You're a bad man, mister.
The hardware is shit. Awful screen, weak as fuck, painful on the hands, one analogue stick. It's fucking awful.
3DS = Fiesta 1.1 Popular, Vita = Merc CLK 63 AMG 'Black Series'.
I love my Vita, but it is collecting dust. Don't get me wrong, I have shitloads to play on it, I just never do! Same with most games these days. Last of Us has me hooked though.
What games do you regularly play on Vita?
I really want a 3DS but I haven't been able to afford it yet and I'm worried a DS Lite-style redesign is on the horizon.
Lately I've been playing Unit 13, Soul Sacrifice, Earth Defence Force 2017 Portable and a handful of indies. I swap & change fairly regularly though because I've got a ton of Vita DD titles and a sizeable memory card.
I've also been replaying Silent Hill and attempting to get further than the first couple of hours in Final Fantasy 7. I hate JRPGs, but I'm going to give that one a go and see if I can finally understand what it is that people see in 'em. It's a trudge at the moment but hopefully I'll learn to dig it.
i'm playing mgs1 and MY GURLFRIAND is plaing rayman/toy story 2.
probably gonna have a mgs marathon and do as much as the series i can on the vita (besically everything bar mgs4)
I did that. Played through MGS 1, 2 & 3 on the Vita and intended to replay MGS4 but haven't got around to it yet. I just need to finish UC3, play TLoU and Bioshock Infinite and then I might get on it.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to sell the Wii-U. It just can't compete with my other systems and that's before the PS4 / Xbone arrive.