dull more of the same ever since.

Halo peaked with 3 for me (2 introduced enough that 3 then perfected). Every entry since has been massive diminishing returns, save for ODST which again did something very different for the series.

Assassin's Creed peaked with Brotherhood, a perfection of the formula established in AC2. Every entry since has been yawn-ville more of the same.

And these are the rare franchises that actually are perfected in their sequels. Generally, even a slightly improved second entry bores me. I want new experiences, not the same experience I already had.

Hey guys sequels can never be good, ever. That's the new rule apparently
Never said or implied that.

I mean Suairyu labelled Bayonetta 2 a sequel like some sort of rebuttal of Wiseblade's excitement for it

Bayonetta 2
No, I labelled Bayonetta 2 as a sequel as a rebuttal for Wiseblade saying he didn't understand why others weren't excited for it (and the Wii U as a whole)


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I'm going to pretend your "these other franchises have been milked too!" argument is a valid one and indulge it for a moment:

Because it's a dull series that hasn't innovated in a meaningful way. I don't want to keep playing the same game over and over. For me, you can do the same game twice: once to introduce it, and a second time to perfect it. See: Uncharted 2, No More Heroes 2, etc. I wouldn't stand for a exactly-the-same-thing from either of those franchises, either, and Uncharted 3 suffered from this massively.

Sonic & SEGA Allstars Racing came out and was a breath of fresh air, and showed how you can do something creative and new in the kart racing genre. It then perfected it in Transformed. If they make a third one and it isn't significantly different, I won't bother with it.

Mario Kart perfected its now-stale formula with Double Dash, as far as I'm concerned. It's been dull dull dull more of the same ever since.

Halo peaked with 3 for me (2 introduced enough that 3 then perfected). Every entry since has been massive diminishing returns, save for ODST which again did something very different for the series.

Assassin's Creed peaked with Brotherhood, a perfection of the formula established in AC2. Every entry since has been yawn-ville more of the same.

Gears of war wasn't really perfected till the third but i see your point.
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