WTB Dark Souls 1 PS3 Black label
If you have a copy in good condition please pm me.
If you have a copy in good condition please pm me.
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered (Humble bundle gift) $2
Awesomenauts $1
Sanctum 2 $1
FEZ $1
Bastion $2
Limbo $1
Abyss Odyssey $1
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Steam Key $1
Just Cause Collection $3 (I'm not sure wich one does it have)
-Xenoblade Chronicles 3DS PAL (new unopened, came with the console) ~£20
-Xenoblade Cover plates for n3DS (also never opened, came with the console) ~Make me an offer I have no idea for the price.
- 1 year PS plus UK £30
-Metal gear solid V: TPP (new, came with the console, never open) ~£18
-Star Wars 4 Classic Games Download Code for PSN NA ~$12
Persona 4 Dancing all night DLC from Disco Fever Edition (UK version, only the dlc code) ~Make an offer.
WTT Mirror's Edge PS4 beta code for: a code for Darkrai Pokemon (they would distribute them next month in the US)
Reply sent, sorry it took so long. I slept really well last night 😜
Looking to pick up a a Gear VR.
Anyone selling?
Joker Batman-Batman (Loot Crate Exclusive)
Groot w/ Glow In The Dark Hand (Loot Crate Exclusive)
Watch Dogs (PS4) - $9
Dead or Alive Ultimate (XBOX & works on 360) - $10 (Dead or Alive 1 Ultimate & Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate packed together)
Links 2004 (XBOX & works on 360) - $10