Can I be in NorthGAF?
Is this deal any good?,default,pd.html
Is it possible to charge 3DS XL by USB or is it literally "go buy an AC adapter"?
I have a DSLite, which has a different type of adapter.
Depends if you like the game. You missed out on loads of good 3DS deals last week: £109 from Tesco, and £120 from Amazon with NSMB2. I'd wait until similar deals surface again personally.
You can charge by USB.
So sucky. Now the gadget-lust has latched on me hard. I don't care about the game, either. Was it £120 or £140 with NSMB2? Thanks for info.
Is it just your basic mini-usb to USB? Because I've got loads of those.Only with a usb charge cable which you'd have to buy specifically for the 3ds anyway.
I strongly disagree.
TF2 had a beautiful simplicity upon release. Fire up the developers commentary mode and see their philosophy on visual outline design (ruined with hats and new weapons) and balance. TF2 used to be like a fighting game - characters had a limited number of "moves" you understood and it was how that was applied that surprised you.
Now characters have tons of possible "moves" and you can't tell what "moveset" is being used until you're close enough to see which gun variant they're using and it just fucks everything up. You can no longer tell at a glance how an encounter is shaped and decide how best to react.
Shame you couldn't be there man but RL friends in need of help > internet meetings.
Hopefully next time?
Also can we get to the end of this whole clique vs outsiders story arc? It's been played out enough. This isn't LOST.
I don't want to feel like we're alienating others but all the clique talk doesn't make me want to stop being familiar with people I know, it just makes me want the complainers to fuck off. Unless it's just become a joke and I'm just too cranky to take it as such today. In which case crack on.
EDIT: that was more of a response to Chinner's clique comments than Steve's
Regular 3DS, black, new, £99 on Game.
Should I go for it?
...does it have games you want?
Regular 3DS, black, new, £99 on Game.
Should I go for it?
I assume he means should I go for it, or spend extra for an XL that doesn't feel like it came out of a Christmas cracker....does it have games you want?
Considering getting dressed and walking down to Blockbuster to get Last of Us, but it's so much effort.
I really want a 3DS. I've been paid, I'm ready to go. All this talk of it being so cheap last few weeks has put me off a little, though...
I sort of would prefer an XL, but it's not a deal breaker. I mean I've never had a 3DS and it's not like the original is bad as a result, is it?
I mean the OG DSXL never interested me...
I assume he means should I go for it, or spend extra for an XL that doesn't feel like it came out of a Christmas cracker.
Considering getting dressed and walking down to Blockbuster to get Last of Us, but it's so much effort.
Doesn't the smaller model still have the design feature of marking the screen?Well first you should probably consider if you want the regular 3DS or the XL model.
People treat the XL like its a remodel, it's more of an alternative. For me the smaller size suits my needs more.
People treat the XL like its a remodel, it's more of an alternative. For me the smaller size suits my needs more.
oh right. if you 'sort of' feel like you want a XL and you can wait, then wait it out. depends if you get that drop of despair buying the regular 3ds, depends how desperate you are to play the games.
Seriously. The original 3DS was an embarrassment to the Nintendo name in terms of build quality. It's absolutely worth the extra investment for the XL.Doesn't the smaller model still have the design feature of marking the screen?
I've heard the XL can also do that. ¯\( ツ )/¯Doesn't the smaller model still have the design feature of marking the screen?
Musha, go buy TLoU.
Edit: WWMD (what would mike do), it took me a minute!
Doesn't the smaller model still have the design feature of marking the screen?
Haha, yeah, I can see that. That bus incident with Andy's mate was pretty funny though, the comedy timing of the realisation on your face was gold!Yeah after we left you we were talking about the events of the weekend, and decided that before making any decisions I should ask myself that.
Yeah after we left you we were talking about the events of the weekend, and decided that before making any decisions I should ask myself that.
I'll check this out today guy, thanks for sharing. If you fancy getting your blog a few hits, you should still post the link. No one here is against self-promotion (trust me), just don't expect everyone to flock to it since we get a lot of music chat here already.Mine is Indie Music (Specially Japanese Indie scene).
Also, ask me anything, etc, etc.
On that note everyone should listen to Lillies and remains. One of the best bands in recent years. They are also constantly quality with every release they drop.
I have met the dudes and they were totally cool. However, too bad the main vocalist is Liverpool fan. I had to give him a strong, ugly facial expression for quite sometime after he announced his alliance. Lucky for him, he makes awesome music.
