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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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happy new year birtgaf!

Burtgaf really cracked me up! I'm am mentally mangled right now but yeah.


Woke up at 6 with a massive hangover.

Took three ibroprofens, drank a can of Monster and walked to the (shut) co op and back. Hangover gone completely.

never fails to work


Hey so there was someone in here who worked for Selfridges I seem to recall? Any idea if I order something today, will it arrive before or after Friday? Just need to figure out if I can order it to arrive at my parents' house so I can get it before I go back on Saturday, or whether I need to order it to my place in Cambridge and get it after I go.


'morning GAF, and Happy New Year to you all.

Hope that computer's still working Rich.

Well, it wasn't last night. I restarted it, unplugged it, tested to see if the PSU would power other things - nothing. Dead.

...turned it on this morning and it works. Using it right now. I'm scared and confused.

Son Of D

Not as hungover as I thought I'd be. I did feel sick not long after waking up though. Still, was a great night. I was somehow able to avoid revealing much about myself in a truth game, not sure how I did that.

But most importantly (to me at least) even though 2014 started 10 hours ago, 6 of those consisted of me sleeping, it's already been much better than the first day of 2013.


I didn't play DK64 in the end. I just kind of sat there feeling like shit and writing down notes every now and then.

I just want money and freedom right now.

Jedeye Sniv

I didn't play DK64 in the end. I just kind of sat there feeling like shit and writing down notes every now and then.

I just want money and freedom right now.

ok you totes shoulda just played DK64 then, even a cludgey platformer is better than sad notes :)

Money and freedom will come in time man. Although freedom not so much, it goes money and responsibilities instead unfortunately.

If drinking makes you mopey maybe think about dialing that back a bit too. Alcohol is made for wallowing in sometimes.


I didn't even drink.

I'm thinking of heading back to my uni house in the next few days and just getting as much work done as possible in isolation. Better idea than trying to do things in a tiny flat that has no quiet square cm to work in. Might have to check money first though.


Happy New Year Britgaf!

Hope everyone had fun last night. I sure as hell had an eventful night! Started off with a hilarious karaoke session until we got invited to merge with another house party across the street. Met some cool people there. Macklemore's Thrift Store was played. Everything went well until about the first 5 mins after we went into 2014, Shit hit the fan when someone's crazy girlfriend started shouting, crying and being all melodramatic and then one of my friend's drunk roommate started unpredictably raging like he's on 'roids by shoving people and smashing holes in doors for no reason. We all got kicked out but we were explained that no hard feelings were meant. I was like "I got to see a bit of Only an Excuse and got to countdown to 2014 with Jackie Bird. That's all I needed bud :D". Once outside in the street, it took 3 folk to nail this raging drunk guy to the ground telling him to calm down or he'll get choked out (one person was doing martial arts for 6 years. Wouldn't surprise me if he was capable of doing so) The rest of us went back to the original flat to do more karoake (Girls really like karaoke!). 40 minutes later everyone comes in all happy. Raging guy calmed down considerably well but his knuckles and shirt was bloody. Not sure at what point but we got 2 new visitors to the house. One of them was a drug dealer who happaned to be the son of an SNP politican...apparently. Kept saying if we wanted to buy some "Super Nintendo". Asked if the console's plastic was faded or brand new but got blank faced. I don't even know if Super Nintendo is a real drug or they're having a laugh. Either way, everyone was an edge as to why there's a drug dealer in the house. Things got friendly shortly afterwards. Didn't get home until around 4am.

...and people tell me only crazy shit happens in big cities. haha, crazier shit happens in small towns.
I didn't play DK64 in the end. I just kind of sat there feeling like shit and writing down notes every now and then.

I just want money and freedom right now.

I know that feeling. The worst thing about uni work was that it was ALWAYS there at the back of my mind clouding my ability to relax. There's always some coursework that needs doing, textbooks to read, notes to write, or a test to prepare for.

Having no money on the few occasions I had little to do only served to boot me in the shin whilst I was down.


Belated happy NY Britgaf!

My glamourous NYE featured, at one pint, me ferrying two potties around the flat to where various small people were having toilet emergencies.

10 years ago I'd have been off my nut a a squat party in some filthy warehouse dancing to techno, this year it was Radio 6, decent champagne & some mates with their kids an a few cheeky lines once the sprigs went to bed. Me asleep by 1am.
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