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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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How has everybody's weekend been?

Just arrived home. Wales is always exhausting. But my Mum had a lovely weekend, which was the whole point of me going down, so bonus daughter points for me.

Also managed to grab a couple of hours out to go to my best mate's daughter's first birthday party, which he was delighted about, so that's good. And the bloke had the opportunity to drive some of my Mum's wedding cars, which made him happy.

So all in all a successful weekend of making other people happy. Go me.


I've been playing Assassins Creed 2 pretty much the whole time, and caught up with some friends at the pub the other night. So pretty good.

Sounds good - I was so excited for all of the Assassin's Creeds up until 3, I just got a bit fed up of it. I wanted the trilogy that Jade Raymond originally told us we were getting, 3 games would of been enough. Don't see why they needed to drag it out through all this shit. I personally would of done it this way:
1. Altair and Desmond Miles
2. Ezio and Desmond Miles
3. Desmond Miles

There was no need to drag it out so long over pointless shit.

Just arrived home. Wales is always exhausting. But my Mum had a lovely weekend, which was the whole point of me going down, so bonus daughter points for me.

Also managed to grab a couple of hours out to go to my best mate's daughter's first birthday party, which he was delighted about, so that's good. And the bloke had the opportunity to drive some of my Mum's wedding cars, which made him happy.

So all in all a successful weekend of making other people happy. Go me.

I haven't been to Wales in a long time, last time I went I remember I was quite young and small and we parked opposite a jail and we had people screaming at us through the bars because I went there for a football match. Was quite hilarious. Sounds like you had a successful weekend of making people happy.
Sounds good - I was so excited for all of the Assassin's Creeds up until 3, I just got a bit fed up of it. I wanted the trilogy that Jade Raymond originally told us we were getting, 3 games would of been enough. Don't see why they needed to drag it out through all this shit. I personally would of done it this way:
1. Altair and Desmond Miles
2. Ezio and Desmond Miles
3. Desmond Miles

There was no need to drag it out so long over pointless shit.

Yeah atm I'm not sure how this particular story is going to stretch over three games. I've already got Brotherhood, but I'll take a break after this one, definitely don't want to wear our the franchise.
I'm really pleased with the scope of the game for sure, tons of content, huge towns and cities to explore (next Elder Scrolls to have cities on this scale please!), and I actually do feel like an Assassin most of the time.

The only things I hope Brotherhood has are 1) better AI, 2) non awful cutscenes 3) tighten the controls, as sometimes Ezio does the opposite of what I intended.


Yeah atm I'm not sure how this particular story is going to stretch over three games. I've already got Brotherhood, but I'll take a break after this one, definitely don't want to wear our the franchise.
I'm really pleased with the scope of the game for sure, tons of content, huge towns and cities to explore (next Elder Scrolls to have cities on this scale please!), and I actually do feel like an Assassin most of the time.

The only things I hope Brotherhood has are 1) better AI, 2) non awful cutscenes 3) tighten the controls, as sometimes Ezio does the opposite of what I intended.

The ending of the first one was just perfect, and I didn't feel like it was the same for the rest of them.


How has everybody's weekend been?
Pretty good, if not exactly exciting. I just played a load of TLoU and got stoned, I had a super lazy weekend. I'm pretty near the end I think, I have much I wish to discuss about it!
Just arrived home. Wales is always exhausting. But my Mum had a lovely weekend, which was the whole point of me going down, so bonus daughter points for me.

Also managed to grab a couple of hours out to go to my best mate's daughter's first birthday party, which he was delighted about, so that's good. And the bloke had the opportunity to drive some of my Mum's wedding cars, which made him happy.

So all in all a successful weekend of making other people happy. Go me.
Sounds like another success story Soturi!



How has everybody's weekend been?
I had a pretty good weekend, to be fair. I had work yesterday, a successful grocery shopping trip last night, and I've been with my girl all day, with a meal out to top it all off. Now I'm back home and relaxing for the night.

