BlueTsunami said:They need to find Amber Lamps instead of that ghetto rat
Now that would be impressive.
BlueTsunami said:They need to find Amber Lamps instead of that ghetto rat
indeed :lolBlueTsunami said:They need to find Amber Lamps instead of that ghetto rat
The first page of the girl's "follow up" vid is full of this shit. Why cant it just be about an old guy (an asshole) beating down an another asshole?NoJimmyNuts said:The videos in this series are great!! We need to stand up to the n*ggers... the video is proof that the white man is finally taking the streets back from the criminal n*ggers that have taken over.
God Bless Tom -- I just wish more of my race would stand up to the n*ggers like him.
You egged him on, and you stole his stuff. It's not your fault, you're a n*gger and crime/troublemaking is all you know.
Go turn yourself in, do the civilized world a favour, n*gger.
Shes our Rosa Parks.Hari Seldon said:Leave the poor girl alone. Jesus christ.
theignoramus said:The first page of the girl's "follow up" vid is full of this shit. Why cant it just be about an old guy beating down an asshole?
theignoramus said:The first page of the girl's "follow up" vid is full of this shit. Why cant it just be about an old guy (an asshole) beating down an another asshole?
AVclub said:"Get a ambalampse!"
R2D4 said:Holy crap I just got the Amber Lamps joke. I thought it was from the color of the sirens at first. Lulz.
I JUST GOT TOO!R2D4 said:Holy crap I just got the Amber Lamps joke. I thought it was from the color of the sirens at first. Lulz.
JosM88 said:I JUST GOT TOO!
Holy crap I forgot the fact that someone called for an ambulance, but that it sounded strange.
projekt84 said:
doomed1 said:I don't consider Chinaman any more racist than Englishman, or Frenchman.
Curufinwe said:That's great, but it's still an antiquated term that any Chinese person would be within their rights to consider offensive.
PantherLotus said:As is, this would make a perfect case study of human behavior and characters developed in less than 2 minutes. Here's what we can do with this if we were to make this into a film:
1. Oldberg - The grizzled, disappointed-in-society Vietnam War vet provoking a fight by using overtly racist imagery/line of questioning, hoping he is finally put out of his misery by this "gang-lookin' fellow" so he can meet his wife in heaven.
He's definitely racist. He will provoke the fight using the ancient and unforgettable imagery of young African American males shining the shoes of white southern businessmen, and he'll say with a smile. When confronted, he'll accidentally reveal the depth of his bigotry, proclaiming, "I'd let a Chinaman shine 'em too!" He wants a fight, which is why he wears shirts that say "I'M A MOTHERFUCKER" on them.
2. Byron - The downtrodden bus boy who just lost his job at the local Home of Chicken & Waffles, only to be verbally attacked by a crazy ol' racist, when all he wants is to make it to class at CSU Northridge because he wants to give his teenage daughter a better life.
Surrounded by four women, two younger ghetto girls, a lovely but as yet-unrevealed young college girl, and an older black woman, he will have to decide whether to swallow his pride just one more time in the back of this sweltering bus.
3. Alisha and Shamisha - Two hoodrats in the back, hoopin', hollerin', eggin' on both of the men. Yelling out things like, "say it again, pinky!" and "beat his WHITE ass--WHOOP HIS AAAASS!" The ironic nature of their character is that they're basically too young to have any concept of the worlds in which the men they're provoking grew up in. Instead, they're using their modern technology to record this dreadful event. It will be years before they realize what part they played in this fateful day, if ever.
4. Amber Lamps - The young college girl, lonely and afraid. She's on her way to class too (CSU Northridge too), but just rebuffed the smiling black man who just boarded the bus. ["Isn't he in one of my classes? God, he talks just like one of those Dr. Dre videos my older brother used to like."] Incidentally, it will be the smile/flirt and the rebuff from our lovely maiden here that will provoke the Old Racist Veteran into thinking he needs to be put "in his place."
The entire incident reminds Ms. Lamps why she never should have moved away from Kansas City, but she will excitedly relate the story of a scene "just like that movie Crash!" for years to come.
