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Bungie: "After Halo 2 we are planning to do something different."


Bad Art ™
Microsoft : "Halo-factor...I mean Bungie is whor....working on an new Halo sequel"

Seriously, they were supposed to work on a different title after Halo but they canned it and worked full force on Halo 2 instead. If Halo2 is as big as Halo, i don't expect them to work on something else. But for their sake i hope they'll work on something else, it's not very funny to work for 6+ year on the same (type of) games.


Will start substantiating his hate
Um... don't they still have two teams there?

[edit] Project Phoenix was cancelled.


Chili Con Carnage!
Bring on robbie bachs (or whoever it was) XNA game idea.

The article does say ""We have several 100 years of Halo fiction laid out," said Mr Parsons."

Maybe when they say something different they mean moving further down the timeline, or taking it from a different perspective. Theres so much scope within the halo universe i cant see either bungie wanting to leave it entirely or MS letting them at least before one next gen game.


Holy shit, they really are making Square Block!

It's a space FPS about a guy called Master Chef, and he can kick alien butt and make really good pasta at the same time see, and he happens to land on this planet formed like a SQUARE BLOCK. Yes, that's right. There's all kind of weird shit going on, and then there's a huge flood and everything like, dies. Well, except for Master Chef. Then there's a big-ass explosion from within, because he's actually INSIDE the cube planet trying to find out what's so damn special about it. Well anyway he likes press a button and goes DAMN and then he runs out to the open square field and goes like hey fuckers I need a ride back home but noone answers!!!! He's all alone. Then you have to wait for Square Block 2 with awesome dual frypan wielding and a whole new story.


Queen of Denmark
They can say whatever they want, but the fact is that Microsoft would be foolish to not have Halo 3 around for the beginning of Xenon's life...or at least in time for the PS3 launch.

A box carrying the marquee "From the makers of Halo!" would have an added value to it, of course, but it sure wouldn't be Halo 3, either.
human5892 said:
They can say whatever they want, but the fact is that Microsoft would be foolish to not have Halo 3 around for the beginning of Xenon's life...or at least in time for the PS3 launch.

A box carrying the marquee "From the makers of Halo!" would have an added value to it, of course, but it sure wouldn't be Halo 3, either.

Well, this studio creating an original title, would sell very, very well given their previous work (see Rockstar - State of Emergency) and even better if it's a great game. I'd say it would be a pretty smart idea to have them make a game for the Xenon launch and follow it up a year later with Halo 3 to match the PS3 launch.

It gives them yet another franchise that they can add to their stable.


Will start substantiating his hate
human5892 said:
They can say whatever they want, but the fact is that Microsoft would be foolish to not have Halo 3 around for the beginning of Xenon's life...or at least in time for the PS3 launch.
Foolish perhaps, I don't see how they can though. Halo 2 has been three years in the making. I don't see how Halo 3 could be done in less time. Of course, there's always the possibility that the second Bungie team has been working on a new Halo since Project Phoenix was canned.


Queen of Denmark
sonycowboy said:
Well, this studio creating an original title, would sell very, very well given their previous work (see Rockstar - State of Emergency) and even better if it's a great game. I'd say it would be a pretty smart idea to have them make a game for the Xenon launch and follow it up a year later with Halo 3 to match the PS3 launch.

It gives them yet another franchise that they can add to their stable.
If they could do it that way -- that is, have an original game for Xenon's launch and Halo 3 for the PS3/Revolution launches -- that would be ideal, I agree. I just wasn't sure if Bungie was big enough to actually pull two games on new hardware off in that kind of timeline.

EDIT: Good point, cybamerc.


Super Smash Halo?

Gran Halismo?

Super Halo Sunshine?


Silent Halo?

Grand Theft Warthog?


Chili Con Carnage!
It was only a few days ago that they said that everyone currently at bungie was working on Halo 2.

Thats obviously not to say they couldnt split into 2 teams once its done, but starting 2 games simulataneously doesnt seem very likely.
Ghost said:
It was only a few days ago that they said that everyone currently at bungie was working on Halo 2.

Thats obviously not to say they couldnt split into 2 teams once its done, but starting 2 games simulataneously doesnt seem very likely.

The standard practice with a dev team is to start out with a very small group, setting the groundwork for the basis of the game. You add in the core programming engine folks sometime later, as well as some artists. Later, you add the rest of the programming staff, more artists, sound folks, etc. It's not uncommon for dev teams to more than double in size in the last third of a game's development.

So, it's quite possible to have two teams working on games, if they have at least a years staggered release date.


Will start substantiating his hate
Ghost said:
Thats obviously not to say they couldnt split into 2 teams once its done, but starting 2 games simulataneously doesnt seem very likely.
No. Not if they only have one team and that team is about 55 people strong. Although above average for current gen titles it's not a huge team by any means and next gen titles are going to be considerably more resource demanding.
They tried the two teams thing several times and it fell apart each time. There is more to this, but if Element is willing to spill the talk....

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Forcing them to work on a third game when they don't want to sure would be a good way to start a mass exodus out of the company.

It's a difficult position for MS though.
If So.... XENON/MS is off to a bad start. Next gen; they WILL need Halo3 at launch soonish to be able to sell that system; I don't know what sort of developer support XENON will have but Halo 3 will be their biggest title.
There are other games that can sell systems, you know. Besides, I want to see some new stuff breaking through upon a new system launch.


Yeah, it will be a very rough launch for Xbox2 without something on Halo's level. MS needs to score a major 3rd party exclusive -- GTA, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy. The problem is that those games take years and their development teams are just finishing up current PS2 versions.

Ubisoft has gotten into a one-a-year rhythm for with Splinter Cell and the Tom Clancy games, so I suppose they might be able to count on those for launch period.


Queen of Denmark
Without Halo 3, I think MS' best bet for a killer-app launch title (barring a new franchise) is a new Madden game. I think that would sell the system to plenty of casuals.

Plus, let's face it: although they might be good games, when you look at sales, I don't think a new PGR or Crimson Skies will do much for Xenon.
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