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BritGAF |OT3| It's good, but it's not right.

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Have fun guys!
My thoughts exactly.


Maturity, bitches.
Just finished World 1 and already I'm in love with the game. What a refreshing take on Mario gameplay. Really feels like the 2D games properly translated to a 3D environment. Very different from 64/Sunshine/Galaxy games, and a breath of fresh air after a million NSMB entries (which I always enjoy, but they definitely need to go away for a while)
I now you realise everyone complaining about 3D World are a bunch of tits and this is the direction 3D Mario should be heading in. Good riddance to the open world style of Mario 64 and Sunshine.
Its a risk I have to take , the daddy long legs are worse then moths imo they like land on your face

Wut? In this dimension daddy long legs just float around, and moths attack me once they realise the light on my ceiling isn't the moon. The thud when the bigger ones bump into stuff is the definition of nightmares.

I now you realise everyone complaining about 3D World are a bunch of tits and this is the direction 3D Mario should be heading in. Good riddance to the open world style of Mario 64 and Sunshine.

Whilst admittedly Mario64 is an 8 year old port of a then 9 year old game with ham fisted controls, I'm definitely not enjoying it as much as NSMB. The platforming seems very basic by comparison. I can appreciate why it was so loved at the time though. So I'm very interested in playing 3D Land now.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Classic Mario has always been stage selection as you progress. Not sure what the obsession with the illusion of an "open world" is even about.




... I am stacking fruit

Also which of you cunts has Animal Crossing so I can sell my perfect fruit to your resident yokel shopswoman?

How much did that run you? Those two games + Pokemon is what I'm most interested in. Although Pokemon might just replace Animal Crossing.
Hah, you're interested in exactly the same three games as me!

System was £150 boxed from CEX. Mario 3D Land was £22 from CEX.

I paid £12 because I had a huge amount of CEX credit.

Bought Animal Crossing for £29.99 from HMV.

GAME in-store price (£34.99) is more expensive than GAME website price (£29.99), else I probably would have bought AC from there.

I now you realise everyone complaining about 3D World are a bunch of tits and this is the direction 3D Mario should be heading in. Good riddance to the open world style of Mario 64 and Sunshine.
It's like the first half of your first sentence is written by a smart man but the second half and subsequent sentence are written by a casual mum gamer.


Wut? In this dimension daddy long legs just float around, and moths attack me once they realise the light on my ceiling isn't the moon. The thud when the bigger ones bump into stuff is the definition of nightmares.

I think spiders in the north west love to troll me, Daddy's float around close to face then land then quickly fly away. I been woken up with house spider sat on face then the fucker came back later did same again even after my karate chops scared it away first time.


Maturity, bitches.
It's like the first half of your first sentence is written by a smart man but the second half and subsequent sentence are written by a casual mum gamer.
I just like the linear nature the 3D Mario's have taken. It is the superior evolution from 2D to 3D. Galaxy had some Mario 64ish levels, like the one where you have to collect 100 purple coins in that snow level, and it just demonstrated how much better the rest of Galaxy is. Galaxy 2 even did away with those types of levels.

Not saying Mario 64 is a bad game, it's just that I will never understand those who want to go back to that style when they have been presented with two superior methods.

If that makes me a casual mum so be it. No one who I have streetpassed have bested my 3D Land times in a long time mind.


I tease, but seriously now, we're getting both 2D and 3D-Land Mario games right now, with Nintendo also indicating we'll be getting Galaxy games as well. Hopefully we also get a 64/Sunshine-style game.

All four genres of Mario are honed platforming perfection. I love all.


bitch I'm taking calls.
For me, Animal Crossing is one of those things that I recognize as being stale in terms of being a polished reiteration of old game play and mechanics but still something I could get suckered into if I'm not careful. I picked Wild World back up in January and sunk a bunch of time into it before forcing myself to put it down. It's like the meth of the handheld world.

