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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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1-2 are dreary, boring and tedious affairs typical of the lame ass hack that is Chris Columbus.

3 is amazing. Disliked the rest a lot. Loved all the books.

The thing that makes me REALLY hate the harry potter film series is that Terry Gilliam was J K Rowlings first choice as director. He wanted to do it. WB said no, and insisted on safe hack Columbus.

Imagine if the first two Harry Potter films were directed by the visual genius that is Terry Gilliam.

Terry fucking Gilliam.

Fuck you, WB.

admittedly, if TG had directed the philosiphers stone, the set would have been struck by lightning, Radcliffe would have died in a freak blender accident and Robbie Coltrane would have lost serious weight. Typical Gilliam luck.


Imagine if the first two Harry Potter films were directed by the visual genius that is Terry Gilliam.
Oh yeah, that's the guy that fills the scene with smoke and then tips the camera on a slight slant. Yeah, I've seen his movies.

Twelve Monkeys was OK I guess, but meh, he's a one-trick pony IMO. Tideland is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


Oh yeah, that's the guy that fills the scene with smoke and then tips the camera on a slight slant. Yeah, I've seen his movies.

Twelve Monkeys was OK I guess, but meh, he's a one-trick pony IMO. Tideland is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Fuck you, mane.

Time Bandits and Brazil are great films, as is twelve monkeys despite Pitt and Willis. Time Bandits is the first downer ending I really remember seeing, really made an impression on me.


formerly Oynox Slider
Oh yeah, that's the guy that fills the scene with smoke and then tips the camera on a slight slant. Yeah, I've seen his movies.

Twelve Monkeys was OK I guess, but meh, he's a one-trick pony IMO. Tideland is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Hello - new here. And I'll start off by saying that I really liked Tideland. It was unsettling and genuinely strange.
My one major gripe with the last film/book is the awful 'Nineteen years later...' scene at the end. Terrible CGI aside, the entire scene wasn't needed.

Oh yeah, fuck that noise. The actual ending before that bollocks (in the book) was great. Boom, Voldy's dead, now time to fix my wand and everything gets tied up nicely


Fuck you, mane.

Time Bandits and Brazil are great films, as is twelve monkeys despite Pitt and Willis. Time Bandits is the first downer ending I really remember seeing, really made an impression on me.
To be fair, I forgot about Time Bandits. I do like that one.

He's not a hack or anything, I just find his visual style irritating. It's probably just me, my mates aren't amused when I berate Gilliam either.

Set of fucking chumps.
Hello - new here. And I'll start off by saying that I really liked Tideland. It was unsettling and genuinely strange.

Fill in the form in the OP.

Yeah, maybe Tideland was too strange for me. Maybe that's my problem with Gilliam in general, it's all so "whoa, kerrrazy man" in it's wonky angles and oddball plots, feels a little contrived to me. Or maybe he really is that mental.

Imagine if Zack Snyder directed the Harry Potter films.
GAF would've had a field day with Herminey's (fuck you, I don't know how to spell it) slutty schoolgirl costume.


Oh yeah, fuck that noise. The actual ending before that bollocks (in the book) was great. Boom, Voldy's dead, now time to fix my wand and everything gets tied up nicely
Exactly. Rowling should've ended the book on the bridge during the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts. None of this 'X years later...' bullshit. It would be a bittersweet ending, what with the deaths of so many students and teachers and wizards, but Voldemort is dead and the war is over. No need to keep it going.


formerly Oynox Slider
Yeah, maybe Tideland was too strange for me. Maybe that's my problem with Gilliam in general, it's all so "whoa, kerrrazy man" in it's wonky angles and oddball plots, feels a little contrived to me. Or maybe he really is that mental.



Yeah, I can totally see that - the first time I saw it I just thought it was just plain bad. Second time I liked it more. It's probably a pretty bad film, I just like its style.

When's you Birthday: 29 April
Where do you live: Manchestaaar
Where are you from: Blackpool
Occupation/University: Lawyer
Favourite Actor/Actress: Um. I guess I like Philip Seymour Hoffman?
Favourite Band/Artist: Pearl Jam since the days of 'Ten' (anything with classic rock DNA)
Favourite TV Show: Futurama
Favourite Crisps: Seabrook Tomato Ketchup if I can find them
Favourite Biscuit: Dark choc digestive
Favourite Pokémon: I do not do this thing.
Ant or Dec: PJ! Don't take off the goggles!
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Stalactites


I forgot what a stupidly long film Order is. Still, nearing the end now, just got to the part where the Order is in the room full of prophecies. Such a great looking scene.
Goblet of Fire was my favorite of the books though. So much action and intrigue going on. Probably the adolescent peak of the books before things go all "grim-dark" and Harry turns into a whiny twat in Order of the Phoenix.