5. The Older Black Lady - She's done well for herself and would like Mr. Pants-on-the-ground to stop trying to "set us back!" She'd have said something earlier, besides, "leave that man alone," but that old white hippie with the tattoos gave her a funny look she'd seen plenty of times before.
6. The Ambivalent/Pre-Occupied Bus Driver - She's worried about tomorrow, not those two idiots in back. She's seen it all before, a couple heated words, maybe some slaps exchanged, then one party would sadly spill out of the bus at the next stop. If only she could get them to stop long enough so she can think about the Court Case she's supposed to appear in tomorrow--some incident from last summer where an Asian lady ("had to be Chinese, since my route went right through Little China last year"). An African American lady apparently filed charges on both the bus company and the Asian lady, but the Pre-Occupied Bus driver was more worried about the footage that showed the bus being above capacity--clearly against policy.
7. The Incompetent Police Man - "man, this shift sucks." It's bad enough he has to wear a bright hazard cone orange shirt, but dealing with some screaming white dude quoting Training Day can't help but make him laugh. More likely, he just needs his meds, but these cute honeys are kinda making things worse. Ah shit, he ran off.
Someone in the original video(1st or 2nd) screamed"Somebody call an ambulance" or something like that.noisome07 said:
JosM88 said:Someone in the original video(1st or 2nd) screamed"Somebody call an ambulance" or something like that.
Amber lamps
Get it?
I was too distracted by this thread to go back and look at the original video so I never got the connection.noisome07 said:I was WTF'ing at people barely getting the joke =/
:lol :lol :lol
joelseph said:My point is both men were looking for a fight. Neither are completely innocent and the white guy surely wasn't acting out of self defense.
Best video I've seen all month. :lolGhostRidah said:Wow someone made a MK video with them, its pretty damn funny :lol
Kholdstare101 said:So the black guy is 50... why is he considered young?
Kholdstare101 said:So the black guy is 50... why is he considered young?
Coolio McAwesome said:The white guy wasn't going to take any shit from the punk and made it perfectly clear that he wasn't afraid of him, but I don't think there's anything that suggests that he was looking for a fight. There are, however, very clear indications that the black guy was looking for a fight:
1. The black guy made the first threats of violence.
2. When the white guy attempted to move himself away from a hostile situation, the black guy followed him.
3. The black guy initiated physical contact.
The fact that the black guy was a shitty fighter doesn't change the fact that he took a swing at the white guy. The white guy beat the shit out of him, but he wouldn't have taken those actions if the guy didn't punch him first. He was CLEARLY acting in self defense. Certainly, the white guy shouldn't have been expected to just sit there and let the guy punch him. The white guy was able to deflect the punch that was thrown at him, but it's a pretty safe bet that the black guy would have continued to throw punches if the white guy didn't finish the fight. If the white guy had simply pushed him away or hit him a single time, then the black guy would have continued to try and fight him. Heck, the black guy was STILL threatening to beat the white guy up even after he had his ass handed to him.
joelseph said:The White guy provokes the fight the entire time. "Retreating" is not submission. After he has retread he raises his voice even higher and screams that he is going to slap the shit out of the dude. That is not something you do when you are looking to escape a fight.
joelseph said:The White guy provokes the fight the entire time. "Retreating" is not submission. After he has retread he raises his voice even higher and screams that he is going to slap the shit out of the dude. That is not something you do when you are looking to escape a fight.
YoungHav said:I'm glad to know chinaman is no longer an offensive term and is the equivalent of englishman or irishman. Keep it classy GAF.
Two Klan members make nigger jokes in the woods w/no blacks there to hear it. lol then it can't possibly be racist. Pretty dumb logic there.Hari Seldon said:It is borderline, but being that there was no chinese people around and he was just using it to make a point, who gives a fuck?
YoungHav said:Two Klan members make nigger jokes in the woods w/no blacks there to hear it. lol then it can't possibly be racist. Pretty dumb logic there.
joelseph said:The White guy provokes the fight the entire time. "Retreating" is not submission. After he has retread he raises his voice even higher and screams that he is going to slap the shit out of the dude. That is not something you do when you are looking to escape a fight.