Anyway went to a concert last night for Matchbox Twenty and Goo Goo Dolls, was awesome. Westboro were camped outside the amphitheater and the lead singers for both bands ripped the shit out of them at the start of their sets, definitely my feel-good moment of the summer so far.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Good morning darlings!

And how are we all doing on this absolutely smashing day?

I am already enjoying my time at work.

Seeing a psychiatrist later then going to make hash yogorts, Got some resin ground up ready to be melted with butter than put into the yogart. Cleaned out my shed so i don't have to put my bike on a lot of shit, Cleaned out my cellar too. Well a rough clean, Nothing to much.

Took my bottle bank down to the street for all the world to see my overlove for beer.

I'm now going to eat some toast and tuna and work out a little later. (My biceps because there the most important looking muscle)
Good morning, I'm waiting for a pest control guy to come and remove a wasp nest from my loft and to kill the fuckers with fire*.

*I may be exaggerating about killing them with fire.



A little rough today, random impromptu house party last night when my housemate piled in with like 10-15 people, a bag of ephedrine and 4g of marching powder.

Cue 6 hours of mind-numbing rave music, comically poor dad dancing, coked up eejits and barely coherent conversations with complete strangers.

It was kinda fun!

But now the harsh reality of tidying up. And sweeping up.

And maybe a bit of mopping too. :/


Seeing a psychiatrist later then going to make hash yogorts, Got some resin ground up ready to be melted with butter than put into the yogart. Cleaned out my shed so i don't have to put my bike on a lot of shit, Cleaned out my cellar too. Well a rough clean, Nothing to much.

Took my bottle bank down to the street for all the world to see my overlove for beer.

I'm now going to eat some toast and tuna and work out a little later. (My biceps because there the most important looking muscle)
Sounds like a very efficient day. *pat pat*

Good morning, I'm waiting for a pest control guy to come and remove a wasp nest from my loft and to kill the fuckers with fire*.

*I may be exaggerating about killing them with fire.
Nonsense. If you ordered the destroying group from the right place, they will be very throughout and definitely will use fire while looking extremely cool wearing superhero cape.


A little rough today, random impromptu house party last night when my housemate piled in with like 10-15 people, a bag of ephedrine and 4g of marching powder.

Cue 6 hours of mind-numbing rave music, comically poor dad dancing, coked up eejits and barely coherent conversations with complete strangers.

It was kinda fun!

But now the harsh reality of tidying up. And sweeping up.

And maybe a bit of mopping too. :/
Have fun in the afterparty.

Jedeye Sniv

Had an awesome time in the sun yesterday with Mike, Musha and Untrust Us (shhh, he's shy). I have a proper sun tan/burn and everything, it's great. Then we went to a too-hot club and tried to dance in between sweating our collective tits off.

Felt like a proper summer day :)


My favourite moment with New Leaf so far was shaking a tree and having the moon fall out of it.

Only in Animal Crossing.


Had an awesome time in the sun yesterday with Mike, Musha and Untrust Us (shhh, he's shy). I have a proper sun tan/burn and everything, it's great. Then we went to a too-hot club and tried to dance in between sweating our collective tits off.

Felt like a proper summer day :)
Awesome. It looked like a glorious day like! Did any of the bands catch your eye?
I watched Half Baked last night.

Thought I'd keep up with the recent drug-themed posts
Nice. ;)


Well nothing is broken, nothing got stolen and there are no major stains. A bit of a result really! It still stinks of beer though.

*opens every window in the house*
I don't know if we actually saw any bands, so no :p there were some metal kinda bands and someone was doing a fair cover of a beatles song. It was more about the sun and the beer :)
Ah well, as long as you enjoyed yourselves!

Best Beatles Cover


Had an awesome time in the sun yesterday with Mike, Musha and Untrust Us (shhh, he's shy). I have a proper sun tan/burn and everything, it's great. Then we went to a too-hot club and tried to dance in between sweating our collective tits off.

Felt like a proper summer day :)
Seriously. I am now officially jealous of all of you that actually live in UK and have the chance to just casually hang around together.


For once i'm my life i have managed 5 a day.

