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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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If you like Morgan's, you'll like Sailor Jerry's fo sho. Havana is not a spiced rum, but it's very smooth and equally yum. Barcardi Gold is another decent standard rum & vanilla-infused Mount Gay rum is great, but expensive. I used to be a bartender, so I was lucky enough to 'sample' all these variations.

Also quick question BritGAF. I've entered a remix contest on this pretty big site called Indaba Music, where they provide the audio stems from some big artists, which in turn provide rewards to the winners & royalties. My remix is doing pretty well at the moment, actually in with a shot of winning, but I wanted to promote it on Gaf to get a bit more exposure.

Public voting is opened on the 13th, though I would be grateful even just for the plays (since there is some Facebook bullshit you have to sign in with). How would I go about making a thread without it looking just like shameless self-promotion? (Which it is in the end). I'm sort of against doing that, I mean it might attract some other budding music makers, since there are opportunities for them to get involved with making remixes through the site..but mehhh.

I'd rather ask somewhere first over if it's a decent idea, rather than making myself look like a pleb.

I don't know how it'll be received if you posted it in greaterGAF, but spam that shit here, man - I'll be happy to click for you.
I've just worked out how much I'll be getting on statutory maternity pay and I am now shit scared that I won't be able to afford to have a kid
That really sucks, is it worth delaying a year & spending it saving?

I'd rather not, I'm getting on a bit now, and there's no guarantee that we would save.

I think we can afford it but it's heavily dependant on Andy as we'd be basically relying on his wage. He would have to pay a bigger chunk of the household bills which would leave him with less spending money, and he's really not very good with money.

Jedeye Sniv

I've just worked out how much I'll be getting on statutory maternity pay and I am now shit scared that I won't be able to afford to have a kid

tbh everything financial about having a kid terrifies me. And then you've got the whole thing of what happens after maternity leave. If you go back to work, who looks after the baby? If you don't, how do you make ends meet if you need two incomes to pay the bills?


I'll have a look at home and see if I can't pull out some plump-ass drummage for ye weekend's revelry.
Excellent! I'll be getting mangled tonight, so there will no doubt be music spam from me while I'm on a love buzz.
I've just worked out how much I'll be getting on statutory maternity pay and I am now shit scared that I won't be able to afford to have a kid
Sobering realisations are the worst.
That really sucks, is it worth delaying a year & spending it saving?
If you do this, you could go for that better job you were after. It's not ideal when you clearly have your heart set on a sprog this year, but practical considerations and all that.


I've just worked out how much I'll be getting on statutory maternity pay and I am now shit scared that I won't be able to afford to have a kid

Are you saving the money from quitting smoking and drinking? Are you quitting Lego too? Have you already booked that snowboarding holiday?

How come you're only getting statutory anyway? I thought one of your reasons for staying in that job is you didn't want to start somewhere else, get preggers and get stat pay?

My friend was in a similar boat, his wife only got stat. They managed but it wasn't fun and it was a struggle.


Excellent! I'll be getting mangled tonight, so there will no doubt be music spam from me while I'm on a love buzz.

Sobering realisations are the worst.

If you do this, you could go for that better job you were after. It's not ideal when you clearly have your heart set on a sprog this year, but practical considerations and all that.

If you delay having kids for financial reasons, you could always find yourself thinking you won't have enough. When it comes to having kids, you have to shit or get off the pot really.

Edit 2: The shit or get off the pot wasn't aimed at you, Mush. Just a general thing.


Apart from pregnant people, obviously

This so bad, It is genuinely upsetting how much it has fucked me

If you think weed smoking is bad for your short term memory, you should give anti depressants a try. That was a real fucking shock, totally shot it to pieces in less than 6 weeks. thank fuck it almost went back to normal when I fucked them off.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
I've just worked out how much I'll be getting on statutory maternity pay and I am now shit scared that I won't be able to afford to have a kid

Honestly, you're never really gonna be able to afford it. Is your gentleman in work at the moment? Will his pay help cover some of the short fall?

