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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Spent the Christmas money today:


The Beginner Box is a great product for the money. Strongly thinking about ordering the Core book, Beastiary and maybe a published adventure now (I hear Rise of the Runelords is amazing). I will get a Pathfinder or, heaven forbid, D&D 3.5 game going with my friends. SOON

Weird day really. Had a good time, but I got a massive headache coming home and I've lost my debit card (new one ordered, it's just a pain switching).

I also have music to post, for possibly the first and only time;
Volcano Choir - "Comrade"


Maya Jane Coles - Everything - Love her voice in this song.
I liked this Jordan, moody with a lush vibe. TCRS, you like some deep house, check this one out.

And yeah, her voice is really cool, a little croaky and stuff. I feel like I recognise it from another recent tune I liked, but I can't put my finger on it.

(The video is kind of messed up. It suddenly goes all Buffalo Bill.)

This was nice too, really interesting instrumentation with the guitars and synths. Lush video too. I wasn't so keen on the vocals or the vocoder bit at the end though. Fuck vocoders man.

I may have posted these before, but it's just so lush, particularly the first one. I want a hang drum, but man, they expensive!

Manu Delago - Mono Desire

Manu Delago - "I have no idea, some random jam"
Is it metal? Is it screamo? Is in pop punk? Is it Emo? Is it hip hop? Is it dubstep?

I have no idea, and I don't think they do either, but that's irrelevant. I cannot stop listening to this album, it's just awesome.


Edit: Apparently it's post-hardcore

This is Pop-punk/metalcore, much like A Day to Remember. Post hardcore is more along the lines of Alexisonfire.

I got South-East on that quiz thing too.

Jedeye Sniv

Catching up on last night's Big Brother stuff, my god Katie Hopkins is an evil twisted genius female John McCrirrick. Fucking hilarious. Best thing about the new TiVo, get to watch all of BB. Like a pig in shit.
I was going through some Paramore covers and came across these two. They really are amazing and, whether you're into Paramore or not, you should really give them a listen as they each bring their own take to the music.

Still Into You - Tara Berwin
Still Into You - thee acquainted

Paramore are a massive guilty pleasure of mine. Not so keen on their latest album. But I managed to see them live at the O2 arena a few years back...it wasn't fun being a 20-something year old surrounded by 10,000 13 year old girls screaming insanely.


There's nothing guilty about listening to and enjoying Paramore. I've been listening to them for a good few years now after my ex got me into them. We went to see them at the NIA in 2009 and it was, without a doubt, one of the best gigs I've been to - apart from being mobbed by screaming 13-year old's like you said. Still, there were a fair other guys my age there who were doing the exact same thing I was doing. Standing there, ogling Hayley Williams and trying not to drool all over the place.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister

yet my internet was good enough to let me upload this so maybe my download is the only thing

Advantage of living a stone's throw from the phone exchange (well, if I threw the stone from the top floor of the exchange I reckon I could just make it to my front window). And that's just a bog standard cheapo ADSL.


I've just realised how much I've fucked things up.

In December, me and my partner broke up. As a result of this, I lost my insurance for my 2010 Toyota on finance for £140 a month, which was under her insurance as a named driver (cost me £40 for a year!). I then was advised by my parents that I needed to buy a new car. They put half towards a 1995 Ford Fiesta for £470.

This Fiesta now has developed a fault where the drivers door will not open and the central locking is fucked. So I cannot use it for anyone apart from myself, including my daughter. The boot latch has snapped and keeps opening. And worse of all, it's £90 a month for insurance.

Now, me and my girlfriend are back together. Which means I am able to get insurance on my Toyota for just £40 a year again. So why the fuck have I got this shitty deathtrap of a fiesta for £90 a month? FUCK

I guess I could sell it, but I've got to pay for the door to be fixed (or at least the parts) and possibly take a loss on the resell. And my credit cards are both maxed out due to the council dicking us around with our housing benefit. Aaaand, I don't get paid from my new job until the 27th.

I guess I'll be selling my PS4 this weekend. Ah well, needs must.


I've just realised how much I've fucked things up.

In December, me and my partner broke up. As a result of this, I lost my insurance for my 2010 Toyota on finance for £140 a month, which was under her insurance as a named driver (cost me £40 for a year!). I then was advised by my parents that I needed to buy a new car. They put half towards a 1995 Ford Fiesta for £470.

