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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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What did you like more, the bullshit convoluted plot or the bullshit convoluted characters? :p

I remember it looking good for the time, but damn that story... I watched it immediately upon finishing playing the game and it was such a let down. The game is the definitive Riddick product IMO.

argh god DUDE. Play it! Fucking great game (or at least it was back in the day). Then you'll see what I mean about the films.

Whoah now, I agree Chronicles was a bit shitty (despite Karl Urban being magnificent as usual) but Pitch Black was the dogs fucking bollocks, don't lump it in with the crappy sequel.

got no internet, missed like two episodes of bb :-(

Catch up duck before it gets spoilered!

Flat cleaning and selling crap all week. Planning on getting rid of 90% of everything in my flat so will be listing things on ebay/gumtree, tossing things, donating things etc etc.

Hopefully by Friday it will look a bit better. Then piss up on Friday afternoon till who knows when with work mates.

Hey, if you're gonna be giving stuff away gimmie a shout, I love free stuff.


It's weird to think that there's only one girl I've ever truly loved in life and I let her go.

I'm a fucking idiot.
I've only truly been in love with one girl, but I'm glad we ended things, she was a bit mental! It was still heart-wrenching, but it was definitely for the best. All I kept thinking in the two months before we ended things was, "I need to end it with her".

So I did what anyone would do and started seeing another girl at work. Nothing helps to got over a long term relationship like pre-emptively getting involved in a new one!

Good for your Screaming Meat! It's good that you and my wife get on so well. ;)
Mo'nin all :)

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Though it wont be games since all my games are American and only work on US systems.

I will take all of them. For freedom and whatnot.


The idea of love sickens me, because I'm sick of not having it. Fooled around with a few girls, but I'm still wearing the V plates and I've never had a girlfriend.

20 years old, man. I need to fix this shit.
The idea of love sickens me, because I'm sick of not having it. Fooled around with a few girls, but I'm still wearing the V plates and I've never had a girlfriend.

20 years old, man. I need to fix this shit.

When you look for it, it never comes. When you don't, that's when it hits you.

Although, if you want a faster way in, do roller derby and meet some awesome ladies. :p


The idea of love sickens me, because I'm sick of not having it. Fooled around with a few girls, but I'm still wearing the V plates and I've never had a girlfriend.

20 years old, man. I need to fix this shit.

20 is very young, I mean, you might want to get laid but don't be looking for love at that age, spend your 20's just finding out what you like and being free (imho), your 30's are where you want to be looking for someone to settle down with.

That said, if you meet a keeper: keep her!


Shorty, how did it go last night bud? I'm guessing by the swag gif it went well!

Oh...it went REALLY well. Went for a quick meal then headed to several bars and talked a lot. What was cool was that we had conflicting opinions on things and we just casually played it off instead of being all awkward. We talked music at one point and she went through a list of her favourite bands.

"Wait a minute..did you just say Wu-Tang?"
"Yeah! Especially ODB! You heard of Boots Riley and The Coup right?"

Quite impressive.

She also talked about posting on a UK/Scotland community board on a particular popular message board (the one where GAF's "Pics That Make you Laugh" thread frequently steals from) which I found to be surreal. I don't recall ever mentioning anything about this place.

PDA aplenty throughout the whole night. Walked home around 12.30. We're meeting up on Thursday to check out an art gallery and pretend to be all pretentious. All I want to do now is crawl under my desk and sleep ha.


Maturity, bitches.
She also talked about posting on a UK/Scotland community board on a particular popular message board (the one where GAF's "Pics That Make you Laugh" thread frequently steals from) which I found to be surreal.
If it's 9gag throw her in a bin.

EDIT: Hello richisawesome's girlfriend!



I spent my time at uni studying. I'm so crazy!

Isn't that the thing you do a day before coursework is due?

Rule 1 of dating isn't it?

Rule 1 of dating is never to mention anything you don't want to mention. Never mention that you use the internet and they'll never find you. Delete your Facebook and everything. Just run.

