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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Jedeye Sniv

You must really hate Star Wars then :p

I tell you, that really does annoy me, especially when the old republic is basically exactly the same as the Vader era. wtf. A society that stagnant would be terrible and would collapse under itself. I don't really like the books that much, but Foundation goes over this, an empire would fall so easily over those timespans. The Star Wars society should be godlike by the Vader era, or more primitive in the old republic. It shows a paucity of imagination on behalf of the writers IMO.
What time does GTA online switch on?
and then crash and burn harder than Sim City?

I just can't get into the genre at all. Slow-paced fluff coupled in forests with some dwarves/elves speaking their own language BS. Only one I can remotely tolerate is Zelda and even I gave up halfway through Twilight Princess. I think my problem is that I'm associating it with factual history (Even though it's "fantasy" I know I know) and as a result I'd be like "Can't take it seriously!". Complete opposite with cyberpunk for me because I feel that the genre predicts what's going to happen in the future. "Oh shit! hover cars and VR. That might be possible in 2050!" Although we all know that back in the 50s (Jetsons?) they said we'd be in hover cars by 2000 >.<

ha, perhaps I'm too anal about this. Not going to be surprised if this post crops up on that "Dumbest neogaf posts" twitter page.

EDIT: Jordan, you're an Avril fan. Curious to know your thoughts on that How You Remind Me cover.

r u havin a giggl m8? i swer on me mum don dis my genre!
I tell you, that really does annoy me, especially when the old republic is basically exactly the same as the Vader era. wtf. A society that stagnant would be terrible and would collapse under itself. I don't really like the books that much, but Foundation goes over this, an empire would fall so easily over those timespans. The Star Wars society should be godlike by the Vader era, or more primitive in the old republic. It shows a paucity of imagination on behalf of the writers IMO.

If the prequels hadn't been made it would be a different story. But of course by improving some of the visual effects they managed to make the locations and designs look way more futuristic. I believe the official explanation for this was "well all the tech is beaten up after the Clone Wars and the Imperial takeover."

I tend to just run with it, there are thousands of logical shortfalls in sci fi and fantasy, and occasionally you get something that really tries to plug all those holes but in the end it's more enjoyable if you suspend your disbelief.

Jedeye Sniv

What time does GTA online switch on?
and then crash and burn harder than Sim City?

r u havin a giggl m8? i swer on me mum don dis my genre!

Should be up now. And by 'up' I mean broken.

If the prequels hadn't been made it would be a different story. But of course by improving some of the visual effects they managed to make the locations and designs look way more futuristic. I believe the official explanation for this was "well all the tech is beaten up after the Clone Wars and the Imperial takeover."

I tend to just run with it, there are thousands of logical shortfalls in sci fi and fantasy, and occasionally you get something that really tries to plug all those holes but in the end it's more enjoyable if you suspend your disbelief.

The thing is, if the Old Republic was 200 years ago I would be fine with it. That would make some kind of sense. But it's like 5000 years ago, that's retarded.

I don't mind the PT to OT changeup so much, I like that the rebellion was bombed back to a lower state of tech, that makes sense. But the Old Republic makes zero sense.

It's like, instead of ancient Egyptians and shit, 5000 years ago was basically the early 90s. WAT.
Should be up now. And by 'up' I mean broken.

The thing is, if the Old Republic was 200 years ago I would be fine with it. That would make some kind of sense. But it's like 5000 years ago, that's retarded.

I don't mind the PT to OT changeup so much, I like that the rebellion was bombed back to a lower state of tech, that makes sense. But the Old Republic makes zero sense.

It's like, instead of ancient Egyptians and shit, 5000 years ago was basically the early 90s. WAT.


So that Cantina band's song will probably be in the charts for several thousand years


Greenscar you rookie, you need to carry sanex and use that shit after every game. Not to mention whatever you've caught from the oculus!

Shorty nah man I've only been in there a few times, but each shop only got a set amount. Dunno when we get more.

