YoungHav said:and why are people saying old whitey didn't have the right to self defense? He was 100% in the right, he was attacked 1st!
Two Klan members make nigger jokes in the woods w/no blacks there to hear it. lol then it can't possibly be racist. Pretty dumb logic there.
huacst21 said:Get fucking over it. Racist old white guy beats up black guy, fucking deal with it.
The old white guy is a racist piece of shit but that wannabe gangsta thought he was all king shit and got a beating.
This is life, sometimes more often than not, assholes win.
huacst21 said:Quick question: Would the video have had this much controversy if it was the other way around?
Black guy beats up old racist white guy? I don't think so.
huacst21 said:Quick question: Would the video have had this much controversy if it was the other way around?
Black guy beats up old racist white guy? I don't think so.
joelseph said:No idea what your point is but your anger comes across clearly.
S1lent said:How would that be the other way around? It'd be the other way around if it was racist black guy beats up black guy.
The black guy is a punk, and an idiot, but he's not the one that comes off as a racist.
MidnightRider said:
What happened to the junior next to your member?huacst21 said::lol
Black guy goes to the front of the bus and takes a swing at racist white guy. White guy defends himself and beats that ass.
You crying like a little bitch saying white guy provokes the fight, when in reality, the black guy started it from the get go.
You let an old geezer get the better of you because of fucking words? Lame.
You deserve to get your ass beat for letting someone get to you like that.
Sticks and stones and all that.
Stop making so much sense. Butthurt people in this thread have already decided the old white man is an Evil Racist (TM). He should've just let the black guy beat him up - you know to show how not-racist he is.I <3 Memes said:We have already gone over all of this in the thread. The guy was born in 1943. With the way culture suddenly decides that something that has been acceptable for decades isnt anymore it is hard to get people that have been saying something one way their whole life to change the way they speak.
Dont be surprised if during your lifetime saying someone is "African-American" or "Black" or even "White" suddenly becomes unacceptable. How easy do you think it's going to be for you to suddenly stop saying those words?
huacst21 said:The other way around, I meant in the outcome of the fight.
huacst21 said::lol
Black guy goes to the front of the bus and takes a swing at racist white guy. White guy defends himself and beats that ass.
You crying like a little bitch saying white guy provokes the fight, when in reality, the black guy started it from the get go.
You let an old geezer get the better of you because of fucking words? Lame.
You deserve to get your ass beat for letting someone get to you like that.
Sticks and stones and all that.
I wouldn't say he is a hero. He certainly is a legend though.S1lent said:Then of course there wouldn't be as much controversy...most people don't mind seeing racists get their asses beat.
That said, is this thing thing all that controversial? Most people are praising the white guy as a hero, making tribute pictures, bumper stickers, etc. Which to me is kinda disgusting. They are both idiots, neither deserves praise.
Hey strawman don't go outside for the next hr or so, the sun is still out.DennisK4 said:Stop making so much sense. Butthurt people in this thread have already decided the old white man is an Evil Racist (TM). He should've just let the black guy beat him up - you know to show how not-racist he is.
DennisK4 said:Stop making so much sense. Butthurt people in this thread have already decided the old white man is an Evil Racist (TM). He should've just let the black guy beat him up - you know to show how not-racist he is.
S1lent said:Then of course there wouldn't be as much controversy...most people don't mind seeing racists get their asses beat.
That said, is this thing really all that controversial? Most people are praising the white guy as a hero, making tribute pictures, bumper stickers, etc. Which to me is kinda disgusting. They are both idiots, neither deserves praise.
Yes, you immediately called out the old white guy for causing the whole incident. Quite revealing.joelseph said:I love how people can't hide their feelings no matter how hard they try!
S1lent said:Then of course there wouldn't be as much controversy...most people don't mind seeing racists get their asses beat.
That said, is this thing really all that controversial? Most people are praising the white guy as a hero, making tribute pictures, bumper stickers, etc. Which to me is kinda disgusting. They are both idiots, neither deserves praise.
You don't know what a strawman argument is do you? :lolYoungHav said:Hey strawman don't go outside for the next hr or so, the sun is still out.
