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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Welcome to the club. Unhappy to have you.

I've just bought my first tablet (16GB Nook HD+ for £129 with a 2 year guarantee)...i almost went for that recent Vita deal from Argos but the upcoming new LCD model made me hesitate and the Nook HD price drop seemed too good to pass up. Here's hoping i didn't make a massive (in relative terms) balls up...

Edit - Crikey, Cyanide Strike still not settled on an avatar yet?!

Have the 32GB model myself, it's a great little device for the money,


We have a pair of cats, who we got as kittens who were sisters from the same litter. Having done it once it makes sense as they keep each other warm when they sleep curled up together and sometimes play with each other. Cats are pretty isolationist but it became apparent that it was nice having a pair to keep each other company when everyone was out at work.
i shall name them musha and mike
I haven't been drunk since last week and I've been drinking 2 litres of water a day.

I just have no idea what the hell is doing it.
go to the GP


bitch I'm taking calls.
Congrats Dave.

Also Chin I would go for 2 cats, our cat is pretty bored and depressed all by itself. Like others say cats often like time by themselves but having 2 means they can play together sometimes and drain off excess energy.

A lot of cat problems, just like dogs, come from them being bored and not knowing what to do with the extra energy.

Actually now that I think about it you can apply that to humans as well.


Congratulations Mr and Mrs.Smokydave! After ODing on Parks and Recs all day I can say that you've always been Britgaf's Ron Swanson.


Here's a 5 and a half hour Mr Scruff mix for anyone at a loose end and hankering for something to listen to : https://soundcloud.com/mr-scruff/mr-scruff-dj-mix-from-band-on

Oh, GAF, what a fucking day I've had.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Not sure you can put a deep plunge on that dress given that you'd have to cut through the sewed bit that fits underneath the chest, which would likely screw up the form. I don't know why I know this amount of info about dress altering.
You should see if you can get some tix to see them at the forum on the 14th March . I'm going with Mike and a couple of my mates.

I'll definitely try and get one in that case!

I'll keep a look out on eBay and the usual places...

Also had this song on repeat for a while, my gf informed me that it is from Gossip Girl which usually has good music (same guys that did The OC, which also had great music).



I just watched The Way Way Back.
Can't recommend it enough - heartfelt & pretty funny too.

Also Jim Rash is in it, which is a huge bonus.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I just watched The Way Way Back.
Can't recommend it enough - heartfelt & pretty funny too.

Also Jim Rash is in it, which is a huge bonus.
Yeah I saw this when it was originally in theaters over here. It's a pretty good movie. Steve Carell is a really convincing asshole. And yeah Jim Rash is funny, but Sam Rockwell totally stole the show for me.


Yeah I saw this when it was originally in theaters over here. It's a pretty good movie. Steve Carell is a really convincing asshole. And yeah Jim Rash is funny, but Sam Rockwell totally stole the show for me.

Yeah Sam Rockwell was great in it.
To be fair, the only person I didn't love in it was Toni Collette (the mum), she just seemed a bit under-developed as a character, so that's probably not the actor's fault.

I felt like the movie could've been about 30 minutes longer & given Duncan an actual journey to being accepted & fitting in at the waterpark, but other than that it was one of the best things I've seen this year.
I'm a married man!

Wedding was fucking awesome. Easily the best day of my life. Sitting at a wedding lunch with a stinking hangover, waiting to go home and pack for honeymoon.

Hope y'all are having a good weekend!

Dead ones aren't a problem. It's the ones that they injure and then get bored with that'll really fuck you up. Nothing ruins Sunday morning like chasing a half-dead animal around your kitchen.


If it was anyone else, I'd tell you good luck, but seeing as it's you it's just a question of how great things will get from now on.


damn, only just got to work and now ive seen that max payne thread... want to go home and just play max payne :(

shame about the hate steered towards 3 though. it's a really solid game, its just... everything else that was awful of which there was so much of.
You've got the beads and the gold web thing to cover up the middle? Interesting that this outfit is not very often picked for cosplay, from browsing google images.

