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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Jedeye Sniv

I feel for you. At my office Xmas party, I did what can best be described as THE MOTHER OF ALL SLUT DROPS a little too early on in the night. Such was the sheer sexual force of my descent, it caused my suit trousers to split open like the Red Sea before Moses himself. Thank Christ for dark underwear, jäger bombs and poor lighting. My dignity was as shredded as my slacks.

...the slut drop was pretty immense though.

That image is beautiful. I think my knees would give out if I were to try that.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
has everyone got their ss now then? I've only seen a handful of photos in the thread ...

Somebody make a compilation?

eDiT: Blast, Coldman rumbled me

Jedeye Sniv

I can't believe you made me watch more than one second of Geordie Shore. Thank goodness I had the sound off.

So it's just bending down quickly with your knees open? Didn't Christina Aguilera coin that move in her Dirrty video? And much better? I used to be a pro at that move.

hehe I didn't even watch it myself. But yes, a quick and knee-cartilage destroying butt drop.

And yeah, I can imagine you pulling that off alright :)


Dilemma time BritGAF chums:

As some of you know, one of my housemates (Lee) is a tight bastard, he won't put his hand in his pocket for anybody. He is also, coincidentally, the resident food thief (although he leaves my stuff alone now). It's worth noting that he earns the second most in the household, he's not skint by any stretch of the imagination.

Now this dilemma involves a second housemate (Pats), who is skint. He's barely got two pennies to rub together. Pats likes to cook, and around three or four times a week he cooks up a big meal for us all to dive into. Pats pays for all of this food out of his meagre budget. (My fourth housemate Glen isn't a part of this, he only eats beige coloured stuff from the freezer, he has the diet of a spoilt, overweight 5 year old).

So every week, I give Pats £10-20 towards food as he effectively feeds us both for half the week. Yet surprise surprise, Lee hasn't given him a penny yet, not a sausage! And lee piles his plate high and goes back for seconds, he isn't shy. This is our eighth month here, and Lee still hasn't thought to reimburse Pats, like ever. I've even taken to waiting until Lee is around, and then giving my contribution to Pats right in front of him to try and shame him into doing it. Nope.

So my dilemma is, do I just straight up confront Lee about paying his way at the risk of belittling Pats? (I couldn't care less how Lee feels about it at this point). Or do I just leave it alone and let Pats continue to spend a significant portion of his tight budget on feeding this greedy entitled douche? (By the way, I like Lee for the most part, he's good craic, just a person of questionable morals).

As a side note, I can tell you right now that Pats will never confront him about this himself. He is still owed over £600 from Pablo, one of our best mates for years, and never mentions it. It's either I say something, or just leave it alone. I just hate seeing him out of pocket, especially as skint as he is.


My tight housemate let's my skint housemate feed him without recompense. Do I confront him or leave it alone?


Dilemma time BritGAF chums:

As some of you know, one of my housemates (Lee) is a tight bastard, he won't put his hand in his pocket for anybody. He is also, coincidentally, the resident food thief (although he leaves my stuff alone now).

Lacing your food with laxatives wasn't such a bad idea now huh?

Or do I just leave it alone and let Pats continue to spend a significant portion of his tight budget on feeding this greedy entitled douche?

EDIT: You're kidding right? To answer your question, pull a metallica/mustaine on housemate Lee. Problem solved.

Also, how the fuck can people live while casually stealing other people's property like it's no thing? I would've at least asked you if I could have a bit of food instead of just snatching it...and even if I did snatch in an emergency then at least apologise and pay back or replace it. Fuck sake.

Oh, and since you're now a new owner of a Dreamcast: Welcome to the club


Also, how the fuck can people live while casually stealing other people's property like it's no thing? I would've at least asked you if I could have a bit of food instead of just snatching it...and even if I did snatch in an emergency then at least apologise and pay back or replace it. Fuck sake.
I was in a similar situation to Ninja, with one of my housemates stealing my food and using my stuff like deodorant and washing powder. It might not seem like such a huge deal with the last two examples but when you live on a tight budget, you need to make sure it all lasts, which is made difficult when you have twats such as 'Dave' stealing it all the time. It wasn't just from me, either, he stole from our other housemate too. In the end, me and the other housemate just sat 'Dave' down and told him to stop else not only would we request the landlord remove him from the property but we'd also make damn sure every last penny is paid back for the goods he stole. As it turns out, he did pay us back, apologised and then moved out somewhere else as he felt too guilty. I felt like a dick that it came to that but you just don't steal from others, it's not a done thing.


