Oh yeah I totally hear ya. After Gunslinger, BiB deserves a replay by all.
That's what I'm doing...RTTP thread?
Oh yeah I totally hear ya. After Gunslinger, BiB deserves a replay by all.
Is there a way to reduce the contrast a bit in game? My colors are so crushed right now that it's actually diffictult to see what's happening.
What video editing software do you guys use for video reviews?
Looking to get into it seeing as you can reach a much wider audience than with just text alone, and I have a capture device but that's about it.
Debating between the PC and 360 version on this one. I've got Microsoft points burning a hole in my pocket.
That's what I'm doing...RTTP thread?
I can't get anti-aliasing to work on my AMD, and it's too jaggy to play without it.
Any of you manage to hit a chicken in a duel yet? I'm doing True West, dreading some of the last areas of the game though. They were pretty rough the first time on Hard.
Any of you manage to hit a chicken in a duel yet? I'm doing True West, dreading some of the last areas of the game though. They were pretty rough the first time on Hard.
I do agree with you and I am currently of the opinion that Gunslinger is the second best narrative experience of the year, so far, after Bioshock.After letting the game digest mentally, I notice this game is not getting the same praised as Spec-Ops in the story department and narrative. COJ:GS has one of the best well written stories I encounter in gaming. While the gameplay in Spec-Ops is borderline "banal" and the interruption of gameplay is typical AAA elementary school yard activity of the game "Stop and Go" COJ:GS excels in gunplay, pacing, replay value(an art that is almost lost this gen)music, story and the quite obvious; the narrative.
Some people think a "good" story is synonymous with "complex" or being "deep" But I notice the latter is what some people lean on. A good story is how is told, how the characters gravitate and when you start caring for them. Either good or bad. The story being told through the eyes of an old cowboy in a bar was just to fitting for this game. The cast around him is what made the world very much alive..And the fact that some of the stories were alter a little bit to see if "Bob" would notice, and oh boy he did
While I did enjoy what Spec-Ops brought to the table, COJ:GS is ahead of its class. Shit, even some of the stories effect gameplayThe game has wit, humor, tension and damn good narrative that I can mention enough. Just straight up and down good solid writing, and very well made Cowboy game. I would love to get into it more. But I'll wait for others to beat it. There's a lot to talk about COJ:GS.When he falls asleep or gets drunk, lol
I kinda knew Gunslinger would end the way it did. Pretty predictable. But I didn't mind it. I really liked the way the story was told and that kept me entertained through to the end. Can't say that about too many games.
Might want to spoiler that, cowboy.I didn't choose the "Redemption" ending my first time through, but I did for my second and I'll admit it was far more satisfying than going with revenge.
I do agree with you and I am currently of the opinion that Gunslinger is the second best narrative experience of the year, so far, after Bioshock.
I don't think it has quite the same gravitas as Spec Ops, but it certainly pretty unique and I appreciate it greatly. The ending was slightly disappointing, whereas Spec Ops has one of my favorite endings ever. I think if Gunslinger didn't wrap up so... suddenly, I would have appreciated the plot a bit more.
Some people think a "good" story is synonymous with "complex" or being "deep" But I notice the latter is what some people lean on. A good story is how is told, how the characters gravitate and when you start caring for them.
Hey guys, I doubt I'm the first person to ask this (Probably won't be the last, either!), but if I'm a big fan of the first two games, and I hated the third game, is this worth a look?
I absolutely figured as much.Regarding how it ends:I didn't choose the "Redemption" ending my first time through, but I did for my second and I'll admit it was far more satisfying than going with revenge.
Hell yes. You're exactly the kind of person who should play Gunslinger.Hey guys, I doubt I'm the first person to ask this (Probably won't be the last, either!), but if I'm a big fan of the first two games, and I hated the third game, is this worth a look?
My video review.
I use Audacity to record the audio, FRAPS to capture video, and Adobe Premiere to cut it all together.
Okay, just finished the trial. Fucking. Amazing.
Definitely buying.
Holy shit. Using DPX on SweetFX works well for this game. It gives it that "Uncharted" look in stages it needs it. Easier to spot the NPC's as well. I had to mess with the RGB's to hit that sweet spot. Still messing with it. Here's one example.
I finally got Trick Shot, after seriously like 50+ attempts. I'm watching videos of it on YouTube, and these people are able to draw, aim, and shoot twice before the other guy even gets a shot off. What the fuck is up with that? My crosshair doesn't move near that fast and certainly doesn't shrink that fast. I ended up having to dodge like three shots before I could finally get the chicken and then shoot the guy. Is that just the difference between playing on Easy versus doing it in the Duel mode?
I finally got Trick Shot, after seriously like 50+ attempts. I'm watching videos of it on YouTube, and these people are able to draw, aim, and shoot twice before the other guy even gets a shot off. What the fuck is up with that? My crosshair doesn't move near that fast and certainly doesn't shrink that fast. I ended up having to dodge like three shots before I could finally get the chicken and then shoot the guy. Is that just the difference between playing on Easy versus doing it in the Duel mode?
Could it also be something about gamepad versus mouse, or mouse sensitivity adjustment? I don't know if you're supposed to move the mouse to draw faster though.I was regularly pulling 95-100% draw speeds and like .25 second reaction times. Plain and simple, my crosshair was not moving like the videos.
edit- Ok, I jumped back into the game and was able to recreate the Achievement. First is my video, then a video from YouTube. Notice in the YouTube video his gun is out and the chicken is shot before the other guys gun even clears the holster.
Nice man. And it only gets better with NG+.
I ran through Chapter 1 yesterday to show my buddy how different the game plays once you have all your skills maxed out. His jaw was dropped the entire time (particularly once you get that power to auto target and headshot the one who tries to make that final slo mo killshot). 30+ combos galore at a breathtaking pace.
GOTY so far easily right next to Infinite.
My video review.
I use Audacity to record the audio, FRAPS to capture video, and Adobe Premiere to cut it all together.
You are the Des Mangan of video reviews. Great stuff, man.
Holy shit, *that* was the guy who used to host the Saturday night cult film of the week on SBS? I never knew his name, let alone knew he was one of the writers/actors for Hercules Returns. Owe my Jackie Chan fandom to that dude.The highest compliment!