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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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bitch I'm taking calls.
GAME is about on the same level of credibility as a random poster on gameFAQS in terms of release dates.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
lol, copying chinners troll

It's the reason I preordered it on amazon.. I'm scared places like game will do what hmv did

? I'm really not lol

Selling the bike later tonight or tomorrow and going to pick up a USED ps3 on amazon in the next few days. I'm so hyped


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Kent, come here mate, you look like you need a hug.

Don't listen to these losers, they jelly.

I'm finally converting to SONY. I'm pretty excited man. Its always a great feeling getting a new console and fucking around with it then playing some games.


I'm finally converting to SONY. I'm pretty excited man. Its always a great feeling getting a new console and fucking around with it then playing some games.
I think I'm going to hang on to my 360, my XBLA library alone is worth keeping it. Then early next year, maybe February/March time, I'll trade my PS3 in for a PS4. Give them a few months to iron out the kinks, bigger library of games, and maybe a nice bundle deal. The PS3 will fetch tuppence at that point, £30-40 max probably, but I have a fair few games to trade too.

I'll probably be 360, PS4, Vita and 3DS next gen.


Unconfirmed Member
The Xbone is turning out to be such a dud. There was a small part of me that was kinda expecting that MS would come out all guns blazing at E3, and they would announce shit that would blow us all away. Instead they have managed to make the thing even more unlikable.
I'm finally converting to SONY. I'm pretty excited man. Its always a great feeling getting a new console and fucking around with it then playing some games.


Bigger E3 megaton than Star Wars Battlefront. Still getting an XB1 also, or solely PS4?


bitch I'm taking calls.
reading through the conference threads

is it possible to contract brain damage via internet
If you did a longitudinal study there would probably be a strong correlation between heavy gaming side browsing and the development of internalized brain tumors.

I think Microsoft will polish the Xbone and flog it decently enough when the console is being released. At least somewhat better than it is being estimated for right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jerking the Xbone by any stretch of the imagination. I want to see Mattick and co. crushed under the weight of their smug idiocy in the worst way. But I'm also pretty skeptical of whether they've really nailed themselves into a coffin this early in the new console cycle.

I won't pop the champagne until we see sales figures this time next year.
Yeah, as much as I screamed "YO MS IS FUCKED" when Tretton was dropping bombs, I'm not gonna count out the Xbone yet. It has Titanfall, it has MS marketing dollars, it has mindshare... yeah. It'll start OK.


I don't think Titanfall is that big for them between also being on PC and having 3 huge games as competition.
I do think it looks better than Destiny and COD though


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I don't think Titanfall is that big for them between also being on PC and having 3 huge games as competition.
I do think it looks better than Destiny and COD though

Its clear titanfall will be next generations cod and Destiny next generations halo.
There already is next gen CoD Kent, it's called Battlefield.

To be fair, Battlefield predates Call of Duty by a year or so, but I take your point.

I miss the old Battlefields and CoDs. 1942, Vietnam (just for being able to play Surfin' Bird while driving a tank) and CoD2. Such amazing LAN games.


Obsidian fan
To be fair, Battlefield predates Call of Duty by a year or so, but I take your point.

I miss the old Battlefields and CoDs. 1942, Vietnam (just for being able to play Surfin' Bird while driving a tank) and CoD2. Such amazing LAN games.

Nothing beats Ride of the Valkyries whilst zipping around on a Vespa.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Why are people surprised by DR3? Dead Rising 2 clearly jumped the shark, was there any reason to expect different from another instalment?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Was dead at the pub tonight although we had some pretty cool irish folk people come in and jam in the corner, was fantastic

I wish the pub had been packed with bearded pirates with that music on in the background

The landlord found this idea a bit strange
? I'm really not lol

Selling the bike later tonight or tomorrow and going to pick up a USED ps3 on amazon in the next few days. I'm so hyped
Fairy muff!
I'm finally converting to SONY. I'm pretty excited man. Its always a great feeling getting a new console and fucking around with it then playing some games.
Don't rid yourself of the 360 though mang! they're both great! Have you looked at the last of us? Should be amazing and it comes out on friday ^_^
Just a PS4. The xbone is the biggest gaming disappointment since the WII. The ps4 is the new ps2.
I'm genuinely happy you have seen some sense sir!
There already is next gen CoD Kent, it's called Battlefield.
Fuck yeah, Kent, look at the multiplayer gameplay for Battlefield 4....srsly
To be fair, Battlefield predates Call of Duty by a year or so, but I take your point.