My tight housemate let's my skint housemate feed him without recompense. Do I confront him or leave it alone?
Hmm. That's a tough one. Stab him in the throat?

I was in a similar situation to Ninja, with one of my housemates stealing my food and using my stuff like deodorant and washing powder. It might not seem like such a huge deal with the last two examples but when you live on a tight budget, you need to make sure it all lasts, which is made difficult when you have twats such as 'Dave' stealing it all the time. It wasn't just from me, either, he stole from our other housemate too. In the end, me and the other housemate just sat 'Dave' down and told him to stop else not only would we request the landlord remove him from the property but we'd also make damn sure every last penny is paid back for the goods he stole. As it turns out, he did pay us back, apologised and then moved out somewhere else as he felt too guilty. I felt like a dick that it came to that but you just don't steal from others, it's not a done thing.
Fuck you, you lot should've secured your stuff better. I only stole it because I care about you and I wanted you guys to learn a lesson.


Dilemma time BritGAF chums

One of two things:

- Not so much a confrontation, but collectively at the next big meal raise the fact that if Pats is going to continue to cook for the group, everyone needs to chip in X amount. People will either yay it or nay it.


- Pats stops cooking for the whole group as of now, and just you and he have an arrangement.
Dilemma time BritGAF chums:

As some of you know, one of my housemates (Lee) is a tight bastard, he won't put his hand in his pocket for anybody. He is also, coincidentally, the resident food thief (although he leaves my stuff alone now). It's worth noting that he earns the second most in the household, he's not skint by any stretch of the imagination.

Now this dilemma involves a second housemate (Pats), who is skint. He's barely got two pennies to rub together. Pats likes to cook, and around three or four times a week he cooks up a big meal for us all to dive into. Pats pays for all of this food out of his meagre budget. (My fourth housemate Glen isn't a part of this, he only eats beige coloured stuff from the freezer, he has the diet of a spoilt, overweight 5 year old).

So every week, I give Pats £10-20 towards food as he effectively feeds us both for half the week. Yet surprise surprise, Lee hasn't given him a penny yet, not a sausage! And lee piles his plate high and goes back for seconds, he isn't shy. This is our eighth month here, and Lee still hasn't thought to reimburse Pats, like ever. I've even taken to waiting until Lee is around, and then giving my contribution to Pats right in front of him to try and shame him into doing it. Nope.

So my dilemma is, do I just straight up confront Lee about paying his way at the risk of belittling Pats? (I couldn't care less how Lee feels about it at this point). Or do I just leave it alone and let Pats continue to spend a significant portion of his tight budget on feeding this greedy entitled douche? (By the way, I like Lee for the most part, he's good craic, just a person of questionable morals).

As a side note, I can tell you right now that Pats will never confront him about this himself. He is still owed over £600 from Pablo, one of our best mates for years, and never mentions it. It's either I say something, or just leave it alone. I just hate seeing him out of pocket, especially as skint as he is.


My tight housemate let's my skint housemate feed him without recompense. Do I confront him or leave it alone?

I think you have 3 options here. Either you do nothing, or you confront Lee, or you tell Pats to just stop feeding him! Personally I would go with the latter, if Pats doesn't want to confront him or ask him for money then that's fair enough, some people just don't like confrontation. But he doesn't have to keep on feeding him. If he's cooking for you and him tell him to literally just make enough for the two of you, or if he does end up making more then immediately put the leftovers into a container and freeze it for another day so Lee doesn't get his grubby thieving hands on it.

You don't want an awkward atmosphere in the house if you confront him though, especially as it's not really anything directly to do with you.

Edit: Dammit theaface!


One of two things:

- Not so much a confrontation, but collectively at the next big meal raise the fact that if Pats is going to continue to cook for the group, everyone needs to chip in X amount. People will either yay it or nay it.


- Pats stops cooking for the whole group as of now, and just you and he have an arrangement.

This one, chances are he is just ignorant rather than malicious. It's hard to believe but some people really are living in their own world and he might not actually think about it.

If you confront head on he might get his back up and it causes issues.

I would be more confrontational, to the point of "cough up or eat your own food you cunt", but that's me and I don't have a good track record of conflict resolution ;)


Thanks guys, some really good advice.

The thing is, if it was me, I'd have just told him straight up. But I know Pats is a bit meek with that kind of thing, he won't do it.

If I mentioned it to Lee, chances are I'd cause friction between us all and annoy Pats by going behind his back. I just cannot let this injustice continue dammit!

I think a collective discussion is the best course of action. Next time we're all sitting down, I'll just say this:
"cough up or eat your own food you cunt"

But yeah, thanks for the input guys. I'll let you know what happens.
Oh, and since you're now a new owner of a Dreamcast: Welcome to the club
Haha, nice one shorty. Do I get a badge?


