unicorns aren't real
Screw you man, screw you! (Cries in a corner)
unicorns aren't real
Screw you man, screw you! (Cries in a corner)
OK Jackben, if you insist. You made me do this man!
Snog, marry, avoid:
Snog: Kari Byron
Marry: The little lady
Avoid: Musha
Uuurgh. Gone through about five handkerchiefs already with no end in sight.
Summer cold has come back with a vengeance.Animal Crossing?
Uuurgh. Gone through about five handkerchiefs already with no end in sight.
I'm watching that Spike Jonze DVD again, so good! Dino Jr were just on:
Dinosaur Jr - Feel The Pain
That little guitar freak out between each verse and chorus just makes me want to boogie!
Lucky! That must've been an amazing show!
I'm watching that Spike Jonze DVD again, so good! Dino Jr were just on:
Dinosaur Jr - Feel The Pain
That little guitar freak out between each verse and chorus just makes me want to boogie!
Kari Byron and Hayley Williams man, that's tough competition Musha. Let's say you have proximity and familiarity on your side at least.Still waiting for you to take it back.....
Animal Crossing?
Uuurgh. Gone through about five handkerchiefs already with no end in sight.
Animal Crossing?
One hell of a wanking session.
Haha, I missed these before!I was gonna go with "K-On! marathon?"
Kari Byron and Hayley Williams man, that's tough competition Musha. Let's say you have proximity and familiarity on your side at least.
That is until September when I sneak backstage and have myself a struggle snuggle with Hayley...
Used to happen to me all the time when I worked at HMV and played with a few lads from Citi Bank. My leg muscles felt like the ligaments were tearing apart the next day, but it was fun a decent exercise. Just showed I needed to work out more. And I still do...I went to play football with the guys from all over the company (chauffeurs, admin, IT) for an hour and half.
I am limping everywhere, I haven't played football in years and was probably fucking useless - but now I am just like dead and just feel like laying in a dark room dying quietly!
I didn't find it. I could swear it was also by Annie, and I could swear it was also called Greatest Hit. But it's totally different, so I can't even see how it could be a remix. I mean, it could be I suppose.from a few pages back said:Got a bad migraine comingl I can feel it. Wearing sunglasses right now surfing neogaf.![]()
Holy shit, Greatest Hit was such a fucking tune! I haven't heard this in years. Dirty filthy bass, scuzzy synths, love it. Those kickdrums before the drop are amazing!I don't know if you are serious or not, lol this is Annie, not sure the one you posted
but she had a diffrent producer and sound mixer. She used to date her former producer and now that she broke it off, she has decided to change her sound to less bubble-gum pop and more into electronica (house funk)
Edit: this isn't what I was thinking of. There is an amazing house tune called Greatest Hit. I'll see if I can find it.
Aww. Well if it makes you feel any better, I'll be thinking of youYou better be nicer to me or it's no Paramore for you...
Aww. Well if it makes you feel any better, I'll be thinking of youthe whole suppress my erection
watches Oldboy remake trailer
nope stick to what I got on Blu ray thanks kind of pointless remake when most people probably already seen orignal
Right, I knew Davi was a dance fiend!I'm pretty good with house music. If you can think of any details, share them.
I can't sing. I honestly already tried that! Clapping the beat out with my hands and everything.Sing it into Shazam, see what happens?
watches Oldboy remake trailer
I have had the longest day today. I fell asleep at gone 2.30am this morning, woke up at 5.45ish. Lazed around reading facebook and twitter and various other pointless things that provide me no real joy in life - climbed out of my pit at like 6.30ish and went to work for 7. Finished work at 6PM after spending from 11am till then over in Terminal 3, moving shit, installing shit and waiting for a fucking BT engineer who decided to just not arrive after weeks of planning. Got driven back to work, and then went to play football with the guys from all over the company (chauffeurs, admin, IT) for an hour and half.
I am limping everywhere, I haven't played football in years and was probably fucking useless - but now I am just like dead and just feel like laying in a dark room dying quietly!
My reaction to engineer not arriving:
It's amazing man, just wait.I'm watching the original on netflix now and it's weird as shit
Chavs fish in scotland?
Just did a fresh install of Windows 7 on my desktop. Only bettered by fresh bed sheets.
It's amazing man, just wait.
Chavs fish in scotland?
does anyone have a pic of ninjaboi? this is one of the last remaining mysteries this thread has.
Desperate for a piss and there's an hour of bus journeys left til I'm home. Place your bets!
does anyone have a pic of ninjaboi? this is one of the last remaining mysteries this thread has.
does anyone have a pic of ninjaboi? this is one of the last remaining mysteries this thread has.
Off to london tomorrow, might have a bit of time to get a bite to eat. Anywhere good around the Euston station area?