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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|


I've just chucked up a video of me booster hunting over a couple of nights, feel free to check it out here if you're bored. It's nothing spectacular, just some justice being served:


I've had a complaint about the music, so feel free to mute it. The music in the second half is a bit more, 'accessible'. :lol
Xux said:
Fourzerotwo's pushin' for an OMA fix in the next patch that'll fix the rock on Fuel; he said they were plannin' for it a couple days ago.

I don't think LMGs need any more balance. :lol I doubt sway would have much effect on something with splash damage; I think grenade launchers just need a straight damage nerf. Even if you get two and you recover them one at a time or using them up leaves you with a useless second tier perk afterwards, it's still two relatively free kills. I'd actually say that I think explosives just shouldn't kill by themselves and should be glorified special grenades to finish people that run and hide nearby or to check a window and finish people off with bullet penetration.

Too bad we scared away Rayme and Fourzerotwo doesn't post here as I'd like to hear some relatively candid developer opinions on grenade launchers.

Danger Close is the real culprit. Without it, grenade launchers actually have to hit pretty on target to OHK. You get a lot of whiffs without DC. So even if you could launch an infinite number of them, blind-tubing wouldn't really be a valid tactic.

And seriously - the game has been out since november. We're just now maybe getting a fix?


Strider2K99 said:
Silly, I'm already on your list as Psycho.

Do you play alone or with friends?
I play with friends sometimes, but most of the time I go lone wolf. Had some decent matches last night. A 20-8 match, 29-6. But then other matches I went 7-7, 10-10. Then some were 7-12, 6-10, etc.

I mostly play TDM Express. I'm going to try some different modes like Barebones Pro to spice it up a little bit. :) On another note, I'm falling in love with the Vector sub-machine gun. Damn, that little gun's a beast!

I have Bling equipped, so I have a silencer and red dot sight on it. Did pretty nice with it yesterday. Also tried an Acog scope on the Intervention and that went well for me also. It's nice to switch up the weapons once in a while.


cobra, if you need someone to play with on ps3 add me Full-Recovery

I bought the maps last night, first game at trailer park I went 14-2 in search. got a 9 kill streak :lol I really like carnival and fuel. Vacant isn't nearly as good with this game (toobs/shotguns/knives)


I recall when MW2 came out, a lot of people claimed CoD4 had vastly superior maps and at first, I blindly agreed with that. After prestiging 3 times in CoD4, I have to say that the answer to that is...yeah, no way.

MW2 may have Rust (which I think is fine) and lopsided maps like Estate, but the CoD4 maps are just clusterfucks.

Bloc is absolutely terrible - use the corridors or die. 90% of the map is completely unused.
Crossfire would be fine if the bottom half of the map wasn't a shooting range for snipers on the top half - they should've made an inside corridor in the back area.
Shipment is a joke (although a fun joke if your team gets the lucky spawns).
Vacant blows with that gate in place, it really ruins the flanking possibilities.
Ambush is cool, but one side very clearly has the sniping advantage (i.e. much better cover).
Bog is ridiculously bad - there's cover placed everywhere, but it's all fucking useless! Like the blown out tank; you can't stand by it because the cannon covers the middle of your FOV, and you can't crouch because the treads will block your view. One side has the bus, the other has...nothing at all.
Creek is beautiful, but annoying. Don't go in the valley if you don't love dying. The valley is like 50% of the map.
Showdown would be great if sniping wasn't so ridiculously easy in the game. So many ACOG idiots running around shooting you out of nowhere from the 800 camping spots available. :(
Countdown has way too many of those little movable walls. Should've had a few more small structures (like a little house or something in the middle), and way less walls.
Wetwork just needs to eat a dick and choke on it, as does its creator.

So, yeah... Old news, but MW2 does have better maps.

divisionbyzorro said:
IW's refusal to fix this shit made me wander, and it might have driven me away completely at this point.
I hear that. I think at this point, I only ever play MW2 because my friends don't own CoD4 and WaW anymore. Doesn't matter what the circumstances are, I can always do better and have more fun in the older games when I don't get bullshitted on out of nowhere every 20 seconds.

itsnervedamage said:
Pretty sure the thing that can fix this is idle sway. Sway on grenade launchers, sway on assault rifles, sway on lmgs idle sway on everything.
Almost everything has sway in CoD4. It makes no difference at all.

