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Call of Juarez: Gunslinger |OT| It's your huckleberry


Any of you manage to hit a chicken in a duel yet? I'm doing True West, dreading some of the last areas of the game though. They were pretty rough the first time on Hard.


Is there a way to reduce the contrast a bit in game? My colors are so crushed right now that it's actually diffictult to see what's happening.
Is there a way to reduce the contrast a bit in game? My colors are so crushed right now that it's actually diffictult to see what's happening.

SweetFX - use negative vibrance to desaturate, and negative curves to reduce contrast. That's what I did. I preferred it that way.


Fantastic game!! Finished up the story tonight, loved the last level and final reveal. Just started my 2nd play through and then on to arcade mode.


Just played the first 3 chapters. AWESOME so far. Really solid controls and shooting. Also love the presentation. Really like how the story is unfolding and the way they alter it. Another gaddamn winner from Ubi along with Blood Dragon.


Currently 85 on the duel leaderboard, I had a run earlier that failed where i kept getting headshots, was't as consistent on my cleared run but w/e


Fairly certain this is my fastest duel reaction time too:


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
My video review.

What video editing software do you guys use for video reviews?

Looking to get into it seeing as you can reach a much wider audience than with just text alone, and I have a capture device but that's about it.

I use Audacity to record the audio, FRAPS to capture video, and Adobe Premiere to cut it all together.


Steroid Distributor
Xbox version runs great.

Arcade mode is crack! Just spent over three hours playing through several of the levels. I haven't been able to three star any levels yet though. Seems to be one spot in each level where I can't find anything to shoot to keep my combos going.
After letting the game digest mentally, I notice this game is not getting the same praised as Spec-Ops in the story department and narrative. COJ:GS has one of the best well written stories I encounter in gaming. While the gameplay in Spec-Ops is borderline "banal" and the interruption of gameplay is typical AAA elementary school yard activity of the game "Stop and Go" COJ:GS excels in gunplay, pacing, replay value(an art that is almost lost this gen)music, story and the quite obvious; the narrative.

Some people think a "good" story is synonymous with "complex" or being "deep" But I notice the latter is what some people lean on. A good story is how is told, how the characters gravitate and when you start caring for them. Either good or bad. The story being told through the eyes of an old cowboy in a bar was just to fitting for this game. The cast around him is what made the world very much alive.
And the fact that some of the stories were alter a little bit to see if "Bob" would notice, and oh boy he did

While I did enjoy what Spec-Ops brought to the table, COJ:GS is ahead of its class. Shit, even some of the stories effect gameplay
When he falls asleep or gets drunk, lol
The game has wit, humor, tension and damn good narrative that I can mention enough. Just straight up and down good solid writing, and very well made Cowboy game. I would love to get into it more. But I'll wait for others to beat it. There's a lot to talk about COJ:GS.


Any of you manage to hit a chicken in a duel yet? I'm doing True West, dreading some of the last areas of the game though. They were pretty rough the first time on Hard.

Easy to do on Normal mode in the first duel. Dont let your focus get too high or else you wont be able to see the chickens when you draw. Make sure your speed is high and your focus is around 50-60%. Shouldn't be an issue.


After letting the game digest mentally, I notice this game is not getting the same praised as Spec-Ops in the story department and narrative. COJ:GS has one of the best well written stories I encounter in gaming. While the gameplay in Spec-Ops is borderline "banal" and the interruption of gameplay is typical AAA elementary school yard activity of the game "Stop and Go" COJ:GS excels in gunplay, pacing, replay value(an art that is almost lost this gen)music, story and the quite obvious; the narrative.

Some people think a "good" story is synonymous with "complex" or being "deep" But I notice the latter is what some people lean on. A good story is how is told, how the characters gravitate and when you start caring for them. Either good or bad. The story being told through the eyes of an old cowboy in a bar was just to fitting for this game. The cast around him is what made the world very much alive.
And the fact that some of the stories were alter a little bit to see if "Bob" would notice, and oh boy he did

While I did enjoy what Spec-Ops brought to the table, COJ:GS is ahead of its class. Shit, even some of the stories effect gameplay
When he falls asleep or gets drunk, lol
The game has wit, humor, tension and damn good narrative that I can mention enough. Just straight up and down good solid writing, and very well made Cowboy game. I would love to get into it more. But I'll wait for others to beat it. There's a lot to talk about COJ:GS.
I do agree with you and I am currently of the opinion that Gunslinger is the second best narrative experience of the year, so far, after Bioshock.

