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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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I'm going out. Away.

I've left a message to let people know. I've ruined too much and hurt too many people. I'm at the mercy of my own mind and I'm scared.

fuck this. I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going. I'm just going to drive until my petrol is out, then who knows. Maybe things will improve. Maybe I'll have some kind of epiphany. Maybe I'll be ok. I need time alone

Thanks gaf.

I'm not well

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I'm going out. Away.

I've left a message to let people know. I've ruined too much and hurt too many people. I'm at the mercy of my own mind and I'm scared.

fuck this. I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going. I'm just going to drive until my petrol is out, then who knows. Maybe things will improve. Maybe I'll have some kind of epiphany. Maybe I'll be ok. I need time alone

Thanks gaf.

I'm not well

Hey man, You're welcome to come down here if you need a place to crash, I'm in portsmouth, it will have to be a floor, but if you need anything, drop me a pm
I'm going out. Away.

I've left a message to let people know. I've ruined too much and hurt too many people. I'm at the mercy of my own mind and I'm scared.

fuck this. I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going. I'm just going to drive until my petrol is out, then who knows. Maybe things will improve. Maybe I'll have some kind of epiphany. Maybe I'll be ok. I need time alone

Thanks gaf.

I'm not well

Well this is worrying.

You ok man? Need to talk?


It's my happy place.

Whenever the world gets too much I play it.

To be a petal floating on a gust of wind is likely my favourite experience of this generation. Perhaps of all of gaming.
The "plink plonk" as you burst the flowers into bloom is one of my favourite sound effects ever.

Also, richisaweosme, I hope you are OK man. Speak to one of the guys reaching out to you. Musha 8bit and Tash are good peeps, they'll help you out bro.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Sometimes getting away can be a good thing, rich. Just don't harm yourself. Tomorrow is another day. And when opportunity & reward shine your way you don't want to be in jail or stuck in hospital as a drooling vegetable.
Yes, used for the credit sequence of both Mortal Kombat & Mean Girls.

These are interesting, albeit a far cry from my initial purely relaxing impression of Halycon. I usually just listen to the music. Both videos gave me an extremely non-sequitur and creepy vibe.


I'm going out. Away.

I've left a message to let people know. I've ruined too much and hurt too many people. I'm at the mercy of my own mind and I'm scared.

fuck this. I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going. I'm just going to drive until my petrol is out, then who knows. Maybe things will improve. Maybe I'll have some kind of epiphany. Maybe I'll be ok. I need time alone

Thanks gaf.

I'm not well

While it would be preferable for you to stay and let us know that you're at least ok, I can fully relate to why you might want to be on your own at difficult times. Sometimes it helps. We may not fully understand the things you are going through but we are aware that things have been extremely difficult for you. I hope you find what you are looking for whereever you're going to and remember that there are people here who are more than willing to lend an ear if you ever want to discuss it.


Knows the Score

That's kind of their vibe though, ambient but uneasy. Personally I love that era of music. BTW, check out Opus III - It's a Fine Day.


I'm going out. Away.

I've left a message to let people know. I've ruined too much and hurt too many people. I'm at the mercy of my own mind and I'm scared.

fuck this. I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going. I'm just going to drive until my petrol is out, then who knows. Maybe things will improve. Maybe I'll have some kind of epiphany. Maybe I'll be ok. I need time alone

Thanks gaf.

I'm not well

Hey man, I know I'm late to reply but if you need to talk, get hold of me. Anytime. I'll PM you my number now just in case you want to - any help you need, I'm sure somebody in here can offer it.

Whatever's got you feeling like this, I hope you feel better very soon, buddy.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
It's a PTT chat room.

It's pretty cool, I've been on there shooting the shit with Riggs and Yoshichan a few times.


ahaha riggs is a fucking legend, played bf4 with him a few times, a true bro

also why does nobody appreciate the song i showed u guise


I'm attempting kicking weed and cigarettes in one fell swoop this week, starting today.

So at the minute, just Dandy.

But tread lightly, I may be snappy later.
Weed is easy. I quit after a decade long daily habit and it has never bothered me. Now I can grab the occasional eighth and it'll last me a week or more.

Cigarettes, on the other hand, are a bitch. If you master that one, let me know.