I think those who aren't a little passionate about music are truly missing out, though I know a lot of people who just listen to the top 40 or refuse to explore outside their chosen genre, which is a real shame.Jackben - I guess I'm pretty passionate about music
Yeah it certainly seems that way. I can't say I'm a huge fan of meeting new people in real life all the time, as the people I already know usually exhaust my patience enough as it is. But I appreciate listening to new perspectives and experiencing different culturesI think saying 'people' sounds weird but I just love meeting random people and getting to know them and the things they're into or excited about.
I really want a 3DS. I've been paid, I'm ready to go. All this talk of it being so cheap last few weeks has put me off a little, though...
I sort of would prefer an XL, but it's not a deal breaker. I mean I've never had a 3DS and it's not like the original is bad as a result, is it?
I mean the OG DSXL never interested me...
Haha, yeah, I can see that. That bus incident with Andy's mate was pretty funny though, the comedy timing of the realisation on your face was gold!
Telling Andy about it the next morning was a smooth move too, cut his buddy off at the pass. Handled like a pro.![]()
Andy seems cool, I didn't really have much time to talk to him. I think I could nerd out with engineering and shit with the guy.
More Andy next meet Musha.
People always seem to forget the add-on also adds two extra shoulder buttons.The only bad thing about it was Nintendo didn't put a second analogue stick on it in order to sell the stupid add-on with one, which no one will buy anyway.
Is it just your basic mini-usb to USB? Because I've got loads of those.
"Lillies and Remains" - They must be fans of BauhausLove me some post punk. Attractive Asians, yeah I can get my otaku sister into this band XD
Love that shredding in Moralist SS, reminds me of Arctic Monkeys' "Brianstorm". They've got great energy on "Devaloka".
Their albums go for quite the chunk of money, near to £30 on each of the three albums. Don't even know what tracks the album contains, at least according to Amazon UK. Help me out here?
Fuck's sake WHY NINTENDO WHYNo it isn't, as Mike says it's a specific cable you would need to buy seperately. Probably a quid or two from deal extreme or ebay though.
The hordes of sword-wielding Demolition Mens would disagree with this. Maybe they've been patched and tweaked since then, but that shit was way OP and not very Demo-like at all when I last saw it.Weapon balance is still dictated by the class, so the quirks of that class are still present in that weapon. Rocket launchers still behave as rocket launchers, the sticky launcher still acts as a launcher. This means if you're going into combat with a pyro or scoot, you know what you're going against. More importantly, the weapons are properly balanced, they have drawbacks so that there are no 'gotcha' moments.
Yeah why not, it did feel like quite a short trip. Don't get me wrong, I had a great time, but an extra day or two would've been awesome! London was just such a buzz, mixed with the heat wave and the 60th anniversary, it was really cool. I could've happily just mooched around all day on Sunday.Next time you should come down the night before and hang out. Plus you're welcome to come down and stay anytime, not just meets. Maybe catch a gig sometime? I need more NinjaBoiX in my life
Would love to travel more and am planning on moving to another country in the next 10 years but with limited funds and time I can't see myself doing much more than a week away every couple of years at the moment. Good things come to those who wait, eh?
Have you got a big HMV near you? If so, go and try the demo units. For me the original 3DS isn't very good, the screen is tiny, the square edges make it uncomfortable to hold, and it doesn't look very nice visually. The XL by comparison felt so much better, mainly for the real estate on the screens. The only bad thing about it was Nintendo didn't put a second analogue stick on it in order to sell the stupid add-on with one, which no one will buy anyway.
And I know the feeling. You have money burning a hole in your pocket. Wait.
It does indeed. But it's a temporary pain in pursuit of more permanent, worthwhile change most of the time. It'll pass.Moving sucks.
It does indeed. But it's a temporary pain in pursuit of more permanent, worthwhile change most of the time. It'll pass.
Your blog looks good, I respect your dedication to the pursuit; all my efforts at blogging have failed horribly due to dying a slow death of inconsistent updates and constant revisions. I am convinced good writing is 90% repetition in terms of constantly practicing your craft.
Listened to the tracks of Lilies and Remains you linked, the guitar sound really does remind me of early Arctic Monkeys. The songs I liked the most were Unmade Schemer, You're Blind and Learn to stand etc.
I get the same issue with needing time away from people to recharge but its rare. I'd be out 6 nights a week if I could afford it. People are just so much more interesting than things.
I've tried both in a local Game (I have a big HMV, 2 floors, but they don't have demo units. Seemed to get rid of a load of displays and stuff around the time they were nearly going out of business) and kind of like the smaller one. The 3D seemed more pronounced, but maybe that's me (or that you have more area to try and focus on on the bigger screen).