PS4 NeoGAF Clan: Please try to leave a post here with your PSN name and the word clan after applying.
PS4 NeoGAF Clan: Please try to leave a post here with your PSN name and the word clan after applying.
Oh my god, the one Japanese map with the pitfalls is SO ANNOYING!
Take those stupid pitfalls out![]()
Oh wow, best COD since Blops 2 ? What a ringing endorsement. You realize AW is only the second game since Blops 2 right ? The other was Ghosts.
Blops 2>AW>MW>MW2>every other COD
thats a pretty big accomplishment
PS4 NeoGAF Clan: Please try to leave a post here with your PSN name and the word clan after applying.
PS4 NeoGAF Clan: Please try to leave a post here with your PSN name and the word clan after applying.
Those are two completely different things. You're saying, AW is the best COD next to Blops 2. That's not the same as saying, "AW is the best COD since Blops 2", which essentially means, AW is better than Ghosts.
Which COD isn't better than Ghosts ?
First multiplayer CoD I have ever play.
This game is a fucking mess compare to Destiny, Halo, CS and BF.
Oh my god, the one Japanese map with the pitfalls is SO ANNOYING!
Take those stupid pitfalls out![]()
Rate the CODs, everyone
The ones I didn't list I didn't play at all, so I can't give an opinion on it.
But, anyways, TRY OUT THE SAC3, its like playing with BLOPS 2 Akimbo Automatic machine pisiols(forgot what they were called lol) before they were nerf(but not as broken and more fun!)
Bought the atlas limited edition and the campaign alone is worth the price. Thrilling ride from start to finish with an expected twist from what i've seen from the trailers. The story is very cohesive and follows mitchell along with his tour of duty really well. I havent even touch the multiplayer and coop yet. Really enjoyed the game so far.
Side note: I really love the grappling hooks. Makes me feel like batman with guns. Really shiny guns.
The steelbook is dayum sexy.
Yo where did you get that red DS4? Shit's mad sexy
I'd agree with this, with a slight variation
MW>BLOPS2>AW>BLOPS>WAW>MW2>MW3>No CoD at all>Ghosts.
I've browsed through a few pages and it seems like I've seen the same old complaints I see with every COD game. So glad I finally gave it up and didn't buy this one.
Also wondering how one applies to be in the PS4 GAF clan.
So I seem to remember ground pound being a thing but I haven't been able to do it. Is it something you need to unlock? Some people online said that it happens when you melee while in the air, but it seems regular to me. Do I have to have an opponent in my crosshairs for it to work?
PS4 NeoGAF Clan: Please try to leave a post here with your PSN name and the word clan after applying.
After getting to level 49, I can say this is possibly the most fun I've had in any COD multiplayer, despite it's flaws. This may be the first season pass I've ever bought.
The only things that really bug me are:
-Netcode or whatever you call it. With a game this twitchy we need dedicated servers, it's that simple.
-Kill times are to short. They aren't as bad as I thought, but to make certain weapons more viable (shotguns for example, which are fun as hell but only slightly effective), automatic weapons should take a couple extra shots to bring someone down.
-Grenades need a buff. Can't tell you how many times.I've done damage with a grenade only to be killed while switching back to my weapon. The blast kill radius looks to be 5-7 feet when it should be at least 10, especially considering how fast you can jump or dodge out of the way. Other grenade types aren't that much better.
-matches need to be 100 kills in tdm, they're too short to be able to have an awesome comeback. A little endurance should be involved.
A few other minor things but other than that I'm really impressed. Maps are great, game looks and sounds great, it feels fun to move and shoot. New additions like the supply drop system and the firing range are really good ideas.
It only took you 11 main line Call of Duty games to realize this?
PS4 NeoGAF Clan: Please try to leave a post here with your PSN name and the word clan after applying.
Rate the CODs, everyone
Rate the CODs, everyone
The ones I didn't list I didn't play at all, so I can't give an opinion on it.
But, anyways, TRY OUT THE SAC3, its like playing with BLOPS 2 Akimbo Automatic machine pisiols(forgot what they were called lol) before they were nerf(but not as broken and more fun!)
So I seem to remember ground pound being a thing but I haven't been able to do it. Is it something you need to unlock? Some people online said that it happens when you melee while in the air, but it seems regular to me. Do I have to have an opponent in my crosshairs for it to work?