EDIT: Whups. You already addressed that.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Sure thang. Give it a listen!

Only site members can vote as of now, but from the 13th onwards, anybody with a Facebook account can add to that tally.

Ahhhh, you're in the "I'm making music and you can too" thread, right? I listened to this the other day.

Honestly, it's not my cuppa spicy rum (I'm from a lo-fi, noise rock, dark/fucked up electronica kinda background and a complete musical snob), but - as a wannabe muso - I can hear it's clearly well put together. The production is very professional and the music compliments the vocals perfectly.

I assume you made the music from scratch and the vocals were the sample you remixed or...?

I'd vote you up but I'm neither a member of the website or the owner of an facebook account (because I'm, like, super sool an' that).

Jedeye Sniv

I just had a brainwave - I wonder what it sounds like to play a bass with a vibrator? (inspired by seeing pics of a cheap purple jobbie in my local poundland). I need to get home and try that shit.

(I'm from a lo-fi, noise rock, dark/fucked up electronica kinda background and a complete musical snob)

oooh you're gonna like my new record. I think we're announcing the release today, https://www.facebook.com/ParachuteForGordo go like us

(btw thanks for your Like, Ninja. Every one helps my ego)

edit: you're not on FB? mutha....
Ahhhh, you're in the "I'm making music and you can too" thread, right? I listened to this the other day.

Honestly, it's not my cuppa spicy rum (I'm from a lo-fi, noise rock, dark/fucked up electronica kinda background and a complete musical snob), but - as a wannabe muso - I can hear it's clearly well put together. The production is very professional and the music compliments the vocals perfectly.

I assume you made the music from scratch and the vocals were the sample you remixed or...?

I'd vote you up but I'm neither a member of the website or the owner of an facebook account (because I'm, like, super sool an' that).

Yeah, I frequent that thread occasionally!
No worries man! I know it's not going to be to everyone's tastes. I like quite honestly, a bit of everything, and this vibe isn't something I'll be sticking to. I just make whatever I think fits the mood. But I'm glad you feel the production quality is up to scratch though, so I'm already happy there :)

Yeah, the competition provided all the stems to the song, I just ended up using the Lead & Backing vocals, and the percussion (tambourine, bleepy bloop bits that pan across). Everything else was made entirely from scratch with free VST plugins I've collected over the years through magazines like Computer Music. I usually make my own presets or tweak existing ones.

I still dabble in making the more heavy stuff, but it's been a while


I just had a brainwave - I wonder what it sounds like to play a bass with a vibrator? (inspired by seeing pics of a cheap purple jobbie in my local poundland). I need to get home and try that shit.

oooh you're gonna like my new record. I think we're announcing the release today, https://www.facebook.com/ParachuteForGordo go like us

(btw thanks for your Like, Ninja. Every one helps my ego)

edit: you're not on FB? mutha....

Can't wait, dude. Hearing the final mix is going to be weird after what you sent me doing the rounds so many times, though. Google Music tells me I've listened to it 42 times.
(gonna miss my makeshift artwork too)
Are you saving the money from quitting smoking and drinking? Are you quitting Lego too? Have you already booked that snowboarding holiday?

How come you're only getting statutory anyway? I thought one of your reasons for staying in that job is you didn't want to start somewhere else, get preggers and get stat pay?

My friend was in a similar boat, his wife only got stat. They managed but it wasn't fun and it was a struggle.


If you delay having kids for financial reasons, you could always find yourself thinking you won't have enough. When it comes to having kids, you have to shit or get off the pot really.

Edit 2: The shit or get off the pot wasn't aimed at you, Mush. Just a general thing.

I didn't really spend a whole lot on smoking and drinking, but anything not spent on them is put towards paying off credit cards. The Lego is all presents bought for me so far for birthdays, anniversaries etc. The snowboarding holiday is booked but was paid for out of Andy's bonus.