Xux said:
Fourzerotwo's pushin' for an OMA fix in the next patch that'll fix the rock on Fuel; he said they were plannin' for it a couple days ago.
That's cool and all, but it's too little too late... The hardcore tubers have already moved on to using Sleight of Hand/noobtube/Thumper kits for maximum douchebaggery. That'll be the next big thing if OMA is nerfed - 4 tubes is more than enough for your average asshole noob.

This game is just never going to be made fun for people who try to take it even slightly seriously. :(


aku:jiki said:
I recall when MW2 came out, a lot of people claimed CoD4 had vastly superior maps and at first, I blindly agreed with that. After prestiging 3 times in CoD4, I have to say that the answer to that is...yeah, no way.

MW2 may have Rust (which I think is fine) and lopsided maps like Estate, but the CoD4 maps are just clusterfucks.

Bloc is absolutely terrible - use the corridors or die. 90% of the map is completely unused.
Crossfire would be fine if the bottom half of the map wasn't a shooting range for snipers on the top half - they should've made an inside corridor in the back area.
Shipment is a joke (although a fun joke if your team gets the lucky spawns).
Vacant blows with that gate in place, it really ruins the flanking possibilities.
Ambush is cool, but one side very clearly has the sniping advantage (i.e. much better cover).
Bog is ridiculously bad - there's cover placed everywhere, but it's all fucking useless! Like the blown out tank; you can't stand by it because the cannon covers the middle of your FOV, and you can't crouch because the treads will block your view. One side has the bus, the other has...nothing at all.
Creek is beautiful, but annoying. Don't go in the valley if you don't love dying. The valley is like 50% of the map.
Showdown would be great if sniping wasn't so ridiculously easy in the game. So many ACOG idiots running around shooting you out of nowhere from the 800 camping spots available. :(
Countdown has way too many of those little movable walls. Should've had a few more small structures (like a little house or something in the middle), and way less walls.
Wetwork just needs to eat a dick and choke on it, as does its creator.

So, yeah... Old news, but MW2 does have better maps.

I hear that. I think at this point, I only ever play MW2 because my friends don't own CoD4 and WaW anymore. Doesn't matter what the circumstances are, I can always do better and have more fun in the older games when I don't get bullshitted on out of nowhere every 20 seconds.

Almost everything has sway in CoD4. It makes no difference at all.

That's cool and all, but it's too little too late... The hardcore tubers have already moved on to using Sleight of Hand/noobtube/Thumper kits for maximum douchebaggery. That'll be the next big thing if OMA is nerfed - 4 tubes is more than enough for your average asshole noob.

This game is just never going to be made fun for people who try to take it even slightly seriously. :(

yea, no way dude....cod 4 maps are not the best but much better then mw2
The reason I had to return MW2 wasn't because glitches or any of that shit. I just hated the maps. They were just so poorly designed. It's like absolutely no thought went into them whatsoever, they just made them and that was that. No regard for balancing, maps lending themselves to different game types, access routes, etc...etc...

COD4 definitely has the superior maps, but treyarch still remains the better map designers.
Sunako said:
That's really bizarre. Were other players able to kill him?

Well I brought the score up in the beginning and he was 0-4. I'm chalking it up to bizarre server lag even though we were 3-4 bars and running normally. Farther in my recording it happened again with a different guy. I ended up quitting out, made no sense.

I've seen being lagged and not getting a kill but I've never seen anything like that before. Oh well.
Lionheart1827 said:
Just uploaded this:


I've never been so robbed of a kill before. This guy must've had something going on. Not ONE click.

I directly drop out of a game with yellow bars. Fuck that bullshit. It's to inconsistent with all those Commando Pro-guys running around.

Stillmatic said:
I've just chucked up a video of me booster hunting over a couple of nights, feel free to check it out here if you're bored. It's nothing spectacular, just some justice being served:


I've had a complaint about the music, so feel free to mute it. The music in the second half is a bit more, 'accessible'. :lol

Funny video. Could you please list your setups? :x

Edit: Woops!