There was no need to drag it out so long over pointless shit.
Assassin's Creed 3 ruined the series for me, but Black Flag looks awesome. I hope it restores faith in the series.
This weekend? College related PANIC about registration, grant forms and other things. Found out we're being split into three classes although they expect to consolidate that later, drop-outs will be fast (course has like 60% drop-out rate in first year).

Other than that, not too bad. Been catching up on DC Animated Movies, I've watched Justice League: Doom and Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox this weekend. Both were good. Still haven't read this week's comics apart from Avengers Arena (this book, I cannot handle the feels), so going to wind down with those.


Coming up to the final episode of Malcolm in the Middle. Always wanted to watch every episode and thanks to Netflix I was able to.

S1 and S2 = TV Gold.

S3 and S4 = Really good. Has its moments/stand out episodes. Not as fascinatingly addictive as S1 and 2.

S5 = OK but starting to show that writers are running out of ideas. Struggled to get through certain episodes because of boredom.

S6 and 7 = Show goes downhill at an alarming pace and the humour gets quite sour at times.
Weekend's been ace. I've mostly spent it playing Rayman Legends (loads), and also eating pizza. So. Good.

And then back to the land of coding on Monday!


So, I just added this to my (not so) Top 50, no I haven't watched Shit-Factor, just loads of people talking about the song.


Probably the only song I like by Beyoncé, it's a beautiful song, this song has meaning to me and it chokes me up a little bit honestly.
How has everybody's weekend been?

Moved into my new place

It's all good, nicer than the student houses I've been in before.

I have some interesting flatmates, though I've known them less than 24 hours.

There's a Russian guy called Boris who walks around in Hawaiian shirts and told me he's going to take me down the pub next weekend and buy me loads of vodka to initiate me.

Sounds cool.

Also they have really good internet in the house because a bunch work from home and are using it 24/7.


Moved into my new place

It's all good, nicer than the student houses I've been in before.

I have some interesting flatmates, though I've known them less than 24 hours.

There's a Russian guy called Boris who walks around in Hawaiian shirts and told me he's going to take me down the pub next weekend and buy me loads of vodka to initiate me.

Sounds cool.

Also they have really good internet in the house because a bunch work from home and are using it 24/7.

That sounds fucking awesome. He's buying you vodka... that's free drinks... that's a cheap night :)

You have to keep us updated about Boris, he sounds legend... wait for it... dary!

Of course I've missed you Mike <3


Speaking of vodka, my workmates are coming round mine for a party in a couple of weeks and the one guy is bringing a crate of vodka. Now, I'm all for getting wrecked - I personally intend on getting so shit-faced that I remember nothing - but vodka and me do not mix. I get pretty angry when I drink vodka, actually, but I can't wuss out in front of everyone. Third world problem?


I'd argue that without Nirvana the grunge movement wouldn't have reached the heights it did. Kurt added an accessibility and simplicity to his songs that their helped make their music so popular. The edgier or darker grunge bands scared people off...how many people have listened to Mother Love Bone, Temple of the Dog or Green River compared to Nirvana?


Morning peeps,

Back to the grindstone, but it's all good. I have a short month, only three weeks at work, aww yeah!

And the bolshy gaffer is off again, just little old incompetent Colin to deal with for the next few weeks. It could be worse, at least I get away with murder with him!

Ninja home today methinks. ;)
I'd argue that without Nirvana the grunge movement wouldn't have reached the heights it did.
Argue with who? That's, like, accepted wisdom dude. It's almost scripture at this point.


Maturity, bitches.
Also helps they had that smiley face that they could slap on t-shirts and sell to all the kiddie winks.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
How has everybody's weekend been?

Thursday to last night was spend getting baked, a little urban exploring yesterday and some community service today. Managed to make a decent joint from all the tobacco/weed mix on my rolling table (Its some horrible weather outside so i expect to be in the van most of the day so a nice stone buzz will stop the boredom. Sorted. I have also been converted to the mixed calzone from my local Indian, Shit's good food.