No anywhere I work will just pay Stat pay. The not leaving here and getting another job is because if I get preggers now I'd have to tell my new job about it before I'm out of my probation period and they could fuck me off.

But yeah essentially I'm not going to delay it anymore because I'm not going to be any financially better off next year so I may aswell take the plunge.

As I said I think we'll cope, just, but it's just very scary and daunting.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
I wanna record something bit no good mic and midi keyboard in Devon

And logic no longer installed

Also Jim, glad I haven't touched em, been close to going on them a few times, I can't afford to lose anymore, I'm at almost alzheimer (guessing how to spell that) level, it leaves me in a constant state of worry especially with locking doors, leaving taps running and leaving expensive equipment on and what not, I have to use visual and audio cues to remind myself I've done things even when I triple checked stuff

I'm never 100 percent about anything but my long term memory is alright


I just had a brainwave - I wonder what it sounds like to play a bass with a vibrator? (inspired by seeing pics of a cheap purple jobbie in my local poundland). I need to get home and try that shit.
This sounds awesome.
oooh you're gonna like my new record. I think we're announcing the release today, https://www.facebook.com/ParachuteForGordo go like us

(btw thanks for your Like, Ninja. Every one helps my ego)
The like was for Gordo Jed, don't get the wrong idea. You personally?


Where/when can I listen to your new stuff?


I didn't really spend a whole lot on smoking and drinking, but anything not spent on them is put towards paying off credit cards. The Lego is all presents bought for me so far for birthdays, anniversaries etc. The snowboarding holiday is booked but was paid for out of Andy's bonus.

No anywhere I work will just pay Stat pay. The not leaving here and getting another job is because if I get preggers now I'd have to tell my new job about it before I'm out of my probation period and they could fuck me off.

But yeah essentially I'm not going to delay it anymore because I'm not going to be any financially better off next year so I may aswell take the plunge.

As I said I think we'll cope, just, but it's just very scary and daunting.

Didn't see your other post, kind of addressed the issue already. Good luck with it, my mate was broke as a joke but they still had another so it's been 4 years on and off of being broke. Despite that, I know he wouldn't change it for anything.


tbh everything financial about having a kid terrifies me. And then you've got the whole thing of what happens after maternity leave. If you go back to work, who looks after the baby? If you don't, how do you make ends meet if you need two incomes to pay the bills?
Eh, I figure I'll just work it out as I go along.


I didn't really spend a whole lot on smoking and drinking, but anything not spent on them is put towards paying off credit cards. The Lego is all presents bought for me so far for birthdays, anniversaries etc. The snowboarding holiday is booked but was paid for out of Andy's bonus.

No anywhere I work will just pay Stat pay. The not leaving here and getting another job is because if I get preggers now I'd have to tell my new job about it before I'm out of my probation period and they could fuck me off.

But yeah essentially I'm not going to delay it anymore because I'm not going to be any financially better off next year so I may aswell take the plunge.

As I said I think we'll cope, just, but it's just very scary and daunting.

If your mind is set on it, you'll do a great job.
Plus you've got all of us here as potential babysitters.

Shotgun whatever the Jedi equivalent for Godfather is :p


I don't think anyone can really afford a child. You end up spending a ridiculous amount of money on them. It's just a case of going for it.

Jedeye Sniv

Can't wait, dude. Hearing the final mix is going to be weird after what you sent me doing the rounds so many times, though. Google Music tells me I've listened to it 42 times.
(gonna miss my makeshift artwork too)

lmao I think that might be even more than me and that's with having to hear all the mixes as we did them! All sounding much more punchy than the mixes you have, I'm really happy with it.

This sounds awesome.

The like was for Gordo Jed, don't get the wrong idea. You personally?

Where/when can I listen to your new stuff?