So yesterday while bumming around in town I went into HMV and they had a 3DS and 3DSXL right next to each other. I played around with both, just getting a feel for the hardware.

To my surprise, I found the 3D on the XL was much less pronounced (even with adjusting the slider) and much more prone to lose the 'sweet spot' of view. Is this a typical find, or are my eyes just weird?


Weed is easy. I quit after a decade long daily habit and it has never bothered me. Now I can grab the occasional eighth and it'll last me a week or more.

Cigarettes, on the other hand, are a bitch. If you master that one, let me know.
Will you hold my hand if it gets rough?

Edit: suariyu, I have heard that, but never used an OG myself so I couldn't tell you. The 3DSXL actually feels like a Ninty product though, the original felt like a cheap Chinese knock off, awful.


fucking hell man

now the shower's broken again

and i'm absolutely stinking this morning

gotta high-tail it to my parents for a shower before work


Jedeye Sniv

Btw just got my sleeve finished. Pics are up in the tattoo thread.

Jedeye, you may jizz over them at your leisure.

That looks siiiiick! Taking my phone to the toilet brb

edit: Monday update! Exams are all done at school bar two tiny ones later in the week, so today is the first proper day in like 4 months where I'm thinking "what should I do today?". My boss has made another massive crane thing with Meccano so there is always that. I'm hoping I can sneak some games on my iPad later in the day, Warhammer Quest ain't gonna finish itself now...

Also, the sun can fuck right off, the late bastard. Where you you at the weekend when I should have been doing the garden you shiny bitch?

Jedeye Sniv

I'm attempting kicking weed and cigarettes in one fell swoop this week, starting today.

So at the minute, just Dandy.

But tread lightly, I may be snappy later.

Ouch, be prepared to cry dude. If I were you I'd go in stages, weed first then the ciggies. Much like Dave, weed is fairly easy not to smoke but it's the tobacco that is really your lord and master. Might as well know your place and not want to kill everything.

Any abstinence on my part is always temporary, it's just too much fun to leave alone. Seem to be doing ok on a weekends only policy right now, and it's saving me a shitload of dolla.

Jedeye Sniv

Album art for Parachute for Gordo.


Actually could do that! We have the next EP cover locked down but I still have to make #2 of our free zine. Gotta make them audience connections.

btw I'm such a whore, but if anyone's interested they can watch our set from last week - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asZImnBucjE

As with anything I do it's not that perfect (Johnny and Laura keep telling me how much they fucked up but it's not too bad) but I think the sound is really good for this recording and you get to watch our sexy drummer. Plus new songs ahoy!
Anyone going to Glastonbury? I thought about making a thread but if there is maybe only a handfull of people going it would be abit pointless!
Only have to work today so its going to draaaaag.


Ouch, be prepared to cry dude. If I were you I'd go in stages, weed first then the ciggies. Much like Dave, weed is fairly easy not to smoke but it's the tobacco that is really your lord and master. Might as well know your place and not want to kill everything.

Any abstinence on my part is always temporary, it's just too much fun to leave alone. Seem to be doing ok on a weekends only policy right now, and it's saving me a shitload of dolla.
I must admit, I'm not entirely convinced that I'll be able to stop fully. But man, I need to stop spending so much on it. Weed, tabs, skins and roaches must set me back like the best part of £100 a week, not even exaggerating. I smoke way too much of the stuff.
Actually could do that! We have the next EP cover locked down but I still have to make #2 of our free zine. Gotta make them audience connections.

btw I'm such a whore, but if anyone's interested they can watch our set from last week - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asZImnBucjE

As with anything I do it's not that perfect (Johnny and Laura keep telling me how much they fucked up but it's not too bad) but I think the sound is really good for this recording and you get to watch our sexy drummer. Plus new songs ahoy!
I'll check it out tonight Jed, YT makes my 3G cry! I'm intrigued by your sexy drummer mind.

There is something about female musicians man, it's so inherently attractive. Musical talent and the required confidence and self belief to just go and cut loose in front of a crowd is so damn hot.


Jedeye Sniv

I must admit, I'm not entirely convinced that I'll be able to stop fully. But man, I need to stop spending so much on it. Weed, tabs, skins and roaches must set me back like the best part of £100 a week, not even exaggerating. I smoke way too much of the stuff.