Really stepped up the game with my working out, My biceps are starting to show a lot better even when i don't tense, My upper torso is looking damn fine.

Jedeye Sniv

Yay monday? In the office early (or, more honestly, on time) today, first day back of term already so it's back to early mornings and long days rather than the four hour doss sessions that mark my summer. Yawn. The worst thing is that I got the bulk of my big work finished over the summer, so now I'm here for a 9 hour day I have less to do, for the time being at least.

Still feeling the ache after yesterday's bike ride, cemented my position as the fittest member of Team Sniv, despite the other half weighing literally half of my bulk - she no good on hills! Was a great lark though, I should really get out of the house more often (made much easier now we both have wheels).

Have also been thoroughly addicted to Terraria on my iPad, that game is the FUCKING SHIT, I love it so damn much. Even now, I'm noticing it's quiet in the office... might pull out the iPad and have a dig. I just got fuckin rocket boots and a hookshot at the same time, then I had to go to bed. It's a game changer man!!

Did you miss me, chaps?

I did! Tell us about your sexual awakening in explicit detail pls. And I hope you kept note of the various strains you smoked, I expect an essay on their comparitive merits.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Morning guys, I'm up really early for no reason and looking at running specialist shops and FUCKKK MEEEEEEE they're expensive


Have also been thoroughly addicted to Terraria on my iPad, that game is the FUCKING SHIT, I love it so damn much. Even now, I'm noticing it's quiet in the office... might pull out the iPad and have a dig. I just got fuckin rocket boots and a hookshot at the same time, then I had to go to bed. It's a game changer man!!

Ha ha! Glad you're enjoying it man.

Also glad to hear that you had a good ride with the missus (boom boom).


Good to have you back Mike! How was the trip? Give us the highlights buddy.

Morning guys, I'm up really early for no reason and looking at running specialist shops and FUCKKK MEEEEEEE they're expensive

I don't understand. What specialist gear do you need for running? Get some decent trainers and a water bottle and away you go.

Someone has stolen my chair! :mad:

Find out who is was, and fuck up their shit. I'm not just talking hiding their stapler or something, I mean go properly fucking mental; throw stuff, knock some shelving over, you know, a bit of the ol' ultra violence.

Post pics of the aftermath.


I'm scared

About to phone my area manager and give him the "move me to another store in a less violent area, or I will be forced to stay on sick leave indefinitely" ultimatum.

I don't know how to put it without sounding like I'm Heisenberg giving a deadly threat.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Someone has stolen my chair! :mad:
Call the chair police
I don't understand. What specialist gear do you need for running? Get some decent trainers and a water bottle and away you go.

Trainers and a water bottle

I went cheap when i first started running and the trainers really did a number on my feet to the point where I couldn't run a mile without my arches aching, I'm not taking the risk of going cheap and cheerful again so I am going to a specialist place so they can determine which shoes are the best for my feet/running style as the damage the shit ones did was pretty bad


Terrible episode.

It's opposite day.

Breaking Bad?

The only response to that episode for me is a well known classic line from Ren and Stimpy's Mr Horse.

First time since the pilot actually. But hey, it was still better than the last four seasons of Dexter put together.


Argue with who? That's, like, accepted wisdom dude. It's almost scripture at this point.

Sorry, shorty_smyd's previous comment "To be honest, they aren't the best band that came out of the grunge era but they had some decent songs." Nirvana was my "teenage" band....i even contemplated dying my hair purple because of Kurt. Without them so many obscure bands would have been even more obscure...

I'm scared

About to phone my area manager and give him the "move me to another store in a less violent area, or I will be forced to stay on sick leave indefinitely" ultimatum.

I don't know how to put it without sounding like I'm Heisenberg giving a deadly threat.

Just gently imply that your medical counsel has implied that a less stressful ease back into the firing line is what you need to get you fighting fit again, else your recovery may suffer...don't imply it'd be a permanent move but once you're there it's much tougher getting you out. Using the it's in their best interests to look out for your best interests path has a decent chance of success.


