Musha, did you get your mom a wedding gift?
Trying to figure out what to get my dad...if I am suppose to get him something. What do you buy a man who has everything?
Can't wait for this shit to be done with.
Know any of his interests? favourite bands, books, sports, movies? Something sentimental like a cool ornament or something? Tickets to a show that you too could attend? If you're great at a particular craft then you can make him something. I actually prefer gifts like that more than something that can be easily bought...but I'm not your dad...or even a dad (that I'm aware of) so that doesn't matter.
You don't really need to smoke to go to the smoking area. I sometime go there for the "fresh" air and lack of noise.
That's what I do. Did curiously try my first cigarette on a night out once. There's that split second where it actually feels quite smooth but it quickly fades away when that cig taste kicks in and I end up coughing like crazy. Probably didn't even smoke it right. Meh, I don't really have any urge to do it properly anyway.
I have smoking breaks at work and I don't smoke... I don't see how it's fair that people can have like 5-10 breaks a day that don't come out of their hours just because they do something that's bad for their health - So I join them
My old work colleague used to drag me out with him during smoking breaks. If anyone asked, we were having a meeting. Because we worked on the outskirts of the city the office is surrounded by lovely woodland/foresty parts so if the weather is great we'd go on mini-treks through nature and take about life.
Oh and Tash, if you're looking for a way to avoid the cigarettes during the meetup we could set up a game where we'd all make you do an embarrassing dare if you decide to light one up. This may or may not lure you away from smoking but either way it'll damn well be entertaining for all of us