So good to be back in my own bed!
Greenscar you rookie, you need to carry sanex and use that shit after every game. Not to mention whatever you've caught from the oculus!

I'll remember next time. First expo/con/whatever, so I'm allowed some fuck-ups :p

Did your leg recover from Power Stone? haha


Booked in for a massage on Saturday due to the slowly building aches reaching critical mass. Going to feel like a new man on Sunday.

but that means my character would be super annoying and ruin the end game for me
This post. It needs more love. All of our love.
and it's set during the prohibition in the 20s right? I'm a big sucker for that LA Confidential/LA Noire/Gangster Squad kinda thing.

Also guys, for a person that absolutely detests the fantasy genre, will I appreciate Game of Thrones? For the record, I do not appreciate LotR or any of the Elder Scrolls games. Fable 1 was ok.

As someone who also hates fantasy crap, GoT is great. It's a lot more politicised than stupid "LET'S GO ON A QUEST" crap, with only small amounts of fantastical stuff so far.

Meanwhile Boardwalk is just awesome. Watch Boardwalk. I need to catch up with it actually, haven't been watching since Breaking Bad.

I think that big plot spoilers are a no no (like who kills who when etc) but some people are crazy over this shit, pretty much everything is considered a spoiler now and it's daft. Some things aren't spoilers, they act as the opposite, things to get you excited.



I'm finding the rage over GTA:Online not working amusing what did people expect it not like the game sold over 15 million copies....oh wait.
Fuck work. Fuck it in it's big hairy ass. I knew things had been too good for too long. I might do a Michael Douglas in Falling Down.

Jedeye Sniv

That was horrible. I'm never sitting cross legged again.

I don't know why, since I have very little practical use for it, but I feel like I should be able to sit cross legged. I wonder how long it would take to train my legs to accept it...?

I'm finding the rage over GTA:Online not working amusing what did people expect it not like the game sold over 15 million copies....oh wait.

I'm finding GAF's impatience today both hilarious and rage inducing. Is it me, or do big games bring out the absolute fuckin stupidest people on the forum? Three quarters of them are GameFAQs level idiotic. There's one guy over in the thread who is really angry, and it's like... dude. lmao

SP for this evening it is!


servers being messed for GTA online was expected, but I'm not liking what I'm hearing about the character creator.

Can't care about the Nintendo Direct today, since they already said its about games coming out this year. Doubt there will be any announcements and I doubt SMT IV will be there.


Maturity, bitches.
Nintendo Directs are a press release in video form with a bit more information. Once you accept that you will enjoy them.

I bet one of the things mentioned will be Wind Waker despite us knowing everything about it because it's out Friday.


Cheers Lirlond. Managed to get it reserved at an Argos at Braehead so I'll just pop in there after work today. Glad to hear you're back btw!

Well, GoT doesn't have the orcs and elves stuff, but it does have some standing around in forests talking, and the occasional mythical beast. It also has some of the best 'I fucking hate that guy' characters in all of TV.

I'm with you to an extent though, the thing about fantasy that always gets me is the ridiculous timescales. "We've been living in this castle for three thousand years!" No you haven't, don't be stupid. A society remaining unchanged for thousands of years is a ridiculous idea.

But I got over it, and you can too.

I did enjoy my first ever D&D session surprisingly. Pretending to be some warrior being immersed in a world doing quests and shit with other people in the same room.

As someone who also hates fantasy crap, GoT is great. It's a lot more politicised than stupid "LET'S GO ON A QUEST" crap, with only small amounts of fantastical stuff so far.

This is very re-assuring. Thank you :) Definitely giving GoT a go now. Boardwalk too.

r u havin a giggl m8? i swer on me mum don dis my genre!



Maturity, bitches.
Well would you look at that, my pessimistic attitude for Nintendo Direct was uncalled for.