Sorry, shorty_smyd's previous comment "To be honest, they aren't the best band that came out of the grunge era but they had some decent songs." Nirvana was my "teenage" band....i even contemplated dying my hair purple because of Kurt. Without them so many obscure bands would have been even more obscure...

Just gently imply that your medical counsel has implied that a less stressful ease back into the firing line is what you need to get you fighting fit again, else your recovery may suffer...don't imply it'd be a permanent move but once you're there it's much tougher getting you out. Using the it's in their best interests to look out for your best interests path has a decent chance of success.

Yeah, that's what my psyche dude advised. I just know they will be hard on me returning to that store - two covering managers have walked out whilst I've been on sick leave. It's that fucking bad.

Either way, if they refuse to relocate me on doctor's advice, it's the legal route as there's proof the company are not looking after the wellbeing of their staff.


Good to have you back Mike! How was the trip? Give us the highlights buddy.

The main highlight for me was a rather insane mushroom trip on Saturday night.
Out of the 7 of us staying together only 3 of us decided on doing them (and one person jumped in at the last minute)

So we took the mushrooms and met the others at a café along with the other 6 people staying separately - had a laugh in the huge group & started tripping a little but only a few colours going crazy & some visual buzzing which was pleasant.

The other 6 decided to go back to their apartment at about 11, so the rest of us strolled off to another Café (Hill Street Blues, for anyone who's been). All was well in there - we played a bit of pool, smoked a few joints and had a laugh.

That's when the mushrooms hit me like a brick wall.
I had a coke, I kept lifting the glass & trying to meet the straw to my lips, but I couldn't do it. Then I realized if I aimed at my nose that I'd get my mouth, but I kept forgetting to aim for my nose - I'd aim for my eye, then hit myself in the nose. This got annoying fast, so I threw my straw at one of the other guys, then victoriously lifted the glass to my lips & spilled the rest of the drink down the front of me.

After that everything settled back down a little & we played cards (though I had no fucking idea what was going on - I was fairly sure I could change my cards to be whatever I wanted them to be, though it was hard to tell, because whatever card I got was fucking exciting at the time)

Things got weird again when the waitress came to order more drinks and I had to give her a 5 euro note. I'd been thinking about the whole prostitute situation & decided against, but then I saw this stunning waitress on the first day and there was a moment of "man, if she was a prostitute, I'd probably change my mind". We flirted a little bit back and forth over the weekend which was ego-boosting, as she pretty much ignored the rest of the guys outside of taking orders.

For some reason my mushroom-addled mind was terrified that she'd get confused when I handed her the cash and think I was trying to pay her for a fuck. I asked for the coke and she said "OK one coke, two euros then, please?" and my response was "Um, OK so this is 5 euros but I only want the coke so can I get three back? They're not for you or anything"
Luckily this came out as "um aotbnjldnh90iopnjganarguob three? rgadararg" along with me throwing the note at her. It was enough to freak me out, though because I was pretty sure everyone was looking directly at my thoughts.

After that ridiculously nothingy incident I just wanted to leave so I spent the next 20 minutes basically just asking when we were going back to the hostel & making sure people were aware that I really wanted to be back there. When we finally left, we took the long route through the red light district alleyways because my friends were cracking up & I wasn't able to communicate how much it was spinning me out.

Oh, and I kept being absolutely paranoid that I was going to shit myself for no reason other than hearing a story about how one of my friends did so in Amsterdam a few years ago. I forget what he was on when that happened. My pre-occupation with wondering whether I was imagining the shit working its way down the insides of my trousers (which thank fuck I WAS just imagining) led me to walk directly into a guy who looked like he was going to kick the shit out of me until my friends rallied around and told the guy to move on.

When we finally got back, I went to bed & spent the next 3 hours turning my light on and off at various intervals. Every time the light was out, I felt like I was floating to the top of the room to look down on everyone, so I kept needing to double-check that I still had a physical presence in the world.

Probably sounds a bit boring and stupid, but it was an awesome, terrifying night. Would definitely do it again, but probably somewhere more familiar next time.

