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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 |OT|

How in the hell did you get Heads Up!??! Only time I have gotten a legit package drop kill was playing Domination (so no final kills there :/)


From an Emerg Airdrop, mind you, that's not the challenge for getting it in a game winning killcam. I'm still yet to get that one, that's gotta be crazy luck there.
divisionbyzorro said:
It's a difficult thing to solve! The camera and crosshair are expected to be in the middle of your screen. We also expect to see the gun. And we expect the bullet to hit the crosshair at any distance.

You have two choices. The camera can either look down the gun's sights, or it can look through your eyes. If it looks down the gun's sights, your head can be popping out of cover without you realizing it. If it looks through your eyes, you could be shooting cover without realizing it. It gets even more complicated when you bring ADS into the picture and your gun is bouncing between your chest and your head.

IW solved the problem by having the virtual bullets come out of your face. You won't accidentally shoot cover, but your head will never be accidentally exposed either. The tradeoff, of course, is that your opponents think you shouldn't be able to shoot when you actually can.

I feel like the solution is as simple as representing the player behind cover as more than just a head to other players or making objects you take cover behind lower. It's not that huge of an issue to solve imo, obviously more than just a head is over the cover, so show more than just the head over cover. The engine can still use the head as it's virtual gunpoint or whatever, but show more of the body, show what's actually happening, make it fair.

The same for smoke. There's been countless times where I see a huge cloud of smoke and the shooter sees clear air, especially from a distance. These two things piss me off more than any other issue people hate in MW2 to be honest, because they're such simple things that mess things up so bad.


For the heads up challenge i spent an afternoon in FFA collecting care packages and emergency airdrops and basically threw them all out in the same spot and hope for some greedy bastard to come along lol.

Very funny, and very satisfying when you get it.


Every time I've tried to play this lately it's just a bunch of idiots running around with Interventions jump sniping and quick scoping. It's infuriating because it actually works, but it makes no sense that you can utilize a sniper this way, ugh.
Ramirez said:
Every time I've tried to play this lately it's just a bunch of idiots running around with Interventions jump sniping and quick scoping. It's infuriating because it actually works, but it makes no sense that you can utilize a sniper this way, ugh.

then don't play CoD4, it's quickscoping x over 9000.


Mojo said:
From an Emerg Airdrop, mind you, that's not the challenge for getting it in a game winning killcam. I'm still yet to get that one, that's gotta be crazy luck there.
You can make it happen without crazy luck. I posted about it when I did it, but to recap if anyone cares... Use CP/Sentry/EAD in a FFA match and try to get at least two EAD's without calling anything in. You'll probably end up having 2 EAD's and like 6-7 CP/Sentries. Wait until 1450 points, then start tossing them like mad. Save 2-4 CP's for when people start coming (and you know they WILL come running :lol) and then start tossing them into the pile. Try to toss from a good camping spot so you can do it without moving your sights, so everything lands in the same spot.

I did it on Skidrow, from the typical camping house by A.

Tiger uppercut said:
then don't play CoD4, it's quickscoping x over 9000.
It's almost unbearable, almost ruining a fantastic game. Why oh why did they never patch out ACOG sniping? :(

It can be especially painful when your whole team is busy trying to do 720 noscopes off buildings when you're struggling to cap shit all by yourself, and the other team has 2-3 players that actually try to cap too. I rage quit like a mofo when that happens.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Mojo said:
Finally...after 20 days playtime:


Some of these got really tedious. Attack Helicopter sucks, it'll either get blown up before it can get a kill or fly around not shooting anyone for most of the time it's up. I had to call in over 500 of them to get the challenge. Also Stealth Bomber can be a bitch. Satisfying when you get a 5-8 multikill, depressing when it misses and gets 0-1. Best emblem out of the challenges is the AC130, shame nothing else unlocks when you complete them all. I think my favourite KS is the Sentry Gun, once you learn the best areas to place them, it chews through people like crazy.

Predator is the only one I've got done.


