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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Jedeye Sniv

BritGaf is weirder than usual tonight.

So this week I reckon I've spent about 15 hours reading, 4 of which were tonight. These books are so damn good!

ha yeah me too, spent most of last night in a book, currently reading The Blade Itself by Joe Abercromie which is a really damn good grounded dark fantasy. No dragons or anything so far, but awesome wizards and people being cunts, aw yeah.

Home already, stone cold sober. So fucked off.

Stupid cunting feelings.


Housemate still isn't being fucking clear about what's going on with the money. He's STILL not transferred it to the landlord's account and seems to be dead set on transferring it to someone else's account so we can pull out a banker's draft despite needing 24 hours notice to get one from our banks. I've suggested just directly transferring the money to her, but he's paranoid that she's out to rip us off because he suspects everyone and can't take into account that not everyone lives in a dog eat dog world.

What pisses me off more than anything is that he thought it was okay to 'think it over' because he had other avenues when he knew it would fuck over two of his friends if he backed out. He didn't even hide that fact, he was just bluntly saying this place didn't matter to HIM as much as it did to us. We could have had this all sorted by yesterday at lunchtime if he'd have stopped trying to control a situation he had no right to fucking control.

If we show up to meet the landlord at 2pm today and he hasn't transferred the money, I am probably going to punch him very hard in the stomach next time I see him. Don't think anything could be more embarrassing than showing up to pick up keys and finding out he hasn't paid the deposit.

Ouch man, this dude sounds like an idiot. Good luck living with him for the next year.

Jedeye Sniv

Trying to decide whether I should go out for a bike ride today, it pissed down this morning so I'm betting the dirt trails are a bit fucked up. Kinda want to attempt getting to where I work on my bike to see if I can do it, notoriously hilly country around that way.

hmmmmm. Probably should go do something, nowt much else to do in here.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
just beat me to it kent godamn.

I'm on my third cup of tea bro, you can't beat me!

Trying to decide whether I should go out for a bike ride today, it pissed down this morning so I'm betting the dirt trails are a bit fucked up. Kinda want to attempt getting to where I work on my bike to see if I can do it, notoriously hilly country around that way.

hmmmmm. Probably should go do something, nowt much else to do in here.

Don't risk it bro, If you come off the bike and break your arm or something GTA 5 will be ruined for you.


Morning everyone, what are we all up to this weekend?

I'm having a very lazy weekend.

Have to babysit work calls all day. Till about 8pm

Which is good for me because I get paid overtime to:

Clean the flat
watch tv
watch a movie
play a game
sort my trip out

Hard life!


Maturity, bitches.
Chicken and bacon is mush, but if you upgrade to chicken, stuffing and bacon you're gonna do better. That's normally my go to.
That's why I go for the healthy one (white packaging). The chicken and bacon actually look as they are supposed to.

Or I take the longer walk and go to Sainsbury's.

Jedeye Sniv

I'm on my third cup of tea bro, you can't beat me!

Don't risk it bro, If you come off the bike and break your arm or something GTA 5 will be ruined for you.

wtf Kent, you're supposed to the the DO IT man! Get out there, live life, grab destiny by the baws and all that!

Your indifference has spurred me on out of spite! I'm gonna ride till I puke!!


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
wtf Kent, you're supposed to the the DO IT man! Get out there, live life, grab destiny by the baws and all that!

Your indifference has spurred me on out of spite! I'm gonna ride till I puke!!

You can't live life like there's no tomorrow with a close GTA release lingering.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
This is true, and it's just started raining again. Weed and videogames it is.


I can feel that bro, I'm game for a smoke while i get ready to go out for a few cold ones!


Pizza Dog
Nice and sunny here in Brixton at the moment, might nip out to Honest Burgers for some god-damned magnificent food. Then possibly looking at areas nearby for buying-a-flat-suitability with the gf. Buying your first place is hard enough as it is without having to do it in London. At least I know she's not going to screw me over with the deposit!
because I'm ten times more broke than she is


Is actually fairly quiet today even. Thread is at it's hottest on weekdays when we're at work :p

Figured I'd post my question(s) on a new page, since people seem to have missed it:

Hello BritGAF!

I'm moving to London on Tuesday for university and was wondering if there were any basic pointers I should know? I went there in February to visit my brother and it was a blast and I had no real issues. Also, I was thinking of building a desktop while over there, is it best to order everything online and have it delivered and build it or are there places around the city where I can pick stuff up? What would the best websites/stores be?

