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Capcom announced Resident Evil 4 for PS2


Insertia said:

Those six games are the main series. It was never intended to be anything more.
As I said before, I clearly remember reading an article stating Nintendo only held those as exclusives until 2005. I could be wrong, you could be right. You haven't proved otherwise and I can't find the article to back my claim. :)
Ah sorry, I assumed you meant six exclusives (which 3 of those certainly weren't at the time). The "main series" thing was brought up when GS2 was first announced for PS2 iirc (and subsequently with Outbreak)... though I've never heard any mention of a 2005 end date anywhere. Only Capcom reaffirming RE fans should buy a GameCube whenever asked when the deal ended. I guess I won't be getting any links?

Insertia said:
I'm going by what Capcom said: "Nintendo has been very, very anxious about pursuing this series. They approached us about it. "

Considering Nintendo wanted to brand Gamecube with a more mature image and RE was the standard for videogame maturity in the 90's, I wouldn't be suprised. ;)
Wouldn't be surprised what? I'm not reallly sure what you're getting at here, everybody agrees it was Nintendo who approached Capcom and things of this sort are pretty irregular (that was stated when the deal broke even iirc)... what am I missing?


Nintendo (Mr. Iwata & Mr. Miyamoto as figureheads specifically) did approach several Japanese publishers for support early on. Mr. Miyamoto went so far as to say that he would personally help them get started on GAMECUBE games by showing them the ropes of the new system.

I had heard in an interview, after the whole RE exclussivity handshake thing, that Mr. Mikami called Mr. Miyamoto SPECIFICALLY asking wether the RE series would be appropriate for GAMECUBE. Mr. Miyamoto even said durring this interview that he didn't like violence, but that he admitted that violence was a form of expression for this form of art (game making) so he said Nintendo welcomed the series with open arms knowing that they themselves wouldn't make such games. There was even mention that Nintendo had helped CAPCOM with the first RE remake trailor with some of the creepy forrest scenery.

There was no contract or exclussivity timeframe or even money exchanged. This was a handshake deal between two game-makers! This could be the whole problem altogether...Mr. Mikami viewed RE as *HIS* series and his series would go on whichever system he chose...but CAPCOM, the company, viewed the series as *thier* valued franchise which is why everything happened the way it did. Why was it that Mr. Mikami and his team of people who worked on the games were the ones who always said that the games were "only for" GAMECUBE time and time again...all the while the higher-ups would change things and say, oh no GAMECUBE only get's the "main" games while PS2 get's the side stuff and online Outbreak. I would say Sony probably used thier influence with the RE movie to make that happen and thus give the perception to PS2 owners that: "don't worry, RE isn't exclussive to that other system" and looky looky, it worked!

If there HAD been a contract then Nintendo WOULD have something to say I garauntee...and if Nintendo had paid for exclussivity and the "CAPCOM 5"...why are they all going to PS2 as well? There was no contract. Nowhere have I heard about "it's up in 2005" either. In fact Mr. Mikami had even said at one point that "these games will NOT go to any other system THIS generation or NEXT!" Tell me, why would he believe, let alone say, such a thing if this suppossed "contract" was "up in 2005"?

DMC, suppossedly, was originally meant to be RE4, but no one ever said DMC would be on GAMECUBE. Mr. Mikami (after the RE exclussivity handshake) DID jokingly say how he'd like to bring DMC to GAMECUBE, but Sony probably paid for exclussivity of that series making that the *only* comment ever made about the game heading to GAMECUBE.

The comments I made about people leaving for Nintendo were just speculation/wishful thinking. Mr. Mikami, from what we know now, is still staying with CAPCOM and is off to Clover Studio's after he leaves RE4 work at PS4. But then again, he has either really been humbled and taken down 20 notches and "put in his place" by CAPCOM higher-ups, or he's absolutly furious and ready to leave...we just don't know 'cos he hasn't said anything since this thing went down recently.

And yes, SolidSnakex is right...Mr. Mikami isn't anti-Sony pro-Nintendo, he's anti-PS2 pro-GAMECUBE is more like it. Soundwave05 is also right, Mr. Okamoto has his own company now, he ain't going to Nintendo even if somehow Mr. Mikami does.


