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Bulletstorm |OT| Dick-Tits


I just finished this fuck awesome piece of cock bursting gaming. My cock is broken and my balls are bigger than ever. It's one of the best games I've ever played. Any genre, and gen.

My cock is fucking shocked off at this revelation, but god damn I'm fuck happy it is bitches.


roMonster said:
How does the PC version feel with an xbox controller?

I like it. I turned the AA down to get a pretty locked 60fps and its nice and smooth. Tried with the mouse (you can use both at the same time) and I found the mouselook a little too direct and jarring. The controller seems to suit the style of gameplay well.

oh and game is amazing. and looks pretty good even with no AA (Have MLAA on in CCC but not sure if its doing anything).


I have played till chapter 4 so far and to be honoust I find the humour to be not as crude as I had expected. Kind of tame.

The assassin mission really looked like something out of The Fifth Element.


In Chapter 6 now and I'm so glad the game doesn't have those awful stationary wave-moments. Just blazing through awesome levels, picking on the fights you'll encounter during your voyage and leaving a mess behind. Loving it!


Blueblur1 said:
I bought this game this afternoon after listening to Jeff Cannata's positive impressions on Weekend Confirmed. I now have buyer's remorse. By the time I got to the 3rd act I was already getting bored of the game. And now at Act 4 I decided to stop playing it. Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow but so far I'm not really liking it.
What difficulty are you playing on? IMO, play on Hard or Very Hard. It forces you to get more creative with your kills.

Didn't you like the wheel of death? If that didn't have you grinning from ear to ear, you are dead inside!! :p


So I'm showing my friend this game going all "this game is awesome, it's just right with the gameplay ... yadda and so forth" making my best hardcore gamer talking games serious business face.

And then goes the girl "I will kill you dick".

Ah well ... fuck it. The game is just fun.


I'm loving the game, but they need to patch a lot of crap...
Sometimes the friendly AI gets stuck before progressing through the level and I need to restart the checkpoint.
This happened even in the Echo mode.
Now chapter 5-2 got glitched right at the end.... pretty annoying


Just finished the game on Hard. Loved every minute of it.

Going to replay the campaign on Very Hard, then jump into Echoes mode.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
cleveridea said:
finished it, great game. best "great game terrible demo" surprise for years

why do people keep saying this? the demo, while being from echoes mode, IS part of the game, and a fairly interesting part, rollercoaster bits not withstanding...


Strap on your hooker ...
Air Zombie Meat said:
I love the charge shot for the sniper rifle. Theres something you've never seen before in a game. Batshit crazy, how did they even come up with that.
Burnout Paradise's crash mode.

op_ivy said:
why do people keep saying this? the demo, while being from echoes mode, IS part of the game, and a fairly interesting part, rollercoaster bits not withstanding...
Yeah, it's really quite embarrassing how many gamers don't seem to understand the joy of playing for score anymore.

Echoes is like Mirror's Edge's time trials, refining your runs to maximize your score is a total blast. Though unlike ME, this game's campaign has the benefit of being totally great on its own, too.


I'm enjoying the game very much on Xbox 360, but sometimes it ignores my Echo results completely. I get a new high score, but the game doesn't post it to the leaderboards.
op_ivy said:
why do people keep saying this? the demo, while being from echoes mode, IS part of the game, and a fairly interesting part, rollercoaster bits not withstanding...

only interested in single player, and to me atmosphere and story is important. demo made game out to be nothing but an extreme/loud/jackass simulator whereas final game has a surprisingly interesting world and background story, and nice pacing


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
kamspy said:
I just finished this fuck awesome piece of cock bursting gaming. My cock is broken and my balls are bigger than ever. It's one of the best games I've ever played. Any genre, and gen.

My cock is fucking shocked off at this revelation, but god damn I'm fuck happy it is bitches.
And thus a new era of sailor mouth was born.
Here are my thoughts:

There are lots of good things about Bulletstorm, a modern, gory, vulgar FPS with a beautiful color palette, interesting level design, and a focus on very specific gameplay to boot. I'm sure you're aware of the SkillShot system. Multiple weapons with unlockable secondary fire that awards skill points for successful, and specific, shots and combinations. Grab the pistol, blast a flare into a group of enemies, then thump them into the air as they're on fire, and take them out one by one and watch as the points pile up. Bulletstorm also makes use of a tool called a "Leash" that allows you to yank enemies towards you and then boot them into environmental hazards like spikes, malfunctioning computers, and man eating plants. You can also perform the aforementioned Thump which will send enemies flying into the air to setup a chain of SkillShots. Gameplay wise, Bulletstorm is a clear winner.