Not yet, I found a mesh type belt which I've cut up and sprayed gold and am using for the shoulder bits. Couldn't find anything suitable for the middle piece, will rummage through old clothes to see if there's anything I can use to cut into shape, needs to be pretty stiff though so I'm thinking suede or denim. Will probably dismantle a long beaded necklace or something for the beads.

One thing I'm a bit confused about is the back. The bits that come off the shoulder pieces, are they separate or joined together? I can't find a good enough pic of the back of the dress to see. I have a long scarf thing but I don't know whether to just attach both ends or cut it in half.
So fucked off with work today.

We had two emails this morning, one about use of personal phones and the other about use of office messenger.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's the team leaders and manager who are the worst for using office messenger to gossip about people, and making and receiving personal calls all the time. If they're going to put these ridiculous demands on us about not being allowed to converse with anyone during working hours, the very least they can do is set a good example. But no, it's one rule for us and one rule for them.

They've also brought in new deadlines for some of our work, and immediately said that there will be no tolerance and if these deadlines aren't met we will face disciplinary action. No time to get used to them, no room for exceptions or anything.

This is not how you motivate people or boost moral. I don't think leaving would help, I think I really need to get out of the whole industry.


The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's the team leaders and manager who are the worst for using office messenger to gossip about people, and making and receiving personal calls all the time. If they're going to put these ridiculous demands on us about not being allowed to converse with anyone during working hours, the very least they can do is set a good example. But no, it's one rule for us and one rule for them.

Nothing like a bit of office hypocrisy to start the day. Deeeeeeelicious.


We had two emails this morning, one about use of personal phones and the other about use of office messenger.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's the team leaders and manager who are the worst for using office messenger to gossip about people, and making and receiving personal calls all the time. If they're going to put these ridiculous demands on us about not being allowed to converse with anyone during working hours, the very least they can do is set a good example. But no, it's one rule for us and one rule for them.

They've also brought in new deadlines for some of our work, and immediately said that there will be no tolerance and if these deadlines aren't met we will face disciplinary action. No time to get used to them, no room for exceptions or anything.

This is not how you motivate people or boost moral. I don't think leaving would help, I think I really need to get out of the whole industry.
Do you work in the same office as me or something?


Happy new week everyone. Yay and things. Four day week for me though, get in!

That sucks Musha, office hypocrisy is the pits. Like at our place, the lads need to wear hi-vis vests in and around the yard yet the gaffers never do, or the health and safety lasses telling you to wear safety boots while they swan around in ballet pumps. Grrr!

But you've been wanting to leave for a while now. Maybe this is the push you need. As you say, maybe a fresh start doing something else entirely. It'll probably mean a pay cut for a while, but that's surely preferable to being miserable in your job.

I need to move on from this place, it's just a big comfy rut for me, which is no good. Just going through the motions day after day, nothing challenges me here anymore. But we get iPads next month, hmmm....

As for the back of your dress, isn't this the one?


Anyway, forget the back, you should fashion the blue hood thing she sometimes wears to go with it. Looks so boss:


Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
John mayer was fucking awesome, proper good show, got a t shirt and my sister had a good time

After seeing her I'm just kinda annoyed, seeing her arms all cut up and big plasters over her wrists was unnerving, she looked horrible, her hair was long and tangled and she has lost loads of weight.. She used to dress well and care about her appearance, now she looks like trailer trash, I'm not into vanity stuff but she isn't taking care if herself, I get she's not well but it was so annoying, if something wasn't going her way she just played it like a card and broke down

I feel bad for my mum, she blames herself and no amount of reasoning will convince her otherwise
Ahh well, back to being a grown up with my own problems on the train back to portsmouth from Waterloo.. I'm ill and I feel pretty rough..

CHEEZMO™;86780590 said:
Might go into Manc tomorrow.
Cool, how come?
Not sure you can put a deep plunge on that dress given that you'd have to cut through the sewed bit that fits underneath the chest, which would likely screw up the form. I don't know why I know this amount of info about dress altering.
Yeah I lol'd at that last bit
So fucked off with work today.