Subete no aware
Wow, LTTP, but they FINALLY added a playlist with kill streaks disabled?

How does the game play nowadays? I'm not willing to spend money on the maps, but I'd consider popping my game in just to try Barebones.


Full Recovery said:
Who wants to guess which weapon has killed the most overall?

the fucking knife

Fuck commando.
I do tons of knife kills without commando. I'm sure knife kills are my number one in World at War.


Is it just me or is the Funhaus in Carnival really laggy and is prone to framerate drops? Especially on the balcony looking out at the Rocketship and such?


Mush said:
Is it just me or is the Funhaus in Carnival really laggy and is prone to framerate drops? Especially on the balcony looking out at the Rocketship and such?

Are you host when this occurs?

I usually get unexplainable framerate drops when I'm hosting.


Started playing again the other day after a few months off. Loving the FAL at the minute, so satisfying. Before I stopped playing a few months back I could not hit the broad side of a barn with it :D

Also is it just me or has the community 'calmed' a little? (It's probably because I don't have the maps and am getting grouped with the noobs/casuals)
I have a big problem no one seems to care about with CODMW2.

If you're ducking behind cover and shooting people, you obviously have your gun above the window/cover. Yet all the person being shot at by the person taking cover usually sees is half of their head.

It makes it a super easy kill for the person taking cover, but the person trying to shoot the dude in cover has to aim super carefully for this half of a head he sees sticking out.

If you're shooting, obviously your torso with your gun, or atleast more than half your head, is above cover. It's a huge unfair advantage. I get usually get 20-45 kills, but that's an often occurring, annoying as fuck obstacle. I shouldn't have to rely on shooting through things to get these guys, there's no way in fuck only showing their head (or a piece of it) makes any fucking sense. I should be seeing half of their fucking torso.
jonnybryce said:
I have a big problem no one seems to care about with CODMW2.

If you're ducking behind cover and shooting people, you obviously have your gun above the window/cover. Yet all the person being shot at by the person taking cover usually sees is half of their head.

It makes it a super easy kill for the person taking cover, but the person trying to shoot the dude in cover has to aim super carefully for this half of a head he sees sticking out.

If you're shooting, obviously your torso with your gun, or atleast more than half your head, is above cover. It's a huge unfair advantage. I get usually get 20-45 kills, but that's an often occurring, annoying as fuck obstacle. I shouldn't have to rely on shooting through things to get these guys, there's no way in fuck only showing their head (or a piece of it) makes any fucking sense. I should be seeing half of their fucking torso.

It's always been this way in CoD games. The camera is in your head, and you shoot what you see.


jonnybryce said:
I have a big problem no one seems to care about with CODMW2.

If you're ducking behind cover and shooting people, you obviously have your gun above the window/cover. Yet all the person being shot at by the person taking cover usually sees is half of their head.

It makes it a super easy kill for the person taking cover, but the person trying to shoot the dude in cover has to aim super carefully for this half of a head he sees sticking out.

If you're shooting, obviously your torso with your gun, or atleast more than half your head, is above cover. It's a huge unfair advantage. I get usually get 20-45 kills, but that's an often occurring, annoying as fuck obstacle. I shouldn't have to rely on shooting through things to get these guys, there's no way in fuck only showing their head (or a piece of it) makes any fucking sense. I should be seeing half of their fucking torso.
I used to have a slight problems with taking out people behind extreme cover in COD4, but it's been a non-issue for me in MW2. Don't let me get behind good cover, the only you'll kill me is by flanking or explosives. :lol
Was at my buddy's place yesterday and popped in COD4 for the hell of it, this game is still King no matter what anybody says, then I put in MW2, I quickly relised why I traded it in, what a mess of game, it's basically how my brother put it, Modern AirSupport 2.


So I got my 360 slim two days ago, which I mainly bought to play online with my friends. The game they currently play is MW2 so I picked it up today to join in on the fun.

However, i'm a total beginner when it comes to fps on consoles. Any special stuff I should think about, tips and tricks I should know of before jumping in?

I suppose I should mentally prepare for dying over and over again. :lol

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
jonnybryce said:
I have a big problem no one seems to care about with CODMW2.

If you're ducking behind cover and shooting people, you obviously have your gun above the window/cover. Yet all the person being shot at by the person taking cover usually sees is half of their head.