I don't think it has quite the same gravitas as Spec Ops, but it certainly pretty unique and I appreciate it greatly. The ending was slightly disappointing, whereas Spec Ops has one of my favorite endings ever. I think if Gunslinger didn't wrap up so... suddenly, I would have appreciated the plot a bit more.
I kinda knew Gunslinger would end the way it did. Pretty predictable. But I didn't mind it. I really liked the way the story was told and that kept me entertained through to the end. Can't say that about too many games.


Regarding how it ends:
I didn't choose the "Redemption" ending my first time through, but I did for my second and I'll admit it was far more satisfying than going with revenge.


I kinda knew Gunslinger would end the way it did. Pretty predictable. But I didn't mind it. I really liked the way the story was told and that kept me entertained through to the end. Can't say that about too many games.

The telegraphed the ending pretty hard but it was fun.
I do agree with you and I am currently of the opinion that Gunslinger is the second best narrative experience of the year, so far, after Bioshock.

I don't think it has quite the same gravitas as Spec Ops, but it certainly pretty unique and I appreciate it greatly. The ending was slightly disappointing, whereas Spec Ops has one of my favorite endings ever. I think if Gunslinger didn't wrap up so... suddenly, I would have appreciated the plot a bit more.

The ending in Spec-Ops was fucking amazing, due to the options you have that affects the outcome. And of course had a more mature tone as well. But the the way the story was told in COJ:GS was very entertaining till the end. I like the ending because it was a "cowboy cliche'" that was done right IMO. My comparisons had to do more with gameplay flow and mechanics. Should had done a more in depth comparison to not cause confusion.


Hey guys, I doubt I'm the first person to ask this (Probably won't be the last, either!), but if I'm a big fan of the first two games, and I hated the third game, is this worth a look?
Beat it last night. Extremely satisfying. Seemed to end at just the right point and completely avoided overstaying its welcome, a big problem with games like this. 15 bucks well spent, and I still have NG+ and Arcade mode to look forward to. I hope it gets some more publicity because it really was a fantastic arcade shooter.

Some people think a "good" story is synonymous with "complex" or being "deep" But I notice the latter is what some people lean on. A good story is how is told, how the characters gravitate and when you start caring for them.

Too true. After I beat it I walked away thinking "wow, I feel like my grandpa just told me a really cool war story or something." Not a common feeling when it comes to games. I also found myself thinking about how the whole story is pretty damn cliche, but how the way it was told was so exceptional that it didn't matter at all.


Regarding how it ends:
I didn't choose the "Redemption" ending my first time through, but I did for my second and I'll admit it was far more satisfying than going with revenge.
I absolutely figured as much.
It was even in the back of my mind as I was choosing "Revenge", I thought to myself "This isn't going to be as good as being merciful, but I'm going to do it anyway.".


Hey guys, I doubt I'm the first person to ask this (Probably won't be the last, either!), but if I'm a big fan of the first two games, and I hated the third game, is this worth a look?
Hell yes. You're exactly the kind of person who should play Gunslinger.


with cheap points this game is $5 on XBLA right now. just bought it and played through the first chapter. so far its great.

love the Nuggets of Truth, the art is fantastic on them and in the game, shooting is fun! plot seems fun so far.

really good stuff.

had some issues with figuring out how to work hand speed in that second duel, and my damn sticks are travelling off to the sides which sucks (couldnt tell if it was affecting my hand speed though, since i didnt know exactly how to control it), but otherwise no issues.
My video review.

I use Audacity to record the audio, FRAPS to capture video, and Adobe Premiere to cut it all together.

Thank you - will have to try the trial of Premiere.

I picked this up today on 360, and so far I've just been having fun on the Arcade mode. Ridiculously good shooting, the weapons all feel powerful and the slow motion mechanic is really fun to use without being overpowered.

Looking forward to the actual story mode now. Loving these digital releases from Ubi recently.


Okay, just finished the trial. Fucking. Amazing.

Definitely buying.

Nice man. And it only gets better with NG+.

I ran through Chapter 1 yesterday to show my buddy how different the game plays once you have all your skills maxed out. His jaw was dropped the entire time (particularly once you get that power to auto target and headshot the one who tries to make that final slo mo killshot). 30+ combos galore at a breathtaking pace.

GOTY so far easily right next to Infinite.
Holy shit. Using DPX on SweetFX works well for this game. It gives it that "Uncharted" look in stages it needs it. Easier to spot the NPC's as well. I had to mess with the RGB's to hit that sweet spot. Still messing with it. Here's one example.