PetriP-TNT said:
How in the hell did you get Heads Up!??! Only time I have gotten a legit package drop kill was playing Domination (so no final kills there :/)
I got heads up on Favela, I came up behind a guy sitting on top of the trash bin up top by the stairs looking over the soccer field. Well I shot him and he went into final stand (not last stand) and he didn't know where I was. So I tossed my care package up there and since he was in final stand he couldn't get off of the trash bin. :lol I just stayed back in the tall weeds behind him until it happened. Poor guy.


aku:jiki said:
It's almost unbearable, almost ruining a fantastic game. Why oh why did they never patch out ACOG sniping? :(

Because ACOG scopes were shit before they received a patch which made them useful.


Strider2K99 said:
Because ACOG scopes were shit before they received a patch which made them useful.
By useful you mean aim-assist beyond madness? I'm getting so sick of getting killed because the guy shot two feet to the right of my head. :(


aku:jiki said:
You can make it happen without crazy luck. I posted about it when I did it, but to recap if anyone cares... Use CP/Sentry/EAD in a FFA match and try to get at least two EAD's without calling anything in. You'll probably end up having 2 EAD's and like 6-7 CP/Sentries. Wait until 1450 points, then start tossing them like mad. Save 2-4 CP's for when people start coming (and you know they WILL come running :lol) and then start tossing them into the pile. Try to toss from a good camping spot so you can do it without moving your sights, so everything lands in the same spot.
Heh, I gotta try that one. It's the only GWK I don't have, haven't been back to FFA for a while.
ah ow..... :O (possible subscription info for COD?) (NOT my video)
“I was trying to join a friend’s session on MW2 the other day and had this screen pop up. It clearly says at the top of this menu: ‘Modern Warfare 2 Membersh’, in which we can confidently assume that the last word is “Memberships”. If you’ll notice at the bottom is an option to “Add Microsoft Points”, clearly indicating that this was intended to be a menu for purchasing different levels of Membership, presumably memberships would have been offered in a variety of durations.”

I know it could mean anything or it could be fake but if true its like TAM TAM TAM.
I'm deliberately holding off on a Black Ops preorder until I know for sure that the multiplayer won't be monetized. If the multi remains free (map packs notwithstanding), and the multiplayer looks solid from previews, I'll preorder in a heartbeat.
Alright guys, finally finished my SPAS montagerooni. I just got a PVR last week and I recorded a bunch of games over the weekend and edited in Sony Vegas. Definitely no Sandy Ravage, not even close, and I'm a noob at editing.


If you got 9 minutes to kill, take a look.

(if you dont like lamb of god, sorry, it took forever to find a song that fit well without it getting blocked. I tried a bunch of instrumentals but they were under Warner group and they seem to autoban on upload).

EDIT-if you're from germany sorry but youtube blocked it there due to copyright. :/


Oh man, my team got the best final killcam tonight. Bro had an ACR with HBS and a guy comes around the corner with his akimbo G18s and lands four or five shots on our guy; if he didn't have Painkiller he probably wouldn't have managed to run forward two steps and Commando that guy's shit.

But yeah, Crash and Vacant are too damn small for Ground War. SnD's still a total borefest. HQ's still an RPG fest. Still did pretty good, I guess, with my FAMAS and L86 and my stealth Mini-Uzi class did alright in SnD.

Sure hope we find out stuff about BO soon.


So I guess WingsOfRedemption got ahold of some kickass weed, check out his latest videos! :lol :lol


divisionbyzorro said:
I'm deliberately holding off on a Black Ops preorder until I know for sure that the multiplayer won't be monetized. If the multi remains free (map pakcs notwithstanding), and the multiplayer looks solid from previews, I'll preorder in a heartbeat.
Yeah... Fuck a subscription. Bobby Kotick's logic sucks - you ARE getting paid, you ass! We buy millions of copies of the games! I hear he's proud of hating gaming too.

Can we just get someone to assassinate him or something?


I fucking hate quick scopers. There is nothing you can do against it... right?

I don't understand why IW doesnt fix it, I can't believe it was the intention of IW.

All other bullshit you can counter, but this is bullshit.
Lionheart1827 said:
Alright guys, finally finished my SPAS montagerooni. I just got a PVR last week and I recorded a bunch of games over the weekend and edited in Sony Vegas. Definitely no Sandy Ravage, not even close, and I'm a noob at editing.