We had two emails this morning, one about use of personal phones and the other about use of office messenger.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's the team leaders and manager who are the worst for using office messenger to gossip about people, and making and receiving personal calls all the time. If they're going to put these ridiculous demands on us about not being allowed to converse with anyone during working hours, the very least they can do is set a good example. But no, it's one rule for us and one rule for them.

They've also brought in new deadlines for some of our work, and immediately said that there will be no tolerance and if these deadlines aren't met we will face disciplinary action. No time to get used to them, no room for exceptions or anything.

This is not how you motivate people or boost moral. I don't think leaving would help, I think I really need to get out of the whole industry.
I know this feel, let them have their power trip and it'll slowly sink back into the old ways I'm sure, start looking for other jobs
I hate everything.
Sup brah?

I'm a married man!

Wedding was fucking awesome. Easily the best day of my life. Sitting at a wedding lunch with a stinking hangover, waiting to go home and pack for honeymoon.

Hope y'all are having a good weekend!

Dead ones aren't a problem. It's the ones that they injure and then get bored with that'll really fuck you up. Nothing ruins Sunday morning like chasing a half-dead animal around your kitchen.
Glad you had a good day mate, I think if I get married I want a proper small ceremony, the idea of all the speeches and high pressure shit sounds not fun

i have woken up every single day this week with a migraine


oh and congrats dave
Exercise man, it helps
I haven't been drunk since last week and I've been drinking 2 litres of water a day.

I just have no idea what the hell is doing it.
How many hours are you sleeping for? What's your sleeping pattern like?


So fucked off with work today.

We had two emails this morning, one about use of personal phones and the other about use of office messenger.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that it's the team leaders and manager who are the worst for using office messenger to gossip about people, and making and receiving personal calls all the time. If they're going to put these ridiculous demands on us about not being allowed to converse with anyone during working hours, the very least they can do is set a good example. But no, it's one rule for us and one rule for them.

They've also brought in new deadlines for some of our work, and immediately said that there will be no tolerance and if these deadlines aren't met we will face disciplinary action. No time to get used to them, no room for exceptions or anything.

This is not how you motivate people or boost moral. I don't think leaving would help, I think I really need to get out of the whole industry.

So glad I abandoned the office job. If it helps you at all, your post cheered me up as it reminded of the glorious 'One rule for...' Viz letters.

Happy new week everyone. Yay and things. Four day week for me though, get in!

That sucks Musha, office hypocrisy is the pits. Like at our place, the lads need to wear hi-vis vests in and around the yard yet the gaffers never do, or the health and safety lasses telling you to wear safety boots while they swan around in ballet pumps. Grrr!

But you've been wanting to leave for a while now. Maybe this is the push you need. As you say, maybe a fresh start doing something else entirely. It'll probably mean a pay cut for a while, but that's surely preferable to being miserable in your job.

I can't agree with the bolded enough. I've taken over a fifty percent paycut (well actually more than that as I'm not getting paid officially yet) and it's the best thing I've ever fucking done I love the actual job and like most of the people I work with, even the bosses. I'm not going to lie and pretend it isn't scary as fuck being self employed or that I'm not worried about the money but they money issue is only temporary pain. It'll certainly be less of a worry when I finally get a fucking flatmate, that's for sure.

As for my week ahead, no work this week and then off to Vegas (yeah I know, money being tight and Vegas but it was paid for and budgeted for before my current situation) on Wednesday morning. Selfish Pizza is coming with and we're going to weigh ourselves before we go to see how much weight we put on. I reckon a stone is possible for me, I'm going to eat like a king.

Jedeye Sniv

Working at half term in school is dullsville. On the one hand it's nice to get stuff done while blaring out new records (new Los Camps!, Queens, Chvrches and Our Lost Infantries on rotation today), but on the other it's so deathly quiet and boring. I could be doing this at home while addled out of my mind. Nah who'm I kidding, if I was at home I'd be alternately playing games and trying to convince the mrs to do terrible things with me. Probably for the best that I'm in the office!


Working at half term in school is dullsville. On the one hand it's nice to get stuff done while blaring out new records (new Los Camps!, Queens, Chvrches and Our Lost Infantries on rotation today), but on the other it's so deathly quiet and boring. I could be doing this at home while addled out of my mind. Nah who'm I kidding, if I was at home I'd be alternately playing games and trying to convince the mrs to do terrible things with me. Probably for the best that I'm in the office!