My girlfriend knows about GAF and I know she browses it and spies on me

I've learnt to live with it.

(she's reading this right now so I'm guessing you're genuinely fearful?)

If it's 9gag throw her in a bin.

EDIT: Hello richisawesome's girlfriend!

Don't even throw her in the bin, just burn her.

Add colour to the flame.


What's the consensus on Emma Stone then, lads? Seems to be a case of love or hate on the internet, where men can freely call girls ugly when they're not flawless despite most of these men being spotty 20 somethings behind a computer screen who could probably never get that 'ugly' girl to begin with.


What's the consensus on Emma Stone then, lads? Seems to be a case of love or hate on the internet, where men can freely call girls ugly when they're not flawless despite most of these men being spotty 20 somethings behind a computer screen who could probably never get that 'ugly' girl to begin with.

Cute, seems smart and really nice.

The whole "would" thing makes me laugh, even good looking guys would fuck almost anything if it was on offer, let alone the translucent skinned tubs of lard you find on the internet.

Sad thing is, "sharp knee's" Gaf exists and also think's it isn't full of shit.


What's the consensus on Emma Stone then, lads? Seems to be a case of love or hate on the internet, where men can freely call girls ugly when they're not flawless despite most of these men being spotty 20 somethings behind a computer screen who could probably never get that 'ugly' girl to begin with.

Not feeling her. I can see she's attractive, but she's about as far removed from 'my type' as is possible.

Kaylee DeFer, on the other hand, is gorgeous:

Fucking. Phwoar.


One girl so far. ;)
I've had one night stands and the shit since we split up but...meh. I want a relationship now. I'm past the mindless sex.

I've only truly been in love with one girl, but I'm glad we ended things, she was a bit mental! It was still heart-wrenching, but it was definitely for the best. All I kept thinking in the two months before we ended things was, "I need to end it with her".

So I did what anyone would do and started seeing another girl at work. Nothing helps to got over a long term relationship like pre-emptively getting involved in a new one!
I should be over the relationship. It was three years ago.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
What's the consensus on Emma Stone then, lads?

I like her eyes.

Hh... that reads back a lot creepier than was intended.

I've had one night stands and the shit since we split up but...meh. I want a relationship now. I'm past the mindless sex.

Sorry, I meant one girl you've fallen in love with so far. Odds are it'll happen again.

I should be over the relationship. It was three years ago.

You never really get over that shit, at least until a slew of new shit comes along. Time doesn't heal wounds, maaan, it just makes scabs for you to pick at. XD
My bloke knows about Gaf, some of you have even met him, but he has no interest in posting on an internet forum, even though Mike did try persuading him to join. I doubt he's even bothered having a look in here, so I don't worry about having to be careful about what I post. Not that I post anything bad of course.

Although saying that I do watch what I say sometimes as I know I have friends who lurk here.

What's the consensus on Emma Stone then, lads?

I know I'm not a lad but can I get in on this?

I think she's very cute (would) but not drop dead gorgeous.

And Dave, Kaylee DeFer's eyes are too small.

I know, I'm picky.

Jedeye Sniv

What's the consensus on Emma Stone then, lads? Seems to be a case of love or hate on the internet, where men can freely call girls ugly when they're not flawless despite most of these men being spotty 20 somethings behind a computer screen who could probably never get that 'ugly' girl to begin with.

She purdy. Got them John Romita eyes.

I fucking hate guys on the internet, they're such twats when they talk about girls. It reminds me that lots of folks are either a lot younger than I thought, or a lot stupider.


Vica Kerekes?
Who is going to post THAT gif?
Wait... Have we just turned BritGAF into CreepyGAF? WHAT HAVE WE BECOME?!
All it takes is a little nudge fella.
We got a stern warning about this before lads.
Good call. Don't post that Vica gif!

In all honesty though, I think discussing and posting fairly tasteful pics is fine, it's when the T&A starts getting posted that we get in trouble!

Keep it clean guys.
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