It makes it a super easy kill for the person taking cover, but the person trying to shoot the dude in cover has to aim super carefully for this half of a head he sees sticking out.

If you're shooting, obviously your torso with your gun, or atleast more than half your head, is above cover. It's a huge unfair advantage. I get usually get 20-45 kills, but that's an often occurring, annoying as fuck obstacle. I shouldn't have to rely on shooting through things to get these guys, there's no way in fuck only showing their head (or a piece of it) makes any fucking sense. I should be seeing half of their fucking torso.

The funniest thing is even when you shoot the little sliver of head sticking over the cover you still don't get a headshot most of the time.
Brian Fellows said:
The funniest thing is even when you shoot the little sliver of head sticking over the cover you still don't get a headshot most of the time.
I fucking hate that. Both the cover invincibility and the horrible hit detection in this game. There's times when a guy is laying there facing right at me, I shoot him in the freaking mouth, and all I get is a regular kill... still other times I'll shoot someone in the butt and I'll get a headshot. Like double you tee eff!


Mush said:
Is it just me or is the Funhaus in Carnival really laggy and is prone to framerate drops? Especially on the balcony looking out at the Rocketship and such?
Not just you, looking out through the window toward the Rocketship always causes framedrops for everyone. Who knows why.

cameltoe said:
yea, no way dude....cod 4 maps are not the best but much better then mw2
So do either of you guys have any arguments or am I just supposed to accept "yeah, no" and admit defeat? :lol

I mean, I wrote a fairly big list of why I think the maps are inferior!

Rapping Granny said:
Was at my buddy's place yesterday and popped in COD4 for the hell of it, this game is still King no matter what anybody says, then I put in MW2, I quickly relised why I traded it in, what a mess of game, it's basically how my brother put it, Modern AirSupport 2.
You're not alone in this complaint, and I gotta say I just don't get it at all. If someone calls in pesky air support in MW2, you just switch to your Stinger and, bam, problem solved. If someone calls in a chopper in CoD4, it'll be a pain in the ass to shoot down because it almost never stops moving (so your RPG's will just miss and you have to rely on LMG spray). Not only that, but their chopper very often gets them a new chopper for free!

jonnybryce said:
I have a big problem no one seems to care about with CODMW2.
Don't worry, we all hate it. But like zorro said, it's something deeply engraved in the engine (though zorro probably knows that kinda code stuff better than me :lol) and is present in all CoD games. It will most likely still be there in Black Ops. :(

I kinda think you can solve it via map design rather than adjusting the engine, though. Don't allow cover that'll only show your scalp - only put in waist-high cover or objects too high to look over. Somebody needs to tell the map designers about that!
Brian Fellows said:
The funniest thing is even when you shoot the little sliver of head sticking over the cover you still don't get a headshot most of the time.

Yeah, that is one of my gripes with the game, I've gotten robbed of so many headshots. I shot a guy through concrete 7 times with a SP Famas last night that didn't even kill him because the game ended. I'm loving the Famas at the moment, so consistent with one burst kills. Being able to put a lot of lead down field with extended mags is awesome. Sometime I'll shoot through 3/4ths of my magazine and wait for my enemy to run out of cover when he thinks I'm reloading. :D

Famas Extended Mags
Socom Akimbo(unlocking the attachments)
Scavenger Pro
Stopping Power Pro
Last Stand Pro

Akimbo pistols are so fun. They are so fast to be pulled out in times of need. I hate getting caught off guard when I'm switching weapons.
aku:jiki said:
Don't worry, we all hate it. But like zorro said, it's something deeply engraved in the engine (though zorro probably knows that kinda code stuff better than me :lol) and is present in all CoD games. It will most likely still be there in Black Ops. :(

It's a difficult thing to solve! The camera and crosshair are expected to be in the middle of your screen. We also expect to see the gun. And we expect the bullet to hit the crosshair at any distance.

You have two choices. The camera can either look down the gun's sights, or it can look through your eyes. If it looks down the gun's sights, your head can be popping out of cover without you realizing it. If it looks through your eyes, you could be shooting cover without realizing it. It gets even more complicated when you bring ADS into the picture and your gun is bouncing between your chest and your head.