I don't know if he'll leave Capcom or not, but if I was in his shoes I'd be very very pissed off. Isn't Japanese business practices supposed to be "honorable" (don't know how much stock I put into that given how Gumpei Yokoi was treated)... but regardless it was dispicable how they treated him based on what we do know (which is not all the facts... Mikami has kept silent on that front and Capcom hasn't said anything about Mikami's fate or if he was even involved in the decision).


hyperbolically metafictive
i somehow doubt that this straightforward business decision was as apocalyptic for mikami as it has been for nintendo fans. but by all means, fantasize. we'll probably never know exactly what went down.
We probably don't know until Mikami himself speaks. But it does look like his company left him out to dry after some of the vehement statements he made about the game.
WHERE IS THAT OFFICIAL NINTENDO STATEMENT ALREADY?! Can't fucking cassamina do his job for once and try to get an official response out of them? What about JasoNsider...



hyperbolically metafictive
i don't think jarrod is actually banned. he's posted since he got that tag. or maybe the ban's just taking a while to kick in? :/


soundwave05 said:
My gut feeling is Mikami has left Capcom or is preparing to do so.

He's already left Capcom, inasmuch as he's now a Clover employee and is only "on loan" to Production Studio 4 to finish RE4.
PS2IGN has posted first PS2 pics, but pretty much all of them are just copied over from CubeIGN.




These 3 might be really from PS2 version, I think.


D2M15 said:
He's already left Capcom, inasmuch as he's now a Clover employee and is only "on loan" to Production Studio 4 to finish RE4.

Isn't Clover a studio within CAPCOM? Haven't kept up with them.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
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I knew a PlayStation 2 version was coming for over 6 months, but I wasn't allowed to tell anything about it by the person who told me. Apparantly he was right after all.

The reason why they started anew with RE4 was mostly to be able to create a PS2 version alongside the GameCube version. I fear for the look of the game however... Mikami isn't very fond of PlayStation 2...


I believe the B3D News.
The game in its current state look tailored to the PS2 and not to the GC.
Too bad, really. I wanted RE4 to be the graphical showcase it was when we first saw it.



No additional functions
DrGAKMAN said:
Isn't Clover a studio within CAPCOM? Haven't kept up with them.

I was wondering the same thing. here's what I found:

http://www.dreamstation.cc/news/video_games/id3639TOKYO, JAPAN - April 21, 2004 - Capcom Co., Ltd. of Japan today announced the formation of Clover Studio, an independent studio funded by Capcom Japan, which will be established by July 1, 2004. Capcom will be the distribution channel for Clover Studio's products.

"Clover Studio was formed to look at games with a fresh eye and to provide an environment for game-creators to become 'masters of their craftsmanship,'" said Inaba. "In creating the studio we wanted to choose a name and logo that represents our philosophy and vision. We selected the four-leaf clover as our symbol because it signifies happiness and creativity. The symbolic representation of 'Clover' is designed to convey our bold imagination and our approach to creating products, tempered by the delicate concerns of our craft. CLOVER is also an abbreviation of "creativity lover," reinforcing our mantra even further. The studio will work closely with Capcom to see that our vision for creating games becomes a reality," concluded Inaba.

I hope Mikami stays with Clover. Even if he doesn't like PS2, he's still making games on GC. Plus next gen is just around the corner, it seems kind of childish to leave Capcom over this one game.
olimario said:
I believe the B3D News.
The game in its current state look tailored to the PS2 and not to the GC.
Too bad, really. I wanted RE4 to be the graphical showcase it was when we first saw it.


I don't know where the problem is. It might have looked a little bit better, but it would be the same room to room boredom fest that were the last one Resident Evils. The new one feels fresh and great, runs fluid and has a very polished look. There is no in-work Gamecube title in sight that is comparable to it right now.


Will start substantiating his hate
Not this stupid argument again. The new RE4 is every bit as technically accomplished as the older versions. And I very much doubt it has been created with PS2 in mind. As many people have pointed out Mikami isn't very fond of PS2 and he's personally in charge of this version unlike the previous ones. And the PS2 version is taking a full year to do eventhough most of the work has already been done.


cybamerc said:
Not this stupid argument again. The new RE4 is every bit as technically accomplished as the older versions. And I very much doubt it has been created with PS2 in mind. As many people have pointed out Mikami isn't very fond of PS2 and he's personally in charge of this version unlike the previous ones. And the PS2 version is taking a full year to do eventhough most of the work has already been done.

Regardless of how it is technically, the game looked better when it was first shown and has seen a steady decline in visual appearance since. The only area that stacks up is the town at night with the lightning flashing, and even then we haven't seen that since pre-E3 and the overall visuals have seemingly dropped since then.

The new indoor areas are absolute rubbish compared to the first build. Why not use the engine from the first build when Leon has to go inside major indoor areas in RE4? I wouldn't mind.


Will start substantiating his hate

> the game looked better when it was first shown and has seen a steady decline in visual
> appearance since.

Personally I like the new art style very much. I also liked the way the older builds looked but I also recognize that there wasn't much room for innovation with the whole mansion setting.

I think when judging a game like this you need to seperate the artistic qualities from the technical ones. The new RE4 is every bit as technically refined as the older versions - if not more so.