Wow. I might as well be playing a dif. game on my PS3.
I finally got Trick Shot, after seriously like 50+ attempts. I'm watching videos of it on YouTube, and these people are able to draw, aim, and shoot twice before the other guy even gets a shot off. What the fuck is up with that? My crosshair doesn't move near that fast and certainly doesn't shrink that fast. I ended up having to dodge like three shots before I could finally get the chicken and then shoot the guy. Is that just the difference between playing on Easy versus doing it in the Duel mode?


I finally got Trick Shot, after seriously like 50+ attempts. I'm watching videos of it on YouTube, and these people are able to draw, aim, and shoot twice before the other guy even gets a shot off. What the fuck is up with that? My crosshair doesn't move near that fast and certainly doesn't shrink that fast. I ended up having to dodge like three shots before I could finally get the chicken and then shoot the guy. Is that just the difference between playing on Easy versus doing it in the Duel mode?

What mode were you playing on? I got in Story mode on Normal. It's all about concentrating more on your draw speed than your Focus. I got it on my third try.


I finally got Trick Shot, after seriously like 50+ attempts. I'm watching videos of it on YouTube, and these people are able to draw, aim, and shoot twice before the other guy even gets a shot off. What the fuck is up with that? My crosshair doesn't move near that fast and certainly doesn't shrink that fast. I ended up having to dodge like three shots before I could finally get the chicken and then shoot the guy. Is that just the difference between playing on Easy versus doing it in the Duel mode?

Like poster above me said, you're probably not focusing enough on your draw speed. It's a lot easier to get up higher than 80% than your focus is. Have a quick draw speed makes dodging the first bullet/seeing it coming super easy so then you can just hit a chicken and then your opponent.


Just played the demo. The gunplay is really good. Just shooting with your guns feels great. Nice feedback. And the way the story is told seems very interesting to follow. Intrigued.
I was regularly pulling 95-100% draw speeds and like .25 second reaction times. Plain and simple, my crosshair was not moving like the videos.

edit- Ok, I jumped back into the game and was able to recreate the Achievement. First is my video, then a video from YouTube. Notice in the YouTube video his gun is out and the chicken is shot before the other guys gun even clears the holster.




I was regularly pulling 95-100% draw speeds and like .25 second reaction times. Plain and simple, my crosshair was not moving like the videos.

edit- Ok, I jumped back into the game and was able to recreate the Achievement. First is my video, then a video from YouTube. Notice in the YouTube video his gun is out and the chicken is shot before the other guys gun even clears the holster.


Could it also be something about gamepad versus mouse, or mouse sensitivity adjustment? I don't know if you're supposed to move the mouse to draw faster though.
I plugged in a gamepad and saw no difference in the reticle, still huge and slow. The only other thing I can think of is if changing the FOV did anything.


Nice man. And it only gets better with NG+.

I ran through Chapter 1 yesterday to show my buddy how different the game plays once you have all your skills maxed out. His jaw was dropped the entire time (particularly once you get that power to auto target and headshot the one who tries to make that final slo mo killshot). 30+ combos galore at a breathtaking pace.

GOTY so far easily right next to Infinite.

NG+???? aw yea, can't wait to replay some missions with all my powers.

personally, i'm having a hard time deciding if i like Blood Dragon or this more. Both are so fucking great.


Hey game, this is the fifth time I've played you in a week and I've yet to become tired of you. What the hell is going on and why are you so good to me?
I don't fucking get Techland. Sometimes they can put out complete trash like The Cartel, but other times they release (slightly flawed) gems like Bound In Blood and Gunslinger. They must have multiple teams or something....

Love the story-telling aspect of the story mode. Fun stuff. And the shooting is great. Although I do feel sorry for people having to play this with a controller. Chaining headshots with a mouse is glorious.


The highest compliment!
Holy shit, *that* was the guy who used to host the Saturday night cult film of the week on SBS? I never knew his name, let alone knew he was one of the writers/actors for Hercules Returns. Owe my Jackie Chan fandom to that dude.

Most obscure Australian reference I've ever seen on these forums, and it's not even in an Australian-focused thread. Mind blowed.


I wish there was a PC demo. I don't know if my old PC is capable of running it smoothly. I have a 9800GTX+ and a Q6600, and I play at 1440x900.

edit: I open Steam and, holy shit, suddenly there is! Downloading now~
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