STRAWBERRY'S, CHERRYS, GRAPES, ORANGES dried dates, And tuna and toast for my protean source. I ain't a fitness freak i just want my body to look as awesome as possible.


Also dive bars > fancy bars.
It was ridiculously easy to eat 5 a day in UK, since fresh fruits, salads and berries were so cheap in there. I miss it. I used to go to either Tesco or Marks and Spencer on daily basis to pick up some blueberries and strawberries. And come on, those super easy salad packs... Ah, I want back!

Only the cliquey ones hang around with each other.
Yes, it seems that all the cool girls and boys chill together.

And I can't.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
It was ridiculously easy to eat 5 a day in UK, since fresh fruits, salads and berries were so cheap in there. I miss it. I used to go to either Tesco or Marks and Spencer on daily basis to pick up some blueberries and strawberries. And come on, those super easy salad packs... Ah, I want back!

Move back over, Fuck that mainland Europe shit and get back onto the island of opportunities.


I got into a habit of eating complete shit food for years, It's only now I'm taking steps to change who i am for the better.

Got speaking to a guy in a bar yesterday who was on these crazy meds that stopped the voice inside his head. Yes guys i do know my falkirk bars, I hate posh bars and love a good dive with proper decent people and not some rich asshole kids who give you a strange look when you spark a convo.

Only the cliquey ones hang around with each other.

I hit a gig with another gaffer and its surprisingly relaxing.


Move back over, Fuck that mainland Europe shit and get back onto the island of opportunities.


I got into a habit of eating complete shit food for years, It's only now I'm taking steps to change who i am for the better.
Ah, youtube doesn't work at work, so I will check that link later on.

At the moment I sadly don't have a chance to go back, but I will come and say hi to my ex colleagues and hopefully manage to see some of you in the end of the year or early next year (if my real life friends aren't bothering me too much).

I can easily understand if you are eating shit in there. The lunch deals with crisps and sandwiches are totally horrid. I don't get it how some people seriously eat crisps on daily basis.

I hit a gig with another gaffer and its surprisingly relaxing.
:D Good for you.

Lol. And now when I think of it, I have actually met one gaffer in Liverpool, but he don't remember me (he picked up my keys and we talked couple mins. I remembered his name and his ex-wife's name correctly, so it is him).

Oh, I also have been roadtripping with a gaffer three weeks in US. It was epic.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Ah, youtube doesn't work at work, so I will check that link later on.

At the moment I sadly don't have a chance to go back, but I will come and say hi to my ex colleagues and hopefully manage to see some of you in the end of the year or early next year (if my real life friends aren't bothering me too much).

I can easily understand if you are eating shit in there. The lunch deals with crisps and sandwiches are totally horrid. I don't get it how some people seriously eat crisps on daily basis.

:D Good for you.

Lol. And now when I think of it, I have actually met one gaffer in Liverpool, but he don't remember me (he picked up my keys and we talked couple mins. I remembered his name and his ex-wife's name correctly, so it is him).

Oh, I also have been roadtripping with a gaffer three weeks in US. It was epic.

Your a well travelled female :p, I would love to road trip all the states near the Canada border, Washington to like new york or something.

Doubt I'd get into the US with my criminal record though.


Your a well travelled female :p, I would love to road trip all the states near the Canada border, Washington to like new york or something.

Doubt I'd get into the US with my criminal record though.
I like to go around and see places. When I was in US we were only on the West Coast though, since we were using my friend gaffers car and it could have been a problem to have it on the other coast. We went to California, Utah, Nevada, Arizona and Colorado and drove a bit over 4000 miles / 6000 kilometers withing that three weeks. I might need to do another trip in there, if I ever have the chance.

Hahah, and what comes to entering US, even I had problems. I don't know why, but what ever airport I am in, they want to body search me in a little seperate room. It has happened every damn time in every possible airport the last couple years. I think I just look that suspicious. They also interviewed me over 30 mins when I went to USA. Like I said, I look like a guerilla ninja terrorist.