The setting is very lush. Beautiful use of color in a some what tropical environment. It somewhat reminds me of a few locations in Borderlands, another title with a good choice in color arrangement. Post apocalyptic - Society has Failed and now Here Come the Freaks - gore fest. The only problem is that the final third or so of the game trade in the beautiful locals and crazed characters for your typical FPS trappings. No more shopping malls and blue butterflies and radiated neon green berserkers. The End Game is mainly your tried and died pile of bodies, spooky monsters, a sewer, decayed buildings, and eventually a derelict space shuttle. Yawn. I will not spoil the ending outside of telling you that there practically isn't one. The most epic of boss fights happens about half way through. The final missions of the game are you racing against a clock while firing on your generic "Space Marine". Since you're on a timer a few times during these final sequences the SkillShot falls to the wayside and you're playing a medicore FPS. There is no end battle. Little closure. You merely reach a goal post and the credits roll, but not before getting setup for a sequel.

While this is more or less a let down and not too terribly out of the ordinary, the major problem with Bulletstorm is the story. Almost everything else about the title is a move away from the traditional FPS mold. The story, on the other hand, is tried and true super cheese with a few ends a little more stale than others. While most of the title has you focusing on SkillShots titled "Gang Bang", "Ejectulation", "Rear Entry", etc, the story completely lacks any of the otherwise established sense of humor. Gray, your main character, fits right in. For half of the story. By the time you get past the big reveal Gray turns from a foul mouthed frat boy devolution into a sincere, serious, man who seeks redemption. The characer growth is hasty and poorly executed in light of the humorous intent behind the rest of the game.

Echoes mode is a fun diversion. Did you play Bizarre's The Club a few years back? Well, no, probably not. But it was a really good game and Echoes is a continuation of The Club's formula. You go through scripted sections from the main campaign in a score attack mode, competing to have your name at the top of the list.

Anarchy is Bulletstorm's version of Firefight/Horde/Onslaught from FPS juggernauts before it. It's nothing out of the ordinary. You have a score limit set that requires you and a team mate to dispatch certain enemies certain ways to get crucially needed bonus points.

There really should have been a multiplayer deathmatch. Yes, it would be out of place, and no there probably wouldn't be a way to implement the Leash in a balanced and fair way, but the environments and the weapons are unique enough that some form of deathmatch would have been a nice addition.

I beat the campaign in around seven or eight hours. Don't expect to go back through it on Very Hard, may beat the last few Echoes levels I haven't completed, and the only thing really tempting me to go back to Anarchy is an achievement or two. If you're interested in Bulletstorm from the beginning then you should be comfortable with making a purchase. If you're on the fence I don't think there's enough in Bulletstorm to make it worth it.

The endless praise has got me on the verge of buying this on Steam. Every post is filled with glowing praise about how awesome the game is.

I hope it sells well despite the poor demo.


Now I managed to open the config file in notepad and searched with CTRL+F and there is no bEnableMouseSmoothing line?
Am I supposed to add it myself? Uggggh, fucking Epic. I guess adding the option to disable mouse smoothing in the menus was too expensive when porting the game to PC. Fucking Consolitis.


Finished it, loved it from beginning to end, even if the last chapter was a bit weak.
Took me about 8 hours on hard, will replay for skillshots as I have not paid any attention to the list so far.

Kicking around the jumping ball was one of my favourite things in the game, I could do that 24/7


My favourite combo was leash a dude, wrap a flail around him, kick him into a group, and detonate.

Homie-missile. Clever.


EatChildren said:
The racism was so bad, and as a result such black humour. Such a good villain. They really sold his character perfectly.

"What is down here?"
"Buncha big titty'd gals with yellow fever. The fuck should I know?"

That character was fantastic. Just a marvelous asshole. And really great voice acting too.


Zeliard said:
Waggleton P. Tallylicker
He never knew.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
legacyzero said:
GOTY material?

Hmmmmmm, this or Dead Space 2?