Other than that there was a lot of smoking in cafés, a fantastic hash vanilla cake, a less fantastic hash brownie, lots of walking, my shoes fell apart so I had to trawl Amsterdam to find new ones, lots of pool (I mostly lost) & .... yeah, just constant smoking, really.

Was awesome.


That immigration thread is interesting, so many Brits who never post here who also happen to be big old Racists / Daily Fail Brainwashing recipients...

Jedeye Sniv

^ awesome :D makes me want to do mushrooms again so hard. Damn this stupid country and our stupid laws. That sounds like a great trip. It's all about the stories brah!


I'd argue that without Nirvana the grunge movement wouldn't have reached the heights it did. Kurt added an accessibility and simplicity to his songs that their helped make their music so popular. The edgier or darker grunge bands scared people off...how many people have listened to Mother Love Bone, Temple of the Dog or Green River compared to Nirvana?

You're absolutely right. Nirvana did push grunge into the mainstream. Nevermind was huge. No doubt about that. But - in my opinion - Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains and some Soundgarden are musically more interesting (to me) than Nirvana. But those two tracks I posted earlier, good stuff.

In other news, I now know how donkey_show feels when he's counting down the hours at work to see Notts lass. Meeting up with that girl I met the other week again and it's only 11am :/ fffffuuu!

EDIT: Reading through Mike's adventure in Amsterdam atm.

Jedeye Sniv

That immigration thread is interesting, so many Brits who never post here who also happen to be big old Racists / Daily Fail Brainwashing recipients...

Man, the whole immigration argument does my head in. This is mostly because I dislike arguing without all the information to hand, and in these discussions you just get people pulling stats and observations out of the arses, from both sides even. I'm of the mind that immigration is good for the country, but that maybe the numbers/reasons should be more transparent in order to placate the more racist elements of society.

Also, my town is a particularly odd case since it's where ALL the Nepalese families moved to when they were allowed residence, meaning that in the past 10 years out population has jumped by a significant amount (I hear around 10-20% but again, these could be bullshit panicing racist figures). It's horrible, but you can really feel racial tensions rising all over the town and while I'm very liberal, I do think that local authorities could do more to both integrate new arrivals and also to educate and mollify the white populace as well.


There are always problems with such systems that need fixing, and that's fine, my issue is the people who blame their shitty lives on the only people with shittier lives than them, who lie, fabricate "stats" and generally promote wilful ignorance to support their position.

It's bullying, cut and dry.


For some reason my mushroom-addled mind was terrified that she'd get confused when I handed her the cash and think I was trying to pay her for a fuck. I asked for the coke and she said "OK one coke, two euros then, please?" and my response was "Um, OK so this is 5 euros but I only want the coke so can I get three back? They're not for you or anything"
Luckily this came out as "um aotbnjldnh90iopnjganarguob three? rgadararg" along with me throwing the note at her. It was enough to freak me out, though because I was pretty sure everyone was looking directly at my thoughts.

After that ridiculously nothingy incident I just wanted to leave so I spent the next 20 minutes basically just asking when we were going back to the hostel & making sure people were aware that I really wanted to be back there. When we finally left, we took the long route through the red light district alleyways because my friends were cracking up & I wasn't able to communicate how much it was spinning me out.

Oh, and I kept being absolutely paranoid that I was going to shit myself for no reason other than hearing a story about how one of my friends did so in Amsterdam a few years ago. I forget what he was on when that happened. My pre-occupation with wondering whether I was imagining the shit working its way down the insides of my trousers (which thank fuck I WAS just imagining) led me to walk directly into a guy who looked like he was going to kick the shit out of me until my friends rallied around and told the guy to move on.

When we finally got back, I went to bed & spent the next 3 hours turning my light on and off at various intervals. Every time the light was out, I felt like I was floating to the top of the room to look down on everyone, so I kept needing to double-check that I still had a physical presence in the world.

haha, amazing! Sounds like you had a fantastic time.
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