In other news, how is everybody coping with the perpetual misery of being back at work? I'm coping by focusing my attention on planning my honeymoon. I've got a meeting with someone from Trailfinders in a couple of weeks.

Planning on going for 3 weeks, split between Japan and Bali. Any recommendations/top tips are very welcome!

Jedeye Sniv

In other news, how is everybody coping with the perpetual misery of being back at work? I'm coping by focusing my attention on planning my honeymoon. I've got a meeting with someone from Trailfinders in a couple of weeks.

Planning on going for 3 weeks, split between Japan and Bali. Any recommendations/top tips are very welcome!

With difficulty :p after grazing for pretty much 3 weeks while I was off work I'm constantly hungry this week. Not to mention just being lazy and tired lol.

When are you getting married? How long together? Tell us your story man!


I'm a bit late to the punch, but I think the group discussion is definitely the best idea as it stops it from being aimed at anybody so nobody gets the chance to be offended. Good plan.

Any of you guys play Rust? It is so freaking good!

I haven't even heard of it... What's the deal?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
In other news, how is everybody coping with the perpetual misery of being back at work? I'm coping by focusing my attention on planning my honeymoon. I've got a meeting with someone from Trailfinders in a couple of weeks.

Planning on going for 3 weeks, split between Japan and Bali. Any recommendations/top tips are very welcome!

going on holllliiiidaaaaaaay

Hey BritGAF!

Guess I'm a new recruit around here :)

When's you Birthday: September 2nd
Where do you live: Newcastle
Where are you from: Bristol
Occupation/University: Level Designer (I maek vidya gaemz)
Favourite Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, Tom Hanks, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Samuel L Jackson, Jennifer Lawrence (more just for her awesome attitude to Hollywood).
Favourite Band/Artist: I love all kinds of music, so I could never pick one. But right now? Kendrick Lamarr
Favourite TV Show: This is too specific! Uh, Father Ted & Alan Partridge are shows I can always watch.
Favourite Crisps: Sun Bites sweet chilli flavour. Those things are crack man.
Favourite Biscuit: Fox extra chocately cookies where one half is like a choc digestive..hngggh
Favourite Pokémon: Uhhh, Blastoise
Ant or Dec: I hate both.
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Muddaflippin' Stalactites baby!

Jedeye Sniv

Hey BritGAF!

Guess I'm a new recruit around here :)

When's you Birthday: September 2nd
Where do you live: Newcastle
Where are you from: Bristol
Occupation/University: Level Designer (I maek vidya gaemz)
Favourite Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, Tom Hanks, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Samuel L Jackson, Jennifer Lawrence (more just for her awesome attitude to Holywood).
Favourite Band/Artist: I love all kinds of music, so I could never pick one. But right now? Kendrick Lamarr
Favourite TV Show: This is too specific! Uh, Father Ted & Alan Partridge are shows I can always watch.
Favourite Crisps: Sun Bites sweet chilli flavour. Those things are crack man.
Favourite Biscuit: Fox extra chocately cookies where one half is like a choc digestive..hngggh
Favourite Pokémon: Uhhh, Blastoise
Ant or Dec: I hate both.
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Muddaflippin' Stalactites baby!

Welcome! Another Newcastler eh? If I were you I'd make plans to meet NinjaBoi irl asap. He's mint.

What kinda games you making? Good ones I hope!

And Sun bites? FUCK YEAH. Got a cupboard full of that shit at home.
In other news, how is everybody coping with the perpetual misery of being back at work? I'm coping by focusing my attention on planning my honeymoon. I've got a meeting with someone from Trailfinders in a couple of weeks.

Planning on going for 3 weeks, split between Japan and Bali. Any recommendations/top tips are very welcome!

I'm not doing too badly, Monday was a half day anyway which made things easier.

When it comes to hot desking, would it be unfair to paint a disabled bay around a desk and nail my blue badge to the desk?

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Hey BritGAF!

Guess I'm a new recruit around here :)

When's you Birthday: September 2nd
Where do you live: Newcastle
Where are you from: Bristol
Occupation/University: Level Designer (I maek vidya gaemz)
Favourite Actor/Actress: Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, Tom Hanks, Gary Oldman, Christian Bale, Samuel L Jackson, Jennifer Lawrence (more just for her awesome attitude to Hollywood).
Favourite Band/Artist: I love all kinds of music, so I could never pick one. But right now? Kendrick Lamarr
Favourite TV Show: This is too specific! Uh, Father Ted & Alan Partridge are shows I can always watch.
Favourite Crisps: Sun Bites sweet chilli flavour. Those things are crack man.
Favourite Biscuit: Fox extra chocately cookies where one half is like a choc digestive..hngggh
Favourite Pokémon: Uhhh, Blastoise
Ant or Dec: I hate both.
Stalactites or Stalagmites: Muddaflippin' Stalactites baby!