I enjoyed Dead Space 2, but I can say with absolute assurance that I enjoyed Bulletstorm considerably more.

It wont GOTY though.

Zeliard said:
That character was fantastic. Just a marvelous asshole. And really great voice acting too.

Absolutely. Just one giant fucking arse of a character who did not give a single fuck about anybody or anything.


Just finished it. Really enjoyed it, breath of fresh air.

Only shame was that I started over and you're back with no weapons, playing through the same tutorial level. I'd have liked a 'new game +' that lets me go through with the points I've saved and weapons unlocked to have some fun on the earlier levels.

So pointless to keep any points back at the end..


Just played about one hour on the PC and strangely enough it's easier to play with a controller (for the moment) than playing it with mouse and keyboard. I most of the time messed up aiming / kicking / leashing with pressing the wrong buttons xD And just now I had a bug that my mouse wasn't working properly ingame anymore. But it is fun and looks gorgeous.

Adam J.

legacyzero said:
GOTY material?

Hmmmmmm, this or Dead Space 2?

I plan on playing all the heavy-hitters this year, but I'm really starting to doubt that I'll have as much fun playing them as I did Bulletstorm. Who knows... It's going to be a crazy year for gaming.
Neuromancer said:
It's a joke, not a very funny one though.

I thought it might have been trying to be a joke, then I thought that jokes are supposed to be funny so it couldn't be a joke. lol

I've just done the Waggleton P. Tallylicker bit, what a hero.
Waggleton was indeed awesome. Also I'm probably missing something obvious but could someone explain to me how the drill gun charge shot works? You're meant to be able to redirect it after firing but I couldn't seem to get it to work.

Shig said:
Burnout Paradise's crash mode.

Ha, you're right. Wonder if it was inspired by that.


UnluckyKate said:
Any good run out there on Youtube to improve my skills ?

Agreed. I'm not so good at the "kill with skill" stuff. I can only imagine somebody on youtube fuckin em up with combo after combo.


Purchase Bulletstorm on Steam.


Does Steams "installing directx" stuff.

Small logo shows, Mad_Ban is giddy.

Crashes on that.

:lol :(
Air Zombie Meat said:
Waggleton was indeed awesome. Also I'm probably missing something obvious but could someone explain to me how the drill gun charge shot works? You're meant to be able to redirect it after firing but I couldn't seem to get it to work.

Ha, you're right. Wonder if it was inspired by that.
Charge drill. Aim at dude A; press trigger. Aim at dude B, orange outline appears around dude B; press trigger again.

Also just sliding into dudes with a charged drill is an instakill.


I loved the somber music of Waggleton.

Game continues to be amazing, up to Ch 4 now. The dam sequence was brilliant. Loved it when
things started going bad and Trish just jumped off the side. Everything coming down on you and your still fighting!

Steve Blum is perfect as Grayson too. Although, I finished up Dragon Age Awakenings the other day and I can't help but imagine I'm playing Oghren. Kind of makes things funnier though.

Oh, but I can't land a ball shot for the life of me. I'm on console and I feel I'm missing out on some increased accuracy.
Shockingly, this game was amazing as fuck all the way through. I loved it, all of it. Even the shitty attempt at humor didn't bother me one bit because there was far too much awesome going on to care. Also some of it was kind of amusing in a way, though it never got a laugh out of me.
Neuromancer said:
Charge drill. Aim at dude A; press trigger. Aim at dude B, orange outline appears around dude B; press trigger again.

Also just sliding into dudes with a charged drill is an instakill.

Cool, thanks. Sounds fun. :D The in game instructions for that shot were pretty vague.

edit: Just have to say, the breakdance shot had me cracking up the first time I saw it. Genius.


banKai said:
Just played about one hour on the PC and strangely enough it's easier to play with a controller (for the moment) than playing it with mouse and keyboard. I most of the time messed up aiming / kicking / leashing with pressing the wrong buttons xD And just now I had a bug that my mouse wasn't working properly ingame anymore. But it is fun and looks gorgeous.

Can anyone echo this post?

About to pick this game up, want to know if I should run to the store and grab a wireless xbox 360 controller for windows...

Those of you who have the wireless controller, how does it feel?


Should I be using GFWL client now? Or stick with the Steam Client?
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