I miss the old Battlefields and CoDs. 1942, Vietnam (just for being able to play Surfin' Bird while driving a tank) and CoD2. Such amazing LAN games.
eh, I would say PC (original bf) and console battlefield are really two separate entities, I'd love to see a new *1942* styled one...but it has been done to death


Because it's just capcom throwing microsoft a bone
kill me

I lol'd pretty hard


Dead Rising is one of those games that is really enjoyable, despite being actually kind of shit. I played the hell out of them all (apart from Case West, because I couldn't endure more than 20 minutes of its dull greyness), but it's one of those games where I'd struggle to defend it from criticism.


Why are people surprised by DR3? Dead Rising 2 clearly jumped the shark, was there any reason to expect different from another instalment?
Wait what?

It was certainly lacking in the first's challenge, but it had greater variety than the original I thought.

It was a nice addition to the franchise.

I certainly wasn't wishing for a third, though. I felt the concept had been "done" by then and I wouldn't have played the third if it was more of the same. So on one level, DR3 is actually what I want in a sequel - genuine change. On another, it looks fucking awful so fuck it.

Dead Rising is one of those games that is really enjoyable, despite being actually kind of shit. I played the hell out of them all (apart from Case West, because I couldn't endure more than 20 minutes of its dull greyness), but it's one of those games where I'd struggle to defend it from criticism.
PC gamers know that janky, shit games are usually also the best games.


Obsidian fan
My political meeting thing today was fun. I went from having literally zero involvement with them prior to this gathering (my first), to being a delegate for the national meeting on Saturday within 2 hours.

MI5 should hire me to be an undercover agent or something. #entryistextraordinaire

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
CHEEZMO™;63113701 said:
My political meeting thing today was fun. I went from having literally zero involvement with them prior to this gathering (my first), to being a delegate for the national meeting on Saturday within 2 hours.

MI5 should hire me to be an undercover agent or something. #entryistextraordinaire

do you have the minutes?

Also man! Good for you on getting out there! ^_^ Proud of ya' x


The person I am in the office at this ungodly hour to call is not answering the phone.

I hate the world sometimes. I just want to burn it all to the ground.


bitch I'm taking calls.
That blows Suairyu. I'm actually surprised though as you aren't the first person I've heard had to do that for some offshore customer. But I've never had to do it here. American exceptionalism ftw!
Eh. People seemed to like DR2. Even you don't, the difference in tone is obvious.
I have to be honest and say I never played it outside of the demo, but it seemed to up the multiplayer and quirk factor by a lot. But the first game was fairly goofy as well. Mostly just the impression I got. Maybe I'm missing out but I really liked the drama and story in the first game and thought it was especially innovative how gameplay interacted in a unique way with that.

I should probably just play DR2 and see firsthand.


why does Dead Rising 3 look like dog's balls
This is why Dead Rising 3 looked shit:


In a GameSpot report, Capcom demonstrated exactly how terminally bloody stupid the mainstream game industry truly is, confessing that Dead Rising 3 is planning to appeal to Call of Duty fans. Because of course, following the leader is exactly how you lead!

In a bid to, yes, "appeal to a wider audience," Dead Rising 3 has been given a brown color scheme, a serious tone, and a "realistic" approach. As if going down a checklist of bullshit PR phrases, Capcom also promises the violence will be "more visceral."

It would appear the publisher learned nothing from Resident Evil 6, a game that also ignored everything its series was founded on in a desperate, blind, pathetic attempt to grasp for an audience that was too busy playing Call of Duty to notice a poor attempting at aping Call of Duty. This is a lesson major publishers seem to refuse to accept, as they perpetuate the same cycle of failure they're been spinning on for the past few years.

