Right, I knew Davi was a dance fiend!
OK, it was a really dark sounding heavily filtered house track, but not languid, it's really bouncey. Think Daft Punk "Homework" era, Rollin' and Scratchin' is a good parallel.
Daft Punk - Rollin' and Scratchin'
But it's not quite as noisey, just a similar gritty flavour. It has a more distinctive melody:
C C - D# D# C C - D# D# C C - D# D# G# G# - E E (loop)
Those G#'s are an octave lower. Lower G#?
The melody is played with a really deep wet synth, bottom end of the scale. Then there is a bouncey two-step beat with a hollow snare and a kickdrum. Also, there is a really distinctive pitch bend every 10 or so bars, tweaking all the way up to almost pure static, before the beat drops back in.
It's so amazing.
Please help me Davi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!
Edit: Hang on, PM from 8bit, BRB.
Edit 2: Also, there are no vocals in this track. Seems like quite a pertinent point!
Edit 3: Nah, not the one 8bit. That was more disco house, the one I'm thinking of is really filthy electro house. No vocals either. I may run across it some day, it may cause me to do a flip.