Greetings sir, welcome to BritGAF
Welcome! Another Newcastler eh? If I were you I'd make plans to meet NinjaBoi irl asap. He's mint.

What kinda games you making? Good ones I hope!

And Sun bites? FUCK YEAH. Got a cupboard full of that shit at home.

I've been up here for almost a year now haha!

I'm working at Ubisoft Reflections currently on The Crew! Previously before that I worked on Forza Horizon.

I'm also part of an indie team I co-founded called Monothetic.
We're working on a First Person, old school Sci-Fi inspired survival horror game. With focus on atmosphere, tension & a character-driven narrative.

Haha YES. Sunbites are the shit. They look like crappy health snacks, but then when you try one...it's utter bliss.
I haven't even heard of it... What's the deal?

A mix of DayZ and Minecraft! It is incredible, I am up in a base I am building with other gaffers and just setting up shit but when we are set up again we usually find other big bases and try and break into others houses with brute force. You can use things like charges to break through walls/doors or you can just use the proximity chat to try and get them to come out :lol

Also you should check your steam, I bought you a little present :p


In other news, how is everybody coping with the perpetual misery of being back at work? I'm coping by focusing my attention on planning my honeymoon. I've got a meeting with someone from Trailfinders in a couple of weeks.

Planning on going for 3 weeks, split between Japan and Bali. Any recommendations/top tips are very welcome!
This sounds amazing! I have no input though, I've never been to Japan or Bali, but I wish you a fine Honeymoon.
I'm a bit late to the punch, but I think the group discussion is definitely the best idea as it stops it from being aimed at anybody so nobody gets the chance to be offended. Good plan.
Yeah, hopefully I can get pats to bring it up, then I'll just back him up. It's always awkward airing others grievances. I mean, it's my grievance too, but only by proxy.
Welcome! Another Newcastler eh? If I were you I'd make plans to meet NinjaBoi irl asap. He's mint.
Aww mate, you used the correct region specific colloquialism and everything!
I'm working at Ubisoft Reflections currently on The Crew! Previously before that I worked on Forza Horizon.
I like this guy. Forza Horizon is the nuts!

Welcome to the community fella.
A mix of DayZ and Minecraft! It is incredible, I am up in a base I am building with other gaffers and just setting up shit but when we are set up again we usually find other big bases and try and break into others houses with brute force. You can use things like charges to break through walls/doors or you can just use the proximity chat to try and get them to come out :lol

Also you should check your steam, I bought you a little present :p

What are the controls like? I'm finding Day Z very clunky at the moment.


I've just updated the OP with TheHollowNight's birthday and realised I missed one. I got out of the habit of checking the OP regularly.

Have a good one dude!
What are the controls like? I'm finding Day Z very clunky at the moment.

No where near as clunky!





Jedeye Sniv

Getting married in September in London, then we'll jet off a couple of days later, hopefully. We've been together about 2 and a quarter years, bought our first house together in January last year. As for as stories go, I did share my proposal story here, which you're welcome to read:


Aw man that's a beautiful story, you put all other men to shame with your proposal skills! Very sweet, I wish you guys all the happiness :) Two and a bit years too, not fucking around are ya? I made my mrs wait 10 years lol. How old are you guys?


Haha, nice one shorty. Do I get a badge?

If by badge you mean you constantly wear that feeling of remorse while playing it knowing full well that this glorious console never got a fighting chance then yes...you get a badge.

In other news, how is everybody coping with the perpetual misery of being back at work? I'm coping by focusing my attention on planning my honeymoon. I've got a meeting with someone from Trailfinders in a couple of weeks.

Planning on going for 3 weeks, split between Japan and Bali. Any recommendations/top tips are very welcome!

Also, swap Bali for Okinawa and then also go to Kamakura and Nara Park. Bali is so unbelievably overrated.

Only 3rd day back in the office and I got most of my trip to Boston/NYC sorted for April. Gonna be writing up the itinerary at a random coffee shop in Glasgow just like I did for my past trips. Becoming somewhat of a tradition now. If anyone has any tips or tourist spots to check out then feel free to contribute. Only place I got in mind to visit is this place assuming it hasn't been torn down/changed...

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