Thanks in advance and hopefully I can attend a meet-up or two in the near future!

Hope you guys have a good weekend!


Best place to get parts will be to shop around. I use ebuyer and overclockers on a regular basis. I don't live in central so I don't know whether there are any shops that you can get decent prices from.

Enjoy London, it's a nice place.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Got some proper running shoes

90 damn pounds but i guess it's worth it

gonna get drunk and smoke a few tonight but then no more, I really hope this is the final push i need to kick it

Once I'm done with university, I might get the fuck out of London.

We'll see.
Come to portsmouth
u guys shud get girlfriends and move in with them. totes easier.

p.s. ive finished my cv but im not sure about the layout. does hae any recommendations??
send me a copy
oh god i might not be out of the woods yet

where the fuck is that godfather gif

it's fucking appropriate
?? go on


Hello BritGAF!

I'm moving to London on Tuesday for university and was wondering if there were any basic pointers I should know? I went there in February to visit my brother and it was a blast and I had no real issues. Also, I was thinking of building a desktop while over there, is it best to order everything online and have it delivered and build it or are there places around the city where I can pick stuff up? What would the best websites/stores be?

Thanks in advance and hopefully I can attend a meet-up or two in the near future!

Where are you coming from? Where are you staying/living?

I'd imagine buying online will be cheaper. I haven't seen any cheap computer shops around London. Only expensive crap.


Knows the Score
u guys shud get girlfriends and move in with them. totes easier.

p.s. ive finished my cv but im not sure about the layout. does hae any recommendations??

If you submit your cv somewhere it may be turned into plain text so keep it simple and make sure it's not relying on any fancy effects or styles.


Maturity, bitches.
Nice and sunny here in Brixton at the moment, might nip out to Honest Burgers for some god-damned magnificent food. Then possibly looking at areas nearby for buying-a-flat-suitability with the gf. Buying your first place is hard enough as it is without having to do it in London. At least I know she's not going to screw me over with the deposit!
because I'm ten times more broke than she is
Donno if it is of interest to you but there's a small market in the part of Rush Common opposite the prison.

Still need to go to Honest Burger. The one time I tried it was too full.


Pizza Dog
Donno if it is of interest to you but there's a small market in the part of Rush Common opposite the prison.

Still need to go to Honest Burger. The one time I tried it was too full.

It's always too full. It's usually worth a wait though, unless it's over an hour or something ridiculous. One time, ONCE, I went there and walked straight in. On a Saturday! It was glorious. Best bets are evenings during the week but that's because it's not really the sort of time you think about going.


Wondering if I should get a Macbook Air for uni. Would be expensive with 13" , 8GB RAM even with student discount (870), but resale value (about half of it in 3 years) is high and the quality of the laptop is superb.


We can agree on both.

Better idea to go Macbook Pro, but Air's are brilliant too.

Bit too much out my range. Budget was initially 650-700.

EDIT: plus the spec bump (in the inevitable 2013 edition) for the budget option will only affect the processor really since integrated graphics.
So I woke up about 8am and have been constantly reading till just now, finished the third book. Can't remember the last time I was that into a story.

Now to go shopping for dinner stuff, have friends coming round so I'm cooking Mexican. Need to start the chilli soon so it can cook for long enough.


Where are you coming from? Where are you staying/living?

I'd imagine buying online will be cheaper. I haven't seen any cheap computer shops around London. Only expensive crap.

Malaysia, will be staying around Aldgate/Whitechapel.

Thanks, I was thinking about online anyway, just wanted to see if there were any local deals around.
Induction for what?

Uni, starting on Monday.

I feel so old compared to all these fresh-out-of-school types (26), but there's seven of us from my technical course I did last year so I feel a bit safer. Timetabled hours don't seem too bad, but we're expected to stay in the building till 10 each night. There's an 80% dropout rate by the end of second year, pretty frightening.


Unconfirmed Member
Uni, starting on Monday.

I feel so old compared to all these fresh-out-of-school types (26), but there's seven of us from my technical course I did last year so I feel a bit safer. Timetabled hours don't seem too bad, but we're expected to stay in the building till 10 each night. There's an 80% dropout rate by the end of second year, pretty frightening.

What are you studying?


Malaysia, will be staying around Aldgate/Whitechapel.

Thanks, I was thinking about online anyway, just wanted to see if there were any local deals around.