If you got 9 minutes to kill, take a look.

(if you dont like lamb of god, sorry, it took forever to find a song that fit well without it getting blocked. I tried a bunch of instrumentals but they were under Warner group and they seem to autoban on upload).

It's blocked. This time Sony. :(
Patrick Bateman said:
It's blocked. This time Sony. :(

You wouldn't happen to be in germany would you? I checked the copyright this morning and it said its only blocked in germany. I just logged out and checked the video via blackberry and it still works for me. :/
Ramirez said:
Every time I've tried to play this lately it's just a bunch of idiots running around with Interventions jump sniping and quick scoping. It's infuriating because it actually works, but it makes no sense that you can utilize a sniper this way, ugh.
This, it's really annoying

got back into MW2 last week and aside from those sniper idiots( :lol guy shot about 3 feet to the right of my head and I died)
it's still fun to play :D still love using the fal
Lionheart1827 said:
You wouldn't happen to be in germany would you? I checked the copyright this morning and it said its only blocked in germany. I just logged out and checked the video via blackberry and it still works for me. :/

Won't somebody please think of the Germans?



Raiden said:
I have been out of COD for a while now, what is this quickscoping?
Quickscoping is supposed to be when you do most of the aiming before you scope in, then just zoom in to land the shot (and avoid the randomness of noscopes). So you use the on-screen reticule to track your target and only zoom in when he stops or whatever, and quickly pop off a shot without holding your breath. It's not new - it's in CoD4 and you can even do it with the PTRS in WaW.

I don't think proper quickscoping is much of a problem - they're aiming and they're just very damn good at it. This half-scoping nonsense is the problem, and the root of that is that IW for some idiot reason thought it was a good idea to raise a sniper rifle's accuracy gradually as you bring up the scope. If you want to see it in action, equip a sniper rifle and watch the reticule as you scope up - it gets smaller as the scope comes up. If you bring it up to where it's almost up, a noscope's accuracy will be as high as a scoped shot's, effectively meaning that you can run and gun with a one-shot kill weapon if you're good enough at aiming fast.

Edit: Oh, forgot to mention that regular quickscoping can be bullshit because something's wrong with the aim assist in the Intervention and Barret (and the M40A3 and R700 in CoD4). Sometimes when they quickscope and miss, they still get the kill. That's not really the player's fault though...

divisionbyzorro said:
Holy shit! No wonder his videos haven't been on Machinima lately. His time has passed.
Passed?! These are the best two vids I've ever seen him do! :lol


Went back to Care Packages after finishing all the KS challenges, first one I get is an AC130. Two games later I throw down two more at the same time, one's an AC130, the other is a Chopper Gunner <3
:lol I've said for quite awhile that while the usual suspects (MLC knifers, noobtubers, dual 1887s) are very annoying, nothing beats quickscoping Intervention users.

Im really enjoying the Barebones playlist, but I wish there was a playlist that was called "Play the game with the spirit of how the game should be played, and dont be a douche and abuse stuff that is in the game that ruins it for everyone but you. Yes, its in the game, so you are "entitled" to use it, but just because I can make a fist doesn't make it right for me to punch a 80 year old woman holding a baby at the top of a flight of stairs in the face." playlist. I would play the game much more often. Obviously, is but a dream.

EDIT: Is there a GAF MW gamertag? I would love to be able to play with people playing legit. Im average at best, but would love to be fed into the MW2 GAF woodchipper.


divisionbyzorro said:
I'm deliberately holding off on a Black Ops preorder until I know for sure that the multiplayer won't be monetized. If the multi remains free (map packs notwithstanding), and the multiplayer looks solid from previews, I'll preorder in a heartbeat.

Pretty sure they said the subscription stuff will definitely not happen with Black Ops. Don't have the source at the moment though.
TheApatheticOne said:
Im really enjoying the Barebones playlist, but I wish there was a playlist that was called "Play the game with the spirit of how the game should be played, and dont be a douche and abuse stuff that is in the game that ruins it for everyone but you. Yes, its in the game, so you are "entitled" to use it, but just because I can make a fist doesn't make it right for me to punch a 80 year old woman holding a baby at the top of a flight of stairs in the face." playlist. I would play the game much more often. Obviously, is but a dream.

