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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Morning all, how is everybody this fine Tuesday morning?

I'm feeling like shit, overslept and was late for work (luckily, I'm the first in so nobody notices)

My shoulder is killing me, gritting my teeth every time I use the mouse.

On the plus side, four days until the weekend!


Urgh, first day back since Thursday, urgh!

On the bonus side, I've just switched my work phone on and remembered there was a meeting I absolutely didn't know about because I'd been off for a long weekend, wink, wink.

Dat plausible deniability!
Morning all, how is everybody this fine Tuesday morning?

I'm feeling like shit, overslept and was late for work (luckily, I'm the first in so nobody notices)

After my lovely day off doing nothing yesterday it's the first day back at work for me too.

I feel like I have post holiday blues, it was such an awesome weekend.

I'm also missing Ninja like crazy :(


Maturity, bitches.
Summer cold seems to have come back with a vengeance. Good thing I wasn't feeling like this on Saturday otherwise I'd have been even less fun.


Morning all, how is everybody this fine Tuesday morning?

I'm feeling like shit, overslept and was late for work (luckily, I'm the first in so nobody notices)
Ah, I have had a lovely morning and since I am back at work I have all the time in the World to chill in here.

Sadetar have you heard of Vine? If you have an Android or Apple smartphone you should get the app since you seem to like making your own gifs a lot. It's basically a community of people sharing self made gifs.
Nah, I don't have those fancy smartphones that everybody else seems to be rocking.

No need to worry though. I think I am still having my honeymoon with GifCam but it will pass sooner than later and I will stop spamming.


We'll have a little mini meet Musha, just the two of us. I'll treat you real nice!

That is seriously so very cute!

...And yes, I am also jealous.

Damn. I can get so very passionate about so many things.

Whilst I totally love them and the community around them, Video Games aren't the thing I care the most about.

I spend an awful lot of my mind's time thinking about Societal and Political issues, because I believe they are far more important that any individuals; since a single person is nothing without those people that surround them. I often try to visualise society in some way, and, whilst I used to think of a network with individual, distinct nodes to represent each person, I think that the best I've come up with is some sort of an incredibly complex Venn Diagram, with circles representing the metaphysical (for want of a better word) representation of an individual personality, all overlapping to represent relationships and the fact that we are not so much complete individuals as unique collections of ideas, beliefs, behaviours etc which we pick up from each other...

This is why I also think about Education and Learning a lot... because so much of what makes us ourselves is learned, rather than innate... which makes the formative experiences during our childhood so incredibly important to what sorts of people we will become, and ultimately what sort of a society we will form together.

I can certainly get very passionate during discussions of welfare, benefits, healthcare etc... Largely based on my belief in the importance of a mutually supportive and co-operative society, informed by the ideas I expressed above, rather than a Neo-Liberal, Thatcher-style individualistic, every-man-for-himself society based on ruthless competition.


Sorry. Possibly not the best platform for my ramblings... I just don't get that many opportunities to express this stuff. (though, my interpretation of this as an opportunity in that sense might be considered a loose one at best.)
That was a good post and I heartily agree with you.

I am somewhat worried about the current progress in Finland and I think that we are taking down our wellfare society piece by piece. Also cause of the depression people are having harsher and harsher attitude towards immigrants and in my opinion every group that isn't considered "normal" according to one's own beliefs.

I could go on and on with this discussion. At least I have been lucky enough to been able to work in organisations that have strong social missions, an urge to reach out and be a positive power for social change and that actually try to fight for human rights and equal society.


Never mind you won't treat her nice, double penetration? That sure ramped up fast.



Ugh...Feeling like death today. Slept like 2 hours worked till 1am and already back at my desk to continue where I left off.


Can we get a list of who is coming to Eurogamer on which days?
Would like to start planning around you knuckle heads!

I'm coming on all four days, but I might end up having to arrange myself around other people too.

Also, all of this female sexuality is cramping BritGAF's style. I'm only here for the sausage fest, girls. I'm sure a lot of others are too.


Also, all of this female sexuality is cramping BritGAF's style. I'm only here for the sausage fest, girls. I'm sure a lot of others are too.
I think we are here for the same reason then.

Joking. I will try to behave. I just have the worst sense of humour. I can pretend to be sorry.


I'm coming on all four days, but I might end up having to arrange myself around other people too.

Also, all of this female sexuality is cramping BritGAF's style. I'm only here for the sausage fest, girls. I'm sure a lot of others are too.

same, though only if you mean like, literally sausages, because i'm p.hungry

Jedeye Sniv

it's not odd. i'm exactly the same, quite hard to find time to myself or trying to fit it around other things. i love me time, just being able to do nothing, gaf, watch a movie or play a game. just dont hav enoooooough time.

i really dislike these 12 hour nights out you have. i'm happy drinking socially and talking for awhile, but after awhile something just clicks and i'm just bored and agitated. but its rude to leave early apparently.

Yeah well that's partly why I had to bail at 11, I'd been out all day and was starting to flag, I couldn't have done like Mike and the others who had been in constant company since the previous day and then onto a club till 4 and more then next day. I would lose my sense of humour after a while I think. But it's nothing at all against the people, I just have a psychological rhythm that I like to heed and follow the advice of.

Next time though, I'm coming out for 8 and staying out all night. THAT I can do.

Also, godamn is it too hot today. Only been at work for an hour and it feels like my genitals are comprised of 70% sweat. ewwwwwww.


Also, godamn is it too hot today. Only been at work for an hour and it feels like my genitals are comprised of 70% sweat. ewwwwwww.

And now it's really hot.

When I left this morning it was so dull and grey and a little bit chilly, I almost regretted going out without a jacket but now I'm thankful I did.

Jedeye Sniv

Yup, just had to readjust myself too, damn snug fitting boxers!

Mental note: loose fit boxers > boxer briefs in the summer.

I always go loose fit, but I was actually saying to the mrs last night that I might have to go tighter in future. I've noticed they're uhh getting a bit longer already. I thought I had to be a bit older but they're flapping a bit more than usual this year.

TMI, sorry :p


Also, godamn is it too hot today. Only been at work for an hour and it feels like my genitals are comprised of 70% sweat. ewwwwwww.
I always go loose fit, but I was actually saying to the mrs last night that I might have to go tighter in future. I've noticed they're uhh getting a bit longer already. I thought I had to be a bit older but they're flapping a bit more than usual this year.

TMI, sorry :p
Nah, no worries.

I am sure we couldn't have survived without all this information. ;)


Is it wrong that this is totally turning me on?
So wrong it's right.
Loose boxers can cause problems with the veins in your sack. Fuck that.
Plus my arse looks better in tight fitting boxers.

I prefer snug boxers, makes me feel snug funnily enough.

Snug fit if you don't want old man balls before your time.

I don't think I've worn loose fit boxers for 10+ years

snug briefs all way
These guys know what's up, gotta keep the package secure in a cool dry place, away from any direct heat sources.
Got PCSX2 set up: FF12 feels actually playable now, rather than the aliased mess it is running on my PS2. Just need to tweak some of the obscure settings to sort out some slowdowns.


When I get home today, I'm stripping down to my boxers and having a beer. Just because I can.
You are encouraging me to follow your bad example.

Even though I think I will skip the beer and have some ice tea instead, strip down to underwear and play either GameCube or Xbox360. Hmm, this is actually starting to sound like a plan.

I have to chime in on the loose vs snug argument and it's got to be snug all the way. You gotta have that support.
I can also be very supportive, if needed...
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