IW solved the problem by having the virtual bullets come out of your face. You won't accidentally shoot cover, but your head will never be accidentally exposed either. The tradeoff, of course, is that your opponents think you shouldn't be able to shoot when you actually can.


Full Recovery said:
cobra, if you need someone to play with on ps3 add me Full-Recovery

I bought the maps last night, first game at trailer park I went 14-2 in search. got a 9 kill streak :lol I really like carnival and fuel. Vacant isn't nearly as good with this game (toobs/shotguns/knives)
I don't have the new maps yet, just the Stimulus pack maps. But I'll send you a friend request anyway. :)

I'll be taking a little break from MW2 for a bit. My brother just got me Singularity as a belated birthday gift so I'll be digging into that.

Stillmatic said:
I've just chucked up a video of me booster hunting over a couple of nights, feel free to check it out here if you're bored. It's nothing spectacular, just some justice being served:


I've had a complaint about the music, so feel free to mute it. The music in the second half is a bit more, 'accessible'. :lol
What! Video's a +1 for me just for having my favorite hip hop solo artist of all time. :D Good job fighting the good fight against all the boosters.
So many children are gonna be orphans!


The more I play this game, the more frustrated I get. I guess it's time to take another 2 month break. :/


Stillmatic said:
I've just chucked up a video of me booster hunting over a couple of nights, feel free to check it out here if you're bored. It's nothing spectacular, just some justice being served:


I've had a complaint about the music, so feel free to mute it. The music in the second half is a bit more, 'accessible'. :lol

Loved the Guile theme :lol

Edit: Just out of curiosity, does anyone make themed classes just to mess around with? For example, I made a Solid Snake class and just snuck around killing people with my USP. I just saw Predators yesterday and I kinda wanna make a Predator-based class and one based on Royce (Brody's character who uses an AA12). Maybe for the Predator class:

M21 EBR w/ Thermal and HBS

Bling Pro
Cold-Blooded Pro
SitRep Pro

Smoke Grenade
cdyhybrid said:
Edit: Just out of curiosity, does anyone make themed classes just to mess around with?

I've got one boring "standard" class (silenced TAR, SPAS-12 extended mags, claymores, scavenger, stopping power, ninja) that I usually do exceptionally well in and almost never use anymore.

All the rest of my classes are dumb theme classes that are probably murder on my KDR, but I don't care because they're so much more fun. 90% of the time they are what I use. I've got:
a shield class with scavenger and throwing knives or C4
a shotgun/lightweight class with AA-12 and extended mags
a marathon/cold-blooded/ninja silenced knifing class
an all akimbo class with mp5ks and g18s
a booster hunting danger-close class


foomfoom415 said:
Ia shotgun/lightweight class with AA-12 and extended mags

At least have the decency to rock the SPAS if you're gonna lightweight around with a shotgun. :(

divisionbyzorro said:
It's a difficult thing to solve!
I don't doubt it! I just think there has to be a better solution than showing half of someone's head. Which, by the way, leads me to believe that the camera is actually above the head and not in it. Just that minor adjustment - so you at least always see a full head to shoot at - would be an improvement...

Also, that part about "how the fuck was that not a headshot if all I see is his scalp?!" could be fixed. :lol
aku:jiki said:

At least have the decency to rock the SPAS if you're gonna lightweight around with a shotgun. :(

I feel like the SPAS-12 lightweight is almost cheating :lol The range is too ridiculous. Besides, the necessity of scavenger means no marathon which when combined with the the short range of the AA12 really reduces the usefulness of the class on all but the tightest of maps.

The AA12 also is an easy command-beater which makes me thing a lot of people here don't use it enough.
Got another nuke today. That makes 54 so far. :D yea, I sat down and counted 'em once... :p My KDR still needs some work (1.21) but its hardly my fault when I'm working with a wireless bridge (what's a 4 bar connection? lulz) and my nephews and friends all learned how to play on my account. I did crack 100,000 kills yesterday though. And in five matches today I went from 0 kills with the FAL to 145 :lol


Patrick Bateman said:
Funny video. Could you please list your setups? :x
Sure thing, i change them up quite a bit, but this is what they're looking like at the mo.