So whose house are we going to to play Wii Karaoke?
That Nintendo Direct managed to further justify my future purchase of a 3DS, and still give little reason to get excited for the WiiU outside of 3D Mario World (which looks fabulous!).

From Smash Bros to Mario Kart to Kirby to obscure Japanese stuff, the 3DS has everything I could want.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Having problems launching a game on GTA online, Someone hand me a stepladder and noose.
the pilot for MARVEL: Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D was enjoyable.

I enjoyed it. Watched it with a big group, one other comic reader, all but one person invested in the MCU. Consensus was positive all-round, we'll probably stick with it for the entire first season.

That's what annoys me, DC reset their universe a couple of years ago and replaced the real, interesting Ollie with this dumb kid. Older people are not relatable apparently. But super rich 20 year olds who look like Channing Tatum are apparently the everyman. It's heartbreaking - Ollie as this slightly over-the-hill Errol Flynn fan with a womanising streak is just perfect. A strong father figure, but flawed. Left wing stance, tempered by age and experience.

vs abs.

Fuck off DC you cunts.

Ollie was so perfect in Injustice. It's a shame I don't find him that fun to play, or he would be my main in a heartbeat. I did get the Lemire issues of Green Arrow today (plus the Dynamite Pulp Sale obliterated my wallet), I'm going to give it a fair shake.

I like some fantasy stuff, but I tend to prefer urban fantasy like The Dresden Files or The Iron Druid Chronicles. I adored Tolkien as a teenager but I can't read it now. I bought the first four ASOIAF books when I got my Kindle two years ago and have tried to get through them at least six times. They are just super-dense and I can't seem to reach the point where I get hooked.

I'm obsessed with Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings at the moment, and just bought his superhero book Steelheart. The preview was so bleak, it was really enjoyable in a feel-bad way. Perfect to follow up the Marvel Universe Vs. trilogy which was unrelentingly nasty and violent.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
hey guys did you know i like the pop songs on gta

Gotta love a good pop song, I hated the manufactured music scene for so long until i got a job in a warehouse and daily exposure to the music converted me.


I ain't vibing to pop tonight though, I'm prepping my mind my mind up for the incoming weekend with some banging classics. Getting a taste back for the nightlife.

Jedeye Sniv

Ollie was so perfect in Injustice. It's a shame I don't find him that fun to play, or he would be my main in a heartbeat. I did get the Lemire issues of Green Arrow today (plus the Dynamite Pulp Sale obliterated my wallet), I'm going to give it a fair shake.

I like some fantasy stuff, but I tend to prefer urban fantasy like The Dresden Files or The Iron Druid Chronicles. I adored Tolkien as a teenager but I can't read it now. I bought the first four ASOIAF books when I got my Kindle two years ago and have tried to get through them at least six times. They are just super-dense and I can't seem to reach the point where I get hooked.

I'm obsessed with Brandon Sanderson's The Way of Kings at the moment, and just bought his superhero book Steelheart. The preview was so bleak, it was really enjoyable in a feel-bad way. Perfect to follow up the Marvel Universe Vs. trilogy which was unrelentingly nasty and violent.

The Lemire stuff isn't bad at all, not like the first dozen or so issues of the series, but I still just dislike this new Ollie, and so even a decent writer like Lemire is working uphill to get over my distaste. DC have worked spectacularly hard to lose me as a reader this last two years, I am bitter as fuck :p

As for fantasy, I've not done much of it myself. Did the ASoIaF series and I loved that specifically because it wasn't all gobliny. Have also just started the First Law by Abercrombie, the first book was brilliant, I loved the tone and the violence of it. Lovely stuff.

I read the Hobbit in my 20s and thought it was OK, never got the muster up to read LotR though, seems like it would annoy me!

hey guys did you know i like the pop songs on gta

I've been known to leave that station on for more than one song sometimes. It's pretty good. I do end up singing along to Flight of the Conchords to Pet Shop Boys though.


bitch I'm taking calls.
If you had to pick one gaming character mascot to represent Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo and PC who would they be?
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