This Fiesta now has developed a fault where the drivers door will not open and the central locking is fucked. So I cannot use it for anyone apart from myself, including my daughter. The boot latch has snapped and keeps opening. And worse of all, it's £90 a month for insurance.

Now, me and my girlfriend are back together. Which means I am able to get insurance on my Toyota for just £40 a year again. So why the fuck have I got this shitty deathtrap of a fiesta for £90 a month? FUCK

I guess I could sell it, but I've got to pay for the door to be fixed (or at least the parts) and possibly take a loss on the resell. And my credit cards are both maxed out due to the council dicking us around with our housing benefit. Aaaand, I don't get paid from my new job until the 27th.

I guess I'll be selling my PS4 this weekend. Ah well, needs must.

I've just realised how much I've fucked things up.

In December, me and my partner broke up. As a result of this, I lost my insurance for my 2010 Toyota on finance for £140 a month, which was under her insurance as a named driver (cost me £40 for a year!). I then was advised by my parents that I needed to buy a new car. They put half towards a 1995 Ford Fiesta for £470.

This Fiesta now has developed a fault where the drivers door will not open and the central locking is fucked. So I cannot use it for anyone apart from myself, including my daughter. The boot latch has snapped and keeps opening. And worse of all, it's £90 a month for insurance.

Now, me and my girlfriend are back together. Which means I am able to get insurance on my Toyota for just £40 a year again. So why the fuck have I got this shitty deathtrap of a fiesta for £90 a month? FUCK

I guess I could sell it, but I've got to pay for the door to be fixed (or at least the parts) and possibly take a loss on the resell. And my credit cards are both maxed out due to the council dicking us around with our housing benefit. Aaaand, I don't get paid from my new job until the 27th.

I guess I'll be selling my PS4 this weekend. Ah well, needs must.

Shit that sucks dude, sorry to hear that. Hope you get everything sorted soon :(



financial irresponsibility is hilarious

Oh please go fuck yourself with a rusty hacksaw. I almost died last year, almost lost my daughter through her ill health, lost my job and had to sell almost all of my possessions to keep a roof over our heads.

On behalf of BritGAF, fuck off and don't come back. Cunt.


multiple maxed out credit cards, buying a car worth twice the cost of a recent console purchase?

yes im the silly junior


multiple maxed out credit cards, buying a car worth twice the cost of a recent console purchase?

yes im the silly junior

I don't know why I'm even arguing with you, but hey ho

1. I bought the Toyota whilst I was earning £25k a year.
2. I have had no choice but to max out my credit cards in order to pay bills, pay rent and support my baby daughter as the council are a bunch of cunts
3. I paid only £100 towards this new fiesta, my parents paid the other £370 as a christmas present. That £100 was from me selling things I own. I need a car to get to fucking work.

fuck you


I don't know why I'm even arguing with you, but hey ho

1. I bought the Toyota whilst I was earning £25k a year.
2. I have had no choice but to max out my credit cards in order to pay bills, pay rent and support my baby daughter.
3. I paid only £100 towards this new fiesta, my parents paid the other £370. That £100 was from me selling things I own. I need a car to get to fucking work.

fuck you
I was always told not to argue with pricks who weren't worth the time of day.

I believe this applies here.
Normally I'd put my foot down at this point and tell you all to calm down and stop arguing.


In this case, a junior comes in to a community, makes no effort to introduce himself or get involved, just rips the piss out of a long standing member who as we all know has had a rough time through no fault of his own?

Yeah, fuck you kid.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
So why the fuck have I got this shitty deathtrap of a fiesta for £90 a month? FUCK

One of life's little lessons, to not buy shitty deathtraps (especially when you could have got a 2003 model for about the same price. I mean 1995 really!). Took me about four cars to learn that: Austin Allegro (suspension collapsed); Renault 12 (brakes seized on); Riley Elf (wheel fell off).

Take it offroad and minimise insurance maybe? That's what I did with the Vauxhall something-or-other (battery exploded). It did nothing for 3 years but get my daughter a no-claims bonus.


One of life's little lessons, to not buy shitty deathtraps (especially when you could have got a 2003 model for about the same price. I mean 1995 really!). Took me about three cars to learn that: Austin Allegro (suspension collapsed); Renault 12 (brakes seized on); Riley Elf (wheel fell off).

Take it offroad and minimise insurance maybe? That's what I did with the Vauxhall something-or-other (battery exploded). It did nothing for 3 years but get my daughter a no-claims bonus.

