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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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I've already seen comparison gifs that show 360 version has more detailed trees. That's how it begins...

Yeah I saw those too. From what I gather the overall disparity between the versions is small, but the 360 will edge it out on the small details still.

Still, if the game is half as good as first impressions and reviews lead me to believe, I'll be double dipping on the PC anyway.

Is it weird I give not one fuck about GTA? I used to, but my interest died after Vice City, I think the novelty of open world wore off for me after playing WoW / Elder Scrolls / Fallout 3 etc...

Only games I am a bit hyped for now are: BF4, The Division, Everquest Next and Deep Down.

What platform are you getting BF4 on? PC for me, and this time I'm grabbing premium for sure!
Trailer for the multiplayer last night got me very excited too!


So uh, I just stumbled across this in OT


and subsequently melted into a puddle. Only have 2 more eps to watch of S1, cannot wait for S2 now.

I don't watch the show, but this caught my eye in that thread:



Suddenly my gym session this morning feels so wimpy.

What platform are you getting BF4 on? PC for me, and this time I'm grabbing premium for sure!
Trailer for the multiplayer last night got me very excited too!

PS4 probably.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.

Fuck y'all mad at me for

Greatest game of all time, Think I'll be playing this one for years guys.
Digital Foundry have recommended the PS3 version as the one to get!

didn't you only pre order it friday?

Sure saw something yesterday that pre orders after last thursday have to wait due to pre order stock been sold out

They've ran out of 360 copies. Fuck you nearly gave me a heart attack.

EDIT: order dispatched from Amazon. Delivery estimate: Wednesday!



Digital Foundry said:
However, it's apparent that the PS3 version has an undeniable advantage in one area: even to the naked eye, ground textures on 360 are blurred as a result of what appears to be unoptimised asset streaming. Glitch or not, this basically amounts to concrete and grass textures appearing fuzzier beneath the feet of Trevor, Michael or Franklin, while the PS3 version's remain crystal clear. The 360 does command a minor advantage in frame-rate during synchronised play, but for shoot-outs and high-speed hurtles down the city streets, the PS3 can sometimes pull ahead in these metrics - though the difference is rarely perceptible either way. Since all else is identical across the board, the PS3 version is recommended on the grounds of image quality if you have the option.

kentpaul am cry

Thank you BritGAF for convincing me to cancel my 360 pre-order.


gawd mine still not arrived even though it is in the delivery van at 9am. Oldham I will nuke you also for taking this long it barely 5 miles from my house


The closer you are to the depot the later you should expect your package. They take the quickest route to the furthest delivery and work their way back.


Blissfully free of the GTA loop i woke up this morning to discover that a cat had been brutally murdered by a fox on my front lawn....and by brutally think full length evisceration and chewage. Great way to start a day off...at least i managed to avoid getting caked in cat guts as i scraped it into a bag.

On the plus side turns out the local council have a dead animal collection service...
caught in the hype i suppose, i preordered it for £35 off amazon a week ago and *fingers crossed* it should be waiting at home by the time i finish work. hell if you can wait a week or two it'll probably hit £30 in a lot of places


Blissfully free of the GTA loop i woke up this morning to discover that a cat had been brutally murdered by a fox on my front lawn....and by brutally think full length evisceration and chewage. Great way to start a day off...at least i managed to avoid getting caked in cat guts as i scraped it into a bag.

On the plus side turns out the local council have a dead animal collection service...

:( what a sad story


Just got in. GTAV installing as we speak. Beers in the fridge, spliffs ready to roll.

Aww yeah!

now more than ever i regret never wanting to drive. the hour bus(s) trip home is going to kill me.

Pro tip:

Make sure you don't need a piss before you get on.
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