In some ways I think this is the desire that drives the dedicated server crowd.


Lionheart1827 said:
Alright guys, finally finished my SPAS montagerooni. I just got a PVR last week and I recorded a bunch of games over the weekend and edited in Sony Vegas. Definitely no Sandy Ravage, not even close, and I'm a noob at editing.


If you got 9 minutes to kill, take a look.

(if you dont like lamb of god, sorry, it took forever to find a song that fit well without it getting blocked. I tried a bunch of instrumentals but they were under Warner group and they seem to autoban on upload).

EDIT-if you're from germany sorry but youtube blocked it there due to copyright. :/
Nice vid! I think i might have to switch back to the SPAS over the M1014, the range is just too awesome. :lol Nothing wrong with the editing either.


Well, about to go nuke hunting today...I'll probably try FFA. Not optimistic since I get bullshit killed at least three times a game AND I never get host. Any tips/encouragement would be appreciated :lol Only gotten one nuke before, and that was playing with a full team in Ground War.


Patrick Bateman said:
Won't somebody please think of the Germans?

I swear Sony Germany has a couple people only hunting for Sony content in YT vids all day. Fucking fascists.

Use a proxy.
Mojo said:
Went back to Care Packages after finishing all the KS challenges, first one I get is an AC130. Two games later I throw down two more at the same time, one's an AC130, the other is a Chopper Gunner <3
Well, aren't you lucky? I only get ammo crates.
Stillmatic said:
Nice vid! I think i might have to switch back to the SPAS over the M1014, the range is just too awesome. :lol Nothing wrong with the editing either.

Thanks I had to render the movie about 3 times due to youtubes copyright filter disabling all of the audio. Each render took like 25 minutes and another 20 minutes to upload only to find out the audio is blocked. Sigh.

Sometimes my buddies tell me to try switching to the 1014 but I'm just too used to my trusty SPAS. Once you get the pump rhythm and the max distance down you can really do some serious hurt to the other team.

Haunted said:
I swear Sony Germany has a couple people only hunting for Sony content in YT vids all day. Fucking fascists.

Use a proxy.

Actually I think its due to the content ID feature youtube uses. Like I said I tried putting some dream theater instrumentals in first and those are under warner group aka WMG. Within a minute it was blocked. When I uploaded the lamb of god version as soon as it finished it was blocked in germany. So I'm guessing youtube has content I'd scripts/filters set to autoblock artists or record label content as soon as it goes live depending on the label. The sad thing is that I'm sure the actual artists don't give a shit about people putting music up as a background. I just wonder how sandy ravage gets his videos up with metallica in it. Oh well.
Mojo said:
Went back to Care Packages after finishing all the KS challenges, first one I get is an AC130. Two games later I throw down two more at the same time, one's an AC130, the other is a Chopper Gunner <3
Have fun with all that extra ammo you'll be getting for the rest of the week. :lol
I wish I could quickscope. Or be better at sniping. Really, the sniping in this game is a ton of fun, it's just too bad I can't put in the kind of time it takes to get abusively good at it.

It's really upsetting when you're playing against a good sniper though, quickscoping or not. Don't know why it bothers me so much more than being trounced any other way (legit way, toob, commando etc. exempt for an entire other category of frustration.)


Reilly said:
Activision's comment:

"Reports of a subscription membership in Modern Warfare 2 are not true," a spokesperson said. " Activision has no plans to charge gamers to play Call of Duty multiplayer."


The same way they had no plans to take out dedicated servers on the PC too, right?
Here is was, hoping that Barebones Pro wouldn't totally suck but it was like the lamest mode ever. EVERYONE and I mean everyone except me was using Intervention and Intervention only. I did win the round but still come on, Intervention is WAY more broken than OMA+noobtubes or anything.

Also the sensitivity was pretty insane after playing Uncharted 2 MP for couple of weeks :lol
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