Ahh. That area is .. okay. Some good curry over there! However, I wouldn't wander the streets drunk at night in that area. Should be fine, but its not the best part of town.
What are you studying?

Multimedia Applications Development, three years ordinary BSc with an option for a fourth year to make it an honours. Lots of maths and programming plus all the usual Adobe stuff and a few creative modules.

First part of the day was okay, our course leader seems like a nice lady. Then her second-in-command stepped in to give us what he called the "Hard Facts":

- The course is too low on the CAO (what we use in Ireland to apply for uni) by 100 points. You need 210, it should be 310 minimum. That's actually not that high. The maximum is 600 points (you can get extra points from colleges for Higher Level Maths) which you get through 6 A1s at Higher Level in the Leaving Certificiate, Ireland's state exams. The CAO works on demand, everyone who applies gets order ed by points, and they offer places until they are all filled. The lowest score is the official point total for the course. I got around 400, but that was eight years ago.

- Following on from that, a C or D in Ordinary Level Maths isn't enough. You need a high B or an A in Ordinary (the slang term is Pass) Maths. Doesn't worry me because I got an A1, but again, eight years ago. Been looking over the notes for integers, it's coming back to me slowly.

- 80% will drop out, this rises to almost 90% including repeats.

- Course works out as 33% maths/programming, 50% creative multimedia (so web, music, animation, etc) and 17% communications/writing.

- Course is essentially 2 12-week sprints, broken down into 60-hour weeks, and that's the bare minimum you'd want to do.

Copied mostly verbatim from my notes yesterday, sorry if it's a bit long but I kind of needed to write it down again for it to sink in. Part of me wishes I'd taken that job at the library warehouse, but I really want to do this. I suppose at least I know how tough it is now.


Ahh. That area is .. okay. Some good curry over there! However, I wouldn't wander the streets drunk at night in that area. Should be fine, but its not the best part of town.

Thanks for the tip! It's only for the year, so hopefully I won't get into too much trouble.


Unconfirmed Member
Multimedia Applications Development, three years ordinary BSc with an option for a fourth year to make it an honours. Lots of maths and programming plus all the usual Adobe stuff and a few creative modules.

First part of the day was okay, our course leader seems like a nice lady. Then her second-in-command stepped in to give us what he called the "Hard Facts":

- The course is too low on the CAO (what we use in Ireland to apply for uni) by 100 points. You need 210, it should be 310 minimum. That's actually not that high. The maximum is 600 points (you can get extra points from colleges for Higher Level Maths) which you get through 6 A1s at Higher Level in the Leaving Certificiate, Ireland's state exams. The CAO works on demand, everyone who applies gets order ed by points, and they offer places until they are all filled. The lowest score is the official point total for the course. I got around 400, but that was eight years ago.

- Following on from that, a C or D in Ordinary Level Maths isn't enough. You need a high B or an A in Ordinary (the slang term is Pass) Maths. Doesn't worry me because I got an A1, but again, eight years ago. Been looking over the notes for integers, it's coming back to me slowly.

- 80% will drop out, this rises to almost 90% including repeats.

- Course works out as 33% maths/programming, 50% creative multimedia (so web, music, animation, etc) and 17% communications/writing.

- Course is essentially 2 12-week sprints, broken down into 60-hour weeks, and that's the bare minimum you'd want to do.

Copied mostly verbatim from my notes yesterday, sorry if it's a bit long but I kind of needed to write it down again for it to sink in. Part of me wishes I'd taken that job at the library warehouse, but I really want to do this. I suppose at least I know how tough it is now.

Sounds intense. What uni are you going to?



I could go into a huge rant about how their broadband (technical) support are shit but to be honest I need to keep my temper down so I'm not going to bother. All I will say is the person I spoke to earlier had less intelligence than a potato and that's being polite.


I could go into a huge rant about how their broadband (technical) support are shit but to be honest I need to keep my temper down so I'm not going to bother. All I will say is the person I spoke to earlier had less intelligence than a potato and that's being polite.
I'm rather interested in hearing what you have to say. I used to work in an outsourced call centre for Virgin Media for two years so, yeah, this kind of stuff is of interest to me.


Unconfirmed Member
My local ASDA has iPads on display but they put a bit of plastic over the entire screen except for a small bit around the button and about an inch above it.
So they have functioning iPads but people aren't able to use them. Is is the same in all stores or is mine just a special kind of stupid?
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