Where there's an assault rifle i usually rotate between SCAR, Tar and ACR, depending on what i'm feeling like.

I play pretty stealthy too, but always on the move, so i always have Ninja on and silence most of my weapons.

Go to class: [the class i use when i want to kill everything that moves]
Half man/Half amazing - ACR (silenced) / M1014 (grip)/ Claymore / Stun / Scavenger / Stopping P / Ninja

Revenge classes: [if a knifer or noob tuber is pissing me off i give them a taste of their own medicine. With the booster justice class reserved for flushing out boosters.]
Blade Runner - UMP (silencer) / .44 Magnum (tact knife) / Semtex / Stun / Marathon / Lightweight / Commando
Demolition Man - Tar-21 (noob toob) / One Man / Claymore / Stun / One Man / Danger close / Ninja
Booster Justice - Tar-21 (silenced) / RPG / C4 / Stun grenades / Marathon / Cold Blooded / Ninja

Sniper class:
Wesley Sni... - Barret (FMJ) / Raffica / Sleight oH / Stopping P / Ninja

I usually have this reserved for weapons/perks i don't usually use, to learn the ropes, at the moment it's not set up for that though.
Training day - Scar (silenced) / M1014 (grip) / Claymore / Flash / Marathon / Cold Blooded / Ninja

This is my muck around class, whenever i feel like something different, like a riot class or something. I use it for my alternate booster hunting class too, with a javelin to eat them up. :p
Mucky Dinner - ACR (silenced) / Javelin / C4 / Flash / Scavenger / Cold Blooded / Ninja


RJNavarrete said:
Got another nuke today. That makes 54 so far. :D yea, I sat down and counted 'em once... :p My KDR still needs some work (1.21) but its hardly my fault when I'm working with a wireless bridge (what's a 4 bar connection? lulz) and my nephews and friends all learned how to play on my account. I did crack 100,000 kills yesterday though. And in five matches today I went from 0 kills with the FAL to 145 :lol
Very nice, bro! I need to get done with the fucking Stealth Bomber challenge already (last Prestige challenge I have), so I can start getting some nukes! I'm only at 25...

Everdred said:
This is my exact Sniper class, even by name. Weird.
Mine too! All of mine are names of celebs or fictional characters though.

My noobtube class is called Kenny Powers. Props to anyone who gets that one! :lol


divisionbyzorro said:
Danger Close is the real culprit. Without it, grenade launchers actually have to hit pretty on target to OHK. You get a lot of whiffs without DC. So even if you could launch an infinite number of them, blind-tubing wouldn't really be a valid tactic.

And seriously - the game has been out since november. We're just now maybe getting a fix?

Yeah, that's true; all my friends that noobtube every game wait until they unlock DC every prestige before bothering tubing.

aku:jiki said:
I hear that. I think at this point, I only ever play MW2 because my friends don't own CoD4 and WaW anymore. Doesn't matter what the circumstances are, I can always do better and have more fun in the older games when I don't get bullshitted on out of nowhere every 20 seconds.

The amount of host quitting in CoD4 makes it pretty unplayable without a party to try and force host. I don't know how often it happens on 360 but it sounds like there as many M40 users on 360 as there are people that quit when they die as host on PS3. :lol


aku:jiki said:
Check out this montage I just found! The editing is insane! I don't even know how they did stuff like crumble the statue on Strike, have the guy remove the scope from the R700 and so on... :lol


wow i really liked that. stuff like that can only be done with
the PC versions i think, and heavy use of 3DS MAX, After
Effects and Photoshop.

It will take a shit load of time to do, rendering will bring most PCs
to their knees, but the final result will look great.

just time needed, so much time lol


Finally...after 20 days playtime:


Some of these got really tedious. Attack Helicopter sucks, it'll either get blown up before it can get a kill or fly around not shooting anyone for most of the time it's up. I had to call in over 500 of them to get the challenge. Also Stealth Bomber can be a bitch. Satisfying when you get a 5-8 multikill, depressing when it misses and gets 0-1. Best emblem out of the challenges is the AC130, shame nothing else unlocks when you complete them all. I think my favourite KS is the Sentry Gun, once you learn the best areas to place them, it chews through people like crazy.
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