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BritGAF |OT5| Superb Birds, Absurd Turds and Disturbed Nerds

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Does anyone else suffer from slow-walking partners? I have a habit of walking a fair bit ahead without her before I realise or get called back. When say, in London, she'll pick up the pace because you have to, but anywhere else? NOPE.

Yup, she usually holds my hand so I cannot run off. :p
What I find even more annoying, especially when on foot by myself, is to be stuck behind slow walkers without an opportunity to overtage...
Does anyone else suffer from slow-walking partners? I have a habit of walking a fair bit ahead without her before I realise or get called back. When say, in London, she'll pick up the pace because you have to, but anywhere else? NOPE.

Yeah he keeps asking why I'm in such a hurry all the time. Because I work in the centre of London!

Nah, she has pretty nimble to be fair. She's even shorter than me too. (IKR?)

Oooh she's your partner now eh? Getting serious is it?



You tell him kid.
Oooh she's your partner now eh? Getting serious is it?
Hmmm, yes and no.

It was all just a bit of fun at first, but she's been asking some pretty deep "relationship" questions and getting a bit full on with the lovey dovey stuff recently. But it's probably not very realistic to expect that we're ever going to be exclusive or anything with the distance and all the rest of it.

We're both on the same page (I think!) that if someone else comes along then we shouldn't deny each others happiness out of some mutual obligation. But I do love her, not gonna lie.

So, kind of?


I'm spending like three days with her and the kids this weekend. Should be interesting...
Really itching to play the Dreamcast for some reason right now. Not sure why :/
I still have sploatee's sitting there under the bed. I don't even play my PS4 at the minute. I might have a massive nerd splurge over crimbo.


Maturity, bitches.
If you're going to repost images from the pics that make you "laugh" thread at least post the best one:



Why does everyone walk so slowly? I'm forever weaving in and out of people. I've got comparatively wee little stubby legs too.

Oh my god, this is the bane of my existence.

I sometimes think I'm weird and everyone else is walking normally paced. I just can't deal with people shuffling along like snails.


Maturity, bitches.
I've just realised. We're BritGAF, but we are ignoring our UK chums in Ireland



We didn't. Their flag is even in the previous logos.

I even said in a previous thread it is Brit as in British Isles and not Great Britain. BritGAF became the established name. No one says UKGAF (except I accidently named the dead Steam group that -__-;)


boooo those hoaxers.

Finally received my canvases. It only took 10 days from ordering them. Thank you Yodel.

Someone mentioned Flaming Lips a couple of pages back so I had to look up this song for nostalgia. Now it's stuck in my head.
I can report humming "she uses vaseline" brings weird looks.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Who was that guy who posted a bunch in the GAME bankruptcy thread bragging about buying tons of the stock and how he was going to turn it for profit by taking advantage of the price fluctuations? I remember he used to post the golden homer gif a lot before he eventually embarrassed himself with how much money he lost.


Maturity, bitches.
Who was that guy who posted a bunch in the GAME bankruptcy thread bragging about buying tons of the stock and how he was going to turn it for profit by taking advantage of the price fluctuations? I remember he used to post the golden homer gif a lot before he eventually embarrassed himself with how much money he lost.
You make video game music...? NO IM NOT JEALOUS.

Great stuff. You seem quite prolific. Particularly liked the jaunty "Write you a cheque" number. If most of the later stuff is for a Nintendo/Wii U type deal, you've totally nailed it.
only in an amateur capacity but it's what i would like to do for monies. yeah apexicon will be on the wii-u, as will psyscrolr which is the current game fellow gaf-member ashodin is working on. glad you like the stuff! :)
People who make music, just heard this and thought you may be interested. There's a BBC Introducing Day thing, and on Radio 1 that means they've locked Huw Stephens in a box to listen to everything that gets uploaded today and will play stuff on air throughout the day. So, that may be good.


People who make music, just heard this and thought you may be interested. There's a BBC Introducing Day thing, and on Radio 1 that means they've locked Huw Stephens in a box to listen to everything that gets uploaded today and will play stuff on air throughout the day. So, that may be good.

I wouldn't like his job of sifting through the no doubt endless crap in hope of finding something

Jedeye Sniv

People who make music, just heard this and thought you may be interested. There's a BBC Introducing Day thing, and on Radio 1 that means they've locked Huw Stephens in a box to listen to everything that gets uploaded today and will play stuff on air throughout the day. So, that may be good.

Deleted to re-upload. Thanks for the tip!
So my interview yesterday went okay.

I'd been told my friend Nick from the agency that it would be an informal interview and was exactly the opposite, very structured. Two people from Pfizer were doing the interview. They started with a "let's talk about your CV. Off you go." thing that threw me slightly but I just talked about the only relevant thing on there to them, the work I'd done with P&G.