Yeah...I'm just not very confident with the whole car buying thing. I mean, that's why I left it to my dad - he's a bloody driving instructor and mechanic, he knows his shit.

but he's let me down this time, the fool


Rich, I think Sheep has the right idea. Declare the car SORN and get the insurance down. As soon as your insurance runs out, sell the vehicle for part exchange, inform the DVLA and job done.
multiple maxed out credit cards, buying a car worth twice the cost of a recent console purchase?

yes im the silly junior

I'd say it's a better time than ever to, you know, stop being an asshole over someone else's misfortune. People go through shit that is out of their control sometimes & merely mocking it like a child makes you look like the most insensitive prick. I'm sure you don't care & it's easy to take cheap shots at someone over the internet, but c'mon dude, grow the fuck up.


I'd say it's a better time than ever to, you know, stop being an asshole over someone else's misfortune. People go through shit that is out of their control sometimes & merely mocking it like a child makes you look like the most insensitive prick. I'm sure you don't care & it's easy to take cheap shots at someone over the internet, but c'mon dude, grow the fuck up.

maybe he will realise that not being so irresponsible in the first place wouldnt put him in this mess?


Rich, I think Sheep has the right idea. Declare the car SORN and get the insurance down. As soon as your insurance runs out, sell the vehicle for part exchange, inform the DVLA and job done.

Well, I've just contacted a friend of my girlfriend, and she's willing to buy it for £450 and have her dad fix the locking mechanism.

I think I'll be alright with this! The insurance hasn't even had a payment yet, as it's with a local independent insurer who were insuring my on my Dad's policy, so all in all, I will have just lost £20, which is fair enough. I'll use the £450 to pay off the next three months or so of the Toyota, and I can pay off nearly all my credit debt with my work paychecks (I earn £1.6k a month, easy peasy)

Me starting after the december pay cutoff point has really fucked things over though. silly google. I've just had to take a further £300 out of my credit account to pay the rent, as I'm at risk of being evicted, and the council are "re-evaluating" due to the new job. fucking hell.


Well, I've just contacted a friend of my girlfriend, and she's willing to buy it for £450 and have her dad fix the locking mechanism.

I think I'll be alright with this! The insurance hasn't even had a payment yet, as it's with a local independent insurer who were insuring my on my Dad's policy, so all in all, I will have just lost £20, which is fair enough. I'll use the £450 to pay off the next three months or so of the Toyota, and I can pay off nearly all my credit debt with my work paychecks (I earn £1.6k a month, easy peasy)

Me starting after the december pay cutoff point has really fucked things over though. silly google.

thats the spirit


maybe he will realise that not being so irresponsible in the first place wouldnt put him in this mess?
Jesus fucking christ, man, stop digging this hole. You're a fucking newbie and you've come in here, all high and mighty, and started belittling one of the forum veterans. I've no idea who you fucking are but if I were you, I'd think long and hard before making any other posts. Rich has already reported you to bish. Don't quiet down and I'll soon be doing the same.


Jesus fucking christ, man, stop digging this hole. You're a fucking newbie and you've come in here, all high and mighty, and started belittling one of the forum veterans. I've no idea who you fucking are but if I were you, I'd think long and hard before making any other posts. Rich has already reported you to bish. Don't quiet down and I'll soon be doing the same.

actually it was eatchildren

he's just as good. maybe.


Jesus fucking christ, man, stop digging this hole. You're a fucking newbie and you've come in here, all high and mighty, and started belittling one of the forum veterans. I've no idea who you fucking are but if I were you, I'd think long and hard before making any other posts. Rich has already reported you to bish. Don't quiet down and I'll soon be doing the same.

werent you the guy who got scammed by nigerians


actually it was eatchildren

he's just as good. maybe.
EatChildren is probably better than bish.

Shh, I didn't say that, you didn't see anything.

Another of life's little lessons. It's OK to be a silly junior - we've all been there and done that. But it's not OK to carry on being a silly junior.
I'm so glad my 'silly junior' phase is over and done with.

werent you the guy who got scammed by nigerians
Aaaand reported to bish and EatChildren. I would say it was a pleasure knowing you but, well, you know...


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Well, I've just contacted a friend of my girlfriend, and she's willing to buy it for £450 and have her dad fix the locking mechanism.

Good stuff Rich!

Just one caution - maybe have her dad check it out first, so she does not end up cursing you ever afterwards just in case other stuff is wrong. Always worth going the extra mile for friend-to-friend transactions, just in case.
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