I broadly agree with this, although Goblet is when the books started getting too bloody long. I really enjoy a long novel occasionally (I'm reading The Way of Kings and I'm devouring it when I really should be studying) but books 4-7 are overlong for their audience type. That said, there's not really a lot in the later books Rowling could've cut.

My one major gripe with the last film/book is the awful 'Nineteen years later...' scene at the end. Terrible CGI aside, the entire scene wasn't needed.

That scene is a valiant attempt to curb the fan-fics that ship other pairings. It's Rowling's way of saying "This is what happened, you jerks, now leave my universe alone."

Imagine if Zack Snyder directed the Harry Potter films.

Thankfully we don't live in that universe. I just have to watch that hack destroy the DC universe instead. *sob*


Thankfully we don't live in that universe. I just have to watch that hack destroy the DC universe instead.
I think he did a good job with MoS, not brilliant, but good. I hope he does a better job with Batman vs Superman, though, he really needs to hit the nail on the head with that one otherwise DC and their legion of fanboys will not be happy.

It's amazing, go see that.
I think he's referring to the first one, isn't he?
Awwwww pooooooooo

12th December is our work xmas lunch :( Mega sad face. No way I can sneak out either.

We need to sort something out soon dude. Mr Penguin misses you.

How about the 16th? xD Notts lass and I will be coming back from Germany into London in the morning. I miss Penguin too >.<
I think he did a good job with MoS, not brilliant, but good. I hope he does a better job with Batman vs Superman, though, he really needs to hit the nail on the head with that one otherwise DC and their legion of fanboys will not be happy.

I was so hyped for it after the third trailer, despite not liking any of Snyder's past input. I think he's a hack director (though I don't watch a lot of movies compared to your average gaffer, so grain of salt) who's very good at elevator pitches. I was even enjoying Man of Steel until Clark put on the suit. It then went to shit in a hurry. That film aged me 20 years. I've never thought a movie was too loud until the fight with Faora and they both crash into the glass front of the big shop. Mark Waid's (he's a very good comic writer) thoughts on it sum up my experience with it.

"Asked what his "dream project" would be, Waid asked, "Do you mean besides Superman? If they only published it still," Waid quipped. This transitioned into a discussion of this past summer's "Man of Steel" film, with Waid sharing, "The last words I spoke as I walked into the theater: 'Well, I've adjusted my expectations accordingly.
As long as he doesn't kill anybody, I'll be fine.'"

I think Batman vs. Superman was a really tall order even before DC decided to add Wonder Woman, Luthor and possibly Nightwing, Flash and some others.

IMO, the audience will spilt into people who think the fight is hilariously unbalanced and thus not fun to watch, grimdark Batman fanboys thinking Batman should win in the first punch and people like me who are so bored of heroes fighting heroes (seriously, it's been run into the fucking ground in comics lately and I'm so very tired of it).

It's also the most crowded summer in history (although Star Wars Episode VII has moved to Christmas). Release date will be crucial, supposedly it's July 17th. Man of Steel marked the point this year when blockbuster fatigue kicked in and everything afterwards underperformed. Looking at Wiki, Jurassic World's in that slot in 2015 and I have no idea how that will turn out. People like dinosaurs though.
Ant-Man comes out 2 weeks after MoS2.

Save your money.

I'll probably see both, my birthday's around then anyways. I've seen nearly all the comic book movies in the cinema, the only ones I can remember missing are the second Ghost Rider because I don't like the Johnny Blaze version of Ghost Rider or Nicholas Cage and The Wolverine because I'm bored of Hugh Jackman in the role, Wolverine's domination of the X-Men franchise and I really, really hate when they do the whole "Wolverine loses his healing factor" thing.

What I'm trying to say is, after all the dreck I've sat through out of fanboy love, I can't really stop now.
I never got into Harry Potter. Watched the first two films and thought they were alright but couldn't be bothered to watch the rest. Read the first book and thought it was dull.

Everyone says they get better, but if I didn't like the first one I really can't see myself liking the others.

Plus, there's far too many good books out there to read.

Oh yeah, that's the guy that fills the scene with smoke and then tips the camera on a slight slant. Yeah, I've seen his movies.

