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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Sometimes I think being British is shit. Bu-bu-but... Fish and chips! Football! Bangers and mash! Little Englanders!

Excuse me while I go and find a way to blow my brains out.


Fuck yes! Saved £190 on my car insurance. Fully comp and legal cover too.



To: everyone who is not working overtime today.

I hate you.


Did I see a burn from Phisheep up there?
This must be how it feels to have a father who mocks your every move.

But yes, we really should do a meetup circa Scrumpybeads


Britain: like the USA, only not quite as pro-corporation-at-the-expense-of-the-people.

One of my biggest fears about us theoretically leaving the EU is that we'd go more towards a US-style system in that regard.


To: everyone who is not working overtime today.

I hate you.


Did I see a burn from Phisheep up there?
This must be how it feels to have a father who mocks your every move.

But yes, we really should do a meetup circa Scrumpybeads

I don't have a job, so, uh. Yeah.
Naught wrong with McCoys. McCoys and a drink in the office. We don't all have time to get out the china.

No-one has Friday? You're all simultaneously disappointing AND redeemed.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
That thread the Lore made on gaming side about Bioshock Infinite and how it shouldn't be a shooter is a pretty dangerous place for me. I have problems with his opinions and I really can't be bothered voicing them, because I know I'll end up being a sarcastic dickhead about it and get myself banned.

Urges. They're everywhere.
I agree with you, it's probably best not mentioning his name though as you know he does drive by this thread from time to time.

I do completely agree though, i thought he was totally wrong, everyone has their opinions i guess.
To: everyone who is not working overtime today.

I hate you.

Im not working at all

will you play video games today?

turn that sadface upside down



you can stay :D

I really want to go to Weston-super-Mare now and go looking for a bead shop surrounded by nightclubs and restaurants.

The clue is, it's the building that's NOT on fire


I've been off all week, leaving an under-trained person to do my job during Easter week. Do I care? Not even the slightest, little bit.


Tell me about it bud :/ Somewhat glad I got my driving license early. Got a work colleague around the same age who passed her test last year and she's paying silly money for insurance.

Don't know what I'm gonna do when I wanna get a car. I've been thinking about getting a moped. I did the CBT already so I'm legal to ride one. Hmm..

Meaty crisps are always disappointing, I'd rather have ready salted.

I agree. Chedder & Onion all the way!


I just don't like them, they all taste the same. they are the ones that always get left til last in a multipack.

Salted crisps are always the last left in the multipack in our house. Salt and malt vinegar is second-to-last. :)


Salted crisps are always the last left in the multipack in our house. Salt and malt vinegar is second-to-last. :)

Crisp butties, ready salted with chedder cheese.
Salt and Vinegar are a tricky beast, but have their moments.


Since that's not Tayto, I can safely conclude that you're not Irish.

Sorry, this is BritGaf so I'm going to have to ask you to leave, in the politest way possible.

Crisp butties, ready salted with chedder cheese.
Salt and Vinegar are a tricky beast, but have their moments.

Crisp butties!? I thought I only did that. People used to look at me weird when I was putting crisps in-between my bread in primary school.

Speaking of primary school, one time I brought in a Snickers bar for lunch and the lunch ladies went ape shit. Apparently you're not allowed chocolate but Breakaways or Rockys are fine.
They're not aficionados like us.

To paraphrase Stewart Lee.

I love crisps so much, that if you were to ask me who my favourite 20th century homosexual wit and raconteur was, I wouldn't say Stephen Fry. Even though "Fry" is an integral part of the crisp making process.


I would say Quentin Crisp.


Crisp butties!? I thought I only did that. People used to look at me weird when I was putting crisps in-between my bread in primary school.

Speaking of primary school, one time I brought in a Snickers bar for lunch and the lunch ladies went ape shit. Apparently you're not allowed chocolate but Breakaways or Rockys are fine.

I make a sandwich out of some part of every meal I eat. I am a bread fiend. Some amazing combinations you should all try:

Lasagne sandwich
Steak and ale pie sandwich
Mashed potato sandwich


Pizza Dog
Although the thread moved on I also have a wedding to report back on! Back from my dad's wedding, where I was co-best man with one of my brothers. Went really well! I wasn't nervous about doing the speech until about 5-10 minutes beforehand, but that was mostly due to not being sure where to stand while doing it, and then while I was actually doing it I was a little shaky, but we got some good laughs and it all seemed to go down fairly well so it worked out in the end. Danced all night and then had a full English in the morning before heading back. Not bad. And now I have a week off work. Where should I go on holiday?


Well that was a wasted journey. Maybe I'll pop down to ASDA tomorrow or something.

Fucking MonHun making me really want a Wii U suddenly
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