> and the overall visuals have seemingly dropped since then.

It looks exactly the same. Well, they've added more accurate shadows but that kinda goes against your argument.

> The new indoor areas are absolute rubbish compared to the first build.

There's a hall in the new RE4 that looks very similar to the one in the pic you posted. Only with more detail.


cybamerc said:

> the game looked better when it was first shown and has seen a steady decline in visual
> appearance since.

Personally I like the new art style very much. I also liked the way the older builds looked but I also recognize that there wasn't much room for innovation with the whole mansion setting.

I think when judging a game like this you need to seperate the artistic qualities from the technical ones. The new RE4 is every bit as technically refined as the older versions - if not more so.

> and the overall visuals have seemingly dropped since then.

It looks exactly the same. Well, they've added more accurate shadows but that kinda goes against your argument.

> The new indoor areas are absolute rubbish compared to the first build.

There's a hall in the new RE4 that looks very similar to the one in the pic you posted. Only with more detail.

Detail really doesn't matter much. The technical level doesn't either.
And visual appearance has dropped, not art style.

Older versions are cleaner, have better textures, better shadows, and more natural lighting.


Isn't even close to this
olimario said:
Older versions are cleaner, have better textures, better shadows, and more natural lighting.

But they probably didn't have detailed outdoor environments, a horde of quite detailed, angry villagers, huge awesome looking monsters, weather effects, that degree of action and whatever else.


If the PS2 port isn't coming out before the end of 2005, then I doubt they've been working on it for long. Hell, I doubt they've been working on it for more than a week. It shouldn't take over a year to port a GC game to the PS2.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
olimario said:
Detail really doesn't matter much. The technical level doesn't either.
And visual appearance has dropped, not art style.

Older versions are cleaner, have better textures, better shadows, and more natural lighting.


Isn't even close to this

I agree 1000% with Oli on this...

The original showing of RE4 looked vastly superior to me.





That just looks so much more appealing to me...


No additional functions
Yeah, but they went from a static camera with pre-rendered backgrounds to the over the shoulder one with full 3D. The graphics would have dropped regardless of it going to PS2 or not.


olimario said:
Detail really doesn't matter much. The technical level doesn't either.
And visual appearance has dropped, not art style.

Older versions are cleaner, have better textures, better shadows, and more natural lighting.


Isn't even close to this

you have issues.


Will start substantiating his hate

> The technical level doesn't either.

Sure it does. You said you wanted the game to be a graphical showcase. RE4 certainly is on technical qualities alone.

> And visual appearance has dropped, not art style.

If it's not art and not tech then I don't understand what you mean.

> Older versions are cleaner,

Cleaner how?

> have better textures

If by better you mean more detailed then no.

> better shadows,

Environment shadows are exactly the same from a technical perspective. In the old build they were a bit more dramatic because of the night setting but they were still just regular, static shadow maps. Nothing fancy like projectors.

As for character shadows it remains to be seen. Some of the recent media has shown several characters with proper dynamic shadows. And you have considerably more characters on screen in the new version.

> and more natural lighting.

More cinematic perhaps. Technically the lighting looks quite similar as well.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Throw me on board with people being way more impressed with how RE4 turned now compared to how it was before. Walking around in the fancily lit empty rooms <<< walking around the really authentic looking vilage and mowing down tons of aggressive zombies and monsters with machine guns and rocket launchers. I used to visit some tiny eastern European vilages when I was a kid, and it's crazy how nicely they transplanted that atmosphere into this game. That vialge atmosphere is what I like about it a lot. It's some kind of primitive, primal horror that you just can't get in the city complexes, factories, castles or other such architecturally advanced environments.

Also, the 'new' RE4 looks alot more complex to develop. That's why I find the comment about switching to it due to porting to PS2 quite surprising.


not an idiot
i thought it looked better before, but it's no slouch now at all. just a little brown. glad to see ps2 scoring this title, where it comes back home. hope the xbox can get a copy to and spread the love, although i'll be playing it on gcn anyhow.

congrats to Sony tho for scoring this. nintendo isn't really having a great gen this time around heh.


rollin' in the gutter
Why hasn't this thread been archived? :lol

We also don't know if the game incorperates any of the old levels shown, yet. I also agree the old levels looked intriguing, but we shouldn't jump to conclusions on what the final game includes because we've only seen fractions of the whole package.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Of course the old version looks better: It was all pre-rendered!

Still, it didn't lose TOO much in the transition to using a real-time graphics engine, which is pretty damn incredible.


LOL, how could anyone watch the early trailers for RE4 and think it's pre-rendered? Not mention all the hoopla when it was shown about how it looks close to the quality of RE and RE0, even though it was now in full 3D.
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