Ninja, if you're only just watching Spaced, I'm going to assume you haven't seen Black Books? Show's amazing.
god im so depressed
Hi, I am alive....and drunk
Fuck yeah it's Friday! Not a cloud in the sky, no apprentice today, and a sneaky plan to fuck off home ASAP and enjoy the sun.
Street Life - Randy Crawford
Aww yiss, feel good tuneage!
Musha, I'll book us up for the doorknob and doily museum in September, I had no idea you liked that shit. Nah, to be fair, there are that many of them, there is bound to be something interesting. And that comtempary art museum could be sweet.
SmokeyDave, things to see and do in Nottingham, recommendations please!
Yeah, I thought the castle looked kind of sweet. I thought it would bore Musha to tears though, so I didn't mention it.The castle is the obvious choice. Guess you could also check the beach out if its still there.
I went to the contemporary art gallery once but I didn't get it.
Comic sans...
I thought you and your bros were better than this
Yeah, I thought the castle looked kind of sweet. I thought it would bore Musha to tears though, so I didn't mention it.
weekend plans britgaf?
I'm doing some private work tomorrow. I feel like I made plans for Sunday but I have no fucking idea what they were... uh oh
My thoughts exactly Mike. I'm currently walking a sneaky route back home after parking the van up on site. I'll come back for it this afternoon. It's awesome working on your doorstep!fuck work today
Well that's why I thought you'd be bored! You know, "I've seen it all before" kind of thing. Well that, and you describing that trip to the "boring old fort" last weekend.What?? You remember I'm from Wales right, we have shit loads of castles and I fucking love them! You really don't know me yet do you...
weekend plans britgaf?
I'm doing some private work tomorrow. I feel like I made plans for Sunday but I have no fucking idea what they were... uh oh
Well that's why I thought you'd be bored! You know, "I've seen it all before" kind of thing. Well that, and you describing that trip to the "boring old fort" last weekend.
You're a mystery wrapped in an enigma Musha, I feel I may never truly know you.
Yeah, I thought the castle looked kind of sweet. I thought it would bore Musha to tears though, so I didn't mention it.
On a similar note, I just saw this in the shopping centre:
What a glorious fucking machine! (its just a huge Airfix kit unfortunately, but still.)
That's what I've been trying to say.It's been fucking ages since I last did karaoke, was awesome fun. Should definitely do it more.
Not everyone has fonts like CCComicrazy or Wild Words.Comic sans...
I thought you and your bros were better than this
A gorgeous machine man, just look at that design.Ah the spitfire
Pride of Southampton.
when you two go out do you refer to yourselves as the pussy patrol?
you haven't been sending them crack have you?
tash. I just remembered the conversation we had the other night. I called you to back me up dickwad. On the plus side my friends now think you're a legend and want to go out drinking with you. fancy a night out in reading? You can crash at my place.
My optician is absolutely gorgeous, goddamn. When she turns the light off to start the examination and leans right in with her eye torch thingy, speaking all softly, "that's good, now look back at me".So Monday I had my eyes tested and may or may not have checked out my optician a few times. Come back today for a contact lens trial and she remembered me and had a quick short conversation with me. Always good to put a smile on me especially thinking of how many people she has probably seen since Monday, this shop is normally packed.
There is a university nearby afterall but clearly he didn't know what he was talking about. Once spoke to two students who were taking Middle Eastern studies in Edinburgh University and THEY knew what they were talking about. Actually surprised me that they were talking about it so openly in a public place consideirng how touchy ME politics can be.
Wouldn't surprise me if he was anti-corporation (lol at him drinking at Starbucks). It was more to do with foreign countries. Dude had a crowd around him and he was lecturing about EU immigration, Russia post-communism and how a drunk (yeltsin) saved the country, some shit about Kazakhstan being a dangerous place and then topped it all off with wowing his audience (a chick and some other guy) about how brutal North Korea is. If he was a poli-science major then I'm soooo taking that course because clearly he got his degree from watching VICE documentaries.
EDIT: Put it this way, the inebriated politics chat myself and dapperbandit had with some random french dude on the bus was more in-depth in this guy's rambling.
Oh god.
This is my worst habit, I get drunk and start talking about contraversial stuff. If I remember rightly I was asking that french guy about how strong the Fronte Nationale was and what he thinks about post-colonial immigration.
weekend plans britgaf?
Was this taking place whilst my head was in Ninja's crotch?
I am so ashamed
and hungover
fuck work today
weekend plans britgaf?
I'm doing some private work tomorrow. I feel like I made plans for Sunday but I have no fucking idea what they were... uh oh
Was this taking place whilst my head was in Ninja's crotch?
Funny, I don't remember that!indeed
Funny, I don't remember that!
I remember the seedy guys sitting to my left making no apologies for simply sitting staring at Musha's ass. After about 20 minutes of this, I reprimanded one of them when he literally started making sex noises and pretty much drooling. I looked disapprovingly at him and said, "Really dude?"
It is London, he may of pulled a knife for all I know! But he just looked a bit sheepish and turned to stare out of the window, lol.
It was just embarrassing more than anything! He seemed to be seconds away from whipping it out and beating one off.I was lying on you for the majority of the bus journey dude.
Aww you defended my honour! My hero <3
It was just embarrassing more than anything! He seemed to be seconds away from whipping it out and beating one off.
I really didn't want to see that!
It was just depressingly seedy, I could take no more 40 year old man moaning and groaning. So creepy...
Oh god.
This is my worst habit, I get drunk and start talking about contraversial stuff. If I remember rightly I was asking that french guy about how strong the Fronte Nationale was and what he thinks about post-colonial immigration.
"There goes my hero, he's ordinary!"What can I say, it's a good ass.
And stop being so coy and accept your hero status!
can I officiate the wedding guys
Tash can be the DJ
Are Reel Big Fish cool? I have their live album which is good but never know if that's socially acceptable
Is my honorary status still up to be offended by this?We are pretty cool as a collective.
Certain members are slacking, but eh.
Are Reel Big Fish cool? I have their live album which is good but never know if that's socially acceptable
can I officiate the wedding guys
Tash can be the DJ
Fucking A! Who needs a suit? I got my PFG tee!Parachute for Gordo = wedding band. Accept no subsitutes. Speakin' of which, I'll be rocking the Gordo shirt around the streets of Glasgow today.
Fuck no, you're in the top tier my friend!Is my honorary status still up to be offended by this?
My optician is absolutely gorgeous, goddamn. When she turns the light off to start the examination and leans right in with her eye torch thingy, speaking all softly, "that's good, now look back at me".
"Oh, uh OK." Hnnggg.
Parachute for Gordo = wedding band. Accept no substitutes. Speakin' of which, I'll be rocking the Gordo shirt around the streets of Glasgow today.
Fucking A! Who needs a suit? I got my PFG tee!