Twelve Monkeys was OK I guess, but meh, he's a one-trick pony IMO. Tideland is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Fuck you, mane.

Time Bandits and Brazil are great films, as is twelve monkeys despite Pitt and Willis. Time Bandits is the first downer ending I really remember seeing, really made an impression on me.

Was gonna lay into you for that Ninja but jimbor beat me to it.

I know Gilliam has been a bit hit and miss, Baron Munchausen and Imaginarium we're not great, but when he's good he's superb. Brazil is amazing, and Time Bandits is one of my favourite films from my childhood. And are we forgetting he directed Fear and Loathing? 12 Monkeys just ok? Damn.

How about the 16th? xD Notts lass and I will be coming back from Germany into London in the morning. I miss Penguin too >.<

That's my birthday! I'm in work and have no plans lunchtime if you're still around about 12:30 ish?
Got a text at like 1am from an unknown number. "Hello, I am your future wife. ;) xxx". Normally I'd just ignore it but I'm bored and my number isn't on FB or anything, so I figured I'd throw it open to you lot.

I'll send anything pretty much, within limits.
Got a text at like 1am from an unknown number. "Hello, I am your future wife. ;) xxx". Normally I'd just ignore it but I'm bored and my number isn't on FB or anything, so I figured I'd throw it open to you lot.

I'll send anything pretty much, within limits.

"Hi, and welcome to Animal Crossing Fact Sender! Thank you for subscribing to this service, from which you will receive numerous Animal Crossing facts each day!'

Que sending many pointless facts, and post screengrabs of the reactions here.
I just met Syed from Eastenders!



Got a text at like 1am from an unknown number. "Hello, I am your future wife. ;) xxx". Normally I'd just ignore it but I'm bored and my number isn't on FB or anything, so I figured I'd throw it open to you lot.

I'll send anything pretty much, within limits.
Respond as if it's normal and expected.
Got a text at like 1am from an unknown number. "Hello, I am your future wife. ;) xxx". Normally I'd just ignore it but I'm bored and my number isn't on FB or anything, so I figured I'd throw it open to you lot.

I'll send anything pretty much, within limits.

Act as if she's your time traveling wife and start asking questions about how many kids you two end up having and stuff.

"Hi, and welcome to Animal Crossing Fact Sender! Thank you for subscribing to this service, from which you will receive numerous Animal Crossing facts each day!'

Que sending many pointless facts, and post screengrabs of the reactions here.

This is really good.


I've done something similar to the fact one but with cat facts. It lasted a week until she texted STOP123 to stop the service.


Knows the Score
Got a text at like 1am from an unknown number. "Hello, I am your future wife. ;) xxx". Normally I'd just ignore it but I'm bored and my number isn't on FB or anything, so I figured I'd throw it open to you lot.

I'll send anything pretty much, within limits.

nudes pls.


It was steaming horseshit, and I was hyped for it from the trailers.
Well, I knew going into the movie that it would be bad, but I didn't think it was going to be this bad. That final line out of Parker in the movie...URGGGH! What an unlikeable dick! WORSE THAN ANY OF THE STAR WARS PREQUELS, I SAY!

No. That's not hyperbole. First 2 Prequels are average at best while Episode III is actually decent.

And no, the trailer for the sequel doesn't give me hope.
Disappointment of VGX is excellent.

So, good thing I missed it? Just came back from a little cousin's birthday. We played Scrabble and shot nerf gun darts at a dart board. It was fun. Does Scrabble have a timer sometimes? Because those games can get long when you're trying to find a place not to have to make many words at the same time.

Guys, just a head up - Hovis Doorstep is too thick to fit in normal toastie makers. If you do manage to clamp the top down, be prepared for the little plastic catch thingy to ping off and fly across the room with surprising force and loud report.


Guys, just a head up - Hovis Doorstep is too thick to fit in normal toastie makers. If you do manage to clamp the top down, be prepared for the little plastic catch thingy to ping off and fly across the room with surprising force and loud report.

I actually have a breville press toaster, which kinda eliminates that risk. It was only £20 at Asda, and it's amazing. My mum has a cafe, and she uses the exact same one for paninis and sandwiches.

And it's by far the greatest way to ever reheat pizza. Seriously.

Talking of pizza, I'm overdosing on it here. I had a ristorante pizza for dinner on Thursday, papa John's on Friday, leftover papa John's last night and tonight were using £40 of pizza express Tesco vouchers I gained from buying the PS4 and some petrol.

Oh man I'll be speaking Italian soon
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