As I'm always frigging saying, companies will shoot themselves in the foot if they keep insanely believing they can photocopy Call of Duty's success by scraping pitifully in its shadow. They need to start leading their own markets, rather than grab slices of a market already conquered.

But no, that requires too much thought. Better to just smash existing games with their own unique appeal, and reconstruct them into some bastard mutant that is everything and nothing at once.


My Download festival adventure begins right now. Have a great weekend everybody.
Rock out with your cock out Shorty!

Edit: some choice reading from Eurogamer, Chinner, you'll like this:

Eurogamer said:
Sony has always courted indies, of course - and nurtured independent thinking within its studios rather than battering them with metascore projections - but the scale of its push for PS4 and Vita is unprecedented. If you're slightly bored of gaming and you catch a PS4 advert this Christmas and it's full of simple, bright, eye-catching game ideas that project diversity and imagination from within a glaze of nostalgia, that might turn your head. Alone, these indie titles are curios; in aggregate, they seem like a serious attempt to differentiate.

Link to full article

Edit 2: Jed, SoD is the fastest selling new IP on XBLA, second fastest overall. The only game to beat it was that stupid game where you smash stuff and build big block houses and shit.

Jedeye Sniv

Edit 2: Jed, SoD is the fastest selling new IP on XBLA, second fastest overall. The only game to beat it was that stupid game where you smash stuff and build big block houses and shit.

Yeah fuck that stupid block game. Persistent world zombies ftw! I didn't get to play last night so I'm slightly dreading booting it up this evening and seeing what's gone wrong in my absence. But I neeeeeeed to play it. I haven't even left the first little town yet, the game is ridonk. Even though it's ugly and runs like shite :p

Really glad it's doing well though, especially since the marketing hasn't been very big at all, the first I heard of it was this weekend's podcasts.

Jedeye Sniv


So wait - they've turned Dead Rising into a fast paced FPS with an XP progression system?

I don't get this article aiming so hard at CoD like this. Yes it's lowest common denominator gaming but having a muted colour scheme and more 'visceral violence' does not a CoD clone make. CoD has a very specific pacing and feel to the combat as well as the OTT set pieces and general hectoring tone (GO HERE SOLDIER!! DO THIS DO THAT GO GO GO GO GO!!!), THAT is the essence of the franchise, not brown and blood.


So wait - they've turned Dead Rising into a fast paced FPS with an XP progression system?

I don't get this article aiming so hard at CoD like this. Yes it's lowest common denominator gaming but having a muted colour scheme and more 'visceral violence' does not a CoD clone make. CoD has a very specific pacing and feel to the combat as well as the OTT set pieces and general hectoring tone (GO HERE SOLDIER!! DO THIS DO THAT GO GO GO GO GO!!!), THAT is the essence of the franchise, not brown and blood.

Jim Sterling, the author, actually loves Call of Duty. He just doesn't like every company trying to create yet another Call of Duty because they'll never become the leader by playing follow the leader. He explains it pretty well here. The reason he's aiming so hard is because the "aiming for the Call of Duty player" bit actually came from Capcom themselves.


Haha, just got a text from work saying that they have been given a load of Bon Jovi tickets for tonight gig at the stadium. They ended the text with "take as many as you need within reason".


Jon Bon Jovi am cry.

Jedeye Sniv

Jim Sterling, the author, actually loves Call of Duty. He just doesn't like every company trying to create yet another Call of Duty because they'll never become the leader by playing follow the leader. He explains it pretty well here. The reason he's aiming so hard is because the "aiming for the Call of Duty player" bit actually came from Capcom themselves.

I think the messaging from Capcom is super lazy then, because I don't understand how a relatively slow paced melee-based third person open world game can be compared to a fast pace FPS shooter. It's just - those things do not equate. Maybe by "CoD player" they're referring to the mythical Joe Sixpack (or, as we call him, Kentpaul). Just a bro who likes blood and shooting and shit.

But yes, it is lazy and it does indeed seem that they've sucked the fun out of the franchise a little. DR should be bizarre and funny. There are already a million serious zombie games out there, seems like a waste of a unique series.

But really, who needs Dead Rising when we got State of Decay? :D
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