After that I got a series of competency questions; "give us two examples of a situation where you displayed leadership" etc. I'd drafted the fiction I spouted in there beforehand so I did fine, the fact is, everything I told them was an exageration or completely fabricated. But how are they to know? I didn't tell them anything unbelievable. I understand the relevancy of the questions being asked but to me it's likely that the majority of people dress up some experiences that make them sound more proficient than they really are.

The only part of the interview where I really got to show them my capability was in the written exam, where I had to show I could extract the key information from sources, list the adverse events and how I would code them, and then correct a case narrative written by someone else.

All in all, not too bad, I think I handled it quite well given it was my first formal interview for a job. I find out next week.

Got home and had a good time on Destiny with sploatee and kamina, ate Chinese and watched more Space Dandy.


Maturity, bitches.
People who make music, just heard this and thought you may be interested. There's a BBC Introducing Day thing, and on Radio 1 that means they've locked Huw Stephens in a box to listen to everything that gets uploaded today and will play stuff on air throughout the day. So, that may be good.

Well this will not be abused in five seconds.

News just in: BBC DJ turned into a blithering idiot after being trapped in a box that played nothing buy anime OPs for 24 hours.

Jedeye Sniv

Man, today is... a challenge. Getting back into the groove of not having much to do in the office for a few weeks and it's doing my head in - just an endless cycle of checking emails, f5ing GAF, arguing about pointless shit, checking emails, maybe write an email if I get something to do. Gahhh. It's dangerous because I inevitably get frustrated and go on a posting spree that'll end in a ban because I get too excited.

I really should do something more productive like writing or something but this is some weird counter-productive fog I have at times like this, I end up doing nothing.

GAF is frustrating the shit out of me lately too, seems like OT is just threads about feminism or racist police or something, interesting for a little bit but ultimately very depressing.

Still super bummed I can't come and hang out with you lot at the weekend too.

I should learn to meditate at my desk or something.

tl:dr wahhhh wahhhhh gimme dummy
Man, today is... a challenge. Getting back into the groove of not having much to do in the office for a few weeks and it's doing my head in - just an endless cycle of checking emails, f5ing GAF, arguing about pointless shit, checking emails, maybe write an email if I get something to do. Gahhh. It's dangerous because I inevitably get frustrated and go on a posting spree that'll end in a ban because I get too excited.

I really should do something more productive like writing or something but this is some weird counter-productive fog I have at times like this, I end up doing nothing.

GAF is frustrating the shit out of me lately too, seems like OT is just threads about feminism or racist police or something, interesting for a little bit but ultimately very depressing.

Still super bummed I can't come and hang out with you lot at the weekend too.

I should learn to meditate at my desk or something.

tl:dr wahhhh wahhhhh gimme dummy

OT can be good if you're able to sift through the glut of moral outrage that sometimes makes the place seem like an inside-out Daily Mail.

I feel your pain though, I'm kind of going through the motions here, artificially extending the time it takes to do things so I'm not left with nothing to do by 1PM.

Jedeye Sniv

OT can be good if you're able to sift through the glut of moral outrage that sometimes makes the place seem like an inside-out Daily Mail.

I feel your pain though, I'm kind of going through the motions here, artificially extending the time it takes to do things so I'm not left with nothing to do by 1PM.

I do the opposite, I try to work in the morning and then anything that comes in after 1 or 2 I leave for the next day to give me something to do, it's a headfuck.

And yeah those threads - I wish I'd never learned what SJW meant because it just pops into my head all the time now and I know it's wrong. But jesus fuck some people just seem outraged by everything all the time, it must be exhausting. It's exhausting to read for certain. All this stuff just makes me more dismissive of people in general tbh. Everyone's got their dramas, we're all going to die, fuck it
now entering the morose pre-lunch period

After lunch I get to walk for an hour to go post a letter to america because their university system is retarded ("no sir we will not accept official awarding body certificates but we will accept a letter that took you 2 minutes to write if you put a stamp on it" fuck you america you twats)


I do the opposite, I try to work in the morning and then anything that comes in after 1 or 2 I leave for the next day to give me something to do, it's a headfuck.

And yeah those threads - I wish I'd never learned what SJW meant because it just pops into my head all the time now and I know it's wrong. But jesus fuck some people just seem outraged by everything all the time, it must be exhausting. It's exhausting to read for certain. All this stuff just makes me more dismissive of people in general tbh. Everyone's got their dramas, we're all going to die, fuck it
now entering the morose pre-lunch period

After lunch I get to walk for an hour to go post a letter to america because their university system is retarded ("no sir we will not accept official awarding body certificates but we will accept a letter that took you 2 minutes to write if you put a stamp on it" fuck you america you twats)

Let it out bro.
Better out and than in, I always say. :p
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