:lol no. I just like using the word.DennisK4 said:You don't know what a strawman argument is do you? :lol
daw840 said:What? None of you have any idea what was said before this video started. None of you. The only thing racist that the white guy said was "chinaman" apparently, not that I quite understand how that is racist, probably just used as a description but that's not the point. Far to often people are waayyy to quick to pull the race card out, and it usually sounds just like what the black guy said at the beginning of the vid, "why it gotta be a black man shining shoes." Maybe the old guy was just fucking around with the dude and he took offense to it. I have been involved in these types of situations entirely too often. Hell, one time I made a comment that I liked Speedy Gonzalez and I was pissed that the show never aired anymore and this mexican guy got really REALLY fucking pissed at me for it. Accused me repeatedly of being racist and almost came to blows! I was able to calm the situation down, but still, some people pull that card at the slightest thing. Without knowing the initial stages of the conversation it is premature to call the white guy a "racist piece of shit."
huacst21 said:They're both idiots but people crying that the racist white guy provoked the fight the whole time, when in the video it shows he even moved to the front of the bus to avoid the situation. Even though he kept shit-talking but the black guy does the same from his seat before he took a swing at the racist guy.
benita said:Sticks and stones man.
The old dude is probably racist and he probably said something offensive to the black dude.
Despite that, I don't know how anyone can come to any conclusion other than the black dude deserved to get his ass handed to him.
2 guys get into it, guy 1 moves away, guy 2 escalates the situation.
It's pretty fucking simple.
benita said:Sticks and stones man.
The old dude is probably racist and he probably said something offensive to the black dude.
Despite that, I don't know how anyone can come to any conclusion other than the black dude deserved to get his ass handed to him.
S1lent said:-Asked a black guy to spit shine his shoes in a smug and condescending way
-When black guy takes offense, tries to prove he isn't racist by saying he'd be fine having another minority (a "Chinaman") do it too
-"Don't fuck with me BOY"
-In the second video, appears to yell out "cotton-pickin' mother fuckers!"
Dude is very likely racist, or at the very least is ignorant and racially insensitive.
Also, a side note, but I'm pretty sure the white guy originally was sitting in the front and then walked back to the back to talk to the black guy. This is why the black guy keeps telling him to go "back" to the front, and then he does.
OMG you guys are so racist for calling someone possibly racist. How dare you? Its people like you that make racism still existent in today's society. Racists![/sarcasm].benita said:Sticks and stones man.
The old dude is probably racist and he probably said something offensive to the black dude.
Despite that, I don't know how anyone can come to any conclusion other than the black dude deserved to get his ass handed to him.
2 guys get into it, guy 1 moves away, guy 2 escalates the situation.
It's pretty fucking simple.
MidnightRider said:omg omg omg
:lol :lol :lol :lol
S1lent said:-Asked a black guy to spit shine his shoes in a smug and condescending way
-When black guy takes offense, tries to prove he isn't racist by saying he'd be fine having another minority (a "Chinaman") do it too
-"Don't fuck with me BOY"
-In the second video, appears to yell out "cotton-pickin' mother fuckers!"
Dude is very likely racist, or at the very least is ignorant and racially insensitive.
Also, a side note, but I'm pretty sure the white guy originally was sitting in the front and then walked back to the back to talk to the black guy. This is why the black guy keeps telling him to go "back" to the front, and then he does.
YoungHav said:why are you still getting into fights?
I wish Conan was still on. Old Man needs to be on TV wtf. We have all these talentless celebs that get thrown at us 24/7, yet Old Man and Amber Lamps aren't on TV yet.
daw840 said:Its been years since I have truly been in a fight, but back in the day I have been in quite a few unfortunately. Got my ass kicked quite a few times, but also kicked some ass sometimes.
daw840 said:Its a real possibility, he is 67 years old, very hard to let go of some of that shit. OTOH, once he gets put on the defensive before the fight he is flustered and the internal filter is probably not functioning quite right, AFTER the fight he is very likely completely pumped full of adrenaline and very upset and his internal filter is really fucked and shit is just coming out. Consider, if you will, things that you say every day and are perfectly fine. That white/black guy, African American, etc. What if, in 10-20 years those became offensive? You would very try to not ever use those terms, but when a situation comes up where you are incredibly stressed and flustered you would probably slip up. I don't know about you, but every time I have been in a fight, afterward I am shaking very badly and don't really know what's going on. Win or lose.
S1lent said:Your argument really only applies to the "Chinaman" thing, and the fact that he used that particular term is probably the least racist thing I listed.
S1lent said:-Asked a black guy to spit shine his shoes in a smug and condescending way
-When black guy takes offense, tries to prove he isn't racist by saying he'd be fine having another minority (a "Chinaman") do it too
-"Don't fuck with me BOY"
-In the second video, appears to yell out "cotton-pickin' mother fuckers!"
Dude is very likely racist, or at the very least is ignorant and racially insensitive.
Also, a side note, but I'm pretty sure the white guy originally was sitting in the front and then walked back to the back to talk to the black guy. This is why the black guy keeps telling him to go "back" to the front, and then he does.