Do you have a fave Chvrches track off the album yet? Think mine is 'Tether' but obviously that was influenced by the bird moving out recently.

Jedeye Sniv

Do you have a fave Chvrches track off the album yet? Think mine is 'Tether' but obviously that was influenced by the bird moving out recently.

I only listened to half of it last night but I liked Gun a lot. I think it's aiiiight so far but I'm not banana riding it quite as hard as youse guys. It takes a lot of work for a very poppy album to get past a lifetime's worth of pop defense mechanisms. That said, I wasn't compelled to turn it off immediately so it wins there. I really dig the Scottish accent coming though, and it manages to avoid the so-cool-it's-actually-a-bit-dull pitfalls of something like Goldfrapp or Zero 7.

Makes me feel a bit old though :p makes me want to put some Bill Callahan on to match my age a bit closer :p (edit: omg this reference made me see if he has a new record out and he does, squeeeeeeee)

The new Los Camps! is also poppy as fuck but I can give them the benefit of the doubt because they are my Favourite Band (tm).


I only listened to half of it last night but I liked Gun a lot. I think it's aiiiight so far but I'm not banana riding it quite as hard as youse guys. It takes a lot of work for a very poppy album to get past a lifetime's worth of pop defense mechanisms. That said, I wasn't compelled to turn it off immediately so it wins there. I really dig the Scottish accent coming though, and it manages to avoid the so-cool-it's-actually-a-bit-dull pitfalls of something like Goldfrapp or Zero 7.

Makes me feel a bit old though :p makes me want to put some Bill Callaghan on to match my age a bit closer :p

The new Los Camps! is also poppy as fuck but I can give them the benefit of the doubt because they are my Favourite Band (tm).

I *mostly* abandoned mine in my late teens to mid twenties. Used to be the biggest fucking musical snob on earth but pills and gay friends wore down a lot of my pop/dance objections. One of the few remaining hangovers is that I still get irked when artists sell to an ad, even though I know it's a ridiculous thing to be irked by and that I like the bands I like to have 'integrity' although if you asked me what I meant my that I'd probably be hard pushed to tell you.

I like Chvches because it's just a bit dancey/indie and very catchy.

Edit: Also, I'm older than you so that's no excuse!

Jedeye Sniv

I *mostly* abandoned mine in my late teens to mid twenties. Used to be the biggest fucking musical snob on earth but pills and gay friends wore down a lot of my pop/dance objections. One of the few remaining hangovers is that I still get irked when artists sell to an ad, even though I know it's a ridiculous thing to be irked by and that I like my bands I like to have 'integrity' although if you asked me what I meant my that I'd probably be hard pushed to tell you.

I like Chvches because it's just a bit dancey/indie and very catchy.

I think for me it's just a sonic quality to records. I like music to be quite dense and not particularly polished, so hearing something as shiny and quantized as Chvrches means it has to get through my 'it's not REAL music nyeaar' filter, which I'm getting better at shutting off. But in itself it sounds consistent and 'authentic' so I can dig. If I find out all the songs were written by some Svengali then I will have to stop listening. Until then it's all good.


Heard that "The Mother We Share" track the other day. 'Twas quite mellow and enjoyable. Still not seeing the reason behind the hype so need to dig deeper I suppose. I imagine their shows will be good.


If I find out all the songs were written by some Svengali then I will have to stop listening. Until then it's all good.

This is what I find odd about you. You say all this but then most of your facebook updates are about watching X-Factor and who you want to win. Very strange.
Can't recall mentioning it in the thread already but I've got this housemate who moved in recently. He's a Welsh guy, big into his IT and coding.

Anyway apparently in his free time he's been playing around with game creation software and made his own minigame this weekend which is apparently a mix of pong and asteroirds. Anyway he's asked for some creative input from me since I told him I do a bit of writing now and then. Obviously I said yes, so sometime in the near future we'll swap some ideas (of which i have several).

Pretty excited about that to be honest.
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