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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Angus steakhouses are shite, stay away. What's your budget? If you go to any branch of The Hawksmoor before six on a weekday, they have an express menu that is two courses for £23 or 3 courses for £26. Ribeye is on the express menu and it's very good.

Though I've not been there myself, I'd echo this. I know a lot of people who speak very highly of Hawksmoor. It'd be important to get a deal though, as it might blow your budget at peak times.


Though I've not been there myself, I'd echo this. I know a lot of people who speak very highly of Hawksmoor. It'd be important to get a deal though, as it might blow your budget at peak times.

I've been there a few times, the express menu is unbeatable value. You usually have to book but I've never had a problem.

Jedeye Sniv




Jedeye Sniv

Amazing. I want one even though I don't have a record player.

I might buy a record player especially for this.

Edit: Although that would be a tad stupid considering my last posts. Sorry Jed, will have to decline, baby comes first.

£10, comes with a CD and a download. Mother fucking bargain :)

But I getcha. Don't worry, I don't see us selling the whole lot for a while anyway. There'll be time!

Jedeye Sniv

Did you make this? What is this sorcery??

This is my band's new record. Art is by a local synaesthetic lady who painted one of our songs. Package put together by our drummer who is turning into quite the designer. Super excited to get this out to people some time in march. Go look for Parachute For Gordo on the interwebs, I think you might like us.


Knows the Score
8bit I know I said before you gave me a Heisenberg vibe, but now I'm thinking you look like the guy from The 7:39.

David Morrisey (bearded ofc)

That any good? We youviewed it but not seen it yet. I love most of Nicholls books though.

I'm OK with that! (And also the Heisenberg one, my daughter pointed to a publicity shot for Breaking Bad and said "That's you daddy." last year.)

I used to get Ryan Giggs, Dexter Fletcher & Alan Cumming at various stages in my life so I think I'm happier with the more mature set now. The crazy beard is gone though, I had an interview on Monday and didn't think it was quite right.
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