Maybe a lil while yet, but we're announcing what's up at 4 today. tbh Johnny is doing it so I'm not even sure what he's going to announce. I'm quite impressed I've managed to keep it secret though, not even told Mike yet, I don't want to spoil him.


Baby fever!

You guys will be great Musha, I seriously think you two have the ideal mentality for parenthood. You are both young at heart, strong willed, fun loving and like active outdoorsy pursuits.

That kid is going to have a blast.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
ever noticed how suits in the 90s were so goddamn baggy? you could hide a jumbo jet under that thing.

When i think 90s and suits i think the trainspotting court scene. I can't stand suits, as a common man it makes me feel underneath the suited man.

Casual always.


I really want some new PFG gigs coming up. Especially now I have somebody who'll almost definitely come with me.

Not that coming to your gigs alone hasn't been awesome, because chatting with your random friends has been fun, but y'know.


Not even the fact it's Jan, it's just damn cold.

3pm cannot come fast enough so I can board this thing.

It's the high concentration of hedonistic gayers in nearby Vauxhall that makes Victoria 5 degrees colder than the rest of London. They have ice for blood.

Jedeye Sniv

I really want some new PFG gigs coming up. Especially now I have somebody who'll almost definitely come with me.

Not that coming to your gigs alone hasn't been awesome, because chatting with your random friends has been fun, but y'know.

Nothing booked for the foreseeable - maybe something in Feb (most likely the night you're in london haha) and then def something on a certain date that will be announced in 70 mins...

But we've certainly enjoyed having you there. That Alton one would have been a complete wash without you!

I'd shit myself.

so would I, chap!

Think more DIY :p


Any London guys have recommendations for a nice not too expensive steak place? Friend is back from Oslo on Tuesday we are both craving steak, but not sure where to go.


formerly Oynox Slider
What rums do you go for?
I've pretty much only tried Morgan's Spiced Gold and Kraken. Both lovely, but I think I prefer Morgan's. Definitely looking to expand my alcohol-horizons

I'm glad you like it - Portlandia is one of those shows that's rarely side-splittingly funny, but constantly has a huge grin on my face. I can't think of another non-UK show that's got so much charm either.

Plus dat Carrie Brownstein.

I know I'm disrupting the conversation...but...

Yeah. I saw a few sketches. I liked it! I'll be watching a few more. It's nice in a nice way.

Yeah of course Carrie! AMAZING guitarist too.
Any London guys have recommendations for a nice not too expensive steak place? Friend is back from Oslo on Tuesday we are both craving steak, but not sure where to go.

I've never been myself, but isn't there a lot of Angus Steakhouse joints in central London? I bet they are tasty.
I've never actually been on a MegaBus, and I hold a morbid curiosity about it. Is it something that everyone should experience at least once, or avoided like the plague?

Really depends on the time of day/what day it is. It can be totally fine most of the time, or it can be absolute hell if the coach is totally full.


Any London guys have recommendations for a nice not too expensive steak place? Friend is back from Oslo on Tuesday we are both craving steak, but not sure where to go.

Angus steakhouses are shite, stay away. What's your budget? If you go to any branch of The Hawksmoor before six on a weekday, they have an express menu that is two courses for £23 or 3 courses for £26. Ribeye is on the express menu and it's very good.


I've never been myself, but isn't there a lot of Angus Steakhouse joints in central London? I bet they are tasty.
Pretty sure I have been to the one in Leicester Square. Their drink choices were shit, Stella or overpriced wine that I do not understand.

Had an odd experience that night. Two old ladies kept asking us if we are rich international students... edit: their steaks weren't too bad when I went, or maybe it's a little bit of a blur from that night heh.
Angus steakhouses are shite, stay away. What's your budget? If you go to any branch of The Hawksmoor before six on a weekday, they have an express menu that is two courses for £23 or 3 courses for £26. Ribeye is on the express menu and it's very good.

Ooh, this I will throw at her. Sounds good and before 6 even better.
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