For me, these were the glory days of comedy in British politics.
No-nonsense Gordon: Labour's secret election posters
Made me smile anyway :lol
Oh, I so know that feeling! Frustrating isn't it?I feel disappointed in myself, normally I am quite good at internet stalking. I have failed to find three people that I work with tonight. Damn people with ridiculous variations of their names.
Oh, I so know that feeling! Frustrating isn't it?
Thank god I am not the only one.
That also makes me hate my friends who work on internet security and I can't seriously find not a single thing about them online.
No pics needed Chinner, just imagine a combination of bald Colin Farrell, Timmy Mallet, Justin Timberlake and Karl Pilkington.does anyone have a pic of ninjaboi? this is one of the last remaining mysteries this thread has.
Now I am just utterly jealous.Oh, I'm impossible to find online. I could tell you my full name, date of birth and you would not find me.
Two of the people that I am struggling to find, both work in Human Resources, and from what I remember both will need to be fairly hidden just in case any of the employees try and find them (aka me) but the third person, I don't know why I can't find her - she does have a fairly common name, and her profile photo on facebook or twitter could be something not of any use to her. I found two people who could potentially be her, with mutual friends but I'm not entirely sure because I can't find any photographs that are clear enough to make the judgement.
Now I am just utterly jealous.
I have won too many competitions and lotteries so my name comes up really easily. It has been used online in work purposes as well. Also it doesn't help at all that my first and last name combination is one of a kind. This battle is so lost. Dammit.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person in the world with my name, so yeah, ridiculously easy to find online. Plus there are so many things I signed up to then forgot about, googling my name is actually quite scary. I should probably do something about that sometime.
Luckily I don't think my name links me to the video of the Lady Gaga dance so that's something
Oh, I'm impossible to find online. I could tell you my full name, date of birth and you would not find me.
Yes! Just booked my tickets to the 22:40 IMAX 3D showing of Pacific Rim tomorrow, GET HYPE!!!
Yes! Just booked my tickets to the 22:40 IMAX 3D showing of Pacific Rim tomorrow, GET HYPE!!!
Got the job in bath despite not wanting itsort of annoyed because I signed a contract a while back that commits me to jobs this agency sends me for until next march.
Anyone know much about bath? Will it be fun or am I in for a dull few months?
Got the job in bath despite not wanting itsort of annoyed because I signed a contract a while back that commits me to jobs this agency sends me for until next march.
Anyone know much about bath? Will it be fun or am I in for a dull few months?
Kent is that the canal that attaches to the falkirk wheel ?that goes by my house too. Forth and clyde its called I think.
Going to watch Pacific rim in 40 mins! going by myself as gf refuses to watch it because it has robots.
despite this they're doing novelty/limited edition drinks and pop corn so gonna get that shit. excite!
Haha. We should cycle down it and meet each other ;p
do feel like a bit of a loser going by myself
Feeeeeeeeee-e-e-e-ed my eeeeyes, can you sew them shut?
Jeeeeeeeeee-e-e-eesus Chriiiiiist, deny your maker!
They were so great at Download. Cannot wait
EDIT: Zomg, Pacific Rim is this weekend! Must get on that!
Got the job in bath despite not wanting itsort of annoyed because I signed a contract a while back that commits me to jobs this agency sends me for until next march.
Anyone know much about bath? Will it be fun or am I in for a dull few months?
I'm not that fit yet son, I can manage a 9,10 mile cycle from BONNYBRIDGE to to MADDISTON. But you stay in bloody glasgow lol. I have heard from shorty that your a good guy so i'l keep it on the back burner. It is a great idea though as i seem to get a get in a really good mood when i'm cruising along the canal on my bike with really responsive gears. Glad i forked out the extra bills for it now, I did sit in a shed for a good year though lol.
Your 100 times more awesome than groups of spotty teenagers going to it making lame jokes at parts of the movie. I seen the xfiles movie my self and felt like a damn cool enthusiast, Got some slagging of the guys at work for that one though when i told them about it lol.
Full grown men just don't understand.
Sell everything and get a Wii U Jed.
Yes Musha, this week is dragging like snail's balls.
Guys, I have a videogame quandry I want your advice on.
My 360 is ooooooold and the disc drive has finally died on me. It won't open by itself at all (need to use the ol' paperclip trick) and when I put a game in it'll no long read it. I can still play downloadable stuff, but disc based is out the window. Not so bad anyway since I have a PS3 now (thanks again Mike!) and that's been my main gaming platform for a couple of months, hence not noticing that the Xbox had shit itself.
Now, my question is: I have a load of disc based games. I used to have more but I've lent a significant number of them out and don't care so much if I get them back. Should I sell them all to GAME for the trade-in so I could pick up TLOU and maybe something else, or should I keep hold of them in case I get another 360 (unlikely)? The XB1 has no b/c afaik so even if I do get one down the line, I'm not going to be able to play these old games anyway. And we're right at the end of the gen as it is, am I really going to play the Gears series again? I doubt it.
So, what do? I kinda know what I should do, but I'd like some peer pressure to push me over the edge.
Kent done good! I'm pleased man, enjoy life bruv, what's the point otherwise?It's been a great week, You should see my tan son. Shit's fucking awesome. Had my ups and lows but things seem to be going well.
Its only 20 Miles. Easy haha
Kent done good! I'm pleased man, enjoy life bruv, what's the point otherwise?
Just went to the old's for my lunch, poppa bear handed me four Arctic Monkeys and served me some awesome sausage casserole.
What a guy!
Your 100 times more awesome than groups of spotty teenagers going to it making lame jokes at parts of the movie. I seen the xfiles movie my self and felt like a damn cool enthusiast, Got some slagging of the guys at work for that one though when i told them about it lol. Full grown men just don't understand.
Just buy a core for like 30 quid BRUV.
I don't know if I'll be playing any more 360 games by the end of the gen though. Only things on my radar are TLOU and GTAV, both of which I'll be doing on PS3. Maybe Beyond as well. No point in spending more money on a 360 I'm not going to use.
Ninja I just saw your post in the fragrances thread. Please please do not wear Issey Miyake when we go see Paramore, unless you really want me to get massively rapey.
Haha, what? You think I'm wearing cologne when in such close proximity to mai waifu? I've got a bottle of chloroform ordered specially, I tend to find it makes the ladies melt into my arms.Ninja I just saw your post in the fragrances thread. Please please do not wear Issey Miyake when we go see Paramore, unless you really want me to get massively rapey.
mai waifu?
Might drop the show and start watching AusGAF instead.
This series of BritGAF is now officially the worst series of BritGAF. The romance sub-plot is going into territory that I can't even begin to understand.
Might drop the show and start watching AusGAF instead.
Let's go, assemble your crew...