Hahah, and what comes to entering US, even I had problems. I don't know why, but what ever airport I am in, they want to body search me in a little seperate room. It has happened every damn time in every possible airport the last couple years. I think I just look that suspicious. They also interviewed me over 30 mins when I went to USA.

Haha wow, even with my mixed ethnicity I don't get cavity checked at US airports.

They usually have their Dutch buddies do it for them at Schiphol

Once got grilled for nearly an hour there because I had a first class ticket and I was still a uni student. They asked me if I had a matric card on me. I said something on the lines of " Why exactly would I want to take that on holiday with me?"

Another time I was being quizzed at immigration at Seattle airport just before baggage claim and my friend approached the officer and cracked a joke and he stood up and dead-faced shouted "Sir, Step aside and be quiet!"

Later he was like " Wow, he sure was uptight with you. Me and my officer were cracking up about LOST"

EDIT: To be fair, it is their job and I got nothing to hide so meh. Its pretty funny when you look back at all the silly questions asked.

Also, lol Kentpaul. Why haven't you been given a job at the UK tourism office already?


Haha wow, even with my mixed ethnicity I don't get cavity checked at US airports.

They usually have their Dutch buddies do it for them at Schiphol

Once got grilled for nearly an hour there because I had a first class ticket and I was still a uni student. They asked me if I had a matric card on me. I said something on the lines of " Why exactly would I want to take that on holiday with me?"

Another time I was being quizzed at immigration at Seattle airport just before baggage claim and my friend approached the officer and cracked a joke and he stood up and dead-faced shouted "Sir, Step aside and be quiet!"

Later he was like " Wow, he sure was uptight with you. Me and my officer were cracking up about LOST"

EDIT: To be fair, it is their job and I got nothing to hide so meh. Its pretty funny when you look back at all the silly questions asked.

Also, lol Kentpaul. Why haven't you been given a job at the UK tourism office already?
Thank god minimum amount of bodily harm has been done and they have been mainly just strip searching me. One woman have even complimented my underwears and asked where I have bought my bras.

It has mostly been mainly harmless and nearly everyone has been really nice. I have also been joking a lot (bad jokes). For example when some male officers were asking from me that do I give them a permission to test all my liquids (that were correctly packed for the security) we ended up joking that I do hope they don't use all my parfums, lipglosses and especially the hair products (both of the men were bald).

I understand that it is their job and only couple has been annoying/rude (for example searching my bare chest area by hands, I didn't understand that at all, since I don't have any scars on that area or fake breasts). Also the person who interviewed me when entering US was seriously uptight and asked the same questions over and over again with a bit different wordings. We didn't get along that brilliantly. But like you said, it is their job, I have nothing to hide either and most of the incidents are really hilarious to think afterwards.

Oh, and I by the way carry my international student card all the time, since I am hoping to have some neat student benefits.

Jedeye Sniv

Seriously. I am now officially jealous of all of you that actually live in UK and have the chance to just casually hang around together.

Yeah it's lovely :) made some actual great friends on GAF this last couple of years, it's nice to find some very like minded people that you can just be friends with right away. Gawd bless the internet.

Only the cliquey ones hang around with each other.

That's it your not allowed back!!


Northern Brit Gaf ignores meet ups because to fucking awesome plus who wants hang out with them soft South folk

Finals day at EVO hype is at maximum


If you can get online, I can throw some tools your way that normally take some time to unlock if you like.
I'm sure it'll feel better if I naturally unlock those with time.

However, I could definitely do with more fruit. I'm apple native and that bitch of a secretary (oh ho ho!) gave me oranges. Do you have any more?


Thank god minimum amount of bodily harm has been done and they have been mainly just strip searching me. One woman have even complimented my underwears and asked where I have bought my bras.


I don't believe that. No way was I ever stripped down to my undies. Patted down; sure! Strip searched? Fuck no.

Northern Brit Gaf ignores meet ups because to fucking awesome plus who wants hang out with them soft South folk

Pffft. I gave you my number before Download and you didn't have the balls to meet up with me and Musha :p
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