I'll check it out tonight Jed, YT makes my 3G cry! I'm intrigued by your sexy drummer mind.

There is something about female musicians man, it's so inherently attractive. Musical talent and the required confidence and self belief to just go and cut loose in front of a crowd is so damn hot.


Yeah, I realised that spending £120 on weed before even thinking about the other crap was a bit silly. Down to £40 now, that's a bit more sensible. And then it means that for weeks where nothings doing I can still push the boat out and get silly and have it be a treat. Especially in summer when a smoke in the garden is most welcome after work.

also sexy drummer is male btw. Guitar player is female, also sexy in her own awkward robotic way :p

Jedeye Sniv

This might paint me as a clueless person but drugs sure are pricey as fuck. I don't even spend £120 a month on food shopping.

Yep, and that £120 is weekly... :| as I say, I recognise that's too much money! But whatever floats your boat, I know people that spend that much money on a single night out.

I don't know how much food is, my missus buys it.


Yeah, I realised that spending £120 on weed before even thinking about the other crap was a bit silly. Down to £40 now, that's a bit more sensible. And then it means that for weeks where nothings doing I can still push the boat out and get silly and have it be a treat. Especially in summer when a smoke in the garden is most welcome after work.

also sexy drummer is male btw. Guitar player is female, also sexy in her own awkward robotic way :p
I'll keep you posted Jed, but I am trying to kick it altogether. Wish me luck brit chums!
This might paint me as a clueless person but drugs sure are pricey as fuck. I don't even spend £120 a month on food shopping.
Not clueless shorty, sensible. I fucking hate myself at times when I can't even go out to do something sociable because I spent all my money on drugs, urgh.
This might paint me as a clueless person but drugs sure are pricey as fuck. I don't even spend £120 a month on food shopping.

Yeah, I mean is weed that expensive, or are your habits just that big? Shit I don't even know physically how much you'd need for a single spliff? How much is that given there's varying types/quality? Do you cut it with tobacco if money is tight?

I'm in a naive bubble.


Yeah, I mean is weed that expensive, or are your habits just that big? Shit I don't even know how much you'd need for a single spliff? Do you cut it with tobacco if money is tight?

I'm in a naive bubble.
I put about one part weed to two parts tobacco.

Weed is expensive, and I smoke way too much, it's a bad combo!

I'd probably get like 20 odd spliffs out of a £20 bag, because I just use on king size skin rather than three normal sized ones. But my dealers are pretty decent, they don't rip me off.

They'll be on the bread line when I quit though! Because I buy for my pals too (one of the few drivers in the group), I used to give my pal Lloyd about £200 a week between the whole group!


Best thing about quitting weed is that a month or two afterwards, you can smoke one joint and end up totally shitfaced. I hadn't had the giggles for years until I took a long tolerance break.

It freaks me out to think that I used to get up, smoke a few joints and then go about my daily business (seemingly) unimpaired. If I get high nowadays I just sit on the sofa either trying to choose a videogame, or running round in circles on whatever game was already on. Trying to play Zombi-U mashed was a nightmare, I kept getting lost in the safe house. It's one fucking room.

Quit weed. You'll be amazed how different you feel and how easy it is to live without.

Mr. Sam

So yesterday while bumming around in town I went into HMV and they had a 3DS and 3DSXL right next to each other. I played around with both, just getting a feel for the hardware.

To my surprise, I found the 3D on the XL was much less pronounced (even with adjusting the slider) and much more prone to lose the 'sweet spot' of view. Is this a typical find, or are my eyes just weird?

My 3DSXL-using friend used my original yesterday and said something along the lines of, "Whoa, your 3D is really good." Maybe there's some truth to it.


I know David.

I quit for 6 months about a year or two ago.

I felt so switched on, and even more super smart/witty/intelligent/articulate than I am now. Hard to believe right?

I'm going to do it man, it's time.

Hold me BritGAF, I'm scared.


Maturity, bitches.
You should buy Nendoroids instead. Cheaper and a lot more satisfying than drugs*

*I've never taken them.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Weed really had a field day with my brain, when I was younger I just used to binge it, ahh man i can pin it down to the exact date where my brain said ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and then DPD came around and a year of horrible anxiety/depression for me

I can smoke it every now and again aslong as I feel good/safe and don't have anything to worry about
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