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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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OK Jackben, if you insist. You made me do this man!

Snog, marry, avoid:

Snog: Kari Byron

Marry: The little lady

Avoid: Musha



Still waiting for you to take it back.....
Kari Byron and Hayley Williams man, that's tough competition Musha. Let's say you have proximity and familiarity on your side at least.

That is until September when I sneak backstage and have myself a struggle snuggle with Hayley...
I'm adding "struggle snuggle" to my vocabulary. Hopefully, I'll never need to actually say it.

After a dreadful night's "sleep", I had a great day today. Did a bit of impulse buying and also went to see This Is The End, my god what a brilliant film. Probably my favourite comedy since Hot Fuzz.
Kari Byron and Hayley Williams man, that's tough competition Musha. Let's say you have proximity and familiarity on your side at least.

That is until September when I sneak backstage and have myself a struggle snuggle with Hayley...

You better be nicer to me or it's no Paramore for you...


I have had the longest day today. I fell asleep at gone 2.30am this morning, woke up at 5.45ish. Lazed around reading facebook and twitter and various other pointless things that provide me no real joy in life - climbed out of my pit at like 6.30ish and went to work for 7. Finished work at 6PM after spending from 11am till then over in Terminal 3, moving shit, installing shit and waiting for a fucking BT engineer who decided to just not arrive after weeks of planning. Got driven back to work, and then went to play football with the guys from all over the company (chauffeurs, admin, IT) for an hour and half.

I am limping everywhere, I haven't played football in years and was probably fucking useless - but now I am just like dead and just feel like laying in a dark room dying quietly!

My reaction to engineer not arriving:



bitch I'm taking calls.
I went to play football with the guys from all over the company (chauffeurs, admin, IT) for an hour and half.

I am limping everywhere, I haven't played football in years and was probably fucking useless - but now I am just like dead and just feel like laying in a dark room dying quietly!
Used to happen to me all the time when I worked at HMV and played with a few lads from Citi Bank. My leg muscles felt like the ligaments were tearing apart the next day, but it was fun a decent exercise. Just showed I needed to work out more. And I still do...


Is anyone good with Internet searches?

from a few pages back said:
Got a bad migraine comingl I can feel it. Wearing sunglasses right now surfing neogaf. :p

I don't know if you are serious or not, lol this is Annie, not sure the one you posted

but she had a diffrent producer and sound mixer. She used to date her former producer and now that she broke it off, she has decided to change her sound to less bubble-gum pop and more into electronica (house funk)
Holy shit, Greatest Hit was such a fucking tune! I haven't heard this in years. Dirty filthy bass, scuzzy synths, love it. Those kickdrums before the drop are amazing!

Edit: this isn't what I was thinking of. There is an amazing house tune called Greatest Hit. I'll see if I can find it.
I didn't find it. I could swear it was also by Annie, and I could swear it was also called Greatest Hit. But it's totally different, so I can't even see how it could be a remix. I mean, it could be I suppose.

I even text my bro who introduced me to it. I just described it, purposely pretending I couldn't remember the name, and sure enough he came up with the same thing. He said it may be The Greatest Hit, but I had no luck with that either. I think it was from maybe the late 90's, early 2000.

It's driving me mad! Can anyone help me out?

You better be nicer to me or it's no Paramore for you...
Aww. Well if it makes you feel any better, I'll be thinking of you
to suppress my erection
the whole time.


Thanks guys, but I think Davi is right. I've probably got the name totally wrong. But I could swear I've found it a few years back, and as much as I rack my brain, I can't convince myself that it's called anything other than "Annie - Greatest Hit"!



I'll do a few searches from that page in that link 8bit, that might shed some light. I need to go all Sherlock here...

Edit: Of course it is Musha. That's the game. ;)


I feel disappointed in myself, normally I am quite good at internet stalking. I have failed to find three people that I work with tonight. Damn people with ridiculous variations of their names.


watches Oldboy remake trailer

nope stick to what I got on Blu ray thanks kind of pointless remake when most people probably already seen orignal


I'm pretty good with house music. If you can think of any details, share them.
Right, I knew Davi was a dance fiend!

OK, it was a really dark sounding heavily filtered house track, but not languid, it's really bouncey. Think Daft Punk "Homework" era, Rollin' and Scratchin' is a good parallel.

Daft Punk - Rollin' and Scratchin'

But it's not quite as noisey, just a similar gritty flavour. It has a more distinctive melody:

C C - D# D# C C - D# D# C C - D# D# G# G# - E E (loop)

Those G#'s are an octave lower. Lower G#?

The melody is played with a really deep wet synth, bottom end of the scale. Then there is a bouncey two-step beat with a hollow snare and a kickdrum. Also, there is a really distinctive pitch bend every 10 or so bars, tweaking all the way up to almost pure static, before the beat drops back in.

It's so amazing.

Please help me Davi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

Edit: Hang on, PM from 8bit, BRB.

Edit 2: Also, there are no vocals in this track. Seems like quite a pertinent point!

Edit 3: Nah, not the one 8bit. That was more disco house, the one I'm thinking of is really filthy electro house. No vocals either. I may run across it some day, it may cause me to do a flip.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
I have had the longest day today. I fell asleep at gone 2.30am this morning, woke up at 5.45ish. Lazed around reading facebook and twitter and various other pointless things that provide me no real joy in life - climbed out of my pit at like 6.30ish and went to work for 7. Finished work at 6PM after spending from 11am till then over in Terminal 3, moving shit, installing shit and waiting for a fucking BT engineer who decided to just not arrive after weeks of planning. Got driven back to work, and then went to play football with the guys from all over the company (chauffeurs, admin, IT) for an hour and half.

I am limping everywhere, I haven't played football in years and was probably fucking useless - but now I am just like dead and just feel like laying in a dark room dying quietly!

My reaction to engineer not arriving:


I find cycling to be a pretty good way to spend a few hours. A simple cycle along a canal and about 30 strangers will nod and say hello to you as you pass each other. You of course do the same back and feel rewarded with social gratisfaction.

The only problem with the canal is the effort required to keep at a decent pace since its completely flat terrain.

The only major flaw is passing the occasional cluster of Chavs fishing.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Just did a fresh install of Windows 7 on my desktop. Only bettered by fresh bed sheets.

Im wanting to jump into windows 8. Only thing stopping me is losing my winamp play count. But fuck yes you cant beat a fresh install.

Fresh sheets also sound nice but I hate having to stuff the bloody quilt into the sheets and shake it all around till its perfect. Damn chore is worse than doing the dishes.

Im proud to say im a fortnightly sheet changer.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Chavs fish in scotland?

Each towns young team set up a little fishing camp at an area of the canal in front of there town.

They do no harm to be honest, they just blaze up and get drunk. They totally use fishing as an excuse to make use of this great weather.

Its still a little intimidating cycling past a big group of them.

Luckly 99 percent of the canal users are friendly happy people who say hello or something as you travel past. Damn the canal is so awesome


Desperate for a piss and there's an hour of bus journeys left til I'm home. Place your bets!

Went by a tree, got off with some girl at a bus stop after she complimented me, got back home and bought a ready meal.

Good night. Sweet dreams, BritGAF.
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